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Magic Items go here!!


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Once again, these are from the old message boards, before the crash. Many advanced apologies for the formatting, since I merely copied everything to a txt file to keep the file size down. In any case, it's still a huge amount of items, that would probably take days to read. Also many advanced apologies to whomever wrote the various items, since I only copied the text, and not the names of the posters.


In any case, here they are, literally hundreds of magical items for use in campaigns. Power levels vary as widely as the personal preferences of the posters themselves.


Rapier Wit - 90 GP

1D6+1 HKA, 10 Strength Min, +2 OCV (3D6 max damage)

Affects Desolid

5 points mental defense

Does an additional 2D6 NND on an 8-

Detect mental powers used on caster or within 3†of caster - Always on, +3 perception, discriminatory

Mental Barrier – 8 Def Hardened 8†FF, 2/day

Mind over Matter – 6D6 Major transform any matter into any non-magical item

5 Min to cast, 50 End,

Craftsman skill Roll to see how good the item crafted is, 1/week

Can put own character points into item created to make it magical. (GM option) Would require MagicSmith Skill also.


Fire Eater – Long Sword (70 GP)

1-1/2 D6 HKA, 15 Strength Min., +2 OCV (max 4D6)

25% Damage Reduction from Fire damage

20D6 Dispel vs. fire based spells 1/day

Douse - put our normal fires 1†per phase, 12†range, 6/day

Detect fires within 64â€, always on


Blade Quisinart – Short Sword (80 GP)

1D6+1 HKA, 10 Strength Min., +2 OCV (max 3-1/2D6)

5 shot autofire 1/day (max 2-1/2D6 damage)

Blade Barrier – Can create a 2D6 Damage shield, lasts 1 turn, 1/day (sword is barrier)

Goes AP on an 8- attack roll (max 2-1/2D6 damage)

Blade Storm – AE 1hex 2D6 AP 1/day (actually throw blade)


Charm of Transmogrification (25 GP)

This bracelet contains small figurines that represent a specific person or archetype. Activating a charm will destroy it, but shape shift the user (with 60 pt variable power pool for special effects, growth, skills, etc.) into the subject of the charm. The effects last for 6 hours. All of the users gear is transformed into that which the target would have. This bracelet has the following figurines:

Medium Riding Horse

Bar Wench (middle 40s and busty and beautiful – Human)

Great Eagle

Dumpy fat old Dwarf in miner’s gear

Priest of Elzonn

A big sallowed pig

Elven liquor merchant

Gray Wolf

Small gray rat


Essence - Rod (80 GP)

Wound - 2D6 RKA Energy, no range, +3 OCV

8- Wound is penetrating, 4- Wound is NND Killing

Leech - transfer 2D6 Body, 2D6 Stun, 1D6 End, no range, 2/day (instead of wound)

Exhaust – 3D6 End transfer, 12†range, 1/day (Instead of Wound)


Black Storm – Heavy Bow (70 GP)

2 D6 RKA, 18 Strength Min., +1 OCV (creates arrows)

1-1/2D6 RKA 5 shot autofire, +1 OCV 1/day

Willing weapon enchantment, quick draw

Black Lightning – 2D6 Flash vs. all sight and all hearing, AE1â€, 1/day

UV Vision


Wicked – Battle Flail (75 GP)

2 D6 HKA, 18 Strength Min., +1 OCV (max 4D6)

Long arm, +2†reach

Gash - +1D2 RKA NND Killing on an 8-

Blast - 2D6 RKA AE2†radius, 1/day


Hell Razor – Long Sword (60 GP)

1D6+1 HKA AP, 18 Strength Min., +1 OCV (max 2-1/2D6)

Fire Storm – 1-1/2D6 RKA, no range, penetrating 3†cone, 2/day


Mozzy’s Miracle Grow – Wand (Total charges used by all powers – 16)

Creepy Crawlers – 3D6 Entangle, legs only, AE 2â€, 2 charges, only where plants can grow

Growth Spurt – 2 levels of growth, useable against others, lasts 1 min, 4 charges

+10 str, +2 Body and Stun, +1†reach, -1 DCV, 10 feet tall

Shrubbery Congestion – 5 Def, 20 Body FW, 3â€, 1 charge, only where plants can grow

Bumbling Bramble – ½ move running, Dex check every phase you move to ignore, 24†radius, personal immunity, lasts 1 minute, if you fail your Dex check by 2, you fall down, 3 charges, only where plants can grow


4 Leaf Clover Bracers – Pair of Bracers, must wear both (40 GP)

+2 OCV to Block

1D6+1 Absorption, max 20 points, to ablative luck. Ablative luck is gone when you successfully make a luck roll with that die.

Starts with 2D6 ablative luck


Relentless – Stiletto (40 GP)

+3 OCV, +1 vs. range, 1D6 AP, 8 Str min.

Seeking (see seeking rules posted on this board somewhere.)


Mage Bane – Long Sword (65 GP)

1-1/2D6, 15 Str. Min, +2 OCV

Suppress vs. Force Fields, 11- activation: 1 DC per point under 11 (8=1D6 of suppress)

Magic Deflection/Reflection +2 OCV deflect, +2 Reflect, adjacent hex, 1/day

50% DR vs. Magic Missile spell, not items. (or similar: autofire, 1-1/2D6 to 2D6)


Amulet of Restoration –trigger on Stun less than zero (15 GP)

Feign Death – invisible power effects

2D6 Aid to all characteristics below maximum – invisible power effects

6D6 Heal – invisible power effects

9 Def Force Field, Cumulative – invisible power effects


Potion of Undead Sight – (12 GP)

IR Vision, Sense Life Ranged, 3 charges last 1 hour


Dust of the Blind Spot – (9 GP)

Total invisibility to one type of creature

This one works on trolls

3 charges last 1 hour


Ringlet of Deception – (15 GP)

1D6 Images of character, -12 perception plus penalties for what the character is doing

Appear in adjacent hexes, move with character. No more than can appear in an empty hex.

Images disappear when successfully attacked. They are the players DCV –2

6 non-recoverable charges


Rod of Obliteration – (10 GP)

20D6 of Transform – Object to destroyed object. 1†AE

The effect is as if it lost all internal integrity and collapsed

Not on living creatures, Full phase

6 non-recoverable charges


Mighty Blow – Great Mace (70 GP)

2D6 HKA, 15 STR min, +1 OCV, 2 Handed

Does knock back at –1D6 on the roll (use non-killing attack for distance)

Does 1D6 NND on an 8-

Does penetrating to structures


Ninja Gloves – (35 GP)

Only work with unarmed combat, both hands must be free

1 charge per day lasts 3 turns

Martial Dodge

Martial Block, not edged attacks (blades, claws, etc.)

Martial Offensive Strike

Martial Defensive Strike

Martial Escape

Martial Grab

3 Def on the hands, not cumulative with FF


Goldtooth – Long sword (40 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, 13 STR min, +2 OCV

12†light, scalable to 0â€

Detect magic discriminatory 2/day, no range

UV Vision


Amulet of Girth – (30 GP)

+2 Stun

+3 to Con for determining if stunned


Grape of Wrath

3D6 Strength aid, above char max, fade of 5 per minute


Boots of Speed

+4" running, max 10"

+1 DCV in Hand to Hand combat


Sword of Sharpness

1-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 15 STR min

Goes AP on an 8- attack roll


Orc Bane - Falchion

1-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 15 STR min

+1 DCV and +1 OCV vs. Orcs

Sense Orcs in 64" radius, must concentrate, half phase action, 1/2 DCV


Willing Blade

1-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 15 STR min

1/2 End

Zero End on an 8- activation attack roll


Blade of Discord:

This is a cursed blade that causes the weilder to become argumentative and uncooperative. While under the power of the sword, the wielder becomes combative and will demand to fight to settle any difference of opinion.

Broadsword SFX-Magical)

+1 OCV 1D6+1K Str Min-12

6D6 Mind Control (30) 0End(+1/2) Cummulative. Only vs Weilder(-1)

Control chart:

Roll: Effect:

>Ego: Wielder irritable. Ego at +1 to breakout.

Ego+10: Wielder very irritable. Ego to break out.

Ego+20: Wielder Angered. Ego at -2 to breakout.

Ego+30: Wielder maniacal. Ego at -4 to breakout.


If the situation is already tense, or if the situation is activating a hatred or Rival the effect is shifted up 1 level. If the situation is against a close friend or loved one, the situation can (at the Gm's discretion) be shifted down 1 level and/or give the wielder a +1 to +3 bonus to their breakout roll.

The wielder is allowed a breakout roll for every step on the time chart. As long as the wielder is not engaged in battle, the control weakens. (+1 to breakout, cumulative per step on the chart). Once the wielder draws the sword, reroll the mind control with cummulative effects (up to the maximum rollable on the dice)



These are Bastard swords designed specificaly to kill Dragonkind. They can slice through Dragonscale armor easily and are enchanted to deal mighty wounds to the great beasts.

Bastard Sword: (SFX-Magical)

+2 OCV 2D6K Str Min-13

+1D6K(base)vs Dragons. AP* vs Dragon Armor.

*Note: The AP aspect works against Dragon armor of anykind...including plate armor made from the scales of dragons, and the Dragonians (Dragonmen or whathave you)


Blade of Frost

These blades are made from "Cold-forged Iron" The blade seems to have a permanent coating of Frost on it. Certain blades are enchanted to fire an intense blast of cold from them.

Broadsword: (SFX-Magical/Cold)

+1 OCV 1D6+1K +1stunX Str Min-11

Optional: Cold Bold: 5D6EB (range:125")

Note:The cold aspect doesn't cause the blade to do any more damage other than increase the pain of the wounds it causes (i.e. the increased stun multiplier) however, against creatures with vulnerabilities to cold effects, extra damage is appropriate.



This word appears to be made out of a solid peice of white gold. Forged with no seams as if it were made of plastic. It has an inner glow which grows brighter in combat if it is being used justly.


This sword is in tune with the forces of good and justice and it will aid or hinder the weilder depending on what they are doing and for what reasons. IF they are fighting for justice (to save the maiden in the dark tower, etc.) then it is a plus +3 OCV. If they are fighting for nuetral or good reasons (self defense, etc.), then it will be a +2, but if they are fighting for greed, selfishness or even outright evil, they will get up to a -3 OCV. The GM can range the bonus between the two extreems at his option.

1-1/2D6 Longsword, 15 STR min

It does +1 StunX on an 8- attack roll only if it is currenlty not getting any negatives to OCV.


Metaphysical Oil

This oil, when poured on a weapon, will allow it to harm ghosts and spirits as easily as it harms flesh. It can be used on any sort of ordinary weapon, but it doesn't last long.

Affects Desolid on up to 30 AP of weapon (typically 2d6 KA).

OAF - expendible, Gestures (applying oil to the weapon), 3 Charges that last 2 Phases each.

15 Active, 4 Real.


Potion of Dragon's Breath

After drinking this potion, be very careful to keep your mouth closed, for the next time you open it, you will belch forth a large spout of flame. It is advisable to wait for the ideal moment before unleashing the flame. The main drawback is that you won't be able to talk until afterwards, but it is useful for taking opponents by surprise, or if you become disarmed.

8d6 EB - Fire, 1 Hex Area, Trigger - Opening the mouth.

Limited Range (say 8") (-1/4), Gestures (drinking the potion), OAF - Expendable, 3 Charges.

70 Active, 17 Real


IRON HEEL (45 gp) - Heavy Ballista (1 person, 1 phase to load)

3D6 RKA, +1 StunX, +4 vs. range, +2 OCV

Needs no ammo, when cocked, bolt appears loaded


NOTHING TO SEE (move along) (25 gp) - wand, 8 charges last 6 hours, from 1

to 3" radius affect.

Images vs. all sight, detect magic, all sound and all smell, -12 perception.

To use this wand, conjure up an image of an area before you move into it,

and then cast that image back on the area after you move into it. You can

use this to disguise your camp at night, a guard at his post before you take

him out, a solid wall before you poke a hole in it. The image takes 1 minute

to capture and has a range of 30". Once it is "played back", that 1 minute

segment will loop continuously for the duration. The charge will last until

someone other than the caster crosses the area of affect.


RINGS OF COORDINATION (25 gp each) - 2 platinum rings

Gives a +1 to coordinate any attacks with the wearer of the other ring

Lightning Blast, 2 charges/day

2D6 RKA +1 OCV, +2 vs range, always coordinates with blast from other ring


VOID (50 gp) - Buckler Shield (Lich was wearing)

+2 DCV, 8 DEF, 10 BODY, Hardened

Gives users Force Field 50% Hardened (you get 3/4 defenses from AP instead

of 1/2)


RUINER ICORTUS (ELF BANE) - Long Sword ( gp)

1-1/2D6 HKA, 15 STR min, +2 OCV

+1 OCV and +1 DC only vs. Elves

+1 OCV only vs. half-Elves

Glows 1' to 9" green light when near elves, 24" radius

Bump of direction only in forests

This legendary sword was reputedly created by Dwarves thousands of years ago

when they were at war. Most Elves will know it by name, and pssible on site

if they are older or well versed in their lore. They would like to destroy

it very badly. The sword really hates Elves and will affect the mental process of the weilder likewise.




POLIDAR'S SARCOPHAGUS (60 gp) - cramped stone bed - weighs a few hundred


This bed has short stone walls that come up 2' above the feather down

mattress. There is a red silk cloth that can be drawn over the top.

20 points Mental Defense, 20 points Power Defense

Restore condition (cure poison, critical wounds, missing finger, etc.), 8

hours, 1 charge/3 months

1 point of body healed per 6 hour night


MANNA WELL (6 gp) - Crystal formation, 1/4 lb.

30 End for spells or magic items

Add one charge that day to a spell for 1 end per 3 active points of spell


KARMA WELL (20 gp) - Stone formation, 1 lb.

2 Brownie Points


POWER WELL (40 gp) - Vile of oily liquid in a glass jar, 1 gallon

1 character point to be put into a magical item.


Elven Cloak

The elven cloak is enchanted by elven spellmasters and given to the most skilled of Elven Rangers. It allows the wearer to pass unnoticed in heavy foilage (forest or jungle or in some cases, grasslands etc) to pass through without leaving a trace and not be inhibited by natural barriers (such a a thick copse of trees or tangleweeds..not stone). Keeping visual track of someone wearing an Elven cloak is difficult at best as the wearer will fade in and out of view. This makes them difficult to target during combat.


Elven Cloak:

Invisiblity to normal sight (w/fringe)

+3 to Stealth and Shadowing rolls

+3 to DCV

Tunnelling (6" through up to 5 Def. Closes behind)

Pass without trace: Desolidification (only for passing through foilage without leaving any trace)

Limitations: Only works for those with Elven blood (must be at least 25%)

Only works in forrested areas or areas of heavy foilage.


Potion of Heroism

This potion when imbibed will imbue the drinker with supernatural physical capability for a short period of time, allowing them to preform feats of superhuman ability. This is best reserved for those times of extreme necesity as it takes its toll on the drinker after the duration has expired

Potion of Heroism:

4D6 Aid to:







Looses 5pts per minute.

3 charges.

Side Effects: 3D6 Stun and End drain after the effects completely wear off. Returns at a rate of 5pts per hour.

Note: Maximum bonuses: +24STR/+8Dex/+12Con/+12Bod/+48End/+24Stun


Kirae ShangBlack Laen blade of Souls

A bastard sword whose blade is composed of silver Laen (a magical crystal) tinted black. There are fine runes ingraved in the blade. The Sword was forged to slay Elves.

LongSword: (SFX-Magical)

+3 OCV: 2D6K: STRmin-8

+1D6K vs Elves (3D6K base vs elves)

Victims killed by the sword have their soul devoured by it

1D6 Transfer to (STR/Dex/Con) fades 5pts per week. Only if the sword causes a disabling wound. Maximum bonus to Characteristics +20 (1D6 +14limit) Note: the transfer is 2D6 if the victim killed is Elven.

Missile Deflection: (Vs any ranged attack) +3 to deflect.





SPD: 3

Psychological disad: Must kill Elves (common/Total)

Mind-link w/wielder

Lgs: Elven/Common/Dwarven/Orcish/Dragon/Runic

KS: Elves

KS: Ancient Artifacts

KS: Old Gods

AK: UnderEarth


Damage Shield: 1/2D6K: +1StunX: NND(vs armored gloves) only vs elves (any elf who touches the sword gets the shock of its life!)

On the blade is written in runic alphabet:

I am Kirae Shang, Black Blade of Souls. I was forged to kill the Immortal Elves

Note: Got this one from ICE's Creatures and Treasures II. Very cool, neh?


Defender Blade

These normal broadswords of unassuming appearance helps defend the wielder parry

Broadsword: (SFX-Magical)

+1OCV: 1D6+1K: STRmin-12

When using the Block maneuver or Missile Deflection add +3 to OCV and DCV. This is in addition to any manuever bonuses and skill levels applied.

NOTE:This does not impart the ability to missile deflect, merely aids in doing so if the wielder allready posseses the skill


Orc Lesser Healing Salve – (2 GP)

2D6 Heal, half phase pull, full phase apply, only to normal characteristic maximum


Orc Healing Salve – (3 GP)

3D6 Heal, half phase pull, full phase apply, only to normal characteristic maximum


Orc Greater Healing Salve – (8 GP)

4D6 Heal, cure poison, half phase pull, full phase apply, only to normal characteristic maximum


Lesser Healing Potion – (4 GP)

4D6 Heal, half phase pull, half phase drink, only to normal characteristic maximum


Healing Potion – (6 GP)

6D6 Heal, half phase pull, half phase drink, only to normal characteristic maximum


Greater Healing Potion – (8 GP)

8D6 Heal, half phase pull, half phase drink, only to normal characteristic maximum


Healing Rod – (8 GP)

4D6 Heal, 2 charges, half phase pull, half phase apply, only to normal characteristic maximum


Greater Healing Rod – (16 GP)

8D6 Heal, 2 charges, half phase pull, half phase apply, only to normal characteristic maximum


Healing Amulet – (8 GP)

3D6 Heal, 2 charges, half phase apply, only to normal characteristic maximum


Greater Healing Amulet – (14 GP)

6D6 Heal, 2 charges, half phase apply, only to normal characteristic maximum


Healing Relic (Holy Symbol) – (18 GP)

4D6 Heal, 3 charges, ranged, half phase apply, only to normal characteristic maximum


Greater Healing Relic (Holy Symbol) – (27 GP)

6D6 Heal, 3 charges, ranged, half phase apply, only to normal characteristic maximum


Lesser Rejuvenation Potion – (9 GP)

4D6 Heal, 2D6 End aid, half phase pull, half phase drink, only to normal characteristic maximum


Rejuvenation Potion – (12 GP)

6D6 Heal, 3D6 End aid, half phase pull, half phase drink, only to normal characteristic maximum


Greater Rejuvenation Potion – (18 GP)

8D6 Heal, 4D6 End aid, half phase pull, half phase drink, only to normal characteristic maximum


Surge Powder – small tin snifter case (2 GP)

2D6 End aid, half phase pull, half phase use, only to normal characteristic maximum


Root of Vigor – (3 GP)

3D6 End aid, half phase pull, half phase use, only to normal characteristic maximum


Power Crystal – (4 GP)

4D6 End aid, half phase pull, half phase use, only to normal characteristic maximum


Heal Critical Wounds Potion – (8 GP)

Cure critical wounds, 1 minute to apply


Restoration Potion – (15 GP)

4D6 Heal, cure critical wounds, half phase pull, full phase apply, only to normal characteristic maximum


Second Chance Necklace – trigger on Stun less than 4 (8 GP)

2D6 Aid to all characteristics below maximum

9 Def Force Field, Xtra Phase, Cumulative


Amulet of Restoration –trigger on Stun less than zero (15 GP)

Feign Death – invisible power effects

2D6 Aid to all characteristics below maximum – invisible power effects

6D6 Heal – invisible power effects

9 Def Force Field, Xtra Phase, Cumulative – invisible power effects


Salve of Greater Reconstitution – Salve, 1 charge, 1 min to apply (35 GP)

20D6 Major transform (restores all characteristics to maximum, restores charges from spells)

Cures critical wounds, cures disease or other illnesses, breaks curses, restores severed limbs.

Will not resurrect.




Prayer in Hell – Long Sword

1-1/2 D6 HKA, 15 Strength Min., +2 OCV (max 4D6)

1D6 Luck

+1 all dex rolls

re-roll to hit or damage 1/week

combat sense 8-

Gambling 11- or +1


Old Sparky – Lightning Ring

Must wear gloves or take 1D6 NND continuous while on

If gloved:

25% DR vs. Electrical (non-cumulative)

Call Lightning - 3D6 RKA only outside 1/week

Lightning Spark - 2D6 NND continuous 1/day

Lightning Strike - 2D6 RKA 3/day

Lightning Flare – 2D6 Flash 2/day


Heat Wave – War Fan

1D6 HKA, 8 Strength Min., +2 OCV (max 3D6)

Flame Wave - 2D6 RKA, no range, 3†cone, 2/day

Fanning the flames – 50% increase to active points of a fire based spell 1/month

Missile Reflect all ranged +1OCV 1/day


Dogs of war - charm bracelet

1 1/2D6 RKA, +1 or 2 (still need to decide) OCV, 3 shot auto fire 1/day

If all three hit the dogs latch hold creating a 3d6 entangle linked with a

1 1/2D6 RKA continuous until break out.


