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Magic Items go here!!


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Re: Magic Items go here!!


A) Fair enough, but they wouldn't be able to see it anyway, normally, if it's a passive sense.


B) I don't think that's what Transmit does. Transmit allows you to send information. If you didn't have Transmit, would you consider this power useless? A radar screen doesn't need Transmit in order for someone to look at it and read the information. This is probably one of those Affected as Additional Sense cases, as if the user is Flashed, or in Darkness, or otherwise blinded, he won't be able to read the board.


C & D) Fair enough. I may have misunderstood what it was that was slow. I thought the detection itself was slow.


E) I *do* like your version. I just had a few minor nitpicks. No big deal.

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Re: Magic Items go here!!


A) Fair enough' date=' but they wouldn't be able to see it anyway, normally, if it's a passive sense.[/quote'] This is true if its passive. I tend to thing of things like this that go out and come back with info as a "ping" and therefore Active at some level.


B) I don't think that's what Transmit does. Transmit allows you to send information. If you didn't have Transmit, would you consider this power useless? A radar screen doesn't need Transmit in order for someone to look at it and read the information. This is probably one of those Affected as Additional Sense cases, as if the user is Flashed, or in Darkness, or otherwise blinded, he won't be able to read the board.


Perhaps. In this case based upon the write up stating that it presents a well written offer with the sundry details that it is not just doing a data dump, but is in fact massaging the facts into a presentable end product. Transmit seems like a fair way to measure that.


E) I *do* like your version. I just had a few minor nitpicks. No big deal.

Im not saying it is a big deal, Im encouraging you to contribute.


Maybe I should use more smiles.....



E) Your version can do whatever you like. If you dont like my version, feel free to stat your own version and post it. :):):):):):):):):):)

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Re: Magic Items go here!!


Memory Crystals


These beautiful crystals may not be worth much compared to their size, but there are specialized designed to hold memories. Like snowflakes, no two are made exactly the same way. Some project images for everyone to see, some are more private and project directly into one's mind. Some seem to... Oh dear, you tried to steal one didn't you... well, yes, some memories aren't very pleasant. You might ask, why would I keep such a nasty memory? Well, maybe to teach you not the steal. See, I could cut off one of your hands, but I think the memory of someone losing his hand will be quite enough. Oh yes, that's exactly how it feels to lose one hand. Now, I don't mind you stealing, and I don't feel the need to rob you of one of your talented hands, unless of course, you steal from me again... Have I made myself clear? Good, because I have need of your talents elsewhere.

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Re: Magic Items go here!!


Memory Crystals: (each bought seperately) 20d6 Mental illusions, completely alters setting, target takes stun, target will remember illusion being real (Ego+40 lvl)Does not provide mental awareness (-1/4), Mandatory effect(-3/4), Skin Contact required (-1), Trigger (being touched) (+1/4), 1 charge, recoverable (-1 1/4), Instant (-1/2), IAF( -1/2), Independant(-2), Standard effect(+0)

(Active 125, real 19)


I think I may have missed a few bits and peices needed. But it was off the top of my head and about 3 minutes work.

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Re: Magic Items go here!!


Oh boy - here's just one to start with. I'll post more when I've got time.

But which to choose?


I'll start with one of my favorite - gave this to a player, and told everyone else in the group about the curse. They all played along so well, poor Dwayne had no idea what was going on for a good 10+ game sessions, and when he finally figured out that he had a cursed item, he started throwing away everything else he had - he had gotten the Shroud so long ago in a dungeon, and the curse is somewhat subtle, that he didn't connect them. I don't think any one plot device has made my sides hurt so many times...


The Nameless Shroud: With an origen lost long ago in the blackness of time, The Nameless Shroud is made from the blackened human skin of an unknown victim, studded with the bones of undead creatures. At a casual glance it appears to be light, well-made, and much-used Studded Leather armor made of thin, black papery leather and skull-shaped bone studs. In addition to its mundane defenses, the Shroud provides protection against Necromantic magic, and the wearer's skin takes on the chilly pallor of the dead. The shroud also carries a curse, however - Not only do animals and detection magics react to the wearer as though they were an undead thing, but anyone and everyone the wearer has ever known forgets that the wearer is still alive. Careful inquiry will reveal that most don't remember the precise circumstances of the wearers demise, and hold only the vauge memory that the wearer did die some time ago. This memory reasserts itself whenever the wearer leaves their presence (sleeping near eachother makes them think they had a dream about it) and so they obviously are somewhat confused every time they 'meet' the wearer again. Unbeknownst to most wearers, the armor makes them immortal, though once they pass their normal lifespan they slip into undeath, and removing the armor would then be their end. The armor seems supremely comfortable to its wearer, and they prefer to wear it at all times. Like many cursed items, the Shroud cannot be removed without magical aid, and if one tries to do so, it is quickly discovered that the armor has bonded itself to the wearers skin. Removing it without magically remedying this will result in the wearer taking 4d6 of Killing damage with no defense as their skin and flesh is peeled away - and the lingering effect of the Shroud prevents this damage from being healed by most means.


