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Jumping Move Through/By?


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OK, a good example of my following question is the picture on page 390 or FRED revised, direct in the section with the move bys abnd move throughs. How do you calculate the damage if someone jumps at somebody from above. I would say you just calculate falling damage and add it, or do you calculate it with the formula that you add his downward movement v/3 to his str where str doen not realy have something to do with it when you jump on someone.


How do handle such situations:


Let's just say the Hulk or Grond jump from a building on a tank, as an attack smashing the tank with their fists during the landing procedure. How do you calculate the damage done?

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Re: Jumping Move Through/By?


Well, TECHNICALLY you'd have to be in control of the fall to properly do your normal move through damage. This has come up before and kinda been swept aside: you jump off a 105m tall building, you are doing 30" per segment when you hit and take 30d6 damage. Now 30" per phase is 360" per turn, so, say you have a speed of 4, you could potentially be doing 360/4=90" per phase when you hit or (90/3)=30d6 added damage from a move through. Of course, if your speed is NOT 4, it gets a little strange...


Oh I don't know: here's an ad hoc rule for you:


Calculate velocity/seg at point of impact, and multiply by 12 and divide by your speed, which gives phase speed. Work that into the move through calculation IF you are contolling the fall (which would require, at least, an acrobatics roll). Whether or not you are controlling the fall, the minimum damage is the same as your velocity per segment - that is how much you will take, that is how much whatever you hit will be taking.


If you DO movethrough someone standing on the ground, either you do KB, keep moving and then hit the ground, taking full damage OR you don't and take full damage from the movethrough. Either way it would take a very generous GM to allow you to reduce the damage YOU take because you land on an opponent: at most a couple of dice, I'd have said.


For an easy life just assume you do falling speed damage to yourself and your opponent AND, if you control the fall, you can add your strength (or falling segment velocity/2 + str/2 for a moveby) to the damage. Rough, ready but about right.

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Re: Jumping Move Through/By?


I think the problem is that the attacker is using a building to increase his normal maximum velocity: if you jump off a 200 m building, I'm not sure applying your 10" of superleap (OK, doubled - you are plummetting) is going to mirror dramatic reality in a satisfactory way.


I mean, the 'right' way to do it is simply say that any movement you do that is NOT controlled (so anything after the first 20m of plummetting in the above example) in not controlled movement, and you can not use it to do a move through.


In which case, assuming you somehow hit your target, just apply falling damage to both. Probably.

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Re: Jumping Move Through/By?


I kinda like the version with the acrobatics roll and if you made it you can add your str/2 to the falling dmg.


A bit powerfull but Superbeings like Grond and Hulk should be able to pull such a stunt, and the result should be drastic, damagewise.


I think the point with speed 4 is another problem, but I think I will get around this by telling everyone that I will use something like a standart falling speed... after all, during a fall you own speed (game term) becomes sort of meaningless in this case.


And I think I will add a bit about the uncontrolled movement were both parties will take the fallings damage, I imagine a brick jumping from a great building and falling down, one shoulder down like a football player falling, into... through a tank and making a little crater in the street...

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Re: Jumping Move Through/By?


You fall on all segments, not just on your phases. So it doesn't matter if you've got a 4 speed or a 9 speed. If you fall, you're moving 30" a phase and you do 30D6 when you hit, because you're falling.


If you do a move-through or a move-by, you double your movement because you're going down. So someone with 20" of Superleap could move at 40" (only 13D6 added) when doing a move-through.


The falling rules are different than the regular movement rules, and will give you a different result. The difference is that you'd probably be at 0 OCV if you were falling, and you'd take full damage, no matter what.

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Re: Jumping Move Through/By?


If it's contolled movement, I'd allow the attacker to double his/her velocity as normal when flying downward, and calculate Move By/Through damage accordingly (and remember that the attacker may take damage--even equal amounts if a Move Through doesn't generate Knockback).


If the movement is not controlled I would calculate falling damage normally and apply it equally to both attacker and target (provided the attack roll--probably with some significant penalties--is successful, of course). I might allow the attacker to still apply things like Breakfall, but it would depend on the circumstances and probably my mood. :)

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Re: Jumping Move Through/By?


If the attacker jumped intentionally rather than simply falling' date=' I think you should forget about real-world physics, and just use the attacker's leaping distance and do a normal Move Through/By. :)[/quote']


I would normally use whichever method causes the most damage and match it with whichever method had the least chance of hitting (unless I'm running a heroic level action genre, then it's the best chance of hitting).

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Re: Jumping Move Through/By?


My quick take on this:


Falling Damage to both faller and target (though both faller and target qualify as a softer surface, unless heavily armored or putting a hardpoint forward, like a fist or weapon);

plus damage to the target according to the faller's weight (quick lookup on the Strength Table);

plus whatever attack maneuver and weapon (if any) the faller uses.


Less math/physics details the better, IMO, at least in mid-session!


Since velocity is already accounted for in the Falling Damage, I don't think I'd use the regular Move Through calculation. Now, skill bonuses and defenses built specifically for MT might apply for the faller, depending on the SFX (e.g., Stego-Man could fall head-first to let his head armor protect him from the impact). To fall properly oriented, though, would require a roll against Acrobatics or Breakfall.


BTW, since the faller is trying to cause damage with this fall, I wouldn't allow Breakfall to reduce damage to himself. Probably.

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