Cranial Bore – wand

4D6 body drain ranged 4 charges


Razor Ring - throwing disk

1/2D6 HKA AP 8 str (1D6+1 max) +2 OCV, returns to hand at end of phase

on 8- +1D6 RKA

on 4- +2D6 RKA (not cumulative with 8-)


Elfbane - Orc Holy sword:

1 1/2D6 HKA 15 str min (4d6+1 max), +2 Ocv

in the hands of orcish paladin

+1OCV +1DC

20D6 dispell any fantasy 3/day

Phantom Blade 24" range to attack 2/day

15" teleport 3/day

on 8- +2D6 NND


Boomstick – wand

2D6 RKA +2stunx +2 OCV 4 charges


Fester - Long Sword

+2 Ocv, 1 1/2D6 HKA 15 str min (4d6 max)

Immunity to disease

Rotting Touch: 8- 1D6+1 NND Killing over 1 turn (resistance Immunity to


Blight: 3D6 Body drain 1/day (not ranged)


Black Death – Bow

+1 OCV 2D6 RKA 15 str min +1 Rmod

Fires black bone arrows (unlimited ammo)

Death Vortex - AE 2" rad 2D6 RKA 2/day

Syphon Soul - 1D6 Bod to Bod (above max) transfer lasts 2 phases 1/day

Fast draw/put up


Eviscerator - arrow (permanent)

+1 OCV 2D6 RKA

8- 2D6 RKA NND Killing


Eradicator - Arrow (permanent)

+1 OCV 2D6 RKA

6- 10D6 transform to ash


Soul Shards – darts

+1 OCV 1D6 RKA NND Killing


Shadow plate – hauberk

7 def plate 9-13 (2.14kg)

affects desolid (armor vs. non-corporeal undead NND attacks in locations covered)


Kirklain’s Defense – Stiletto (45 GP)

1/2D6 AP, 8 Str. Min, +2 OCV

Defense Maneuver when wielded

+1 DCV when wielded (plus the +1 vs. one HtoH attack)


Fathomere – Whip (65 GP)

3†reach, 2D6 RKA Energy, 15 STR min, +2 OCV

Can grab (additional +1 OCV to grab)

Grab has 5 STR per level of OCV over the DCV of the target hit

Maximum of 25 STR, does the RKA continuous if grabbed.

+3†reach 3/day

25 STR TK, fine manipulation (only for grabbing hold of objects)

1 Turn to use, whip end snakes up to 36’ away, 3/day


Assasin’s Delight – Potion, 3 charges (15 GP)

Invisibility to all sight, fringe up to 6†away

Each charge lasts 5 minutes 1 end per phase


Marathon – Ring (20 GP)

x2 Non-combat running

+2 Perception while running at non-combat speed


Displacement – Potion, 3 charges (9 GP)


charges last 1 minute


Azmod’s Globe – 1†crystal globe, 12 charges (26 GP)

Puts random affect on user, each charge lasts 2 turns

1. 10 points Mental Defense

2. 10 points Power Defense

3. 5 points Flash Defense and IR Vision

4. 25% DR resistant, physical

5. 25% DR resistant, Energy

6. 4 DEF FF, cumulative

Can be used multiple times in a row, but not cumulative effects. If you roll the same thing the next phase, you get an extra turn of duration.


Stinger – Dart (35 GP)

1/2D6 HKA, +3 OCV, 8 STR min +2 StunX

+ 2D6 NND continuous if HKA rolls 3 or more body

Can be pulled out in a half phase, roll location


Blade of Mastery – Broad Sword (70 GP)

+3 OCV, 1D6+1 HKA, 13 STR min (2-1/2D6 max)

Skill: Swordplay, 13- (gives +5 pre when successful, that phase only)

Skill: Fast Draw and Fast Put Up

Counter Style: Gives +1 DCV vs. sword wielding opponents. Must use 3 half phase actions to study opponent before gaining the bonus. Bonus counts toward similar opponents with the same type weapon.


Potion of True Sight – Potion, 2 charges last 1 minute (10 GP)

IR Vision, +2 Perception, UV Vision, 5 Points Flash Defense,

Spacial awareness only to defeat magical darkness and blinding spells (including actual blindness)


Dragon Scale Potion – Potion, 2 charges (12 GP)

+2 DEF Armor, cumulative, lasts 3 turns


Pollit’s Fighting Wonder – Ring (12 GP)

Roll every day to see what power it has, determined by the color of the gem.

1. +1†running (11†max)

2. +1 Vs. all range

3. +1 Perception

4. +2 Con

5. 1†stretching

6. +3 Strength


Potion of the Bear – Potion, 2 charges, lasts 3 turns (18 GP)

+10 STR, +10 CON, +10 STUN, +20 END, +2 PD, +2 ED


Faerie Wings – Amulet, 4 charges (8 GP)

15†flight, zero endurance, lasts 1 minute each


Eater – Long Sword (60 GP)

+2 OCV, 1-1/2D6 HKA 15 STR min (4d6 max)

+1 OCV only vs. Humans

+1 DC on 8- only Vs. Humans

Common tongue, 2 pts


Murder of Crows – Wand, 3 charges (9 GP)

2D6 Penetrating, AE any 5 hexes, no range


Subdue – Ring, 3 charges (18 GP)

9D6 Drain (2 Str, 3 Con, 2 End, 2 Stun), no range, full phase


Jade Vengence – Long Sword (60 GP)

+2 OCV, 1-1/2D6 HKA 15 STR min (4d6 max)

3D6 Entangle, blocks all sight, any 3“, sticky, 1/day, no range

Desolid to pass through woods undetected

+1 tracking or 11- in wooded areas


Spinner – Francisca (70 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +1 OCV, 13 STR min, can be thrown up to 12â€

+1 OCV when thrown

AP on an 8- when thrown

Continues to consecutive target if misses (at –2 OCV per target)

It cannot make more than a 60 degree turn between targets per 4†traveled. It will not turn more than 90 degrees from original course.


Sword of Peace

This ordinary-appearing sword is used to attack not enemies, but their weapons. When the user targets his opponent's weapon, it gains the following power:

5d6 Drain vs. HKA, OAF - sword, Not vs. natural weapons (claws, teeth, etc.) (-0.5), Not vs. magical weapons (-0.5) 50 active, 17 real.

It's just an ordinary sword when used to strike an opponent.


Mizram’s Delight – Rust colored full-length cloak (35 GP)

10†flight 3/day

Cloak can block Hand to Hand attacks at +3 OCV, 2/day

Gliding 2†always on


Mirrored Gauntlets – 6 Def on hand (max 8 Def) (35 GP)

Must wear both gauntlets

Missile Deflection/Reflection +2 OCV to deflect, 2/day

Adjacent Hex back at any target

Only Vs. Lightning and light based spells (Magic Missile, etc.)

Must have at least one empty hand

Glare – 2D6 Flash Vs. all sight, 2/day

Must have light source, dim lights are only 1D6, full sun is +2 OCV


Fortress – Medium Shield (25 GP)

10 Def, 10 Body, +2 DCV

+1 DCV Vs. Arrows and thrown weapons

Turtle – 9 Def FW, globe, no range, hardened, 2/day


Ring of Constriction – Gold band (35 GP)

25 STR TK Grab squeeze only, 2 end/phs, 2 charges/day

Linked to a 2D6 Recovery Suppress (hard to breath)


Wraith Rod – Ice cold 18†metal rod (35 GP)

2D6+1 RKA Penetrating, AE 4†radius, selective, no range, 1/day

12- activation or you are also attacked

on a 16+, everyone in radius is attacked


Protector – Long Sword (60 GP)

+2 OCV, 1-1/2D6 HKA 15 STR min (4D6 max)

Additional +1 OCV to block

0 End, only to keep you from burning end, can’t push

Protect – will block at a 8 OCV even if you are unconscious, speed 4, 17 DEX

The sword levitates above it’s owner’s body and protects him until he regains consciousness


Angelic Blade – Long Sword (100 GP, including 30 GP is precious metals and gems)

+2 OCV, 1-1/2D6 HKA 13 STR min (4-1/2D6 max)

5 points mental defense

3 points power defense

4D6 Heal, ranged, 1/day


Folton’s Truth – Long Sword (75 GP)

+2 OCV, 1-1/2D6 HKA 15 STR min

9†golden light, can turn off

+1 StunX on an 6-

Fast Put Away

Telepathy, surface thoughts, only with willing subjects


Crusader – Very Heavy Bow (55 GP)

2D6 RKA, +1 OCV, +1 Vs. Range, 15 STR min (1/2 DCV)

Fast draw, fast put away

Normal Arrows fired from it are Holy

+2 OCV Vs. Undead


Shocking Delanos – Heavy Bow Crossbow (60 GP)

2D6 RKA, +1 OCV, +2 Vs. Range, 10 STR min

Full phase to reload bolts

½ phase to prep Lightning bolts – 1-1/2D6, +1 StunX


Golden Bracers – 2 Bracers (25 GP)

2 Def FF not cumulative

12†Radius soft torch light, can turn off/on zero phase

+5 STR to break out of grabs or entangles


Excelsior – Mythic Chain mail (70 GP)

7 DEF all over but face, -1 DCV/DEX checks (not against stealth)

very quite, rustles like a soft breeze through a curtain when moving

Turn Aside – 50% chance of negating the effects of a critical hit (not damage)

Immune to Disease/Poison


Jade Aegis – Soft Leather Armor (65 GP)

6 DEF all over but head, -1 DCV/DEX checks

+1 Stealth or 11-

+1 Concealment or 11- in wooded area

UV Vision

Bump of Direction in Wooded areas


Bracers of Jarhim– Sea Green Gelatinous Bracers (65 GP)

5 DEF all over FF

25% DR Resist, damage reduction from lightning attacks, not cumulative

Breath Under Water

+1 HA


Gauntlets of Mastery – Soft Leather Gauntlets (55 GP)

5 DEF on 6 and 7 locations, not cumulative above a 7

Familiarity w/ all personal weapons (not siege)


Defense Manuever

Combat Sense 11-


Cloak of the Hawk – Dark Brown Feathered Cloak (40 GP)

12†flight, 4X noncom, must have room to extend wings and flap them,

can carry one person and their gear

+2 OCV vs. Grab by, don’t get half strength on attack

+1 Perception

+2 Telescopic sight


Boots of the Athlete – Soft Leather Boots (35 GP)

5 DEF on 17 and 18 locations

+4†running, maximum 10â€, 2X noncom, ½ end on running

+1 Breakfall or 11-


Sensing Stone – Amulet (35 GP)

UV Vision

+1 Perception, not cumulative

Can’t be surprised, always get abortive action


Magic Leech – Charm (25 GP)

Missile Deflect Vs. Magical attacks +2 OCV, 1/day

Sucks the magical energy into itself


Belt of Fortitude – Studded Leather Belt (25 GP)

+1 CON, figured into stats


Lancer – Diamond Ring (30 GP)

2D6 RKA, no range mods, 3/day

1-1/2D6 RKA, AP, +1 OCV, 3†line, no range, continue only if does body, 1/day

must roll to hit on each person in area

Creates diamond Heavy Lance, 1/day, lasts 1 hour


FlameLore – Ruby Ring (55 GP)

Fireball - 1-1/2D6, +1 StunX, AE 3†radius, personal immunity, 1/day

Fiery Death – 1-1/2D6 RKA, +1 StunX, lasts Xtra phase, 1/day

25% DR Resist, Fire only


Swift – Boots Transportation (45 GP)

13†teleport, 3/day

10†flight, 2/day

+2†Running, max 10â€

Clinging at strength, always on

3†swimming, always on


Bleeder – Dagger (35 GP)

1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 8 STR min (Maximum 2D6)

Does 1D2 NNDK on next phase from bleeding (to location hit)

NND not Vs. targets that don’t bleed


Spitter – Arrow (20 GP)

2D6+1 RKA Penetrating, 1 recoverable charge

Acid splatter, same damage

2†radius selective (must attack all targets in area), 12- act on each target


Contention – Buckler (35 GP)

+2 DCV, 8 DEF, 7 Body, Hardened

Fast Draw, Fast Put Away

+2 on DEX roll offs for initiative when wearing


Helm of Archon – Plate Helm (40 GP)

7 DEF on 3-5 locations, not cumulative

no perception penalty for wearing face plate down

UV Vision

+2 Perception Vs. Ghosts and non-corporeal beings

Self Contained Breathing

1 Point Flash Defense


Shirt of Ether – Purple Silk Shirt (30 GP)

Desolid, full phase to activate, lasts one turn, 2/day

Can see invisible objects while desolid


Nimble –Silver Thumb Ring (30 GP)

+1 to All DEX skills involving the fingers

Perform manual DEX skills in ¾ time (lock picking, trap setting, etc.)


Relic of Elzonn –Amulet (45 GP)

2D6 End Aid, ranged, 2/day

Cure Critical 1/month

4D6 Heal, 1/week

Cure Poison 1/week


The Rock and Roll Rebel Ring. 12d6 Mind Control, 1 command (Do the opposite of whatever you're told to do), 0 End, Persistant, Uncontrolled, Always On, OIF.


Rampage – Long Sword (55 GP)

+2 OCV, 1-1/2D6 HKA 15 STR min (4D6 max)

Must make EGO roll or must push 5 STR

If already pushing and fail EGO roll, then must make an EGO push of 5 End more

Rush – 2D6 Heal to Stun and End, up to normal maximum, trigger when kill foe that you knocked out using this weapon

Ice Aegis Blade – Long Sword (80 GP)

+2 OCV, 1-1/2D6 HKA 15 STR min (4D6 max)

+1 DC on an 8- attack roll

Ice Wall – 9 Def FW, 10†long, no range, 2/day

Ice Shield – create in zero phase a medium shield on your arm, 9 Def, 5 Body, 2/day

Ice shield gives 10% DR resistant physical and energy Vs. Fire attacks, cumulative only w/armor

Ice Armor – Create a magical suite of plate mail in half phase, 7 Def, -2 DCV/DEX, 2/day

Ice Armor gives 15% DR resistant physical and energy Vs. Fire attacks, cumulative only w/shield


Fight or Flight – Wind Ring (50 GP)

50 STR TK, grab throw, directly away from attack, no range, +2 OCV, 2/day

7D6 EB, wind blast, +2 OCV, 3/day

13†flight, 1/day

35†teleport, 1/day

+5†running, maximum 15â€, lasts 6 phases, 1/day


Crimson Disk – Glowing Red Metal 12†Diameter Disk (30 GP)

2D6 RKA, Fire damage, AP, 1 recoverable charge, +2 OCV, Seeking (Uncontrolled)

requires weapon familiarity or –3 OCV, range of 15â€


Vibro – Wand (30 GP)

5 Shot Autofire, +2 OCV, each shot does more damage, 1/day

1) 1D6 RKA, 2) 1-1/2D6 RKA, 3) 2D6 RKA, 4) 2-1/2D6 RKA, 5) 3D6 RKA


Lightning Crystal

Toss crystal into a hex. 1D6 segments later lightning will strike that hex. Outdoors only.

2D6+1 RKA, AE 1", +1 StunX

1 non-recoverable charge


The Vile Blade (Dagger)

- 1d6 HKA (STR min 7)

- 2d6 Drain vs PD


Powder of Madness

This magical substance is often used for nefarious political purposes. When sprinkled into food, the victim will slowly start to exhibit a marked change in beliefs or behavior, according to the specific preparation of the powder.

12d6 Mental Illusion (60), Victim must consume powder (-1), One fixed illusion (-0.5), Gradual Effect - one week (-4), OAF - powder. 60 Active, 9 Real

Some known applications:

Standard Madness: Victim suffers illusion that everyone around him is a demon or other monster. His reaction is usually seen as madness. This version is useful for discrediting a political enemy.

Intimidator: illusion causes the victim to see the user as being much more powerful and influencial than they really are. The victim will gradually develop an intense fear of the user.

Assassin's version: the mental illusion makes the assassin invisible to the victim. The illusion is that there isn't a person there to kill him.


Cleaver – Great Axe (60 GP)

+1 OCV, 2D6+1 HKA 18 STR min, 2 Handed (5D6 max)

AP Vs. Rigid Surfaces, Shields, Plate Armor, Walls, etc. on a 10-

Maximum damage on a 3-


Grinder – Great Mace (50 GP)

+1 OCV, 2D6 HKA 15 STR min, 2 Handed (4D6+1 max)

Penetrating on a 8-


Falling Star – Wand, 1 charge per day (30 GP)

3D6 RKA, Explosion, Outdoors only

Linked to a 2D6 Flash Vs. All sight and all sound, Explosion


Elixir of Might – Potion, 2 charges last 3 turns (20 GP)

+10 STR, +10 CON, +5 PD, +5 ED, +10 STUN


Phase Lance – Wand, 1 charge per day (20 GP)

1D6 NND Killing, 6†line, Selective, +4 OCV, don’t roll location, no range


Mole Bracers – Furry Bracers, 2 charges per day (20 GP)

7 DEF, 3†tunneling, bump of direction only underground


Time Bandit – Amulet (40 GP)

+2 OCV, 1/day

Evade, desolid, affected by light and equally fast attacks, 1/day

+4 Perception, 2 phase duration, 2/day

Martial Takeaway, net of +2 OCV and +5 Strength, 1/day


Phantasm – Long Sword (105 GP)

+2 OCV, 1-1/2D6 HKA 15 STR min, (4D6 max)

All powers Affect Desolid (takes wielder partially into ghost realm)

+1 DCV when hand is on hilt

Self Contained Breathing when hand is on hilt

UV Vision when hand is on hilt

+3 Perception against non-corporeal beings when hand is on hilt

-1 to perception against character when hand is on the hilt

1D3 NND Killing to living creatures on a 7-


Onslaught, Wyrm Slayer – Long Sword (80 GP)

+2 OCV, 1-1/2D6 HKA 15 STR min, (4D6 max, 5D6 Vs. Drakes)

+1 OCV and +1DC Vs. Drakes

2 DEF Armor, not cumulative above 7 DEF

10†flight, 4X non-com, 6/day, when hand is on hilt

Immunity to Poison

5 Points Mental Defense (not cumulative), when hand is on hilt

+10 Presence, defensive only, when hand is on hilt

12†light, dimmer switch


Fire Ward– Medium Shield of Flame (75 GP)

+2 DCV when wearing

Fast draw and fast put away

25% DR Physical and Energy Killing Vs. Cold attacks, when wearing

1-1/2D6 damage shield of fire, lasts 1 turn, 1/day

Flame Bash – 2-1/2D6 RKA, no range, use shield to attack, +2 OCV, 2/day

4D6 Maximum of 24 AP Absorption Vs. fire attacks to Flame Bash, fade 5 per minute


Shredder – Barbed Ring (40 GP)

1-1/2D6 RKA, AP, no range, +2 OCV, 6/day

1-1/2D6 RKA, AP, no range, 3 shot autofire, +2 OCV, 1/day


Fleet of Foot – Silk Stockings (40 GP)

+4†Running, Maximum 10â€

Acrobatics +2 or at a 12-

Breakfall +1 or at an 11-

+2 on Dive for Cover rolls

Flight, up to 10â€, equal to running, on water only


White Ethos– Blue Tinted Plate Male (60 GP)

8 DEF real armor, 23 KG

Instant Change into and out of armor, becomes an amulet

5 Points Power Defense

25% DR from Destruction/Darkness Spells on an 10- activation

15†Teleport, 2/day


Elzonn’s Wrath– Holy Amulet of Elzonn (30 GP)

4D6 NND, not vs. good, 2/day

1D6+1 NND Killing, only vs. undead, 2/day


Bright Star– Very Heavy Bow (60 GP)

2D6 RKA, +1 OCV, 10 STR Min, +2 Vs. Range

Quick Put Away

2D6 Flash Vs. all sight and sense life, Explosion, 1/day

20D6 Suppress Vs. Darkness spells, no range, 12†Radius, always on

IR Vision, only after 1 full phase of aiming and for as long as continue firing


Traveler’s Belt– Soft Leather Belt (50 GP)

Equal to 2 bags of Holding

Stores 3 potions, 0 phase call potion to top.


