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your campaigns "Superman".


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Re: your campaigns "Superman".


Closest thing for me was a Captain Atom type who started in the Silver Age and was active for until about 10 years prior to the current generation of supers. He was pretty powerful (radiation projection, strength, flight, and toughness) and also a moral compass (and sorta naive). His secret ID was a nuclear scientist for some more Silver Age goodness.


In the present, personality wise it'd be Lady Silver while power-wise, the most powerful hero is Tyr, the Norse god of justice (but he's more into justice than being nice).

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Re: your campaigns "Superman".


We don't have a Superman analogue at all. Our team MidGuard is already Earth's Mightiest Heroes™, so I'm not going to steal their thunder by having an NPC constantly save their bacon.


There is an NPC named Ranger (based on a former PC of mine) who is more powerful than any single member of MidGuard. Ranger is a powered armor hero of considerable power. However, collectively MidGuard could easily defeat Ranger and in any case they've never even met him. Nor is he a good role model. Here's his personality writeup from his HD character sheet:


"... a driven, almost obsessed, man. He regards virtually anything that keeps him from fighting supervillains and preventing harm to innocents as a mere nuisance. He spends the bare minimum of time necessary doing the necessities such as eating and work, the rest of the time he is either tinkering with his armor or wearing it. He has no friends beyond a few acquaintances at work. When he fights supervillains, he always goes all out. He has crippled at least 2 supervillains and seriously injured at least a dozen others. So far none have died, but that seems likely to be only a matter of time. On the other hand, he is absolutely fearless and dedicated. The authorities in the Bay area regard him as somewhat of a mixed blessing because of his frequent use of excessive force and unusually high property damage; but on the other hand over the years at least 11 supervillains have surrendered upon the mere arrival of Ranger. He is the type who shoots first and asks questions afterwards, this has led him into several accidental fights with superheroes due to mistaken identity. Once cleared up, the targets of his mistake are lucky if they get a terse "Sorry." before he flies off to look for real criminals. He is totally convinced that what he is doing is righteous and just. His only soft spot is for his sister, who has dealt with her injuries and parents' deaths much better than her older brother. His apparent lack of human emotions while in his powered armor, along with the synthesized voice he uses to disguise his identity, has led more than one person to speculate that Ranger is some type of android or robot."


More along the lines of someone to look up to is Double Eagle, an NPC based on a former PC of Mentor's who is rather like a blend of Captain America and Batman. He's highly respected and widely admired amongst both the public and other heroes, but he lacks the raw power to become a Superman substitute.

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Re: your campaigns "Superman".


I did up a Superman in my campaign universe, but he's not a hero type. I called him Lelak, Kal-el backwards without the hyphen. He's an alien from a long since destroyed planet, angry and destructive. For his appearance, I modelled it after the Eradicator look of Superman post-Crisis - with a Kryptonian robes kind of feel to it. He has the standard stuff - super-strength, high defenses, speed, flight, heat vision. By doing him as a "villain" type, that kind of keeps him off my Earth most of the time AND it can make him a nice challenge for a hero team to face.

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Re: your campaigns "Superman".


I did up a Superman in my campaign universe' date=' but he's not a hero type. I called him Lelak, Kal-el backwards without the hyphen. He's an alien from a long since destroyed planet, angry and destructive. For his appearance, I modelled it after the Eradicator look of Superman post-Crisis - with a Kryptonian robes kind of feel to it. He has the standard stuff - super-strength, high defenses, speed, flight, heat vision. By doing him as a "villain" type, that kind of keeps him off my Earth most of the time AND it can make him a nice challenge for a hero team to face.[/quote']That's an evil twist... :sneaky:
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Re: your campaigns "Superman".


That's an evil twist... :sneaky:


Thanks. I thought it was a bit different. My world doesn't include characters from comic books in it, so I thought this was a good way to do it. I think I did it up originally as a response to an APA challenge at one time back in the 90's.

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Re: your campaigns "Superman".


In our campaign, our 'superman' would be Angel, a woman. Normally, she's about on par with Gigaton but dealing with Energy Blasts (she'd pretty much beat Gigaton without much problem). However, in her full-power form, she can easily fight just about anyone.. did a one-shot solo episode where she defeated Ymir from the old Champions Universe book and if you don't have it, well, he's.. wow-fully powerful.