The Nameless Shroud: (Total: 38 Active Cost, 6 Real Cost) Armor (3 PD/3 ED) (9 Active Points); Side Effects: Everyone Thinks you are Dead when you aren't in their immediate Presence, and the Wearer Detects as Undead, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (-2), Independent (-2), Armor Weight (-1/2), OIF (-1/2), Only Protects Hit Locations 7-16 (-1/2) (Real Cost: 1) plus Power Defense (10 points) (10 Active Points); Side Effects: Everyone Thinks you are Dead when you aren't in their immediate Presence, and the Wearer Detects as Undead (-2), Independent (-2), Armor Weight (-1/2), Only Works Against Limited Type Of Attack Necromancy (-1/2), OIF (-1/2) (Real Cost: 3) plus Life Support (Longevity Immortal; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe From Necromantic Magic) (9 Active Points); Side Effects: Everyone Thinks you are Dead when you aren't in their immediate Presence, and the Wearer Detects as Undead (-2), Independent (-2), OIF (-1/2) (Real Cost: 2)


Whenever I get back to this, I'll post an ancient dwarvish weapon: Balam Grumnax - The Wraith Eater

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Re: Magic Items go here!!


Balam Grumnax - The Wraith-Eater: Forged long ago by a Dark Dwarf in the Lightless Realms far beneath the earth, The Wraith-Eater was forged in complete darkness, without even a forge-fire, from a lump of raw iron. Its highly textured black handle was also made in this way, and it attaches to the head of the hammer in a fashion remeniscent of how the spine attaches to the skull. The head of the hammer is shaped like a feminine face, twisted into a hideous scream, and it glows with a bright, yet ghostly-green, radiance which comes from the spirit of a woman that was used in the forging process and is now trapped in the weapon. Balam Grumnax also imparts the chilling despair of the undead souls it has devoured upon its victims, making it especially effective even if it isn't "charged" with an undead soul. Its primary powers, and its name, come from the weapons ability to eat the souls of those undead which have no other substance - such as wraiths, ghosts, and spectres. If any undead creature, corporeal or not, should approach the horrific face begins to scream in terror and rage, which can be extremely unnerving to its wielder. When the hammer strikes an incorporeal undead being, the it's face distorts even more as it tears and 'eats' great chunks of incorporeal matter from the creature - only when it has devoured the undead does it stop screaming. It rarely takes more than a few blows from this weapon to destroy any undead spirit. Even more horrific is what the weapon can do with the souls that it eats - they ferment inside of it, and after a day or so its wielder can command the weapon to vomit them forth, often in conjunction with a more traditional attack. The inky cloud which results will sap the strength and health of any inside of it as well as terrify them - the wielder should use this power with care as they are not immune to its effect.


Balam Grumnax: The Wraith Eater: (Total: 367 Active Cost, 64 Real Cost) Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1 1/2d6, +2 STUN Multiplier (+1/2), Affects Desolidified Any form of Desolidification (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (62 Active Points); Independent (-2), OAF (-1), STR Minimum 13 (-1/2), Required Hands One-And-A-Half-Handed (-1/4) (Real Cost: 13) plus Sight Group Images Increases Size (2" radius; +1/4), +3 to PER Roll, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (33 Active Points); Independent (-2), Only To Create Light (-1), OAF (-1), STR Minimum 13 (-1/2), No Range (-1/2), Required Hands One-And-A-Half-Handed (-1/4) (Real Cost: 5) plus Drain STR, CON, BODY, & PRE 2d6, Doesn't Target Undead and other targets which are immune to this power (+0), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2), Four Powers Simultaneously (+1), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Day; +1 1/2) (90 Active Points); 5 Recoverable Charges which Recover every An Incorporeal, Undead Being must be Slain with Grumnax to regain a Charge (-2 1/4), Independent (-2), OAF (-1), STR Minimum 13 (-1/2), Required Hands One-And-A-Half-Handed (-1/4), Linked (Hammer; -1/4) (Real Cost: 12) plus Hearing Group Images 1" radius, +5 to PER Roll, Trigger (Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action, Trigger requires a Turn or more to reset; When undead are closer than 10" to the hammer.; +1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (35 Active Points); Independent (-2), Only To Create Screaming (-1), OAF (-1), STR Minimum 13 (-1/2), No Range (-1/2), Required Hands One-And-A-Half-Handed (-1/4) (Real Cost: 6) plus Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6, Affects Desolidified Any form of Desolidification (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), NND (Protection from 'Positive Necromancy' or being corporeal; +1), Does BODY (+1) (120 Active Points); Independent (-2), OAF (-1), Only vs. Undead (-1), STR Minimum 13 (-1/2), Required Hands One-And-A-Half-Handed (-1/4) (Real Cost: 21) plus Detect A Class Of Things 21-/26- (Unusual Group), Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Range, Sense (27 Active Points); Independent (-2), OAF (-1) (Real Cost: 7)