Zot – Scabbard (45 GP)

Teleports weapon to scabbard if dropped

+5†Reach on 1st attack after being drawn, 3/day

Adds Lightning SFX to attacks for 1 minute after drawn

Adds +1 StunX for 1 minute after drawn, on a 5- attack roll


Adamant – Great Sword (100 GP)

+2 OCV, 2D6 HKA 20 STR min, (4-1/2D6 max)

20D6 Dispel Vs. normal weapons only, full phase or abort, must attack focus unless aborting, 2/day

Makes normal armor Hardened, when hand is on hilt

Does not bleed (won’t lose body when below 0)

25% DR physical killing Vs. normal swords only, when hand is on hilt

+2 CON for figuring if stunned, when hand is on hilt


Thorn of Withering - Wand (25 GP)

2D6 RKA, NND Killing AE 2" radius, plants only, 3 charges

1D6 RKA, AE 2" radius, plants only, 24 charges

2D6 Con & 2D6 Body Drain, return rate of 5 per hour, Ranged, 2 charges

Witches of Elmarr – 3 Long Swords (60 GP each)

1-1/2D6 HKA, 15 STR min, +2 OCV, (4D6 Max)

Telepathy between those holding the swords

+1 to coordinate per additional sword attacking

Wielders get to go at highest initiative roll among them

Wielders can use END (willing person only) from other wielders

Maximum of 5 end at a time, 1/day per sword, must be within 24â€

+1 to overall perception per additional sword within 24â€


Cold Blooded – 2 Rings, 2 charges (15 GP)

Must use both rings, one on each hand

Roll to hit separately for each ring, no range

If one hits, then it does 1D6 NND Killing

If both hit, then it does 3D6 NND Killing


Black Heart – Rapier (50 GP)

1D6+1, 13 STR min, +2 OCV (Max 5D6)

Hits heart (vitals) on a to hit roll of 6-

Does +2 DC if hits heart (vitals) naturally

Doesn’t work on undead or similar creatures

Heart Stopper – 1-1/2D6 RKA, +2 StunX, no range, 2/day


Candied Apple – Potion (8 GP)

+10 to Comeliness

+10 to Presence

Affects skill rolls etc., 2 charges last 5 days


AnyWho – Potion (15 GP)

Shape Shift into any humanoid, not individual

Costs 50 End when consume, 2 Charges last 5 days


Wind and Rain – 2 Throwing Daggers (35 GP each)


+3 OCV, +1 vs. range, 1D6 HKA, 5 STR min, can be thrown (2-1/2D6 max)

can re-roll location one time each hit, 2nd roll is 3D6 random always, must take 2nd roll

can be indirect, only outdoors, delayed 1D3 segments. If target is not in target hex at that time, it misses.


+2 OCV, +1 vs. range, 1D6 HKA, 5 STR min, can be thrown (2-1/2D6 max)

Not affected by water, +1 DC if in water (increases maximum to 3D6)

Can be indirect, only in rain or water, delayed 1D3 segments. If target is not in target hex at that time, it misses.


Blade of Ages – Long Sword (100 GP)

+1 OCV, 1-1/2D6 HKA, 15 STR min, (4D6 max)

ages victim on an 8-, roll 1D8

1 = 1 Hour, 1D6 EB NND

2-3 = 1 Day, 1D6 EB NND and 1D3 End Drain

4-6 = 1 Week, 2D6 EB NND and 1D6 End Drain

7 = 1 Month, +20 Stun only to figure if Stunned, and 1D3 NND Killing

8 = 1 Year, +20 Stun only to figure if Stunned, and 1D6 NND Killing

Gives the wielder the time stolen (can become immortal). On a 7 or 8, the wielder gets 1D6 Stun and End Aid


Peril – Long Sword (50 GP)

+2 OCV, 1-1/2D6 HKA, 15 STR min, (4D6 max)

Proof against magical detection when holding (including danger sense, etc.)

+1 Perception when holding


Quicken– Heavy Crossbow (50 GP)

+1 OCV, +1 vs. range, 2D6 HKA, 18 STR min

Auto loads, Fire 1 shot in half phase, 2 shots in full phase.

2 shot autofire, make attack roll for each shot

can hit different targets if not more than 30 degrees apart.


Purple Haze– Wand, +1 OCV, 2 charges non-recoverable (8 GP)

-2 DCV/DEX checks and –2 Perception rolls for 1 turn

counts as 4D6 of flash for defensive purposes.


Ring of the Raven– Ring (15 GP)

+2 to concealment in shadows, 1 charge per day lasts 1 hour

+2 Perception, 1 charge per day lasts 1 hour


Azure – Talisman (15 GP)

Life Support: Breath Underwater, High Water Pressure, Intense Water Cold

Bump of Direction under water

Free Movement under water


Inferno – Ruby, 3 charges non-recoverable (15 GP)

1-1/2D6 RKA, +1 StunX, lasts extra phase, 3†any area effect




A long, thin-bladed jien, Green Destiny is a sword forged of an unknown and unearthly metal. It has a blade two feet, nine inches long, and an inch wide. The blade itself is marked with a pattern of strange characters (or runes) in green, and gives off a faint greenish glow in dim conditions. The weapon is virtually unbreakable, but still flexible enough that it can be bent almost double and still return to its original form. The sword will also ring faintly if struck with a fingernail. Incredibly sharp, Green Destiny can lop though most anything with ease, and can be used to chop an opponent's weapon to bits.


Currently, the sword has no owner, and is known to be held in a secure location somewhere in northern China.


20 Green Destiny: HKA: 1d6+1, Penetrating (+1/2), 0 END (+1/2), OAF (-1)

42 Green Destiny: Dispel: 12d6 vs All Melee Weapons (+1/4), 0 END (+1/2),

No Range (-1/2), OAF (-1)

62 Total


Game Use Notes:

Using Green Destiny in a fight can be a little tricky. When attacking, one uses the HKA and Dispel together, thus destroying (hopefully) any blocking weapon. If attacked, one aborts to the Dispel, instead of the normal Block, and directs the Dispel against the incoming attack (Dispel can be used defensively if you have a saved action).


Ring of the Serpent – Double Finger Ring (55 GP)

This ring summons forth a 12’ long serpent that rows strait from the ring and remains attached to the end of the ring by its tail. 1 charge per day, costs 2 end per phase. It requires an Ego roll every phase to control the serpent. See below for Ego roll effects. While the serpent is out, it can:

2-1/2D6 RKA +2†Reach, +2D6 NNK poison if RKA does body, +1 OCV

30 STR Grab, attacker is –1 DCV, not ½., Net +1 OCV (including –1 for grabs), +2†Reach

Ego roll: Make it, command serpent, Miss it by 1 spend phase controlling it (can opt not to, but then it will do attack the user), Miss by 2-3 attacks random target in range, Miss by 4+ it attacks the user with an 10 OCV.

Black Gate– Great Sword (75 GP)

2D6 HKA, 20 STR min, +2 OCV, +1 DCV

60†Teleport, 2/day, 10 END, not through barriers

20†Teleport, 3†r, selective, 20 END, not through barriers, 1/day


Frore – Long Sword (60 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, 15 STR min, +2 OCV, SFX Cold

Immunity to intense cold, puts off an aura of cold 1â€

25% DR resistant from Cold Energy attacks


Provocation – Long Sword (40 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, 15 STR min, +2 OCV

+2 DC if it is the first successful hit of a fight

+10 Presence to be aggressive

Makes player more aggressive/overconfident over time


Lumini – Long Sword (55 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, 15 STR min, +2 OCV

2D6 Flash, +2 OCV, vs. all sight, 1/day

1 point flash defense when wielding

Create light on an inanimate object

15†radius, lasts 8 hours, 6/day


Compulsion – Dagger (100 GP)

1D6 HKA, 8 STR min, +2 OCV

Power Word Death: 8D6 Transform to Dead, only vs. Orcs, 2/day,full phase, 12 END

Power Word Inanimate: destroy regular skeleton, zombie or similar animated dead, 2/day, 12 END


Dysfunction – Wand, 1/day (50 GP)

This wand has three portions over 3 phases. The next effect only works if you are still in the entangle. First, your legs stop working and you feel glued to the ground, and then an intense pain shoots up your legs and through your spine, and finally hits the base of your neck with excruciating pain.

Phs 1 – 2D6 Ego Entangle (doesn’t take damage), AE 1â€

Phs 2 – 2D6 Penetrating

Phs 3 – 1D6+1 NNDK, +1 StunX, entangle is dispelled


Augmentra – Rod, 1/day (20 GP)

Cast a spell through this focus and it will become Autofire and +2 OCV, Maximum of 30 active point spell.


Chill Blood Wand (35 active, 7 real)

Drain 2d6 character points of SPD

Ranged, Return 5 points / minute

OAF, Gestures, Incantations, (Magic) Skill Roll, Independent

In Heroic games I use the apportionment rules on p. 54 of the HSR - so Return is 1 point / Turn.



These spectacles give you the appearance of having +5 Intelligence. Due to this mystical ability, people will treat you as if you know more things than you actually do, talk down to you less, and trust you with greater responsibilities. The net result is that you gain +1 to persuasion, conversation and leadership skills. Oddly enough, these do not detect as magical. These affects do not work on people that know you intimately. You can buy this at DagMire's Magical Inventions, down on 33rd, between the Apothecary and Antique Books store.



This crystal vial slowly fills up over a 24 hour period. Drinking the concoction of deep blue liquid will give you special abilities for roughly 36 hours. Different versions of this give the imbiber different powers. Here is an example:



Speed Reading

+1 INT

Cramming (remember that you must have access to training)

Absolute Time Sense

1D6 of luck (you are smart enough to make your own luck, subconsciously.)

True Sight (+3 PER vs. Images, see invisible fringe at 6" instead of 1")

+2 Mental Defense



This charm is created from remnants of a Fire Dragon. Teeth, scales and the like.



25% DR Resistant Physical and Energy vs. Fire only

5D6 Suppress on self only vs. magic spells cast on you by a Fire Dragon. Suppress not vs. breath weapons.

1 pt. Language: Dragon

+10 PRE vs. Fire Dragons

Fire Breath: 3D6 RKA 1" area, 6" range, 1/day


Sharpening stone

+1 DC only on bladed weapons

3 nonrecoverable charges last 1 minute

Takes full phase to apply.


Acid Arrow +2 OCV

2D6 RKA Penetrating

1 nonrecoverable charge

*1/2 DCV for firing a bow


Napalm Arrow +2 OCV

1-1/2D6 RKA +1 StunX

1 nonrecoverable continuous charge lasts 1 turn

*1/2 DCV for firing a bow


Phantom Tentacle Ring (12 GP)


no range

AE 3" cone - selective

Only to Grab

2 charges

Costs 3 end per phase


This ring looks like a bunch of green tentacles wrapped around the length of the wearer's finger. Upon command, they spring forth (picture the tentacles in Final Fantasy, the movie), and grab your opponents.


Härte - Amulet (30 GP)

+10 REC, Only to recover BODY

+10 Power Defense, only versus disease, venom and sickness

+1 Constitution

Blitz - Helm (55 GP)

5 DEF FF, cumulative to 8 DEF on locations 3-5

1 Point Flash Defense when faceplate is lowered.

3 Points mental defense

15†Teleport 2/day

Lightning Gaze: 1D6 NND (grounded), continuous, 2 end per phase, 1/day

25% DR Energy Killing from Lightning Attacks


Description: This obsidian black helm is made of polished metal with a natural black hue. It is trimmed in white gold runes around the edges. When its powers are used, the runes spark and crackle to life. It has a full faceplate with a wide slot for the eyes that is protected by a golden force field when lowered.


Sunrise – Long Sword (78 GP)

1-1/2D6 RKA, 15 STR min, +2 OCV

Wall of Fire: 8DEF FW, 8†area, with 1-1/2D6 RKA damage shield, 2/day lasts 1 turn

Change environment to toasty warm and in dawn light, 24†radius, at will

Start normal fires by touch of blade, at will

Immune to intense heat, always on when in possession of weapon

6D6 Heal, 1/day, only in the light of dawn


Raven Ward – Medium Shield (65 GP)

+2 DCV, 20 DEF, 10 BODY, Hardened x2

Deflect normal missiles, +2 OCV to deflect, deflect adjacent hex, 2/day

Deflect (eats) light based spells, +2 OCV, deflect adjacent hex, 1/day

10% rDR Phys and Energy from Necromantic/Destruction Magic


Description: This shield is made of an unblemished solid smooth piece of ebony. It has no marks or imperfections of any kind. It is unclear how the arm straps are held in place. It is believed to be indestructible.


Jolt – Bastard Sword (120 GP)

1-1/2D6 RKA, 12 STR min, +1 OCV

+2D6 NND Electrical (not vs. flying), 8- activation on attack roll

+2D6 additional NND Electrical (not vs. flying), 4- activation on attack roll

Lightning Strike: +2 OCV to offset called shot penalties, 2/day

Chain Lightning: 1-1/2D6 RKA, +1 Stun, any 5â€, no range, selective, +2 OCV, 2/day

Positive Jolt: 3D6 End Aid, reduced by range, 2/day

Negative Jolt: 4D6 NND Electrical (not vs. flying), 1/day


Weapon Master – Deep bronze colored metal gauntlet, right hand (50 GP)

8 DEF Armor, location 6-7 on right hand

+1 HA for punching

Weapon familiarity with Common Melee, Flails, lances, quarterstaff, and whip

Summon any normal hand weapon, maximum of 45 active points, 1 at a time

Weapon Cache: store up to 3 hand weapons in gauntlet, 0 phase put in or take out

Can block HKAs with gauntlet at +1 OCV


Wrathguard – Studded Leather Armor (65 GP)

4 DEF armor on locations 7-15, lightened to 10 KG: –1 DCV/DEX checks

25% DR Energy Killing from Lightning Attacks

1-1/2D6 RKA, +1 StunX, no range, 2†radius, personal immunity, 6end, 1/day


Description: This armor is a deep midnight blue color with knobs of dull bronze. Whenever it is struck by an attack, little bolts of electricity jump from the point of impact out to the adjacent knobs and continue is lessening intensity around the suit.


Reaper’s Shadow – Black Leather Cloak (35 GP)

+1 Stealth, Acrobatics and Concealment Skills, or 11-

Clinging at strength and Flight (up to 15â€) only at running speed. Must touch solid surface at least once every phase. The effect is the ability to run and jump great distances effortlessly.

Mask Life: Invisibility to IR vision and sense life, always on


Black Boots of Aragorn –Leather Boots (25 GP)

3 DEF on 16-18, Armor


Double Move: Can do a full move as a zero phase action, 4 End, 2/day

Walk on Water: Flight (up to 15â€) only on water, at running speed. Must touch solid ground at the end of third phase, must move every phase. No charges


Arachnid Girdle – Steel blue metal belt, 2†wide (55 GP)

+2D6 STR to break out of web based entangles

3D6 Entangle, AE 1†Sticky, entangle and defender take damage, 1/day

5†Gliding, only strait down, only to repel from object.

Telepathy with intelligent spiders, 1 at a time


Troglodyte’s Revenge – Obsidian Ring (55 GP)

6 DEF 4†Tunneling, 3/day, 2 End per phase

Crumble: 4D6 RKA, AP, AE 1†only vs. natural earth and stone, 3/day

Bump of Direction, only underground

Detect underground open space, 20†range, 1 End per phase, at will

Self Contained Breathing, only underground

Tunnel Engineering skill 11- or +1


Eagle’s Flight– Very Heavy Bow (80 GP)

2D6 RKA, 15 STR min, +2 Vs. Range penalties

Only -2 DCV when firing, instead of half (but normal penalties apply for bracing)

+1 Perception when carrying in hand

5†Gliding, always on, when in possession

True Path: Can add No Range Penalties to any arrow, 2/day

Willing Bow Enchantment: Fast Draw


Viper – Dark Green Javelin (45 GP)

1D6+1 HKA, can be thrown, 10 STR Min., +2 OCV

Does an additional 1D6 NND Killing if does body, 2/day


Heartbreaker – Dagger (40 GP)

1D6 HKA, 8 STR min., +1 OCV, can be thrown

+8 OCV, only to offset penalties for aiming at the Heart. Must aim at heart. A heart hit counts as a vitals shot. 2/day


Tinker – Crystal Ring (30 GP)

8 STR TK, Fine Manipulation, 1 End per phase, 3/day

Invisible Power effects


Lancer – Arrow (25 GP)

2D6+1 RKA, +2 OCV

AE 24†line, no range, Selective. Only continues to next target if does body


And here is one that is sort of off the wall. It is extremely rare in my campaign, as in only one ever seen, and extremely powerful:


Hyperion Pill

+32 Speed, 1 charge lasts 4 segments.


This is as close as any mage has ever come to completely stopping time in any realistic sense. The person who takes the pill is sped up so much that they will move appoximately 3 times every segment for 4 segments. Each action is treated as a complete and seperate phase for the character, even though three phases may take place within one segment.


The Bone Wand:

This item is generally made from a human ulna, though sometimes the three forefinger bones may be strung together. It fires a black beam of energy which will numb and temporarily render useless one limb of a victim.

NOTE: This item only works properly if the campaign is using Hit Locations and Imparing/Disabling Hit rules.

2d6 RKA, Energy (30), OAF (Wand) (-1), Only to impair a hit location, no effect if Body rolled is too low (-1)

+4 OCV for above attack (20), OAF (Wand) (-1), Only to counter penalties for targeting a hit location (-1)

Total: 17

Total cost if Independent: 10


Everfull Purses:

Perk: Filthy Rich, OAF, Independent

Total Cost: 4

"Some things cost nothing. For everything else, there's the Everfull Purse."


Invincible – Long Sword (75 GP)

+2 OCV, 1-1/2D6 HKA 15 STR min, (4D6 max)

6†silvery light source (dimmer switch)

It is Indestructible by any known means

Gives wielder ½ Hardened defenses (3/4 damage from AP attacks)

50% chance of a critical hit not causing a critical wound


Erin’s Gate – Medium Shield (30 GP)

+2 DCV medium shield, 10 Def, 10 Body

Create Gate – 40†teleport, AE 1â€, usable by others, lasts full phase, 2 charges per day

Private Gate – 15†teleport, 3 charges per day


Verve – Long Sword (55 GP)

+2 OCV, 1-1/2D6, 13 STR. Min, Max (3-1/2D6)

Fast Put Away and Fast Draw

2D6 NND electrical on an 8- attack roll


Kindler – Wand (45 GP)

Start normal fires, AE 1â€, 3/day

Charge – 2D6 RKA, +1 StunX, 2/day

Fireball - 2-1/2D6 Explosion, +1 StunX, 8†range, 1/day

10% DR vs. all Cold attacks

Safe environment: Intense Cold


Sangward – Ring of Ruby, raw looking (23 GP)

+1 DCV in Hand to Hand Combat

Can block bare handed, +2 OCV to block

Defense Maneuver


Boots of the Acrobat – Soft Leather Boots (15 GP)

4 DEF (cumulative to 7 DEF) loc 16-18

+2†Running (max 10â€)

Acrobatics: +1 or 10- roll


Rod of the Tabernacle – Ivory 12†rod (40 GP)

Stores one Clerical spell per day, maximum of 40 active points

Smite – 2D6 RKA, no range, +2 OCV, 4 charges per day (+2 DC vs. undead)

12†golden light, off/on command word

Glorify – +2 to Piety Roll, 2/day


Schmiede - Dwarven Anvil (15 GP)

Repair armor and magical armor, shields and weapons, 4D6 heal/day, 1 hour. 14- activation with Weapon smith skill, 10- without

Barricade- Dwarven Kite Shield (15 GP)

+3 DCV, 10 DEF, 10 BODY

Stone barricade – 8 DEF Hardened, 8†Force Wall, must go through players hex, 2/day


Silver Tongue – Stiletto (20 GP)

1D6HKA, AP, +2 OCV, 10 STR min, silver weapon, can be thrown


Stout – Ring, (20 GP)

+3 CON to determine if stunned and for CON rolls


Moon Cloak – Cloak Clasp (10 GP)

Creates a dark gray cloak, +1 stealth and concealment, 1/day lasts 1 hour


Violence – Great Sword (55 GP)

2D6HKA, 18 STR min, 2H, +2 OCV, 1/2D6 NNDK on 8-


Crystal Cleaver – Dwarven Great Axe (40 GP) 2D6+1 HKA, 18 STR min, +0 OCV, 5D6 dispel vs. force fields 8-


Dwarven Shield Paint (5 GP)

Hardened shield and +1 DCV, 1 charge lasts 1 hour, full phase to apply


Dwarven Lung Amulet (10 GP)

Self contained breathing


Bloody Carnage – crude club with gnarly spike (55 GP)

2D6 HKA +1 OCV, 19 STR min, 1-1/2 Handed, Penetrating

(12.5 STR per DC over, maximum 3D6)

1D6 Body Drain on an 8-


Offender – Battle Flail (60 GP)

2D6 HKA, +1 OCV, 19 STR min, 2 Handed

flail maneuver

(12.5 STR per DC over, maximum 3-1/2D6)

AE any 3 hexes selective, 2/day


Crash – Medium Shield (35 GP)

+2 DCV, 8 DEF, 10 Body

+2 OCV (total 4) OCV for shield bash

+2 DCV to offset penalty of not getting shield bonus when doing a shield bash.