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Re: your campaigns "Superman".


In the game I am running we don't actually have a Superman type, but I do have a Flying-Brick, she's the All-American Girl. She has the strength and some of the speed, and will eventually gain most of the 'Superman' powers. But....If I had to say the real "Superman-personalty" C would have to be a MA with water-air based elemental powers. Emerald Dragon, she is the moral center of the team, the leader without being the leader. She asks the hard questions of the others of the team, plus she has the mentality to be the type of 'super' that can be what we all see as a "Superman" C.

She is part of the first supers on my Jump Start World, supers=Jump Starts. She has even helped the 'first' supervillian become a hero, he is married to her.

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Re: your campaigns "Superman".


For her point totals and other technical details, I'll have to turn it over to the Doctor who "built" her. Doctor Anomaly, if you would?


P.S. In 4th Edition Champions, she was over _700_ points.

Sorry, Haven, I wish I could...her write-up is stored in HeroMaker, which I can't get to run on my current computer system, and I have misplaced the hardcopy printout of her, the various members of ANZAC, and so on. I've looked high and low for those printouts, and gone page-by-page through a two-foot high stack of gaming file folders, and still didn't locate them. :(

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Re: your campaigns "Superman".


I have not one but three superclones operating in my campaign, and all of them are evil.


The first is Mr. Damocles. He's the resident leg breaker for my campaigns major villain, Rex Monday. In his origin, he's an enforcer working for the local crime syndicate on the world of Halon. The syndicate has leant lots of money to a local scientist so he can fund his crazy rocket experiments. Finally, the tab comes due just as this wacko starts screaming about the end of the world. Damocles goes to collect the "big" and, while there, discovers that the scientist may be right about this end of the world stuff after all. So, he guns down the scientist and hios wife and, moments before the planet explodes, punts their infant son out of the rocket and forces himself in, instead. Shortly after arriving on Earth he is recruited into the Cartel as Rex Monday's bodyguard and he hasn't looked back since. He's an egocentric pug who loves brawling and humiliating and terrifying his targets.


The second is Paragon. He's from one of my campaigns alternate Earth's. In his reality his howeworld is Jove. He's much more based on the original idea behind the Golden Age Superman and that is that it's Earth's lesser gravity which gives him his powers, not the yellow sun. So, he's a gravity and density manipulator with stuff like Grav Vision instead of Heat Vision. Similarly, he can increase his 70 STR to 120 through DI. Same goes for invulnerability. Anyway, I really like him cause he's abit farther from the standard Earth 1 Superman archetype and much more in the vein of the original. In his backstory he's actually an infiltrator sendt by his race to weaken or eliminate Futura's defenses and society in order to annex them into the empire. He's a hard, cold, fascist who feigns human emotion as he poses as Futura's greatest hero. He's a nice contrast between the superficial and what lies underneath.


Finally, there's Harrow. Like Damocles he is from the planet Halon buthis Halon is his dimension's version of that world. He has a very long and complex backstor, which I won't bore all you with here. He is the most devleoped of my superclones and has the added benefit of being more based on Ultraman than Superman. So, unlike Mr. Damocles, Harrow actually absorbs the Halonite native to his reality to power himself. He has to be careful, though, cause it's not an inexhaustible supply. On the main campaign Earth, he's even more dangerous cause earth Halonite gives him permanent new powers with each exposure. Futuran halonite removes his powers temporaily and finally, the very rare Akkadian halonite is fatal like green k.


Truth to tell, I've always intesely disliked Superman. I think he boring and fundamentally unbalanced, especially during the Silver Age when he was so over-the-top omnipotent that it was impossible to even create in his comics. He's not much bteer now. He's stilll proportionately omniscient and pretty much perfect. To me, that kind of character can only serve as a viallin and that's what he does in my campaign.


So, in my world the might is on the evil side and the right has to function from wit and superior team work and tactics. The heavy hitters on the side of right are based much more on the Thor, Hercules and Hulk archetypes. The main good guy is a combination of Doc Savage and Adam Warlock. As a GM, I think it's more interesting for the strugle for good to be an uphill batlle rather than a cakewalk based on one character's absurdly imbalanced omnipotence.



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