More will be coming as I find the time.

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Re: Magic Items go here!!


Sweet! I was totally thinking about bringing this thread back the other day at work, because I wanted to post this:




The Power of Darkness

AID: 4D6 to Magic Spells: All at the same time (+2) Continuous (+1) 0 End (+1/2) Persistant (+1/2) Difficult to Dispel x2 (+1/2)

--Always on (-1/2) Self Only (-1/2) Side Effects: Major [30pt susceptibility to Holy objects/areas] (-1) Side Effects: Minor [20pt Vulnerability to Holy-based attacks] (-1/2)

Base: 20 Active: 110 Real: 31 (note: is equivalent to 440AP to dispel!)


And the Darkness Shall Sustain Us:

HEALING: 1D6: Standard Effect (Regeneration) 0 End (+1/2) Persistant (+1/2)

--Extra Time; 1 turn (-1) Self Only (-1/2) Limited Power; Not on Holy Ground (-1/2)

Base: 10 Active: 20 Real: 7

Note: Regenerates 1 Body point per Turn (Post-seg 12) but not while on Holy Ground.


LIFE SUPPORT: Diminished Eating (1) 1/week

Diminished Sleep (1) 8 hours per week

Safe Environment: Intense Cold (2)

Longevity: Lifespan 1600 years (4)


And in the Darkness We Thrive:

END RESERVE: 100 End 10 Recovery:

--Not on Holy Ground (-1/2)

Base: 20 Active: 20 Real: 13


To Feed the Darkness Within:

Transform: To Lich (Major) 1D6: Continuous (+1) 0 End (+1/2) Persistant (+1/2)

--Extra Time 1 minute (-1 1/2) Limited Power: Only after body has died (-2)

Base: 15 Active: 45 Real: 10


And Thou Shalt Cover the World in Darkness

Naked Advantage: Megascale: Ranged 1km/" (+1/4) AoE 1km/" (+1/4)

For up to 100 Active Point Spells

--X2 End (-1/2) Extra Time: 1 Turn (-1)

Base: 50pts Active: 50pts Real: 20pts


INT: 25 (15)

EGO: 22 (24)

DEX: 20 (30)

SPD: 5 (20)


The Black Heart is an ancient artifact which dates back to the First Age, when magical feats undreamed of in the current age were a daily occurance and the Sidhe Spellmasters ruled their realm with their mighty powers. It is said that a conclave of the most powerful wielders of Dark sorceries came together and plotted the downfall of the mighty Sidhe. They came to an agreement, that amongst them they must chose a champion and bestow upon him such mighty power that mountains will tremble at his approach. For a full year and a day, the darkest powers were called upon, bargains struck, energies tapped and focused until finally on the eve of the Winter Solstice, when the powers of Darkness were at their zenith, a glob of black ooze seeped from within the earth to coalesce amongst the Dark Conclave. It radiated unimaginable evil and held irrefutable power. This was DARK POWER at its purist, or rather, at its most impure. And it chose from amongst them, the mightiest Necromancer. It commanded its servants to cut the heart from the one it chose and they obeyed. When the deed was done, the Necromancer's heart burst into flame and within an instant, was rendered to ash, but the Necromancer's wound was miraculously healed, and the Dark Power was gone. However the Necromancer knew that the Power had come into him...replacing his mortal heart with an immortal Heart of Darkness. From that day forward, the powers of darkness have plagued mortal and elf alike, and the Black Heart remains a wound upon the Earthpower to this day.


The Powers of the Black Heart:

The Black Heart increases its hosts spell casting abilities significantly. From the moment it chooses a host, his spell casting abilities are increased by 24 Active Points permanently. This includes Power Frameworks such as VPP and Multipower as well as Elemental Controls.

The Black Heart also heals its host of any sort of wound, short of an instantly fatal one. It also sustains the hosts body by feeding it a constant supply of Dark Energy which means the host only has to eat and sleep infrequently. The hosts aging is also slowed to an incredible degree. The original host having lived for well over 1500 years.

