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Magic Items go here!!


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Re: Magic Items go here!!


The following magical items were one's I created in a pinch when my P.C.'s managed to defeat a Lich (the first major foe they faced in the campaign with a serious chance of killing them) and this Lich had managed to amass a pretty significant hoard of magical items and lore. They were not given detailed writeups because I didn't need the point costs at the time. I'm going to post them as I have them typed out in my file. Anyone who wishes to can flesh them out or add to them or whatever.



Cloudlord’s Armor:

This consists of chainmail suit with a breastplate, gauntlets, greaves, gorget and helm. There is a tabard and cape attatched as well. The tabard holds the Pegasus symbol…the device of the Cloudlords of Tannara.

The Chainmail is Defense: 7 and protects locations 7-9, 12-16.

The Breastplate (coupled with the chainmail) is Def: 9 and protects locations 10-11.

The Helm is Def: 10 and protects locations 3-4

The Gorget is Def: 8 and protects location 5

The Gauntlets are Def: 7 and protects location 6

The Greaves are Def: 7 and protects locations 17-18

The entire suit is enchanted to be less encumbering, total mass of the suite is only 14kg (instead of the full 28kg)

The suit also provides an additional +1 to the wearer’s DCV.

The Tabard is enchanted so that the wearer is seen as a friend to Steardan and Pegasai. Adds +3 to Animal handling for dealing with Steardan and adds +3 to interaction skills used with Pegasai.

The cloak is enchanted to make the wearer near weightless to a Steardan or Pegasus used as a steed.

This suit would be worth at least 700gp to an interested party. The Cloudlords themselves would be willing to reward the person who returns it to them 1000gp.


Sword of Kyrae Tula:

This is a short sword composed of an alloy of White Eog and Keron which makes the blade appear a dull grey, but upon closer inspection, the White Eog and Black Keron are actually swirling around throughout the blade. This weapon was created by an Elven smith during the Wars of Dominion for an Elven prince of Urulan.

+2 OCV

1D6+1K (4 DC)

+1 StunX (+2 StunX vs Unlife)

STR Min: 7

Body: 8 Def: 12

Mass: .8


Detect minions of the Unlife:

Detect Unlife (5) Ranged (5) 360^ (5) Sense (2)

Note: Detects minions of the unlife (including undead and demons) within 25” on a 12 or less. The swords blade turns pure white and attains a bright blue aura when minions of the unlife are within 150 feet. The closer they are, the brighter the aura.


Cloak of Safe Storage:

This cloak is forest green on the outside and deep violet on the inner lining. The wearer of the cloak can place an object fully within the cloak (they must be wearing the cloak) and will it to a place of storage, and the powers of the cloak will send it there. When the wearer wants to retrieve the object, they merely have to will it into their hands and withdraw it from the cloak. The wearer can even transport other individuals, provided they can fit within the cloak while it is being worn (generally anyone of human size of a Body less than 16 or so can fit if they curl up and are covered by the cloak’s edges). The wearer can also transport him or herself by putting up the hood and closing the cloak’s edges together and willing themselves into the storage.

Inside the storage is a nice room with a roaring hearth a table and chairs and shelves upon shelves of objects being stored within the cloak. Although time seems to pass to those within the storage, in reality, time moves by extremely slow (at a rate of 10 times as slow). Individuals within the storage space do not age and will not die of thirst or hunger, no matter how long they remain within the storage area.


Cloak of Safe Storage:

Extra Dimensional movement: to safe pocket dimension (20)

Usable against others (+1) x2 mass (+1/4) 0 End (+1/2) 55 active.

OIF (-1/2) Difficult to replace (-1) Extra Time: Full Phase (-1/2) Gestures (-1/4) 17pts


Inside the Storage is an Imp by the name of Leviticus. His master was a mage by the name of Vlaxus who was the chief advisor to the emperor before the Wars of Dominion.


Staff of the Earth:


This Dyr-wood staff is 6’ in height and has a smooth surface almost as if it were polished (but it is not). The wielder of this staff will never become tangled in overgrowth or attacked by animate plants. The wielder is also considered by Earth elementals to be a friend and ally. The staff has a battery of arcane powers connected to the earth and a skilled wielder can accomplish much with this powerful artifact.


Pass through plants:

Tunnelling: 6” (30) through 10 Def (27) material. Fill in ( +10) 0End (+1/2) 100

OAF(-1) Diff to replace (-1) Indep (-2) 20pts


Friend to the Earth:

+20 to PRE (20)

Only when dealing with Earth Elementals and Nature Spirits (-1/2) 13pts


Essaence Battery:

100 END (10) REC: 2 (2) 12 Act: OAF(-1) Indep(-2) 4pts


Mastery of Earth Essaence:

60pt Variable Power Pool (60)

Lim: OAF(-1) diff to replace (-1) Only Earth/growing/nature SFX (-1)

Control Cost: 10 Skill roll: up to -6


Notes: this staff is attuned with the Arcane Essaence and thus can be used by a wielder of any realm, as long as they have a Magic Skill. However, even a non-spell caster can use this staff if they are of the appropriate mindset (a Ranger or Beastmaster perhaps) and can use their EGO roll in place of a Skill roll (and they can develop a specific skill for using the Staff)


Ring of Majesty:


This item consist of a golden band (ithloss) with a brilliant red jewel mounted upon it. When worn, this jewelry will make the wearer seem attractive and majestic. It gives a bonus to both COM and PRE while worn (+5 to both stats)

However, this “aura” attracts thieves like nobody’s business. Most of whom will be fixated upon the ring itself.


Bolts of Slaying:


There are 7 crossbow bolts with hafts of black ironwood, fletching from Stormeagle feathers and heads made of Vaanum. These crossbow bolts have a bonus of +1 OCV and +4 to Rmod (in addition to any bonuses from the crossbow that fires them). The bolts also give a bonus of +3 damage classes to the base damage of the Crossbow they are fired from. Each bolt can only be fired once. After impact, they will vanish in a brilliant display of Essaence.


Piercing Spear of Shael Lyndon


This mid-sized spear is designed for both throwing and hand to hand combat. The shaft is made of enchanted oak and is incredibly difficult to break (Def 15 hardened and Body 10) and the head of the spear is enchanted to easily pierce most materials. It was originally created to fight against very heavily armored creatures such as Dragons, Constructs (Iron Golems etc) and the like.


+1 OCV

+2 Rmod

1 1/2D6K (5DC) Penetrating

+1 StunX

STRmin: 12

Bod: 10 Def: 15h

Range: 50”

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