25% DR (normal physical) only when you move through


Sticky Fingers – Gold Bracelet (25 GP)

SFX, your hand stretches out

Your STR TK (max 20) fine manipulation, 20†range

1 end per phase to run, 0 phase activate, 3/day

+1 to sleight of hand and pick pockets with TK


Stoker – Small Dagger (45 GP)

1D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 5 STR min (max 3-1/2D6)

SFX fire damage, +1 StunX on 6-, can be thrown


Ring of Destruction – Large metal ring (40 GP)

2 handed weapon, +3 DCV while holding, +3 to block

Binding Rings - 3D6 Entangle, AE 1â€, 2/day

Bladed Rings – 2D6 AP, AE 1â€, lasts Xtra phase, 1/day


Elixir of Freedom – Potion, 2ch. (8 GP)

+20 STR vs. grabs and entangles, lasts 1 hour


Chill – Ice Ring (33 GP)

25% DR vs. cold attacks (normal and killing, energy only)

Immune to intense cold

15D6 Suppress vs. ice entangles, invisible power effects. It looks like you are still entangled. Dispells invisible effects if you do something.


Primer – Ornate Scabbard (25 GP)

2D6 End AID and +5 STR lasts 1 turn when weapon drawn from scabbard, 1/day


Gismo – Jumble of metal, wood, pulleys and wires (10 GP)

Can take on the form of any simple machine

Ex. Pulleys, crossbow, lock, jack, etc.

Takes 1 turn to transform


Fiend – Arrow (50 GP)

Summons a Hordling, 1/day

The Hordling will attack the closest person until killed.

On a 8- it summons two, on a 4- it summons three.

On a 17+, it attacks the user first.


Stone Golem Necklace - does not breath, immune to intense heat, cold and pressure, 1 pt flash def


Purse of Plenty – Small Gold Silk Purse (10 GP)

This purse was originally created for the wives of noblemen. It was a fad to make sure that their wives had plenty of money, but still not allow them access to all of the families wealth. The fad is centuries gone many of the purses have been separated from the original owners. They pull coins from a store hidden in another location, or possibly even dimension. There is no way of getting at the store, much less knowing when or if it will run out.

Generates 1 copper every three days


Bronze Ranger – 6†Solid Hammered Bronze Globe (25 GP)

Clairesentience normal sight, makes a low humming noise, the sight is with fish eye vision

100†range, 4†Flight, 6 DCV, 8 DEF, 10 Body, full phase activate, 2/day


Mystic Vial of Knowledge – Small glass vial of golden liquid, 1charge (30 GP)

Familiarity in any one skill, full phase to drink

Lasts 1 month, but is permanent if you put another point into it before the duration runs out.


Averick’s Delight – Small spray bottle, 12charges (2 GP)

Turns any organic matter into a four-course meal of your choice.


Deep Blue – Large blue pill, 6 pills (4 GP)

Breath under water, immune to intense cold and pressure,

Free movement under water, 10†of swimming, lasts 1 day


Angel Hair Whip – 5 Angel’s hairs with diamonds on each tip (80 GP)

1-1/2D6 RKA, Autofire, +2 OCV, +2†Reach, 15 STR min (3 end total)

1D6 Luck, Re-roll location once per day


A Stone’s Throw – Small Gray Stone (15 GP)

4†Radius selective teleport (willing subjects only), as far as you can throw the stone (-5 STR min), 2/day

It is balanced and aerodynamic


Tiger Claws – Tiger pelt gloves, must wear both (50 GP)

2 DEF on location 6, cumulative to 7 DEF

3D6+1 RKA, no range, reduced pen (2 x 1-1/2D6 RKA), half phase to activate claws


Tiger Paws – Tiger pelt boots, must wear both (35 GP)

2 DEF on locations 16-18, cumulative to 7 DEF

+4†Running, max 10â€, +1 Stealth or 11-

Pounce attack – Full move and attack, +) OCV, +0 DCV, + velocity/5 DC, 3/day


Featherweight – Slender, bejeweled and intricate rapier (70 GP)

1D6+1 HKA, +2 OCV, 10 STR min, Max 3D6

Fast draw and fast put away, Can go AP 2/day

5†Gliding, when wielding, 10†flight (must end phase on surface you can stand on) when wielding


Snap Crackle and Pop – Silver and gold glittery wand 12†(15 GP)

5 charges to use on various lightning powers

2D6 RKA, +2 StunX, 1 charge

4D6 EB, NND, 1 charge

2D6 RKA, AP AP, 1 charge


Grog’s Hammer – Murky brown potion, 2 charges last 1 minute (6 GP)

+5 STR, +5 CON, +5 STUN, +10 END, -5 INT, -2 PER

does not affect figured characteristics, does affect skill rolls etc.


Mighty Blow – Thick black iron ring (5 GP)

+3 HA for punching only, +2 OCV, full phase, cumulative to 10D6, 5 charges


Slither – Snake arrow (8 GP)

3D6 Entangle, +2 OCV, 2 recoverable charges

5D6 EB penetrating, continuous, until broken out or 2 turns


Stone of the smith:

This whetstone will turn any edged weapon into a weapon of immeasuable sharpness. However to maintain the blades edge the weapon must be sharpened every day. The magic in the stone is typically enough to sharpen two average weapons per day.


1d6 Cumulative Major T-Form(Edged Weapon to AP weapon for 24 hours)

16 Charges(recover after 24 hrs), OIF, Gestures, Extra Time-1 min, Ind



In order to turn a weapon into an AP one you must roll the Act Pts of the target weapon using one charge per roll. Example a Short Sword has 20 Act Pts(15 for HKA, 5 for +1 OCV) so you must roll 20 pts of body on T-form to turn it into a AP Shortsword.


Ring of Identification – Sparkly blue ring, 9 ch. (4.5 GP)

Detect magic, Discriminatory, +4 Perception, no range

Pitfall Ring – Black and Red Granite Ring (5 GP)

75% DR Physical normal and killing, falling damage only.

Calculate full damage to determine if you are stunned.


Blight – Withered black root wand, 3 charges (12 GP)

6D6 Body Drain, +2 COV, roll location, no range, 5 END


Bowless Arrows – 2 recoverable charges (16 GP)

2D6 RKA, +2 OCV. +2 vs. range, can prepare arrow fire


Earthen Defender – Med. Shield of Reddish clay (35 GP)

+2 DCV, 4 DEF, 20 BODY, 15 STR min, fast put away

The shield Regenerates 1 body per 5 minutes when in contact with earth.

25% DR physical normal and killing vs. Earth golems and elementals.


Scroll of Scrying – Scroll, 1 charge (4 GP)

See invisible, see life force, IR vision lasts 5 hours

Full phase, need light to read by, -2 DCV


Energy Vial – 3D6 END aid (15 GP)

3†radius, selective, only use by a Cleric, Ranger, or Druid.


Benpher’s Swapping Pouches – 2 8†silk pouches (20 GP)

Anything you put in either pouch can be removed from either pouch the following round. Range of 5 miles.


Gloves of Pilfering – Thin leather gloves (20 GP)

5 DEF Hardened, cumulative to 7 DEF on location 6

+1 to Lock Picking and Sleight of Hands, or 11-


Greensbarrow Playing Cards – Skillfully marked non-magical (1 GP)

-4 perception to see that they are marked

+1 to Gambling rolls with deck


Book of Sorrow – Leather bound Crimson book (30 GP)

3 pages empty. Each page can take on someone’s pain or sorrow, freeing them from pain (mental or physical). Major transform from hurt to well. There are 37 pages full of other peoples sorrows. The first page contains a warning not to read a sorrow once the book has taken it away. Can cure criticals, allow you to get over a lost love, etc. 5 minutes to write your sorrows down. Reading a sorrow will visit it upon the reader.


Tired of eating nothing but trail rations on your quests? Heading out into the barren wilderness with nary a tavern or pub around? Afraid your cooking fire will attract the attention of trolls? Are the only game animals around corrupted by some evil force making them unfit to eat?


Well worry no more! Try Quindard's Preserving Powder! Now you can have a hot home-cooked meal anywhere, anytime! Just sprinkle the powder on a heaping dish of your favorite meal, and presto! It assumes the composition of sturdy hardwood! Then just stick in in your packpack, and you're ready to go! When it's dinner time, just take it out and say your usual pre-meal prayer! It instantly changes back to the delicious state it was in before you used the powder!


Quindard's Preserving Powder

1d6 Minor Transform (10 active) plate of food into solid wooden sculpture of a plate of food, turns back when blessing is said over it.

OAF - powder (-1), N charges (-?), Gestures (sprinkling the powder, -1/4)

Real cost: 4 (or less, depending on how many charges you want)


Black Vial (Potion) resist poison for 5 hours, 4 charges

Wand of Frost: 2D6 RKA or 7D6 EB, 5" cone, 3" radius or 10" line - 5 charges


Scroll of Resurection: Creates a Zombie or Skeleton depending on how long the subject has been dead.


Amulet of Protection: Protection from detect lie


Ring of Freedom: +1D6 to break out of entangles and grabs


Cloak of the Raven: 8" flight all day long, half phase to activate, invisible power effects


Midnight: Stiletto +2 OCV 1/2D6 AP, 5 STR min, +1 Stealth and concealment at night


Striken (Black leather gloves): 4DEF cum to 7 loc 6, 2D6 EB NND Cont., 1H gestures throughout, 2e, 1/wk


Ancient Mana Cube – Gold and Platinum cube with strange runes (70 GP)

50 active point variable power pool. Zero phase to change power (-5 MR)

2 charges per day, using the power requires a MR at -1 per 10 active used.

It can only create powers that affect inanimate objects.

Shards of Apocalypse – Amulet (total 93 GP)

Originally, this was a complete and powerful artifact of great power. Legend has it that thousands of years ago, it was broken in battle. There are a total of 6 shards, and it is believed that if they are all combined, they will regain their true power. You have recovered 4 of the shards. You are missing the Crystal and the Clay Shard.


Ebon Shard (30 GP)

25% DR physical and normal, killing damage, from Necromantic Magic

+1 or 10- Concealment and Stealth


Gold Shard (25 GP)

+3 Presence and Comeliness,

+1 or 10- High Society and Persuasion

+1 Perception


Diamond Shard (18 GP)

+10 DEF Force Field, cumulative to 20 DEF, lasts 1 phase, can abort, 2/day

Cause up to 8 DEF of armor or FF hardened for 1 turn, 1/day


Aqua Shard (20 GP)

2†Stretching, 2 charges per day last 1 min each.

+3†Swimming, breath under water


Midnight – Dark Gray Cloak (53 GP)

Missile Deflection: Any normal missile or magical missile (not any spell)

+2 OCV, adjacent hex, 2/day

Martial Dodge (+5 DCV): 1/day

Defend: +2 DCV (acts like shield with fast draw and fast put away), 8 DEF 15 BODY

Barrier: 9 DEF Force Wall, 12†line, no range, 2/day


Bashers – Heavy Black Boots (# GP)

5 DEF, cumulative to 8 DEF on locations 16-18

+1 HA to Kicks, or +4 HA kick, only vs. rigid surfaces (walls, doors, etc.)


Lehdo’s Leggings – Black Leather Shin Guards (25 GP)

+4†Running, max 10â€

40†Superleap, 2/day

Water Walking, flight, only on water, up to 10â€, 2/day, 1end per phase

Clinging at strength, 2/day, 1end per phase


Damocles – Elegant Long Sword (48 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 15 STR min, 4D6 Max

2X non-com on running or flight

Images to record one audio and visual message at a time (5 min long)

25% DR while running non-com

In a Scabbard of Concealment (15 GP)


Fatal – Long Sword (75 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 15 STR min, 4D6 Max

Armor Piercing on an 8- attack roll

Automatic critical on a 4-

Can zero phase sense life (body) on individual within 6†range

Does very gory damage, +5 Presence after attack does body

In a Scabbard of Instant Concealment (fast put away) (25 GP)


Slither – Very Heavy Long Bow (60 GP)

2D6 RKA, +1 OCV, 18 STR min

Venom Arrows, 2D6 RKA, plus 1D6 NNDK if do body, 4/day

50% DR vs. poisons

Willing Bow; Fast put away


Mage Ward – Dart (35 GP)

1D6+1 HKA, +2 OCV, 10 STR min, AP vs. Force Fields

Returns to scabbard at the end of the next phase after being thrown.


Arctic – Ice Wand, 3 charges per day (# GP)

2D6 RKA, 12†Line, no range

7D6 EB, 6†cone, no range

3D6 Entangle, AE 1â€, 6†range


Fortitude – Black Leather Belt (20 GP)

+3 CON for determining if stunned or making CON checks


The Hand – Mummified Human Hand (40 GP)

35 STR TK, no fine manipulation, 2/day, 2e per phase

The hand appears next to the user and can move 10†per phase and still attack

Carnivore – Blood Red Dagger (40 GP)

1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 5 STR min, Max 2D6, can be thrown

2D6 Body and 2D6 Stun transfer, no range, 2/day


Hex – Wand, 3 charges (21 GP)

3D6 Unluck, ablative, +2 OCV, 6†range


Tumult – Spiked Black Ring, 3 charges (15 GP)

3’ long spikes shoot up from the ground

2D6 RKA, AP (must be touching the ground), AE any 3â€, no range


Black Tentacle – Whip that is a living monster’s tentacle (50 GP)

2D6 RKA, 2†range, +2 OCV, 8 STR min

Grab: 15 STR plus 5 STR per 2 OCV over defender’s DCV, max 30 STR

Can squeeze at 15 STR penetrating, and can pull around. Attacker is -2 DCV while grabbing in this manner


Rhino – Plate Helm with Rhino Horn (20 GP)

7 DEF, not cumulative on locations 3-5

+1 OCV and +2 DCV with Move Through, 25% DR vs. self inflicted move through damage, 2/day


Liquid Fire

- Change Environment to Sunlight (8" radius) 0 End, Pers., Always On

Fragile OIF-water, IND, No Range

Hold a piece of the sun in your hand trapped in the water held in a glass vial. A very effective weapon against creatures with an aversion to sunlight and a useful light source.


Blessed Holy Symbol of True Church

- 2d6 Aid to Ego, 1d6 Aid to End(linked) Fade @ 5 Hrs

IIF, One Turn, 0 DVC-thru, Inc.-thru, Gest.-thru, IND, x5 End

A small careworn holy symbol with when used in prayers adds to the determination and fervor of the user.


Sword of Saint Antonias

- 1.5d6 HKA, OAF, IND, StrMin 13, 1.5 Handed

- +1d6 HKA, OAF, IND, Only vs. Faeborn, StrMin(-5) 13

- 5d6 Supress vs. Fae AA-1 hex, 0 End, Pers., Always On, OAF, IND, No Range

Wielded by St. Antonias himself, a warrior priest who ventured forth to defeat a faeborn lord but lost his life. His sword is said to be imbued with his zeal for defeating the fae. It is said to appear as though made of ivory.


Sir Thomas's Defender- a medium shield

- +3 DCV, OAF, IND, StrMin(-5) 13

- 50% Damage Reduction rPD/rED AE-1 hex, OAF, IND, Only vs Front

This medium shield was created for Sir Thomas to protect him in his battles with Faeborn legions, this shield will protect it's user from numerous attacks. Often it deflects blows which would otherwise be lethal, reducing them to mere scraps.


Staff of the Monk

- +1 OCV, OAF, IND, StrMin, 2 Handed

- 4d6N HA, OAF, IND, StrMin, 2 Handed

- +2d6N HA 0 End, OAF, IND, 2 Handed

- Usable at Range for upto 12d6N, OAF, IND, Red. By Range

A small group of martial priests, broke from the church and began using faeworkings. This weapon was a favorite among these warrior priests who attempted to harness the fae to fight the fae.


Firelight Bow

-2d6 RKA, OAF, IND, 2 Handed, StrMin(-5) 10, Cant Add Str, 1/2 DCV

- Explosion on 2d6RKA, OAF, IND, 6 Charges, 2 Handed, 1/2 DCV

- IR Vision, OAF, IND

A v.heavy longbow with a mystically easier draw with 6 rubies embedded into it. Gaze into the rubies and it is though you were gazing at a creatures own life. When a ruby is touched and a arrow fired from the bow that arrow explodes into a fiery ball.


Cloak of the Hunter

- +2 DCV, +2 DCV vs. penalties, OIF, IND

- +2 Lvls with Stealth, OIF, IND

Greatly sought after ball all woodsman and hunters this cloak will help hide even those who cannot. It's abilities even prevents an opponent from making truly accurate strikes at the wearer.


Gauntlet's of the Woodsman

- 3 rDef, OIF, IND, Real Armor, Has Mass, Loc 6-7

- 3d6 Entangle 4" AA-any, OIF, IND, Charges-2 recovers daily, Full Phase

These are a gardeners dream. Appearing as brilliant green gaunlets of studded leather these gauntlets went thrust into the ground will cause a large area to spring forth in growth. Often so quickly as to trap anyone unlucky enought to be there. These are used many times by foresters to quickly replenish an area of woods for latter harvest.


Specter Potion – Potion Bottle appears to be empty, but feels full (16 GP)

Desolidification – affected by spells

2D6 RKA, no range affects solid

2 charges last 1 turn each.

Gallant – Silver Chain Coif (28 GP)

7 DEF on locations 3-5, cumulative to 8 DEF

1 Point Flash Defense and 5 points mental defense, not cumulative

+2 Comeliness and +3 Presence


Inquisitor’s Hood – Black Leather Hood (18 GP)

5 DEF on locations 3-5, cumulative to 7 DEF

+1 or 10- in Interrogation, +3 to Presence (negative only)


Howl – Wand, 3 charges (9 GP)

Sonic Blast – 1-1/2D6 RKA, +1 StunX, 8†line or 3†Cone


Silver Slayer – Very Heavy Bow (70 GP)

2D6 RKA, +1 vs. range, +1 OCV

Silver Arrows (6 per day) 2-1/2D6, +1 vs. range, +2 OCV

silver weapon, affects desolid

Willing Bow enchantment (fast draw and fast put up)

Protection from being turned into a Lycanthrope


Salve of Restoration – salve, 1 charge per day (15 GP)

Cure poison & disease, require -2 herbs/paramedic skill roll.


Blackout – Black Leather Sap (25 GP)

3D6 HA, 5 STR min, +1 OCV, +1 Stealth while wielding


Ring of Splinters – wooden ring, 3 charges (12 GP)

1-1/2D6 RKA, AP, +2 OCV


Batter – Metal Rod, 2 charges per day (20 GP)

2D6 RKA, no range, +2 OCV, zero end

8- roll to hit again (keep attacking if continue to roll 8-)


Power Monger – Big Red Pill (6 GP)

+10 STR, +2 PD, +2 ED, +20 END, lasts 1 min.


Gauntlets of Stunning

Power A: 4d6 Hand to Hand attack (normal attack, Str can add to this)

Base: 12 points

Limitations: OIF (-1/2), Independent (-2)

Total Limitations: -2 1/2

Final Cost: 3


Power B: Armor 7/7

Base: 21 points

Limitations: OIF (-1/2), Independent (-2), Locations 6 and 7 only (-3)

Total Limitations: -5 1/2

Final Cost: 3


Total Active points: 33 (versus a Dispel or Supress Magic)

Total Final Cost: 6 (The cost in character points)


The Gauntlets are a "paired" item (left and right, no bonus, they are just made that way)that will fit most human-sized hands. They are a tightly woven mesh of dark grey metal. Other gloves could be worn over them, but at first use of the Gauntlets the gloves would be shredded. Very handy for a sneaky character (rogues, thieves, ninjas) as well as a trained Hand-to-Hand fighter (martial artist, monk?). Also makes a spell-caster a good weapon without the further encumbrance of a sword.


Since the damage from a weapon can only normally be doubled (Hero rules) this "weapon" has a maximum damage of 8d6 normal versus PD. This won't necessarily do Body to a well-armored foe, but can put some serious Stun on anyone else.


Mythic Mantle – Pearly translucent silk cloth (25 GP)

8 Def on locations 9-10, not cumulative, negligible weight

+1 or 10- Stealth and Concealment, only at night

Shattered Soul – 3†round mirror, 3 mirrors (12 GP)

Pointing this mirror at an opponent and then breaking it will shatter the opponent as well

Defender must be visible to normal sight to appear in the mirror and be affected

1-1/2D6 RKA, NND Killing, 6†range, full phase


Barful’s Sleeping Powder – small leather pouch, 3 charges (8 GP)

2D6 Ego Entangle, AE 1â€, half phase take out and half phase use, target must breath, no range


Adamant – Jet Black Long Sword (53 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, 15 STR min, +2 OCV, 4D6 Max

5 points Power Defense

5 points Power Defense

10 DEF Hardened Armor, all over, can abort for 1 phase, 1/day


Prism of Wonder – 2†long crystal prism, 1 chg./day, Roll 1D12 for effect (25 GP)

1 = 3D6 Brittle Entangle

2-3 = 3D6 Entangle, -1 Body

4-9 = 3D6 Entangle

10-11 = 3D6 Entangle, +1 Body

12 = 4D6 Entangle, blocks all sight and sound


Quest – Dagger (35 GP)

1/2D6 HKA, 5 STR min, +2 OCV, Max 2D6

Variable Detect Discriminatory, 5 mile range, can change the one item quested for once per week. It provides a vague feeling of direction to the target. User must have specific knowledge of the target.