The host of the Black Heart also has access to Dark Energy with which to power his spell casting.

The Black Heart also has the ability to boost the power of its hosts magical abilities if the host (or the Heart) so desires which allows the magical spells of the host far-reaching effects...the ability to wipe out entire armies or erase whole cities from the face of the land from a thousand leagues away.


The weaknesses of the Black Heart are few, but it is known that the host of the Black Heart is seamingly weakened when on Holy ground, and objects that have been blessed by the hand of a deity of light can give the host grievous wounds.

However, when the host of the Black Heart is killed, they are without fail revived as a powerful Lich within minutes of death. In which case they gain all the powers they had in life in addition to the powers of the most powerful of Liches. However the mind and the spirit of the original Host are destroyed at that point, and the Black Heart itself will control the host from that point forward.


(The Black Heart is the very Will and Essence of Evil. It will only chose a suitable Host...one with little to no consciouss and one that has the Will to Power necessary to use the powers bestowed upon it by the Heart)

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Re: Magic Items go here!!


The head of the hammer is shaped like a feminine face' date=' twisted into a hideous scream, and it glows with a bright, yet ghostly-green, radiance which comes from the spirit of a woman that was used in the forging process and is now trapped in the weapon. Balam Grumnax also imparts the chilling despair of the undead souls it has devoured upon its victims, making it especially effective even if it isn't "charged" with an undead soul. Its primary powers, and its name, come from the weapons ability to eat the souls of those undead which have no other substance - such as wraiths, ghosts, and spectres. If any undead creature, corporeal or not, should approach the horrific face begins to scream in terror and rage, which can be extremely unnerving to its wielder. When the hammer strikes an incorporeal undead being, the it's face distorts even more as it tears and 'eats' great chunks of incorporeal matter from the creature - only when it has devoured the undead does it stop screaming. It rarely takes more than a few blows from this weapon to destroy any undead spirit. Even more horrific is what the weapon can do with the souls that it eats - they ferment inside of it, and after a day or so its wielder can command the weapon to vomit them forth, often in conjunction with a more traditional attack. The inky cloud which results will sap the strength and health of any inside of it as well as terrify them - the wielder should use this power with care as they are not immune to its effect. .[/quote']



Dude...thats gross.


I like it!

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Re: Magic Items go here!!


The Three Rings of Saturn - Seperately, these three rings just look like magical rings with a minor enchantments. However, when all three are worn, a love triangle is formed between all three. They will either fall in love or hate with the other two (depending on which is more approriate for that character). Although it is possible, all three might just hate eath other.


The three rings form a Psychic Mind Link. As a side effect, emotions (positive or negative) for the other two are likewise amplified.

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Re: Magic Items go here!!


Dude...thats gross.


I like it!


I forgot to mention - the glowing light it emits takes the form of greenish ectoplasm which flows from its mouth and fills the air with strands and clouds of light. Thats why the light has a 2" radius on it, if any were wondering.


Next: An Elvish Ring

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Magic Items go here!!


Just to bump this thread:


Sword of Heroes:

+2 OCV: 2D6K STR Min-10 Longsword (SFX-Magical)


Cuts through Armor as easily as it cuts through flesh (Add Armor Piercing)


Inspires men to great acts of courage and heroism (+15 to wielders PRE, only for making PRE attacks to command and inspire)


Heroes Fury:

4D6 Aid (40) to STR, DEX, CON, STUN and END. All same time (+2)

Fades 5pts per minute (+1/4)

1 Recoverable charge (charge recovers at Sunrise the next day) Self Only (-1/2)

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Re: Magic Items go here!!


Ahh...finals are done. Just finished my last paper.

Now for that ring I promised y'all.


Ring of Autumn: A copper ring shaped like a circle of overlapping leaves, these were first created by Elves to demonstrate the power which can be drawn from the seasons. They were rare, until a certain eccentric elven wizard became convinced that the end of the world was near - eternal winter. He believed that this winter would be preceded by a nigh-endless autumn, and so made a great number of these in the hopes that they would prove especially useful. Useful in any season, the ring provides some magical protection from most attacks, and the constant rain of leaves that is the trademark of this item also provides concealment. Most useful is the ability of the wearer to apparently explode into a flurry of leaves, and reappear some distance away in a similar burst - sadly this can only be done once per day. Not only does the trail of debris that the ring leaves behind it (no pun intended) make wearing this item all the time something of a nuisance, it also can be used to track the character by anyone who knows they possess one of these. This is less of a problem in autumn, when the ground is covered in leaves anyways, and additionally the season grants the ring one additional power - the rain of leaves around the character is so heavy that it becomes almost impossible to see them.


