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I would rather drink 16 hundred gallons of fluid soap than a can of root beer. How people in the States (and Canada I guess) actually PAY for something so vile is beyond me. An aquired taste I presume - like putrified shark that people in Iceland eat (and other things even the cat wouldn't drag in ...)


BlueCloud2k2 once invited the leaders of all the sets of the Crips and the Bloods streetgangs of L.A, to a gangbang.

Detail he forget to tell the horny fellows was that it was just them, him and a bunch of hand-grenades!


BC is right now in the process of running out of places to hide being on the gangbangers' death list and all.


Last I heard is that Edward Snowden let him crash on the couch for a couple of nights.

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It's not my fault the ignorant little pukes can't read. You'd think that the tag-line on the invites "It will blow you away" would be their first clue.

Speaking of not having a clue, Rotor Baron is the only person I've met who has lost 6,494 games of Clue consecutively.

Me? I would have figured out that Clue wasn't my cup of tea and stuck to something simple, like Checkers.

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BlueCloud2k2 almost blew the SALT 2 talks between the USA and the USSR when he misspelled the country table-tags ("USR and USSA") and served tequila while requiring the drinkers to wear silly sombreros.


Only a two quickly brought cases of Parlaiment Vodka and Jack Daniels and the assurance of the Icelandic police to both heads of states that they would throw BC into a live vulcano saved the talks, the day, humanity.


BC was only spared a fiery death because some trolls blocked the street to his execution and elves freed him from the police-van.


Moral: If you plan stupid, silly stuff upsetting two super-powers always have your supernatural allies close by.

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