Wolfbane – Long Sword (45 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, 15 STR min, +2 OCV, 4D6 Max

animal empathy with canines

+1 DC and +1 OCV vs. canines


Wings of Avermoore – Long Golden Brown Cloak (25 GP)

12†Flight, 2/day, can carry twice normal weight, normal end cost

half phase to activate wings.

+2 OCV on move by attacks


Black Bolt – Ring (50 GP)

1-1/2D6 RKA, all day long, zero end

Can load magical crossbow bolts into it (maximum 6 bolts at a time)


Narsil’s Stride – Bootstrap (10 GP)

Clinging at STR. Can cling a number of inches equal to double your movement the phase before you started clinging. Clinging ends at end of move. So, you can get a running start and cruise right u a castle wall to stop on the top of the wall.

Ooze Flesh – Gelatinous ring (20 GP)

Desolidification, not through airtight spaces.

1 charge per day, affected by all attacks. The effect is that you can turn you and your equipment to ooze, and slip through tight spaces, out of bonds or grabs, etc.


White Fang – Short Sword (35 GP)

1D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 10 STR min (max 3D6+1)

Does SFX cold damage

IR Vision, only when half phase concentrate, 1 end per phase


Endure – Elegant Long Sword (60 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, 15 STR min, +2 OCV (4D6 Max)

½ END for normal STR (normal END for push)


Sear – Falchion (60 GP + 20 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, 15 STR min, +2 OCV (4D6 Max)

The blade is extremely hot, requires magical scabbard to withstand the heat (Scab of conceal)

Penetrating on 8- attack roll

Start normal fires at will with touch of blade


Frensel’s Metal Binder – Scabbard (25 GP)

For one turn after a weapon is drawn from this scabbard, it will have +2 OCV to block attacks from metal weapons and +1 OCV to hit opponents wearing 6 DEF or more of metal armor. 1 charge per day


Mad hornet – Hornet Broach, 1/day (40 GP)

Activating this broach causes the it to grow into a giant hornet (Summon). The hornet will attack whom it is directed to until destroyed. It moves 8†per phase and can still attack, 8 DCV, 8 OCV, 4 DEF, 10 Body, 4 Speed. It has a 1-1/2D6 AP RKA, no range stinger attack. If it goes below zero body, it turns back into the broach. If it goes below -10 body, it is destroyed forever. After it kills its target, it turns back into a broach.


Anathema – V. Heavy Bow (55 GP)

2D6 RKA, +1 OCV, 15 STR min arrows

+2 OCV vs. Goblins, +1 OCV vs. Orcs

1D6 NND EB vs. Goblins and Orcs

Creates a Hatred of Orcs (total) in user


Globe of Preservation – Crystal Amulet (30 GP)

Self Contained Breathing,

Survive high heat, cold and pressure

½ normal aging rate (maximum 100 years)

Immunity to Disease


Draco – Great Sword (70 GP + 25 GP)

2D6 HKA, 18 STR min, +2 OCV, 2H, Max 5D6

25% DR vs. Fire (Physical and Energy killing)

Scorch – 2D6 RKA, penetrating, 3â€line, no range, 1/d

Dragon decorated Scabbard of Concealment


Charm of Accuracy – 5 Charms (40 GP)

+1 OCV (not cumulative) to H2H

Must tie charm onto one H2H weapon

1 charge that lasts for 1 month.


Eldorin Steed – Mythical Black Horse (60 GP)

Steed of mythical origins. It does not age, never tires, is well trained and fairly intelligent for a horse. It is the size of a Clydesdale. 15†running. It is skilled at survival, mountain climbing, concealment and stealth.


Penetrator – Javelin (40 GP)

1D6 HKA, Penetrating, +2 OCV, Thrown, +1 vs. range penalties, 10 STR min, Maximum 2D6+1

AP on a 8- attack roll

Aaargh! – Javelin (40 GP)

1D6 HKA, +2 OCV, Thrown, 10 STR min, maximum of 2D6+1, +1 StunX,

+2 StunX on attack roll of 5-


Orc Mean Paint – Black and red war paint (3 GP)

+5 Presence, 1 phase to apply, lasts 1 hour

Makes you aggressive (V. Common, Strong)


Orc No Pain Mix – Potion, lasts 5 minutes (3 GP)

User feels no pain, +20 CON for Stunning purposes

User doesn’t go unconscious until -10 Stun

GM keeps track of their STUN and BODY damage and END, they can ask only for visual clues only.


Sharpening Wax – Waxy Yellow Stuff (3 GP)

Adds +2 DC to weapon (max 5DCs of base damage)

1 phase to apply, lasts 1 min


Orc Acid Barb Arrow – V. Heavy Bow Arrows (1.8 GP)

2D6 RKA, +2 OCV, +1 vs. range

1D3 RKA, NND Killing if RKA does body


Burrower – Piece of charcoal (5 GP)

Creates a 2†radius burrow underground with wooden ladder to get down into it. 1 minute to draw opening.

Lasts for 1 day.


Orc Mythic Breastplate – Plate Mail (40 GP)

8 DEF Hardened locations 9-13, weighs 14 KG

2D6 End aid, over normal maximum, 2/day

2D6 Body aid, 1/day, trigger if Body goes below 5


Ring of Hern – Slim Silver Ring (25 GP)

20 STR TK, fine manipulation, 4 END per phase

Creates a set of mystic ghostly hands

Can activate 2 times per day


Black Fist – Large Obsidian Ring (20 GP)

When activated, it coats your fist with obsidian

+1D6 HA, makes punches penetrating and ranged

2/day, lasts 2 turns


Battle Eye – Hawks Eye Amulet (15 GP)

Clairesentience, whatever sight perception visions the user has, fixed position 50†above user looking strait down. +1 Perception, ½ DCV while using.

2 charges per day, 2 END per phase.


Chain Reactor– Platinum Ring, 6 charges (30 GP)

Can store up to 100 active points of spells in it (maximum of 3 spells). When activated they are all released at same target. Spell rolls and END is spent when they are released. Charges are used when they are stored.


Mana Potion – Potion (5 GP)

6D6 End Aid to 0 End 0 Recovery Reserve

Fade rate of 5 per minute



Ths horrid weapon was created from te fang of a draco-lich. Not longer than a short sword, its powers set it among some of the most evil weapons in existance.

Once an apponent is struck, he is a carrier of a disease that causes a rapid decay of the body. This disease spreads rapidly through a community, and can only be put to an end when all of the carriers are isolated and burned (or magcally cured).

What could be considered justice, is the sword doesn't prevent the weilder from suffering from the illness it imbibes. Thus, and intelligent weilder will flee shortly after using it.


1/2 d6 killing attack, nnd(immune to disease), gradual effect-1 day, continuous, sticky(even after death)


Baldun's Defender - Throwing Axe (50 GP)

1D6+1 HKA, 10 STR min, +1 OCV, max 2-1/2D6

Returns to scabbard the next segment after thrown

+1 DCV as off-handed weapon (as buckler) in addition to the +1 DCV vs. one hand to hand attack

Mystic Battle Rod – Black studded shaft (45 GP)

+1 OCV magic weapon. Half phase to switch from Long Sword, Large Flail, Large Hammer or Large Pick


True Flight – Runed permanent arrow (12 GP)

2D6 RKA, +2 OCV, +2 vs. range, +1 offset called shot


Hammer Flight – Runed permanent arrow (10 GP)

1-1/2D6 RKA, +1 StunX, +1 OCV


Ring of Storing – silvery mirrored ring (20 GP)

Can store anything you can normally hold in one hand

Takes zero phase to put in, half phase to take out

Stores one item at a time. Command word activate


Bracers of Displacement – Black leather (15 GP)

6 DEF loc 16-18, Cumulative to 7 DEF

12†teleport, 3 charges per day

Defensive Shift – Martial dodge, a/day


Chill Blood Wand

4D6 cp of SPD Drain, return 5 cp/5 minutes, ranged, OAF wand, Gestures, Incantation, Independent, Requires (Magic) skill roll.

40 base, 80 active, 16 real, 8 END


[Weak version] Chill Blood Wand

3D6 cp of SPD Drain,

30 base, 60 active, 12 real, 6 END


Shield of Destruction

1D6 cp of BOD Drain, return 5 cp/month, Continuous, 0 END Persistent, Area Effect (Cone) [10" side], Always On, Activation 14-, OIF shield, Gestures, Incantation, Independent.

10 base, 57 active, 13 real, 0 END

This shield is inscribed with a major glyph of destruction, which pulses red and white.


Shield of Destruction Cover

6 points Power Defense

6 base, 6 active, 6 real, 0 END


Power Glove

4D6 HA, Armor Piercing, Penetrating, OIF gloves, X3 END, Independent.

12 base, 24 active, 4 real, 6 END.

Note: Using UM rules, a character can add 10 STR to this, resulting in a 6D6 Armor Piercing, Penetrating attack for 8 END.


Scar Sword

1D6+1 HKA, +1 OCV, STR Min (/2), Fragile IIF scar, Independent.

25 base, 25 active, 6 real, STR Min 13

This independent spell is cast into a sword-shaped scar on the back of a hand. It allows instant summoning of a broadsword to the hand at any time. This spell is often given as a reward to trusted warriors by grateful kings and wizards.


War Cleaver

3D6+1 HKA, STR Min (/3), 2-hand weapon, Concentrate 1/2 DCV, Full Phase, OAF huge war cleaver, Independent.

50 base, 50 active, 8 real, STR Min 17

This is a terrible,two-handed, single-edged sword - more a meat cleaver than an instrument of war. The war cleaver is a weapon for immensely strong, dumb or suicidal people who intend to kill what the swing at. The weapon takes a full phase to swing, and the wielder is at half DCV. The war cleaver is made of bloodiron, native iron that has been mined from beneath a field of mass slaughter. The spirits on such battlefields make the mining a risky venture, but there is a constant market for the metal and no lack of suitable deposists.


War Cleaver [heavy version]


60 base, 60 active, 10 real, STR Min 20


Shillelagh of Weapons

2D6 HKA, +1 OCV, +1 STUN Multiplier, STR Min (/3), OAF bladed weapon, Independent.

35 bae, 52 active, 11 real, STR Min 17.

This multipurpose weapon appears to be a stout walking stick stained with blood. However, it can assume the apprearance of a bladed melee weapon. Note that the appearance of the weapon and the STR Min will vary with the amount of HKA:

2D6 HKA 17 STR Min

1-1/2D6 HKA 15 STR Min

1D6+1 HKA 12 STR Min

1D6 HKA 10 STR Min

1/2D6 HKA 7 STR Min


And my version of a Bane sword -

Orcbane Broadsword

1D6+1 HKA, +1 OCV, STR Min 13, OAF broadsword, Independent

+5 HKA DC (base), 0 END, OAF broadsword, Independent, Only vs. Orcs (-1)

+2 OCV, +2 DCV, 0 END, OAF broadsword, Independent, Only vs. Orcs (-1)

Detect Orcs, Sense, Range, Discriminatory, OAF broadsword, Independent

Totals: 85 base, 107 active, 22 real, 13 STR Min


This acts as a normal (magical) broadsword against non-Orc targets. Against Orcs it does 3D6 w/STR Min 13, +3 OCV and +2 DCV. It also detects Orcs.


Clinging Fire –Red Glass Vial (4 GP ea)

2D6 RKA, Explosion, Penetrating

plus 1D6 of fire EB for every body hit from the explosion that burns the next phase


Illumine – Scimitar (65 GP)

1D6+1 HKA, 10 STR min, +2 OCV, 3-1/2D6 max

Light Blast - 2D6 RKA, No Range Mods, Max range 400â€, starts as +1 OCV, gets additional +2 OCV every phase it is continuously fired, up to a maximum of +5 OCV. 4/day

Create light – 12†light, cast on object, lasts 2 hours. 4 charges per day


Mountain’s Heart – Giant Ruby (35 GP)

The ruby alone is worth 20 GP

25% DR killing and normal from Fire attacks

Immunity to intense heat


Black Burst – Arrow – 3 recoverable charges (9 GP)

1-1/2D6 RKA, no range, 12†cone

Bolt bursts into hundreds of small bolts


Arrow of Agony – Arrow – permanent (15 GP)

1-1/2D6 RKA, +1 OCV

+ 1D2 RKA NND Killing lasts extra phase

NND is only if normal bolt does body


Golden Ward – Dwarven Great Helm (15 GP)

8 DEF on locations 3-5, no perception penalties

Jeweler Appraiser skill at 10- or +2


Golden Vigilance – Dwarven Medium Shield (35 GP)

+2 DCV, Defense Maneuver, Fast Put Away


Spectacles of Darkmoon

enhanced vision that allows for sight under the most difficult situations. Even grants the wearer the ability to see through the most powerful illusions.

+10 Perception roll


Darkmoons' Grasp

This item is a mesh left handed glove made of a transparent metal alloy. At the stage of each knuckle is mounted a large rainbow opal branching out to the fingers, each tipped with pointed claw like caps. When activated a ghostly hand draws from the glove travelling out under the command of the weilder. If the weilder of the item may confer any touched based spell or ability through the use of the item, including those imbued by other magic items. The hand is insubstantial in appearance and is difficult to see. However if one can see/sense magic they will notice a silvery cord stretching back to the weilder. The cord will sever upon taking any body damage, and thus feed it back to the weilder. The damage has not permanent effects on the magic item, but the ghostly hand may not be resent again until the following day. Further the glove may only be dispatched five times (charge held in each of the opals) perday. If the weilder is struck to break his concentration the hand will dissipate, but may be recalled it the next opportunity. The Hand may travel at a rate of 5" per phase.


Stretching 5", Invisible power effects (sight group)(+1/2), Requires Magic skill roll (-1/2), Gestures (motion of the hand)(-1/4), 1/2 Dcv Concentration (-1/4), Duration - 1 phases for every point Magic skill roll made by(-1/4), OAF Mesh Glove (-1), Independant(-2), 5 charges per day (-3/4)

Active: 38, Real Cost: 6


Living Armor

8 PD/ED Armor

Instant Change

-4 Lack of Weakness

1 Body Regeneration ( 1 body per 5 min)

4d6 Healing, Side effect Armor looses 1body & 1 def(see below)

Armor is a living being that starts with 1 point of body for every Def point (PD/ED are the counted as the same) it has. The armor looses one point of body/Def for every body point taken over 15 body in one shot. The armor also looses one def/body point every time the weilder forcefully activates the healing ability.


Bloodbane (Long Sword)(Bruce Cordell convertion)

This evil long sword was created long ago by the power hungry Drow. The sword is structured like a finely made blade with two out standing qualities, first are the strange runes carved in the blade and the secong in that the blade appears to be made of solid bone. The sword is a sentient blade that thirsts for blood. Upon contact or successfull wounding strike that draws blood the blade will draw blood from it's target to "feed" it's self. Apon doing so thin veins glow red through out the blade as the blood gets sucked in. The more blood the blade sucks in the more powerful it becomes, and with it the damage of the blade increases. This lasts temporary however, sortly after a typical combat is concluded the enchantment fades back to normal.

+3 OCV

2d6+1 HKA

4d6 Aid to HKA only adds active points equal to the amount of body rolled on KA

+24 Active limit(35 pts total or 7 DC's 4.5d6) only works if weilder has the disadvatage "DF-Evil"


The Cloak of Manix Kallic the Cursed

This is a finely made black cloak has a two brooches linked together on each side of the cloak in the place of a tie or clasp. When the wearer of the cloak crosses their arms in a "x" with each fist touching one of the brooches, the item is activated and a magical set of platemail will apear on the wearer. The armor in no way hinders mages or priests that are not allowed to wear armor (the armor is just a special effect of a spell)

+8 PD/ED Force Field, 0 End Cost (Constant), Hardend only vs non-Magical attacks

-5 Lack of Weakness


Nellis's Amulet of Lost Location

This amulet was made for an imfamous theives guild master that has crossed too many people. The amulet is imbuded with proof vs al forms of scrying, detection and location sense.

Invisibility to Unusual and Mental Sense Groups, 0 End, Persistant, always on


Sylvan Spirit Bow

This item is actually a magical set of Bracers. These wristlets were once a fairly common item, originally made for long distance trackers that had to travel light. They are activated when the wearer positions his hands as if he was drawing a bow, then a glowing ghostly bow will appear as the wear draws back the bow string.

1d6+1 Rka AP, 0 End, must have both bracers, Gestures (motion of drawing a bow)


Bracers of Magic Missiles

1d6+1 Rka Autofire 5 shot burst, 90 charges(18 shots), must have both bracers

+5 Ocv with Bracers


Eye of the Drow/Eyes of Fire

This ring imbues it's wearer with infra vision

IR vision


Cats Eye

This ring imbues it's wearer with Night vision, and the ability to sense when someone is around the wearer.

UV vision

+3 per sight roll

Combat sense 16-

Danger Sense(out of Combat) 14-


Lenses of Utter Domination (Bruce Cordell convertion)

These are crytaline contact lenses the all but dissapate when worn on the eyes. There is always a strange glassy look in the weares eyes when worn. When the lenses are in use they glow bright red.

12 Mind Control (Telepathic Command), Must have both lenses, Must have Line of sight, IAF Lenses, full phase action, 0 DCV concentration(initial contact)


Unifex (Bruce Cordell convertion)

This dagger's blade has been crafted from a unicorn's horn.

1d6+1 Hka

+2 Ocv

Life Support- Ages very Slowly(immune to aging)

+8 PD/ED Force Field Inis power effects, persistant. Not stack able with any other "base" defense, such as armor, bracers of Def etc.

40" Teleportation


Robe of the Arch Magi

+4 with Spell Craft(Magic Skill roll)

2d6 Supress all magic Area effect 1 hex(centered on self) continuous, always on, personal immunity

6d6 Aid to All Spells wear off 5 pts per year, automaticall dispells when robes are taken off

+8 PD/ED Force Field Inis power effects, persistant. Not stack able with any other "base" defense, such as armor, bracers of Def etc.


Cloak of Otherwear(Displacement) (Bruce Cordell convertion)

Images -5 to be seen, location projected 5 ft away


Gloves of Impact (Bruce Cordell convertion)

This pair of gauntlets are made from a curiously transparent metal alloy. It has an Engraving in Duergar that reads "Gloves of Impact." when worn any melee weapon's damade is increased by 3 DC's.

+1d6 HKA to any melee weapon that performs killing damage

+3d6 HA to any melee weapon that performs Normal damage


Nightcaller (Bruce Cordell convertion)

This whistle is made from a curiously transparent metal alloy. It has an Engraving in Duergar that reads "Night caller." When the whistle in blown during the night above a grave or fresh corpse it will raise the dead from the grave as a Zombie or skeleton.

Summon 125 pt. Skeleton or Zombie


Ring of Missed Meals (Bruce Cordell convertion)

Life Support- Doesn't need to eat, requires 24 hours of wear before the enchantment takes effect


Sethos Tribal Tattoo Edge Kit

This rather plain looking tattoo blade and ink vile hold an enchantment that comes through when used by skilled hands. The blade can create a plethera of enchantment varying on what the artist creates. Most enchantments are temporary, only usable once then disappears.

Below are some examples:

Summon Animal or creature, tattoo animates and jumps off person

create weapon - as per weapon

Wings- granting flight for a period of time

Cloth Wraps- Entrapping Entanglement

Sun- either change enviroment light, LS-Immune to cold or Flash

Variable Power Pool

Delayed effect, usuable by others, Uncontrolled

OAF Tatto kit, Require successful Artist skill roll, extra time (hours) concentration


Medallion of Mass-missile Protection

Missile Defection (All) +6 to Deflect area effect Line upto 12", Continuous, Full phase action, 0 DCV Concentration (through out), Oaf


Oil of Rockskin

When this oils is appied to the whole body, the wearer grows a stone growth covering his whole body. This enchantment grants not only the defense of stone but also encrease strength and weight.

+20 PD/ED Armor, Hardend, Ablatative(3rd Ed)

Density Increase +15 Str, +3 PD/ED, -3 KB, 8x Mass

Wears off after 5 Hours, Extra time(application) 5 minutes, 0 DCV Concentration, Gestures(motions of applying) Dispells with water


Oil of Fire Bane

When this oils is appied to the whole body, the wearer becomes virtually immune to fire.

+20 ED only vs Fire/Heat Hardend

3/4 Damage Reduction - Energy only vs Fire/Heat

LS Immune to extreame Heat

Wears off after 5 Hours, Extra time(application) 5 minutes, 0 DCV Concentration, Gestures(motions of applying) Dispells with water


Chalk of Portals

This item functions as a normal peice of chalk, when the chalk is used to draw a polygon of some sort of shape(such a a circle or door) the chalk line begin to glow and a portal similar to passwall is created to the next chamber, up to 2000 meters. The portal will only last for a few moments then fades away. When the stick of chalk is used up so is the enchantment.