Ring of Autumn Leaves: (Total: 91 Active Cost, 18 Real Cost) Armor (2 PD/2 ED), Side Effect: Leaves constantly fall on and near the Wearer and from his Clothes (Side Effect only affects the environment near the character; +0) (6 Active Points); Independent (-2), IIF (-1/4) (Real Cost: 2) PLUS Invisibility to Sight Group , Side Effect: A rain of leaves is constantly falling around the Wearer (Side Effect only affects the environment near the character; +0), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (40 Active Points); Independent (-2), Only works during Autumn (-1), Always On (-1/2), Bright Fringe (-1/4), IIF (-1/4) (Real Cost: 8) PLUS Teleportation 20", Side Effect: A flurry of leaves bursts from the Wearer at either 'end' of his movement, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Side Effect only affects the environment near the character; +0) (40 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2), Independent (-2), Cannot be used to escape Entangles (-1/4), IIF (-1/4) (Real Cost: 7) PLUS +1 with DCV, Side Effect: Leaves constantly fall about the Wearer (Side Effect only affects the environment near the character; +0) (5 Active Points); Independent (-2), IIF (-1/4) (Real Cost: 1)

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Re: Magic Items go here!!


Sky Shield: An object of unknown origin, the Sky shield is made from silvery-blue brushed steel shield and can be expanded or shrunk between buckler and medium size with a command word (Nel). When it is a buckler, its wielder may use it to deflect incoming missiles with a fair degree of confidence. A second command word allows it, twice per day, to summon a wall of force near the user, useful in protecting him.



Sky Shield: (Total: 69 Active Cost, 13 Real Cost)

Arrow Deflection: Missile Deflection (Arrows, Slings, Etc.) (10 Active Points); Independent (-2), Armor Weight (-1), OAF (-1), Requires A DEX Roll (-1), Linked (Buckler; Lesser Power can only be used when character uses greater Power at full value; -3/4), Will Not Work Against Heavy Missiles (-1/4), STR Min 3 (-1/4) (Real Cost: 1)

Arrow Deflection: +4 with Missile Deflection (20 Active Points); Independent (-2), OAF (-1), STR Min 3 (-1/4) (Real Cost: 5)

Second Shield: Force Wall (3 PD/3 ED) (15 Active Points); Independent (-2), 2 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Turn each (-1), OAF (-1), No Range (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4), Restricted Shape: Curved Wall (-1/4) (Real Cost: 2)

Buckler: +2 with DCV (10 Active Points); Independent (-2), Requires A DEX Roll (-1), OAF (-1), Incantations (-1/4), STR Min 3 (-1/4) (Real Cost: 2)

Medium Shield: +4 with DCV (20 Active Points); Independent (-2), OAF (-1), STR Min 10 (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4) (Real Cost: 4)


Still more to come!

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  • 1 year later...

Re: Magic Items go here!!


Yes, ive spent many hours trying to put your random treasure generator into a java program. I wanted to talk to you about fixing your lists. As it stands certain treasures occur too frequently. more on that another time....


If any one is curious, CTaylor has some great GREAT stuff on his downloads. His monster manuals are the best ive seen for Fantasy hero.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 5 months later...

Re: Magic Items go here!!


I'd love to see a similar list for spells. I'm playing more of a champions campaign rather than fantasy hero, but for my purposes a list of spells would be very helpful.


Very nice job posting these though, nice to see fan creations.

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Re: Magic Items go here!!


A few I recently put together for my Lostorum "steampunkish" setting:


Larraiss Guard: A simple, padded shoulder and neck guard, its plain appearance masks its true power. As the discovery of Aether weapons spread across Telos, the Elite units of the newly formed Kingdom of Kalanth needed protection that normal armor could not provide. The Larraiss Family of Feldmar was contracted, and produced a few hundred of these for the Royal Guard, though they were secretly selling some to their Noordmarian neighbors as well. The Larraiss Guard produces a spark of oppositional force to any incoming projectile, stopping most arrows or bullets completely - though the wearer often takes some of the impact, rarely does a projectile pierce the wearer's skin. The guard also takes a brief moment to recharge; as such, it is more useful as a safeguard from assassins or random attacks than during the chaos of a full fledged battle. Nonetheless, those who possess them would nearly never be found without them - stopping one bullet is better than stopping none.


Resistant Protection (12 PD) (Protect Carried Items), Hardened (+1/4), Impenetrable (+1/4), Trigger (Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action, Trigger requires a Full Phase to reset, Character does not control activation of personal Trigger; Triggered when any ranged attack would successfully hit; resets after one full phase.; +1/4) (49 Active Points); IAF (-1/2), Nonpersistent (-1/4), Requires A Roll (13- roll; -1/4), Restrainable (Magic) (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; -1/4), Perceivable (-1/4)


Prism of Displacement: This simple hexagonal prism, dating back to the First Age if not before, is more a curio to most. In the right hands, however... The prism seems mundane enough on first inspection, but the base of the prism can be depressed. Press it once, the prism does nothing. Press it twice, and an image of the last person to press the base is displayed. Thus, one who knows its powers can either see who touched it last, or can project an image he sets up beforehand.


Sight Group Images, Alterable Origin Point, Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (30 Active Points); Set Effect (Image of person who places prism) (-1), IAF Arrangement (-3/4), Restrainable (Magic) (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; -1/4), Conditional Power Power does not work in Uncommon Circumstances (Requires at least some light; candle, moonlight, etc.; -1/4)

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  • 2 months later...

Re: Magic Items go here!!


The Ilasiri:

There are 4 Master Orbs and 16 Access Orbs. The Master Orbs are largely immobile, set in a large pedestal of Laen and gold. The Access Orbs are smaller and more mobile. They can be set into a pedestal or removed for transport. Those who know the key Words can cause the Access Orbs to shrink in size to fit into a small pouch or sack for easy transport.


The Master Orbs:

The Master Orbs are incredibly powerful scrying devices. Those trained in their use have access to a vast array of powers and spells and in addition to enhancing the scrying and prophetic capabilities of its user, allows them to cast spells through the Orb at any scene they are viewing through the Orb….with enhanced effects.


120pt Variable Power Pool (120)

OIF (-1/2) Bulky (-1/2) Very difficult to obtain new focus (-1) Only spells related to Scrying, detection and Postcognition and Prophecy (-1) Requires a Skill Roll (-1/2) Control Cost: 13pts


Spell Boost: 10D6 Aid (100) to Magic Spells (+1/4) one at a time. 0 End (+1/2) 175 Active Standard Effect +30 Active Points

OIF(-1/2) Bulky (-1/2) Very difficult to obtain (-1) Requires a Skill Roll (-1/2) 50pts.

Enhanced Ranging: Megascale 1” = 1000km(+1) Naked Advantage for up to 150 AP spells (150pts)

OIF(-1/2) Bulky (-1/2) Very difficult to obtain (-1) Requires a Skill Roll (-1/2) 42pts

Expanded Area of Effect: Megascale 1” = 1km (+1/4) Naked Advantage for up to 150 AP spells (38pts)

OIF(-1/2) Bulky (-1/2) Very difficult to obtain (-1/) Requires a Skill Roll (-1/2) 11pts

Scrying Shield: Invisibility to All Sense Groups (100) 0 End (+1/2) Persistant (+1/2) 200 Active

OIF(-1/2) Bulky (-1/2) Very difficult to obtain (-1) Only to prevent scrying attempts against the Ilasiri (-1) 50pts

Spell Strengthening: Difficult to Dispel x4 (+1/2) Naked Advantage for up to 150 AP spells (75pts)

OIF(-1/2) Bulky (-1/2) Very difficult to obtain (-1) Requires a Skill Roll (-1/2) 21pts

Remote Spellcasting: Indirect (+3/4) Naked Advantage for up to 150 AP spells (112pts)

OIF(-1/2) Bulky (-1/2) Very difficult to obtain (-1) Requires a Skill Roll (-1/2) 32pts

Remote Communication: Mind Link (5) with up to 4 minds at once (+10) 15 Active Points

OIF(-1/2) Bulky (-1/2) Very difficult to obtain (-1) Requires a Skill Roll (-1/2) Only with another Orb (-1) 4pts


A Master Orb has the ability to cast any kind of scrying, clairvoyance, detection and prophetic type magic spell in the game up to 120 active points worth. A skilled user can gain access to any location upon Kulthea (Clairsentience with Megascale of 10,000km per hex which is 42 active points) although even the vaunted power of the Ilasiri cannot pierce the veil between the Eastern and Western hemispheres.

Spells can also be cast through the Orb onto the scene currently being viewed through it. Of course, one cannot cast spells into the Past or into the future, only scenes viewed in the present.

The Orb also has the ability to enhance the power of spells being cast through it allowing them to affect entire cities or whole armies. The Orb can also be tuned to prevent scrying attempts on the location of the Orb. Without another Master Orb or Access Orb, it is very difficult to scry on one of the Ilasiri. The Orbs also have the ability to communicate with one another over vast distances.