10" Teleportation area effect upto 5r", continuous, 512x distance(5120")

Expendable OAF Chalk, 8 uses, gestures(to draw shape) full pase action, 1/2 Dcv Concentration

Wears off after one minute, or dispelled is chack ring is broken(on either end) will not work in wet areas.


Spider Silk Gloves

Theses gloves are created for Drow thieves of the underdark. They increase finger agility and improved any Dex based function that requires the use of fingers, this also includes weapon use.

The gloves will grant a +2 with any weapon that requires finger manipulation such as Daggers or knives(this does not include crossbows and bows.) The gloves in some rare cases have been known to compensate from maimed or crushed hands, allowing then to function normally.

The gloves are often found in use with full body Spider Silken suits and well as booties.

+3 with Dex based Skill that require finger use

+2 Ocv

Images -2 to see actions performed by hands, -5 in the dark


Tannar'ri Ring

Carved from the bone of a great Balor, this ring grants the wearer complete immunity to all forms of electricity magic or natural. The ring also grants the wearer with the ability to activly read the minds of those around him,as well as communicate via thought.

Desolification only vs electricity

Telepathy 12d6 area effect 5r", O End Continuous, always on, Invis Power effects


Cloak of the War Wizard (tsr convertion)

IronGuard - Desolification only vs Metal

For any metal that passes through the wearer that is magical he will suffer 1 pt body for every magical Damage class the weapon carries.

Protection from Missiles - Missile Defection (Missiles & Shrapnel) +10 to Deflect


Battlestar Bracers (tsr convertion)

Protection from Missiles - Missile Defection (Missiles & Shrapnel) +10 to Deflect

Magic Missile - 1 1/2d6 Rka, autofire, AE 1", 0 End, only usable once per turn(-1/2)

Flaming Sphere - 1d6+1 Rka AE 1", continuous, uncontrolled, Duration 1 turn+2 phases per roll made by(-1/2),

Telekinisis 10 Str - only usuable to move the sphere around


Crown of Magi

5 pts Power Def, 8 pts Mental Def, 3 pts Flash def, LS immune to poisons,

+2 spellcarft, Dark Vision, Speed reading, +2 OCV w/Spells, +10 Pre


Wand of Paralysation

2d6 entrangle -transparent 16x, OAF Wand -1, Requires Magic Skill roll -1/2, Full Phase Concentration 0 DCV -1/2


Shi-Andi Talisman of Protection - Necklass of Bones

4 PD/ED, LS - Immune to Poisons & Disease, 10 pts Ego def & 5 pts power def


Girdle of Tentecles

This appears a a wide metallic gordles with several rows of metal studs. When activated the studs grow into tentecles and move under the control on the wearer.

3" Stretching

Autofire 5 shot Area Effect 3r" of upto 120 active Touch based spell/ability (only if a cleric of Death)

4d6 Ha Autofire 5 shot Area Effect 3r" (only if a cleric of Carnalus)


Mask of the Serene

+15 Pre (only to resist Pre base offenses)

10 Pts Flash defense

10 Pts Ego Defense vs Violent anti-calming effects(not including sedating like effects)

5 Pts Magic Defense (5 pts Power Def only vs magic drains)

3/4 Damage Reduction vs PD & ED Resistant, 0 CV Concentration, Full phase action,requires ego roll at +4(Zen Motion)

+8 PD hardend only in Def location 3-5


Mask of Fear

+15 Pre ( only to insite/Resist fear) - Always On

+8 PD hardend only in Def location 3-5

5 Pts Magic Defnse (5 pts Power Def only vs magic drains)

12d6 Mind Control - Single Command -Fear - Always On


Rosary (Talisman) of Penance

15d6 Mind Control - Sinlge Command "To be forgiven for a Sin" - 5 to resist


Ring of Persuation

Persuation Skill on 25-

Mind Control - Only to convey with Idea (requires succesful roll)

Gestures - Requires stroking the rings surface, as if poishing the ring


Lute of Insomniacs Dreams

25d6 Mind Control Area Effect 30r" - Single Command - sleep/Feel serene, only vs those who have been awake 12 hours or greater

2d6 Aid to all Physical Characteristics upto 2pts above Max( original) requires Music Skill roll


Jailors Bane

3d6 Major transformation accumlative, Locked state to unlocked, OAF Bone Key


Romantic Chello

Mind Control 10d6 - only to enchant/Seduce, requires Music Skill roll

+3 to Users Music Roll, Oaf Chello


Totem of Iron Grasp

25d6 Mind Control only vs Iron Golem Automatons

OAF - small tin heart


Writers (Spell) Block

4d6 Int & Ego Drain only vs Conceptualizing ideas for spell creation, or creative spell use and memorizing spells. Continuous, uncontrolled, Duration (GM set)


Gleam of the Unknown (Golden Breast Plate of Hermes)

+6 PD/ED Force Field Hardend location 10-13 only, 3 Pts Flash Def, 1 pip Flash, AE 1r" Always On(requires Sunlight)

Change Enviroment 4r" - Light


Cards of Fate

90 Active Pool Targets must be willing or card Cannot be Draw(AE targets must be DCV 0), 0 DCV, Extra Time

1-3 bentificail, 4-6 Detrimental


Bottle of Joy

2d6 Minor Tranformation (Endless bottle of Mead), OAF Fragile Brown Glass Bottle


Potion of True Bliss

6d6 Major Transformation, 3 uses - Complete loss of personal history (Permentent)


Escape - Ear Ring

Desolidification, 0 DCV Concentration, 3 phase duration, may only make 1/2 movement


Social Grace - Ammulet

+10 Pre, Diplomacy, Negotiation, Conversation, Persuation Skills +3 Roll, Target must be insight (looking at user)


Crown Cap of Shar-Reen the Dry

Eidedic Memory, Speed Reading, +2 Spell Roll, +2 w/Int Based Skills


Figurine of Power - Beetle " Scarabe of Mogi-Rah-Heeb"

Sommon Giant Beetle - on 8- Beetle turns on the controller (Tunnelling Beetle)


Savior from Sands of Fire - Scarab Pendant

LS - Vs Exreame Heat, 5 ED vs Heat/Fire Attack only

6" only usable to counter the hinering affects of travelling in the desert

1 pip Flash Def


Turban of Coolness

LS - Immune to heat

+1 to All Int Based Skill rolls only in a desert or in exreame heat

IR Vision only in a desert or in exreame heat


Scimatar of Flames

1d6 Hka No Str min, +1d6Ka(Fire), AP, +1d6 vs Cold or regenerating Creatures


Bear Claw - Dagger

1d6-1 Hka No STR Min, 2xKB, +2 Stun Mult


Staff of the Magi

4d6 Aid to all Spells

+1 to Spell Craft

+1 to all Int based Skills

3 PD/ED Hardend Only vs Magical effects

3 Power Def Only vs Magical effects


War Paint of Power

+5 Con

+5 Stun

+2 PD

+2 ED

+2 Rec

+10 End

+2 Str

+2 w/Ego Rolls for pushing End

+5 Body, only for delaying death to justify revenge/ justice


Incents of Enchantment

2d6 Aid to Any one physical Cha, extra time - 5 min, Oaf - incents, Requires skill roll, 0 DCV concentration


Ointment of the Spellweave

With the use of this ointment, one is able to temporarily trap or delay a spell for his/her benifit as if the wearer had cast it(similar to a ring of spell storing)

Delayed Effect or Trigger, usable by others and self(caster) at same time up to 90 active points.


The Silent Blade

1d6 Hka

Darkness to Sound, no fringe

12d6 Mind Control -Single Command Render Mute(-1) apon successful attack


The Spectacular Climbing Gear of Sleek the Sly

This is an outstanding set of both climbing claws and boot shackles/Spikes. when worn together the imbued magic grants the wearer the ability to scale the most difficult climb as if where a mild grade.

Clinging 25 Str Requires climbing check


Dragon Foil

This is a small collapsable screen of sheet made with Dragon scales stiched to it. The the weilder unfolds it and prepares the "foil" in a position set to capture or close, on a successful attempt the weilder may capture or redirect a combat spell. A spell may be held for upto one day befor ethe magic fades away. No more then one spell may be held at a time.

deflection/Reflection any target with delayed effect of return of attack roll


Reager's tenative treasure

This over stocked chest of gold and jewels as actually a living decendant of the famiilar of the once great Reager. Reager the great and powerful saught to protect his sanity by ensuring and enemies would never target his weakspot - by slaying his familiar. So crazed and paraniod to the idea of conspiracies against him, Reager went to lengths to protect his familiar and his weaning sanity. It doing so he permenently transormed his kindly familiar in to a living chest of jewels and gold. The creature may still move about eat sleep and react both as a chest of treasure and as a living being. What Reager didnot realize is that the gold and jewels that tthe living chest possesed were now a kind of excreation of growth that was discarded like hair folicles or dead skin. Now at initail glance or for upto several days for that matter the treasure emmited from the chest actually appears to be real, only to begin to decay or wilt within a few days.

Summon Living Chest

6d6 Transfornation attack, ae 2 targets only - caster & living chest. "Familar's Bond"


Niolga's Fan of Shrouding

This collapsing asian styles fan, when waved creates a sprewing clowd/shroud of darkness in the direction waved. However the effects of the fan do not funtion very well in very windy areas.

Darkness vs sight group 4r", dispell vs wind


Griffon’s Milk – Potion (2 quaffs) (8 GP)

+1 Perception and 15†Flight for 1 Day.

Greater Bowless Arrows – 3 (4.5 GP)

2D6+1 RKA, +1 OCV, +1 vs. Range

non-recoverable charges, -2 DCV


Ghost Medallion – Crystal face (20 GP)

Desolid, can abort, lasts 1 phase, 1/day

Affected by magic, and undead


Glove of Mending – Dark Red Silk Glove (4 charges) (10 GP)

2D6 Heal, living or inanimate, full phase


Boots of Flight – Hawk Feather Boots (25 GP)

+2†Running, Maximum of 11â€

8†Flight, 3/day


Feather Fall Ring – Ivory Feather Shaped Ring (5 GP)

5†Gliding, always on, no conscious control


Tome of Construction – Leather Bound Book (20 GP)

Each page is a diagram of a non-magical object. Speak the magic words and the object becomes real, but the page is destroyed. It takes 1 full turn to create the object. Objects in book: Ballista with 24 bolts, 6 man rowboat, 12’ ladder, small horse cart, wagon wheel, 6 person heavy oak table with chairs, kite shield, long sword, and a 4 man tent.


Skinton’s Skillful Picks – 3†shaft of rubber (15 GP)

10- or +1 to Lock Picking skill


Mountain’s Heart – Giant Ruby (35 GP)

The ruby alone is worth 20 GP

10% DR killing and normal from Fire attacks

Immunity to intense heat

Black Burst – Arrow – 3 non-recoverable charges (9 GP)

1-1/2D6 RKA, no range, 12†cone

Bolt bursts into hundreds of small bolts


Arrow of Agony – Arrow – permanent (15 GP)

1-1/2D6 RKA, +1 OCV

+ 1D2 RKA NND Killing lasts extra phase

NND is only if normal bolt does body


Golden Ward – Dwarven Great Helm (15 GP)

8 DEF on locations 3-5, no perception penalties

Jeweler Appraiser skill at 10- or +2


Golden Vigilance – Dwarven Medium Shield (35 GP)

+2 DCV, Defense Maneuver, Fast Put Away


Star Blazer – Wand, 3 charges (6 GP)

Creates dazzling lights in front of the targets eyes, making it hard for them to act. -1 CV lasts for 1 turn. +1 OCV

Ice Cube – Chunk of Ice (3.5 GP)

3D6 Icy Entangle, Sticky, -2 PER to sight and sound.


Invisible Servant Ring – Ring, 2 charges 1 hour (12 GP)

Creates an invisible servant. 10 STR TK, Fine Manipulation

Indirect, can give orders to carry out.


Arrow Hawk – Permanent Arrow (10 GP)

2D6 RKA, no range penalties, returns on zero phase command after being shot. Takes two segments to fly back into scabbard.


Rings of Dexterity – two golden rings (25 GP)

Ambidexterity and +1 DEX skills that require fine manipulation, requires both rings be worn.


Necrodat – Black Headband Circlet (25 GP)

+5 Presence vs. undead, +1D6 mind control over undead


NightSteed Statuette – small statue, 6 charges (12 GP)

Creates a black heavy riding horse that does not tire

Can only exist at night. 15†running, no turn mode.


Treasure Trove – small silver jewelry box (12 GP)

Can hold an amount equal to a pouch of holding


Scarab of Protection – gold & silver scarab, 4 chg (14 GP)

2D6 Heal and 1D6 End aid, trigger when either Stun, or Body goes below 75% of maximum. Max 2 chg per day.


Napalm Wand – 2 charges (8 GP)

1-1/2D6 RKA, +1 StunX, Lasts Extra Phase

8†line, no range, 14- activation, or goes off in hex


Shocking Grasp Glove – 1 Golden Glove (40 GP)

1-1/2D6 RKA Penetrating, Continuous, 6†Range, 1/day

2 End/Phase, Can’t use that hand, Maximum 4 phases


Elemental Ring – Rainbow Ring (50 GP)

5% DR Killing, Cumulative vs. Fire, Lightning

Water, Cold, Ice, Wind, and Earth Magic.


Crystal Bane – Long Sword (60 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 13 STR min

AP vs. Crystal Force Fields and Force Walls

25% DR vs. crystal magic,

+5 STR vs. Crystal entangles/grabs


Surprise – Long Sword (65 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +3 OCV, 15 STR min

Completely Invisible, all senses (don’t lose it)

Only +2 OCV if they can see Invisible.

Can get surprise on first attack.

Comes with an Invisible Scabbard also (15 GP)


Weird – Enslaved Water Weird Spirit (70 GP)

Any weapon of 15 or less STR min, Additional +1 OCV

Grab/Squeeze at 30 STR, 3†range

Cannot be destroyed, can let go after Grab Hits

If you hold on, you are at -2 DCV instead of half

If you let go of it, you can command it to Grab on it’s own

18 DEX, 3 SPD, 7 OCV (including grab penalty)


Phase Wand – 1 charges (4 GP)

1D6+1 NND Killing, +2 OCV

Teleports part of target back 1 foot.


Gloves of Asphyxiation – 2 Gloves (20 GP)

4D6 Suppress vs. Recovery, +2 OCV

2/day lasts 2 turns. Must wear both gloves

Need both hands for the initial attack only. Then no action is required.


Stone Potion – Thick gritty brown potion (24 GP)

3 Resistant rPD/rED, 3 charges last 1 minute


Anti-Magic Dust – Glittery Dust, 2 ch. 1 min (16 GP)

10% DR Killing, All Magic, Cumulative, Full Phase


Arrow Guard – Buckler, 3 charges last 1 min (15 GP)

Missile Deflection, normal arrows/bolts only, +2 OCV

No conscious control after activate. You make the deflect rolls, but it doesn’t take your action.


Hurricane Bottle – 1 potion, 1 charge ea (5 GP)

35 STR, grab throw TK, AE 6†cone, no range


Hair Splitter – Ultra thin Dagger (35 GP)

1D6+1 RKA no range, +2 OCV, AP/AP (1 end)

Special scabbard to keep the blade from touching


Vim and Vigor – Potion, 3 charges (9 GP)

This unstable potion has erratic effects

You get 1D8-3 D6 worth of END Aid


Wand of Anti-magic – Wand, 2 charges (4 GP)

15D6 of Dispel vs. any fantasy magic


Ardent – V. Heavy Bow (40 GP)

2D6 RKA, +1 OCV, +1 Range, 15 STR min


Anti-Magic Charm – crystal (5 GP)

Absorbs the first 10 body worth of magic damage.


Bloodletter – Long Sword (20 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 15 STR min


Rod of Loraak – unadorned wooden stick (50 GP)

Hit does 1-1/2D6 Body Drain to affected location

Each hit inflicts a random natural disease on an 8-


Shrine of Loraak – 2’ high statue (50 GP)

Believers in Loraak can use a 25 point variable power pool. Costs end, 1/2 DCV concentrate, extra time variable depending on effect. Non-believers using it get a 1-1/2D6 RKA energy bolt for their troubles.


Immolate – permanent arrow (20 GP)

3D6 RKA, energy flame damage, +1 OCV


Girdle of Troll Strength – Leather Girdle (40 GP)

+30 STR, with 1.5 x END on all STR.

1/week lasts 1 turn


Erendol’s Choking Vine – 12†vine (12 GP)

4D6 Suppress vs. Recovery, +1 OCV, 6†rng.

1/day lasts 1 minute, costs 4 END to use.


Lokaar’s Natural Disaster – long sword (60 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, 15 STR min, +2 OCV, max 4D6

1/day it can do one of the following effects:

Tornado: AE 2†50 STR TK grab throw random direction, costs 4 END to use

Earthquake: AE 4†radius 35 STR TK grab throw to ground, plus 6D6 EB penetrating, 4 END to use

Lightning Strike: 2D6 RKA, +1 StunX, 1†radius, plus a 2D6 Flash vs. all sight explosion, 4 END


Greater Troll’s Heart Healing Potion - 6D6 Heal, plus 2 points of regeneration for 1 minute. Will heal 10 Body worth of critical wounds. (12 GP)


Necklace of the Sea Elf – octopus shaped (10 GP)

Breathe under water, +2†swimming


Violent Song – ivory whistle (50 GP)

1D6 NND normal, 1D6 Flash vs. all hearing

continuous, 12†radius, personal immunity

1/week costs 6 END per phase

Can take ½ damage by covering ears.


Unifex: Dagger formed from Unicorn's horn - 1D6+1 HKA, 8 STR min, +2 OCV, 1D6 Luck, 40" Teleport 2/day


Silent Blade: Stiletto 1/2D6 HKA, AP, 8 STR min, 2D6 max, +2 OCV, invisible to sound, darkness to sound on victim if hit.


Black Disc: Black Med. Shield, +2 DCV, Fast Draw, 1 pt Flash Defense, 1D6 Dark Flash vs. all sight 3" cone w/day light (2D6 in torchlight equiv.)


Nightfall: Long Sword 1-1/2D6 HKA, 15 STR, +2 OCV, 3-1/2D6 max, silver weapon, +1 DC vs. Lycanthropes and Undead, affects desolid


Tragar's Spirit Bow Rings: Must wear both rings. Gestures as if firing a bow, +1 OCV, -2 DCV, fire any arrows, 2D6 RKA affects desolid, 4/day


Vampiric Blade: Long Sword 1-1/2D6 HKA, 15 STR, +2 OCV, 3-1/2D6 max, 1D6 Body Transfer on an 8- attack roll, Full Invisibility in mirrors


Long Arm: Short Sword, 1D6+1 HKA, +2 OCV, 10 STR min, 3-1/2D6 max, +2" reach, indirect (can attack around friends or opponents), Can get surprise the first time it is used in a way the defender would never expect.


Ring of Zericus – Blood Red Ring (35 GP)

+1 Strength, +1 Endurance (not cumulative)

Can push to +10 STR 2/day w/no EGO roll


Globe of Defense – 3†r Crystal Globe (30 GP)

Useable by any magic caster. When activated it hovers in the air around the user for 1 minute. While hovering, it can do the following things from a pool of 4 charges:

Block/Deflect from H2H weapons to arrows +3 OCV (1 ch.)

Deflect any 1 Fantasy Spell, +3 OCV (4 ch.)

Erect a 2â€r Force Wall, 8 DEF Hardened (3 ch.)


Troglodyte Tongue – Preserved Tongue (5 GP)

+1 point of Troglodyte language


Troll Tongue – Preserved Tongue (5 GP)

+1 point of Troll language


Hill Giant Tongue – Preserved Tongue (5 GP)

+1 point of Hill Giant language


Harpy Feather – 2’ long feather (15 GP)

+2†Flight, cumulative, makes all flight 1/2 END


Cobra’s Fang – Mummified Cobra Rod (40 GP)

Useable only by priests and druids

1D6 RKA, AP , 0 END, no range, bite, +2 OCV

+1D6+1 RKA, NND Killing if does body, 2/day


Essence of Wraith – blue smoke potion, 2 ch. (12 GP)

Desolidifcation, costs 4 END per phase, affected by magic and mystical creatures.


Salve of Reattachment – golden salve, 1 ch. (8 GP)

Cure critical wound, even severed limb, 1 hour


Ointment of the Eagle – glittery silver, 12 ch. (3 GP)

Adds no range penalties to any attack for one shot

Works with arrows, bolts, throwing daggers, darts, etc.


Vigilant Protector – shield shaped amulet (45 GP)

3 DEF Force Field (not cumulative), 2 points power defense, 2 points mental defense

Missile Deflection, up to arrows, +2 OCV, 1/day, trigger when attacked (free action)


Alchemists Belt – Utility Belt of Holding (35 GP)

6 pockets hold 3’ x 3’ volume each.