The Access Orbs

The Access Orbs, while less far-reaching than the Master Orbs, are still very potent scrying devices in their own right. They were designed to be remote boosters for the Master Orbs. A chosen Emissary would carry an Access Orb into a location and remain in communication with a Master Orb. The controller of the Master Orb could then see everything in the vicinity of the Access Orb unerringly.


60pt Variable Power Pool (60)

OAF(-1) Very difficult to Obtain new focus (-1) Only Spells pertaining to scrying, detection, Clairsentience, postcognition and prophecy (-1) Control Cost: 8pts


Spell Boost: 5D6 Aid (50) to Magic Spells (+1/4) one at a time. 0 End (+1/2) 88 Active Standard Effect +15 Active Points

OIF(-1/2) Bulky (-1/2) Very difficult to obtain (-1) Requires a Skill Roll (-1/2) 25pts.

Remote Spellcasting: Indirect (+3/4) Naked Advantage for up to 75 AP spells (56pts)

OIF(-1/2) Bulky (-1/2) Very difficult to obtain (-1) Requires a Skill Roll (-1/2) 16pts

Remote Communication: Mind Link (5) with up to 1 minds at once 5 Active Points

OIF(-1/2) Bulky (-1/2) Very difficult to obtain (-1) Requires a Skill Roll (-1/2) Only with another Orb (-1) 2pts


The Access Orbs are a smaller, less powerful version of the Master Orbs. They can allow spellcasting through the orbs, though the Access Orbs don’t enhance the range or area of effect of spells as do the Master Orbs, nor are they capable of protecting the user from scrying.


The true purpose of the Access orbs becomes clear when several are brought together under the control of a Master Orb. The controller of the Master Orb can channel magic spells through the Master Orb and piggyback them through multiple Access Orbs, each time the spell gains a power boost. At maximum (1 Master Orb linked with 4 Access Orbs) a spell can gain a boost of 90 Active Points! (30 from the Master Orb, +15 from each Access orb totaling 60 for a grand total of 90) When coupled with the bonus from a Major Foci, such spells are capable of wiping out entire nations or permanently changing the Flows of Essaence upon the face of Kulthea. For this reason the Loremasters and other powers are struggling fiercely to keep the Ilasiri out of the hands of the minions of the Unlife…

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Re: Magic Items go here!!


The Mindstones of Itanis:

These gemstones come in a variety of colors and are extremely rare. Thus far, they have only been mined in the Southeast portion of Emer. The Warlocks of Itanis prize these stones highly, for they have the capability, once Worked with the Essaence, to enhance the mental capabilities of the aforementioned Warlocks.

The Mindstones are famous throughout Emer and a vast mythology has grown to obscure their true capabilities. Stories abound of Intani Warlocks who could call upon world-shattering powers through their mindstone. While the truth is far less dramatic, the Mindstones do indeed enhance the power of any Mentalist who can get their hands on one of these precious stones.


Itani Mindstone:

Essaence Battery: Endurance Reserve: 80 END(8) REC 1 (2) 10pts

IIF(-1/4) Very difficult to obtain new focus (-1) 4pts

(Notes: The Mindstones Endurance Reserve can vary between 20pts of END and 80pts of END. The writeup above represents the most powerful Mindstone available…it represents only 1% of Mindstones)

Improve Mentalism: +3 Skill Levels with Mentalism magic skill. (9)

IIF(-1/4) Very difficult to obtain new focus (-1) 4pts

Enhance Mentalism spells: Increased Range Naked Advantage (+1) for up to 120 Active Points (120)

IIF(-1/4) Very difficult to obtain new focus (-1) Concentration (-1/2) Extra Time1 minute (-1 ½) 28pts

Detect Essaence: Detect Essaence (5) 360^ (5) Ranged (5) Sense (2) 17 Active Points

IIF(-1/4) Very difficult to obtain new focus (-1) 8pts

Spell Storing: Trigger Naked Advantage: +1/2 for up to 120 Active Points (60)

IIF(-1/4) Very difficult to obtain new focus (-1) 1 Charge (-2) recovers daily 14pts

Mind Defense: +10 to Mental Defense (10) Hardened (+1/4) 13pts

IIF(-1/4) Very difficult to obtain new focus (-1) 6pts

Detect Illusion: Detect Illusion (5) Ranged (5) 10 Active points

IIF(-1/4) Very difficult to obtain new focus (-1) Concentration (-1/4) 4pts

Keyed to a single owner: 2D6 RKA (30) +2 Stun Multiplier (+1/2) Trigger (+1/4) 52 Active Points

IIF(-1/4) Very difficult to obtain new focus (-1) No Range (-1/2) 19pts


The powers of the Mindstones vary per stone. Most especially the Essaence Battery. They vary between 20 END and 80 END. The Improve Mentalism ability aids the Mentalist in casting spells. It adds directly to the Mentalists spellcasting roll. Enhance Mentalism spells increases the range on the spells the Mentalist casts. The spellcaster must concentrate to gain the bonus however. Concentrating for a half phase gains x5 to range. For a full phase gains x25 to range. For a full turn gains x125 and for a full minute gains x625 range.