1 potion pocket holds 2 potions, Fast draw on potions

1 wand loop holds 1 wand, Fast draw on wand

Analyzer pocket – Detect magical properties on alchemical components, 2/day

Will tell you what uses there are for the components (Troll heart for healing potion, etc.)


Silver Surprise – invisible to all sight ring (50 GP)

Summons a magical silver dagger, 0 phase activate, ½ phase put away

1D6 HKA, 8 STR min, +3 OCV, silver weapon, can be thrown

+1 overall DCV in addition to the +1 DCV vs. one H2H attack as offhanded weapon.


Sorcerer’s Secret – Plain bronze ring (15 GP)

Adds Invisible power effects to all sight, sound and smell on any spell, 2/week

Also removes any incantation component of the spell.


Amulet of the Sea Elf – choral (15 GP)

Underwater breathing, UV vision, +2†swimming


Mana Stone – 20 END reserve, only for Spells, no recovery, non-permanent item


Blink Potion, 13†teleport, 2 charges last 1 minute each (user must teleport at least 1" every phase) non-permanent item


Thrasher – Bladed Flail (50 GP)

1D6+1 HKA, 13 STR min, 6.25/DC, +1 OCV, 3D6 max

AE Selective 2 adjacent hexes, no range, 2/day


Orc Arrow of Pain – Acid Arrow (.8 GP)

2D6 RKA, Penetrating, +2 OCV, non-permanent item


Brandwunde – Long Sword (45 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, 15 STR min, +2 OCV, 3-1/2D6 max

2D6 Flash vs. all sight on a 6- attack roll


Ogre Bracers – Thick Leather (15 GP)

+2 HA with punches, 4/day


Salve of Fixing – 2 charges (15 GP)

6D6 Healing and cure poison, 2 phases to apply, non-permanent item


Hooooowee – 1 charge Potion (10 GP)

8D6 END aid and 2D6 Stun AID (can go 10 over max), non-permanent item


Splitting Oak – Arrow (5 GP)

2D6 RKA, AE 8†cone, selective, +1 OCV, non-permanent item


Pointy Pokey –Arrow (2 GP)

2D6 RKA AP, +1 OCV, non-permanent item


Arrow of the void, a rare one shot item. Works wonders vs. mages and other archers.

- 4d6 nnd eb (cold energy damage), Not vs. those immune to cold or in fullcoverage armor. 2' darkness vs. sight and sound, useable aginst others(centers on the one struck and follows them about). 4' change enviroment lowers temp to near freezing.(centers on the one struck and follows them about). The arrow shatters upon impact and is not reuseable if it fails to hit its target the darkness and cold still occur where the arrow falls. Each power is one charge with the darkness and change enviroment continueing charges that last one min.


Leach shot, one shot arrows. Not reuseable.

- 2d6 rka, 2d6 drain vs. one primary characteristic. The arrow must do body damage to the target for the drain to occur.


Arrows of seeking, 2d6 rka no range penalty. These are reuseable.


And every archers friend, The Quiver Ring: Worn on the drawing hand of the bowman it produces an arrow nocked on the string when a drawing motion is made. Each ring has a set number of charges, once exausted the ring crumbles into dust. Charges range from 12 to 250 arrows. Found rings may have any number of charges, less than 250, remaining. I assume that the quiver ring saves you a half phase when firing a bow. It would be really cool if you could "load" arrows into the ring. That way, you could put magic arrows or whatever you wanted in there.


Marksman Dagger – silver throwing dagger (30 GP)

This lightweight slim dagger is made of silver and magically enhanced. The end of the pommel has concentric rings of gold and silver, like a bull’s eye

1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 5 STR min, 2D6 MAX

+3 OCV to offset called shots when thrown, 2/day


Chameleon Clothing – set of clothes (30 GP)

This set of clothing can transform in 1 turn to any type of clothing, from winter furs to high court silk. The clothes are also magically resistant and can cover a suit of light armor.

Transform on Clothing to other non-magical clothing, 1 turn to cast

3 DEF Armor, cumulative to 7 DEF.


Glenner’s Master Picks –lock pick tool (8 GP)

10- or +1 to Lock picking skill


Drake – Wyvern Skin Suit (20 GP)

Made from the relatively soft, and very flexible, underside of a Wyvern, this armor is extremely tough for the weight.

4 DEF Armor, all over except locations 3 and 6 when the hood is pulled up. -1 DCV/DEX Checks


Bone Bow – Heavy Crossbow (50 GP)

This gruesome crossbow is partially assembled from an animated skeleton. Upon command, the skeleton arms will **** the bow for the next shot, which takes a ½ phase of time but only 0 phase to activate it. So, you can activate it, move and still fire the crossbow.

2D6 RKA, 15 STR min, +1 Rmod


Grim – Short Sword (55 GP)

The blade of this short sword is blood red and appears as if it were made of glass and filled with constantly swirling blood. A strike from this sword will sometimes cause a gushing wound.

1D6+1 HKA, +2 OCV, 10 STR min, 3D6 Max

on an 8 or less attack roll, it causes an additional 1D6 Body drain the next phase.


Ricochet – 1†Steel Ball Bearing (20 GP)

1-1/2D6 RKA, +1 StunX, +2 OCV, 1/ day, recoverable charge.

AE any 12â€, selective, no range, must travel 2†per hex side direction change.


Steadfast – Medium Shield (45 GP)

This was once a normal wooden shield that had seen a lot of use. After a pitched battle with a Temporal Liche, this shield was found on the battlefield next to a seemingly alive fighter. However, they found that neither the fighter or his equipment could be affected by normal means. They were somehow immune to normal kinetic forces. The shield was a novelty for many years, until finally another mage put a telekinesis spell on the shield, allowing the wielder to move it, although it still takes great strength to force it where you want it, hitting it with a normal weapon is worse than striking a solid piece of metal, it sends shock waves of force back down your arm, but the wielder feels nothing. You could use this to block a battering ram, a dragon’s claw, or a canon shot.

+2 DCV, 18 STR min, 20 DEF Hardened x2 vs. non-spell (10 DEF normal vs. spells), 5 Body,

Fast Draw on shield with DEX check if not 5 STR over minimum.

It can block any non-spell attack without the wielder feeling the force of the attack.

Damage Shield feedback physical EB of DC equal to attack, going back to attacking limb.


Oculus – Demon Eye Broach (15 GP)

UV Vision, IR Vision within 5†range, See life force within 5†range (can help see invisible as w/fringe)


Fresh Air Globe – ½†Swirled Marble (5 GP)

Self Contained Breathing while it is in your mouth.


Ring of the Nereids

5 LS:Breath Underwater

8 +8" Swimming

4 Language:Nereids

17 Pnts. IIF (-1/4), Independent (-2), Real cost:5


Everlast – Long Sword (50 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 13 STR min, 4D6 Max

¼ Aging rate for wielder, Immune to Disease

Slayer – Grand Sword (50 GP)

2-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 25 STR min, 6D6 Max

2 handed unless 3 levels of growth or more

Will not fit in normal scabbard of concealment


Azmod – Small Rod (30 GP)

50 STR TK, grab throw, directly away from attack, no range, +2 OCV, 2/day

Damage is from hitting objects in path.


Unmaker – Main Gouge (35 GP)

1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 5 STR min, 1-1/2D6 max

Can block to destroy a non-magical weapon

Destroys the weapon on a 8- block roll.

15D6 Dispel, any single fantasy magic, 1/week


The Sky is Falling – Stone Ring (20 GP)

2-1/2D6 RKA, 8†radius, 1/week


Girth – Clay Ring (30 GP)

+2 Body, +1 CON (not affect figured stats)


The Great Wall – Stone Amulet (10 GP)

9 DEF Hardened, 60†long Force Wall, 1/day

The wall is broken down in 10†segments


Mind Grabber – Wand, 3 charges (15 GP)

Ego Entangle, +2 OCV, doesn’t take damage

#D6 = (EGO of target/7)


Nova – Potion Bottle of light (6 GP)

10D6 EB Energy Explosion, Penetrating

linked to a 2D6 Flash all sight explosion, 2†fade


Daze – Permanent Arrow (20 GP)

2D6 RKA, +2 OCV

-2 CV and -2 Perception, -2 DEX roll offs

the effects last for 1 turn.


Oh, BTW, FWIW, given the current discussion about plate armor (elsewhere on the message boards), I should explain that with my Grey Hero House Rules I give:

1) each "plus" of a magic weapon a level of Penetrating (as well as +1 OCV and +1 DC) and


2) each "plus" of magic armor a level of hardened (as well as +1 DCV and +1 rDEF)


This allows magic weapons to get some damage through non-magical armor (or more magical weapons to penetrate through less magical armor, as the case may be), but YMMV...





The original Manticore Mace gained infamy in the bloody hands of one of the most notorious knights of the Order of the Black Hart, who is said to have gained the mace through an unholy pact with Hextor himself. This great two-handed mace is a magnificent piece of ornate gothic craftsmanship inset with iron-hard spines taken from the tail of a live manticore. This wicked weapon is enchanted to enhance its melee combat capabilities but it's most deadly power is the ability to shoot a volley of enchanted manticore spines. Thirteen copies of this fearsome mace have been commissioned by the Horned Society and Manticore Maces are now encountered in a variety of sizes and degrees of supernatural potency.




Accuracy Enchantment: OCV +1 with Manticore Mace (5 Base Points); Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), (+½; 7 Active Points); Focus (OAF small mace; -1), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (-0), Required Hands (1-Handed Weapon; -0), Strength Minimum (8; -½) (-3½; 2 Real Points).


Melee Mace: HKA 1d6+1 (up to 2½d6) (20 Base Points); Penetrating (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), (+1; 40 Active Points); Focus (OAF small mace; -1), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (-0), Required Hands (1-Handed Weapon; -0), Strength Minimum (8; -½) (-3½; 9 Real Points).


Shooting Spines: RKA 1d6+1 (20 Base Points); Armor Piercing (+½), Autofire (6 spikes; +½), No Range Modifier (+½), Penetrating (+½) (+2; 60 Active Points); Charges (1 volley of up to 6 spikes per day; -2), Focus (OAF small mace; -1), Incantations (True Name of the manticore the tail spikes are from; -¼), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (0), Required Hands (1-Handed Weapon; -0), Strength Minimum (8; -½)(-5¾; 9 Real Points).


Totals: 45 Base Points, 107 Active Points, 20 Real Points.




Accuracy Enchantment: OCV +2 with Manticore Mace (10 Base Points); Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), (+½; 15 Active Points); Focus (OAF small mace; -1), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (-0), Required Hands (1-Handed Weapon; -0), Strength Minimum (8; -½) (-3½; 3 Real Points).


Melee Mace: HKA 1½d6 (up to 3d6+1) (25 Base Points); Penetrating (x2; +1), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), (+1½; 62 Active Points); Focus (OAF small mace; -1), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (-0), Required Hands (1-Handed Weapon; -0), Strength Minimum (8; -½) (-3½; 14 Real Points).


Shooting Spines: RKA 1½d6 (25 Base Points); Armor Piercing (+½), Autofire (6 spikes; +½), No Range Modifier (+½), Penetrating (x2; +1) (+2½; 87 Active Points); Charges (2 volleys of up to 6 spikes per day; -1½), Focus (OAF small mace; -1), Incantations (True Name of the manticore the tail spikes are from; -¼), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (0), Required Hands (1-Handed Weapon; -0), Strength Minimum (8; -½)(-5¼; 14 Real Points).


Totals: 60 Base Points, 165 Active Points, 31 Real Points.




Accuracy Enchantment: OCV +3 with Manticore Mace (15 Base Points); Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), (+½; 22 Active Points); Focus (OAF small mace; -1), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (-0), Required Hands (1-Handed Weapon; -0), Strength Minimum (8; -½) (-3½; 5 Real Points).


Melee Mace: HKA 2d6 (up to 4d6) (30 Base Points); Penetrating (x3; +1½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), (+2; 90 Active Points); Focus (OAF small mace; -1), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (-0), Required Hands (1-Handed Weapon; -0), Strength Minimum (8; -½) (-3½; 20 Real Points).


Shooting Spines: RKA 2d6 (30 Base Points); Armor Piercing (+½), Autofire (6 spikes; +½), No Range Modifier (+½), Penetrating (x3; +1½) (+3; 120 Active Points); Charges (3 volleys of up to 6 spikes per day; -1¼), Focus (OAF small mace; -1), Incantations (True Name of the manticore the tail spikes are from; -¼), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (0), Required Hands (1-Handed Weapon; -0), Strength Minimum (8; -½) (-5; 20 Real Points).


Totals: 75 Base Points, 225 Active Points, 45 Real Points.




Accuracy Enchantment: OCV +1 with Manticore Mace (5 Base Points); Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), (+½; 7 Active Points); Focus (OAF medium mace; -1), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (-0), Required Hands (1½-Handed; -¼), Strength Minimum (10; -½) (-3¾; 1 Real Point).


Melee Mace: HKA 1½d6 (up to 3d6+1) (25 Base Points); Penetrating (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), (+1; 50 Active Points); Focus (OAF small mace; -1), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (-0), Required Hands (1½-Handed; -¼), Strength Minimum (10; -½) (-3¾; 11 Real Points).


Shooting Spines: RKA 1d6+1 (20 Base Points); Armor Piercing (+½), Autofire (6 spikes; +½), No Range Modifier (+½), Penetrating (+½) (+2; 60 Active Points); Charges (1 volley of up to 6 spikes per day; -2), Focus (OAF medium mace; -1), Incantations (True Name of the manticore the tail spikes are from; -¼), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (0), Required Hands (1½-Handed; -¼), Strength Minimum (10; -½) (-6; 9 Real Points).


Totals: 50 Base Points, 117 Active Points, 21 Real Points.




Accuracy Enchantment: OCV +2 with Manticore Mace (10 Base Points); Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), (+½; 15 Active Points); Focus (OAF medium mace; -1), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (-0), Required Hands (1½-Handed; -¼), Strength Minimum (10; -½) (-3¾; 3 Real Points).


Melee Mace: HKA 2d6 (up to 4d6) (30 Base Points); Penetrating (x2; +1), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), (+1½; 75 Active Points); Focus (OAF medium mace; -1), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (-0), Required Hands (1½-Handed; -¼), Strength Minimum (10; -½) (-3¾; 16 Real Points).


Shooting Spines: RKA 1½d6 (25 Base Points); Armor Piercing (+½), Autofire (6 spikes; +½), No Range Modifier (+½), Penetrating (x2; +1) (+2½; 87 Active Points); Charges (2 volleys of up to 6 spikes per day; -1½), Focus (OAF medium mace; -1), Incantations (True Name of the manticore the tail spikes are from; -¼), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (0), Required Hands (1½-Handed; -¼), Strength Minimum (10; -½) (-5½; 13 Real Points).


Totals: 65 Base Points, 177 Active Points, 32 Real Points.




Accuracy Enchantment: OCV +3 with Manticore Mace (15 Base Points); Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), (+½; 22 Active Points); Focus (OAF medium mace; -1), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (-0), Required Hands (1½-Handed; -¼), Strength Minimum (10; -½) (-3¾; 5 Real Points).


Melee Mace: HKA 2d6+1 (up to 4½d6) (35 Base Points); Penetrating (x3; +1½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), (+2; 105 Active Points); Focus (OAF medium mace; -1), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (-0), Required Hands (1½-Handed; -¼), Strength Minimum (10; -½) (-3¾; 22 Real Points).


Shooting Spines: RKA 2d6 (30 Base Points); Armor Piercing (+½), Autofire (6 spikes; +½), No Range Modifier (+½), Penetrating (x3; +1½) (+3; 120 Active Points); Charges (3 volleys of up to 6 spikes per day; -1¼), Focus (OAF medium mace; -1), Incantations (True Name of the manticore the tail spikes are from; -¼), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (0), Required Hands (1½-Handed; -¼), Strength Minimum (10; -½) (-5¼; 19 Real Points).


Totals: 80 Base Points, 247 Active Points, 46 Real Points.




Accuracy Enchantment: OCV +1 with Manticore Mace (5 Base Points); Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), (+½; 7 Active Points); Focus (OAF large mace; -1), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (-0), Required Hands (1½-handed; -¼), Strength Minimum (13; -½) (-3¾; 1 Real Point).


Melee Mace: HKA 2d6 (up to 4d6) (30 Base Points); Penetrating (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), (+1; 60 Active Points); Focus (OAF large mace; -1), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (-0), Required Hands (1½-Handed; -¼), Strength Minimum (10; -½) (-3¾; 13 Real Points).


Shooting Spines: RKA 1d6+1 (20 Base Points); Armor Piercing (+½), Autofire (6 spikes; +½), No Range Modifier (+½), Penetrating (+½) (+2; 60 Active Points); Charges (1 volley of up to 6 spikes per day; -2), Focus (OAF medium mace; -1), Incantations (True Name of the manticore the tail spikes are from; -¼), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (0), Required Hands (1½-handed; -¼), Strength Minimum (13; -½) (-6; 9 Real Points).


Totals: 55 Base Points, 127 Active Points, 23 Real Points.




Accuracy Enchantment: OCV +2 with Manticore Mace (10 Base Points); Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), (+½; 15 Active Points); Focus (OAF medium mace; -1), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (-0), Required Hands (1½-handed; -¼), Strength Minimum (13; -½) (-3¾; 3 Real Points).


Melee Mace: HKA 2d6+1 (up to 4½d6) (35 Base Points); Penetrating (x2; +1), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), (+1½; 87 Active Points); Focus (OAF medium mace; -1), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (-0), Required Hands (1½-handed; -¼), Strength Minimum (13; -½) (-3¾; 18 Real Points).


Shooting Spines: RKA 1½d6 (25 Base Points); Armor Piercing (+½), Autofire (6 spikes; +½), No Range Modifier (+½), Penetrating (x2; +1) (+2½; 87 Active Points); Charges (2 volleys of up to 6 spikes per day; -1½), Focus (OAF medium mace; -1), Incantations (True Name of the manticore the tail spikes are from; -¼), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (0), Required Hands (1½-handed; -¼), Strength Minimum (13; -½) (-5½; 13 Real Points).


Totals: 70 Base Points, 189 Active Points, 34 Real Points.




Accuracy Enchantment: OCV +3 with Manticore Mace (15 Base Points); Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), (+½; 22 Active Points); Focus (OAF medium mace; -1), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (-0), Required Hands (1½-handed; -¼), Strength Minimum (13; -½) (-3¾; 5 Real Points).


Melee Mace: HKA 2½d6 (up to 5d6+1) (40 Base Points); Penetrating (x3; +1½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), (+2; 120 Active Points); Focus (OAF medium mace; -1), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (-0), Required Hands (1½-handed; -¼), Strength Minimum (13; -½) (-3¾; 25 Real Points).


Shooting Spines: RKA 2d6 (30 Base Points); Armor Piercing (+½), Autofire (6 spikes; +½), No Range Modifier (+½), Penetrating (x3; +1½) (+3; 120 Active Points); Charges (3 volleys of up to 6 spikes per day; -1¼), Focus (OAF medium mace; -1), Incantations (True Name of the manticore the tail spikes are from; -¼), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (0), Required Hands (1½-handed; -¼), Strength Minimum (13; -½) (-5¼; 19 Real Points).


Totals: 85 Base Points, 262 Active Points, 49 Real Points.




Accuracy Enchantment: OCV +1 with Manticore Mace (5 Base Points); Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), (+½; 7 Active Points); Focus (OAF great mace; -1), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (-0), Required Hands (2-handed; -½), Strength Minimum (15; -¾) (-4¼; 1 Real Point).


Melee Mace: HKA 2d6+1 (up to 4½d6) (35 Base Points); Penetrating (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), (+1; 70 Active Points); Focus (OAF great mace; -1), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (-0), Required Hands (2-handed; -½), Strength Minimum (15; -¾) (-4¼; 13 Real Points).


Shooting Spines: RKA 1d6+1 (20 Base Points); Armor Piercing (+½), Autofire (6 spikes; +½), No Range Modifier (+½), Penetrating (+½) (+2; 60 Active Points); Charges (1 volley of up to 6 spikes per day; -2), Focus (OAF great mace; -1), Incantations (True Name of the manticore the tail spikes are from; -¼), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (-0), Required Hands (2-handed; -½), Strength Minimum (15; -¾) (-6½; 9 Real Points).


Totals: 60 Base Points, 137 Active Points, 23 Real Points.




Accuracy Enchantment: OCV +2 with Manticore Mace (10 Base Points); Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), (+½; 15 Active Points); Focus (OAF great mace; -1), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (-0), Required Hands (2-handed; -½), Strength Minimum (15; -¾) (-4¼; 3 Real Points).


Melee Mace: HKA 2½d6 (up to 5d6+1) (40 Base Points); Penetrating (x2; +1), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), (+1½; 100 Active Points); Focus (OAF great mace; -1), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (-0), Required Hands (2-handed; -½), Strength Minimum (15; -¾) (-4¼; 19 Real Points).