Detect Essaence is pretty self explanatory and is automatic. The Spell storing ability allows the Mindstone to store a single spell cast by the mentalist. After the spell is stored it can be activated at will (as a 0 phase action) or set to trigger under a specific condition. Only 1 spell can be stored at a time, after which 24 hours must pass before another spell can be stored.

Mind Defense is the Mindstones protection against mental attacks. The Mindstone can also detect Illusions. Each Mindstone is keyed to a specific owner and once imprinted, anyone else attempting to use one will receive a blast of elemental essaence (lightning).

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Re: Magic Items go here!!


The Essaence Blades:

These twin swords were made by Tethior the Smith during the latter days of the Wars of Dominion. The blades are not evil, but are touched by Tethior’s feelings of despair at the never-ending war against Darkness and he was beginning to tire of the ceaseless crusade.

The weapons are Bastard Swords, being wieldable in one hand or two. Each sword has a blade made of crystal clear Laen with a hilt and handguards of silver and gold with a clear spherical gem at the pommel. Only when the blade is grasped and the power called forth do the weapons reveal their natures. The 1st sword is the Blade of Light. The second is the Blade of Shadow. The Blade of Light glows with a bright light that fills the Laen blade. The Blade of Shadow absorbs light and the blade is filled with a smokey darkness. The blades are intelligent and have a Will of their own. They are filled with Tethior’s anger at the senselessness of the Wars and they fill their wielders with an almost fatalistic drive to kill their enemies.


Magical Bastard Swords:

Of Slaying All foes: 3D6 HKA (45) 0 End (+1/2) 67 Active sfx Magical/Slaying

OAF(-1) Very Difficult to obtain new focus (-1) STRmin (-1/2) 19pts STRmin= 12

Magical Blade: +3 OCV (15)

OAF(-1) Very difficult to obtain (-1) 5pts

Slaying weapon: +3 to Critical hit range: +6 OCV (30)

OAF(-1) Very difficult to obtain (-1) Only to increase Critical Hit range (-1) 8pts

Warrior’s resilience: +20 to CON (40)

OAF(-1) Very difficult to obtain (-1) Only to determine point of Stunned result (-1) 10pts

Call the Essaence: 3D6 RKA (45) +2 Stun Multipler (+1/2) 67 Active

OAF(-1) Very difficult to obtain (-1) Side Effect: drains 1pt of CON (-1/2) returns per hour of rest. 19 7 End/blast (-1 CON) Range 225"


INT: 15 (5) EGO: 20 (20) DEX: 20 (30) SPD: 4 (10)

Mind Control vs Wielder: 10D6 (50)

Always attempts to make the wielder go Berserk. Depending on the characters demeanor, this could be EGO+ (for someone who already has a Berserk disad) EGO+10 (for someone with an Enraged) EGO+20 (for someone who is normal amount of anger) to EGO+30 (for someone who is zen-like calm)

The Essaence blades have an ECV of 7 for purposes of this contest of Wills.


All of the above abilities are fairly self explainitory. The Call the Essaence is the weapons special attack. The Blade of Light fires a bolt of Plasma (pure Essaence energy) and the Blade of Shadow fires a bolt of Nether. Both blades drain a single point of CON from the wielder for this attack. The CON point will return after an hour of rest and relaxation.

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Re: Magic Items go here!!


The previous items were written up for use in my Fantasy campaign set in I.C.E.'s Shadow World setting. (the one that was supposed to include stats for Fantasy Hero in its supplements). The Illasiri are artifact level magical items and should be used sparringly. If used at all, they should be the focus for the campaign or factor heavily in the plot. They are highly sought after by all manner of magical beings (Mages, Elves, Dragons, Demons and Deities among others) and if they were to fall into the hands of the Powers of Darkness, a dark shadow would cover the land in darkness and the mortal races would endure all manner of suffering and woe.


The Mindstones of Itanis and The Essaence Blades, while not as powerful as the Illasiri are potent magical creations in their own right. These are much more reasonable to put into the hands of a P.C., but only consider doing so if your P.C.s are about to jump out of the frying pan.


Btw, these are written in the 5th edition format. Converting them shouldn't take too much effort though.

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