Shooting Spines: RKA 1½d6 (25 Base Points); Armor Piercing (+½), Autofire (6 spikes; +½), No Range Modifier (+½), Penetrating (x2; +1) (+2½; 87 Active Points); Charges (2 volleys of up to 6 spikes per day; -1½), Focus (OAF great mace; -1), Incantations (True Name of the manticore the tail spikes are from; -¼), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (0), Required Hands (2-handed; -½), Strength Minimum (15; -¾) (-6; 13 Real Points).


Totals: 75 Base Points, 202 Active Points, 35 Real Points.




Accuracy Enchantment: OCV +3 with Manticore Mace (15 Base Points); Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), (+½; 22 Active Points); Focus (OAF great mace; -1), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (-0), Required Hands (2-handed; -½), Strength Minimum (15; -¾) (-4¼; 4 Real Points).


Melee Mace: HKA 3d6 (up to 6d6) (45 Base Points); Penetrating (x3; +1½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), (+2; 135 Active Points); Focus (OAF great mace; -1), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (-0), Required Hands (2-handed; -½), Strength Minimum (15; -¾) (-4¼; 26 Real Points).


Shooting Spines: RKA 2d6 (30 Base Points); Armor Piercing (+½), Autofire (6 spikes; +½), No Range Modifier (+½), Penetrating (x3; +1½) (+3; 120 Active Points); Charges (3 volleys of up to 6 spikes per day; -1¼), Focus (OAF great mace; -1), Incantations (True Name of the manticore the tail spikes are from; -¼), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (0), Required Hands (2-handed; -½), Strength Minimum (15; -¾) (-6; 17 Real Points).


Totals: 90 Base Points, 277 Active Points, 47 Real Points.




This is the original mace upon which all the others are based. This is not a standard magic item that any PC is likely to gain (or want to keep), it is an artifact wielded by a powerful arch-villain with high placed infernal contacts who commands a legion of loyal evil knights whose rites emulate the brutal feeding habits of the manticores whom they venerate.


Accuracy Enchantment: OCV +4 with Manticore Mace (20 Base Points); Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), (+½; 30 Active Points); Focus (OAF great mace; -1), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (-0), Required Hands (2-handed; -½), Strength Minimum (15; -¾) (-4¼; 6 Real Points).


Melee Mace: HKA 3d6+1 (up to 6½d6) (50 Base Points); Penetrating (x3; +1½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), (+2; 150 Active Points); Focus (OAF great mace; -1), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (-0), Required Hands (2-handed; -½), Strength Minimum (15; -¾) (-4¼; 29 Real Points).


Shooting Spines: RKA 2d6+1 (35 Base Points); Armor Piercing (+½), Autofire (6 spikes; +½), No Range Modifier (+½), Penetrating (x3; +1½) (+3; 140 Active Points); Charges (4 volleys of up to 6 spikes per day; -1), Focus (OAF great mace; -1), Incantations (True Name of the manticore the tail spikes are from; -¼), Independent (-2), Magical Weapon (-0), Required Hands (2-handed; -½), Strength Minimum (15; -¾) (-5½; 22 Real Points).


In addition, the original mace has two other powers that the copies don't:


Mantimorph: Multiform to Manticore (350 point form; 70 Base Points); (70 Active Points); Personality Loss (Hour; -1), Reversion (most people are weaker but those likely to take the mace aren't by much; -¼); Charges (1/day; -2), Extra Time (Full Phase; -½), Focus (OAF, great mace; -1), Incantations (Chant; -¼), Independent (-2), Side Effect (Cumulative Gradual Transform into Voracious Eater and Vicious Killer; -1) (-8; 8 Real Points),


Manticall: Summon Manticores (6 x 350 points each; 70+30 = 100 Base Points); Amicable (Loyal; +½) (150 Active Points); Arrives under own power (-½), Summoned Beings Must Inhabit Locale (-½), Charges (1/day; -2), Extra Time (6 Minutes; -2), Focus (OAF, great mace; -1), Incantations (Chant; -¼), Independent (-2), Side Effect (Cumulative Gradual Transform into Voracious Eater and Vicious Killer; -1) (-9¼; 15 Real Points),


Totals: 275 Base Points, 540 Active Points, 80 Real Points.






These gloves increase the strength of the wearer into that of an Ogre.


Gauntlets of Ogre Power: STR +20 (20 Base Points); 0 END (only on the 20 STR from the Gauntlets; +½) (30 Active Points); Focus - IIF (Gloves; -¼), Independent (-2), Only hands and arms (-¼), Must use, and pay END on, natural STR first (-¼)(-2¾; 8 Real Points)


In Grey Hero, a normal human has 10 STR and a normal Ogre has 30 STR, thus these gloves increase a human's STR into the Ogre range.




1. A Semi-Cursed version would be that the Gauntlet STR is always used first with 0 END and then the normal STR used, which seems like a good thing; and it is except that over time the natural muscles in the arms will atrophy due to the magic doing all the work -- that is unless massive amounts of STR are used regularly. Treat this as a Side Effect of a Gradual Effect STR Drain with a long recovery rate that can only be recovered by excercising normal STR.


I really like this variation in an Elric/Stormbringer sort of symbiotic gift/curse/dependence way but haven't taken the time to write it up in full.


2. A less interesting Endurance variation is: Instead of 0 END, having the full Endurance cost would tire the user more quickly if they used the extra STR; OR a Step Further would be to have Increased END on the extra STR and make the gauntlets useful only for short-term bursts of strength.


3. Instead of +20 STR, the gauntlets could give a flat 30 STR so that regardless of the initial STR of the wearer they would have 30 STR. This is a more strict xD&D conversion, but I think a less interesting and less logical one.


4. Aid could be used instead to provide a variable STR but the cost of the item would be much higher (which is why I didn't use it).




Similar to Gauntlets of Ogre Power (q.v.), these belts increase the strength of the wearer into that of a giant. (In Grey Hero, normal humans have 10 STR, Hill Giants have 35 STR, Stone Giants 40, Frost Giants 45, Fire Giants 50, Cloud Giants 55, and Storm Giants 60)


Giant STR


Hill +25

Stone +30

Frost +35

Fire +40

Cloud +45

Storm +50


Variations: See above, but the greater the STR enhancement of the item, the greater the effect of the variation -- be it tiring from increased END or long-term weakening from reliance on artificial STR.




Spear of the Unicorn: tip looks like an Alicorn; HKA, may be thrown (or treated as RKA with SFX of teleporting return); Teleportation (Self & 1 other), Only usable by Virgin Girls, teleports away from all others hands before they can use.



Crafted long ago, by the greatest smiths of the Sidhe, this elegantly crafted bronze blade is home to mighty enchantments. A Queen amongst the Sidhe, dismayed by the knowledge that mankind was free to foreswear their oaths without punishment from the Gods, had this blade crafted to bind the life forces of oath takers to their sworn quests, granting aid to those truesworn and doom to those who spoke false. Often this blade has found its way into the hands of mortals, but it usually returns in time to the Otherworld, where it is still used to bind mortals to quests of glory or necessity.


Oathbinder is a superbly crafted, artfully made leaf blade bastard sword of reddish bronze, with a shimmering patina of reds, purples and blues swimming along the blade. The guard and pommel are covered in intricate spiral patterns, and the hilt is wrapped in knobby, iridescent black leather from some otherworld beast’s hide. The blade has no obvious manifestations of power, but touching the blade will send a cold chill up the spine of most mortals.


Though Oathbider is a superb weapon, most of its powers are not apparent in combat…at first. Swearing on Oathbinder is, as the name implies, binding. As long as an oathtaker is true to their quest, they will find themselves difficult to harm, linked as one in purpose with other oathtakers, led by omens towards their goal, and filled with a supernatural vitality… this vitality increases both when they come closer to victory and when one of their sworn fellows falls. However, if they foreswear their oath or swear foolishly to something impossible, the magic of the sword will be merciless, turning the very fabric of existence against them. Tales are oft told, within the hollow hills, of the foolish mortal hero who swore not to rest till a marauding worm had been slain. After tracking the fell beast for three days, he collapsed into an exhausted sleep and found upon awakening that he bore the crushing burden of a broken geis upon his soul. By the same token, swearing that a foe will die by your hand invites doom, as you will be foresworn if such a foe dies by any other means.


All powers are OAF(-1), Independent (-2)


-- 2D6 HKA: +2 OCV (40 active) Str Min 13/11 2handed StrMin [Active/3] (-3/4), 1 1/2 handed (-1/4)

-- Mind Link: up to 8 people at one time, O end (37 active) Gestures [touch blade] (-1/4), Incantations [swear oath] (-1/4), costs End (-1/2), 1 charge [recovers when oath is fulfilled or all oathtakers are dead or foresworn] (-2) SideFX [6d6 unluck if oath is foresworn] (-1/2)

Detect Dedication: sense, Discrim., +8, based on ECV (works through link) (52 active) Only usable by sword to activate powers and SideFX (16 or less PER roll)

-- Detect Goal of Oath: sense, ranged, 360 degrees, discriminatory (25 base) No Range Mod (+1/2), Usable by Others -up to 8 (+1 3/4) (81 active) Only usable by those sworn to oath (-1/2), no conscious control (-2), Visible (-1/4), Requires a SR (KS: Omens) on Discriminatory (This is the appearance of omens leading the questers toward their goal)

-- 50% Damage Reduction: physical & energy, resistant (60 base) Usable by others: up to 8 (+1 3/4) (165 active) Oathsworn Only (-1/2), only when pursuing goal (-1/2), SideFX [every point of Body damage not taken by character due to reduction is taken as 1 point of cumulative major transform [living to dead] with a time delay [when quest is complete]. These transform points heal like body, and healing is not aided by any other powers from the sword] (-1) (This is the life force linkage, and part of the vitality… as long as the quest is being followed, the questers are able to ignore much pain and damage… but it is quite possible for the effect to kill them if their life force has not recovered before the quest is finished)

-- 1D6 Aid: To all CHA of a group (Body, Con, End, Rec, End and Stun) (+2) Increased Max to 30 (+12 base), Fade rate 5pts/year (+2 1/4), Continuous (+1), 0 Endurance persistent (+1) Variable trigger [when quest is sworn, when questers are slain, or when a significant goal towards completion of the quest is attained] (+1/2) Usable by others: up to 8 (+1 3/4) (161 active) Only usable by those sworn to the quest (-1/2), Aid Fades completely at successful conclusion of quest or when foresworn) (-1/2) (This is the rest of the vitality boost. 1D6 is granted to each quester each time the trigger activates. This increases their vitality a bit at the start, but increases as the quest continues. As those who have sworn together have linked lives, each increases in vigor when one of their numbers falls)


As you can see, this is an artifact level item, but not overly unbalancing. It was also designed so that the owner of the blade does not need to be one of those who swears to undertake a quest… it’s a great plot device. Its built with 4th Ed rules, as I have yet to obtain a copy of FreD, but should be easy to translate.


Sawtooth – Halberd (60 GP)

2D6+1 HKA, +1 OCV, 18 STR, 2H, 5D6 max

Penetrating on a 7- attack roll

+3 PRE when wielding, cumulative +10

Beast Master – Horse Hair Charm (20 GP)

+1 or 11- Combat riding: Any horse-like animal

½ End and fatigue when riding

+1 or 11- to Animal handling (horse-like only)


Whisper – Long Sword (60 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 15 STR min, 4D6 max

11- or +1 to Stealth rolls, cumulative to +2

Can conceal incantations 1/day

Can put invisible power effects a spell 1/day


Fire Brand – Long Sword (65 GP + 5 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 15 STR min, 4D6 max

+1D6 EB fire, NND always on (requires special scabbard that suppresses fire (comes with sword)

Start normal fires at will

10% DR vs. fire, cumulative to 25%


Potion of Life – blood red potion (12 GP/ch.)

8 points of Regeneration for 2 Turns

1D6 Stun Aid on segment 6 and 12, 2 Turns


Blade Barrier – Charm with 12 swords (15 GP/ch.)

1-1/2D6 Penetrating Damage Shield

½ phase activate (does not end turn), last 1 turn


Dark Shard – Black Long Sword (50 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 15 STR min, 4D6 max

1D6 (darkness) flash vs. all sight on a 8-

Night vision (1/2 penalties from all darkness)


Bow Ring– ring of bow string (6 GP/each)

Can “store†up to 6 arrows (normal or magical) inside it

takes 1 phase to load each arrow. Fire them in a ½ phase action as if firing a crossbow. Max 2D6+1 normal arrows.


Minmax – mini Arbalest (15 GP)

This crossbow is the size of a small pistol

You can load any Arbalest bolt into it as normal

Willing weapon enchantment (fast draw)


Storm Giant Potion – Smoky Potion (8 GP/ch.)

+25 STR, +10 ED, lasts 1 minute

Call lighting: 2D6+1 RKA, +1 StunX, outside, 2 ch.


Life Saver – Ivory Necklace (25 GP)

1 Point of Flash Defense, not cumulative

+8 DCV vs. Called shots on the head

1 DEF on loc 3-5, cumulative to 8 DEF


Bone Reaver – Long Sword/Hammer (70 GP)

This sword is made out of the spinal chord of a skeleton

1-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 15 STR min, 4D6 max, OR

1-1/2D6 HKA, +1 OCV, 22 STR, +1 StunX, 4D6 max

+1 DC vs. skeletons of all types


Ice Pick – Ice Stiletto (40 GP)

1D6 HKA, AP AP, +2 OCV, 10 STR min, max 2-1/2D6

Can be thrown, returns to scabbard at end of next phase


Rolling Stone – G. Ball of Crushing (5 GP/each)

2D6 RKA, Penetrating, any 12â€, no range, 1†turn mode


Sunder – Small Runed Baton (30 GP)

3D6N +2 OCV, 5 STR min

Does additional 2D6 RKA, no range, no 8-

Shooting Stars Darts – Silver Darts (10 GP)

1-1/2D6 RKA, +2 OCV, +1 StunX. +2 vs. range

Recoverable charge


Wyvern Armor – like soft leather (35 GP)

5 DEF, cumulative to 7 DEF, all over, -1 DCV/DEX


Crystal Wand – 4 charges (12 GP)

1-1/2D6 AP AP or +2 StunX, +2 OCV or


Bender – Long Sword (45 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 15 STR min, 4D6 max

+2†Reach and +2 OCV, activate 0 phase, 3/day


Circlet of Fire – ruby circlet (25 GP)

10% DR fire, cumulative to 25%

Fire Bolt: 2D6 Explosion, 1/day


Gloves of Spellcraft – Burgundy Leather (25 GP)

+1 to Classic Spells and Magic Theory

+1 to cast one spell (chose)


Potion of Stone – Black potion (8 GP)

25% DR from blades, last 2 turns

+5 STR, +2 PD +2 ED


Stave of the Acrobat

+4d6 Ha

+2 8 point levels with Dexterity Skills.

Mincer- Meat Cleaver

1d6 HKA, Str min 5

+2d6 HKA, only to increase addable str and to double Str add increase above base HKA level. (ie +15 Str over Str Min would add 2d6 HKA not 1d6HKA)


Switcheroo wand

3d6 Major Transform-transforms Spell Foci to other (inappropriate) Spell Foci....

+4 CV's with Transforms


Blood Strike:

Standard scimitar with blood red ruby in hilt.

(Scimitar part as per Hero 5th) plus

+5 to hit OAF, Ind, 1 Charge

(recharge the weapon by cutting oneself, causing 1 body worth of dmg, and coating the weapon with the blood.)


[ Oh yeah did i mention some of these were the "bad guys" weapons? ]


Blade Charms:

Small coins tied to the hilt of a weapon.

3d6 Luck IIF, Ind, Only for fighting

(using the hero 5th alternate rules for luck, each body rolled on Luck dice at beginning of session is a chance to reroll any bad rolls)


Faestrike Gauntlets:

Chainmail gauntlets

(again Chainmail gauntlets as per Hero 5th)plus

+20 Str OIF, 1 Charge, Ind

(Charge is once per day)


Minor Arcanas – Diamond Ring (15 GP)

Can store one 40 AP spell per day

Any spell caster


Talisman of the Blade – braided hilt charm (20 GP)

Re-roll 1 to hit or location roll, 1/week

Works on any kind of sword


Potion of Occlusion – clear potion (6 GP)

Invisibility to normal, IR and UV sight, lasts 1 minute

not within 6†radius


Pounder – mud brown potion (8 GP)

+2 PD, +2 ED, +5 CON (for determining if stunned only)

2 charges last 1 minute each.


Argute – Glittery White Javelin (45 GP)

1D6+1 HKA, +1 OCV, 10 STR min, 3D6 Max, can be thrown

AP on a 6- attack roll


Prismatic Wand – 1â€x 18†kaleidoscope (10.5 GP)

Roll 2D6 for which color hits each target

3 charges, 3†cone, no range

Blue 2-3: 1D6 CON Drain

Green 4-5: -1 CV for 1 Turn

Yellow 6-8: 6D6N EB heat ray

Orange 9-10: 2D6 Flash vs. all sight

Red 11-12: 3D6 NND Energy


Rod of Might –Rod w/ fist (10 GP)

+20 END, +5 STR (cumulative to +10)

2 charges last 1 minute each, only on self


Rubber Arms – Bracers (9 GP)

3†Stretching, 3 charges last 5 minutes

not a permanent item


Magic Bane – Salve (8 GP)

This salve makes an item very resistant to magic, but only protects the item. 75% DR vs. all damage and 10D6 Suppress vs. all fantasy magic at once, only on the item it is rubbed on. Item can be about the size of a weapon or piece of armor, or shield and non-living. 4 charges last 1 week.


Focus – Mirrored Rod, 3 charges (6 GP)

Automatic coordinate on any spell or spell-like powers cast at the rod and then sent at same time on to target. The holder of the rod must use a half phase to coordinate the attacks.


Tooth of the Banshee – 1†long (6 GP)

Can perform Banshee scream during duration of power

+20 PRE to cause fear, 2 charges last 1 minute


Carrion – Writhing Wormy Black Rod, 3 charges (9 GP)

1/2D6 RKA, NND Killing, +1 OCV

linked to 2D6 CON & 2D6 END Drain, fade per week


Perfect Body – blue potion, 1 charge (7 GP)

Gives user a 20 Body, 20 CON, 20 Dex, 10 PD, 10 ED,

50 End, 50 Stun, 10 Rec, 5 Speed, 17- Acrobatics,

10†Running, and +1 all Combat, for 2 turns

At the end of the duration, the character takes 30 End from current total. Only useable by Monks


Dolomedes Triton Boots – Spider Hide (10 GP)

Up to 10†flight, only on water (at running speed)


Brainer – Blood Red Sap (15 GP)

3D6N, 5 STR min, +1 OCV


Purgatory – Black Helm (10 GP)

8 DEF on loc 3-5

Simulate Death, Invisibility to detect life. Also gives Discriminatory hearing so that the character has an idea of what is going on around them, 1 charge per week that lasts up to 1 hour


Dwarven Insight – Small Hammer Charm (7 GP)

Bump of Direction, underground only


Eluvia – Silver Braded Belt (20 GP)

Self contained breathing

+2 DEF on location 13, cumulative to 9 DEF

3 Points Power Defense, cumulative to 5


Harvest – Golden Scythe (50 GP)

1-1/2D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 12 STR min, 2H, 4D6 max

1D6 END transfer on 7- attack roll

1D6 Body and 1D6 Stun transfer on 4- attack roll


Defender of Utarin – Elegant Short Sword (45 GP)

1D6 HKA, +2 OCV, 10 STR min, 3D6 max

+1 DCV when wielding as primary weapon

+3 DCV, 0 phase activate, 2/day


Swarm – Temporary Arrows (2 GP each)

2D6 RKA, 5 shot Autofire, +2 OCV

Each one does 1 pip NND Killing if the RKA does body


Vamp – Permanent Arrow (12 GP)

2D6 RKA, +1 OCV

2D6 Body and 2D6 Stun Transfer, above max


Subdue – Permanent Arrow (10 GP)

6D6 N, +1 OCV, +1 Rmod, Invisible Power Effects


Bolster – Strong Alcoholic Potion (2 GP per charge)

+5 PRE (defensive only), 2D6 END aid above max


Zinger – ½†Runed Slingless Bullet (15 GP)

2D6 RKA, Penetrating, +2 OCV, any 12â€, no range, must hit target to proceed to next. +1 StunX on 7- attack roll.


Suspender, Arrow of Sleep

12d6 supress body, 1 charge, lasting 10 years.

Slipknot(Sfx:Rope(may have other uses))

4d6 Entangle Linked with 0 End 1d6 Transfer STR to Body for Slipknot Triggered by using Str. (The more you struggle, the harder it gets to get free)


Strafer: Longbow,

+8PSL's vs Rapidshot penalties. Side effects= 1/2 DCV while carried.


Potion of Spirit Touch

This potion allows the imbiber to affect the spirit world as though it was the real world...grab or punch spirits for example.

Affects Desolid as naked advantage applied to up to 20 STR (10 Active); OAF - expendible, Trigger - drinking potion, 3 charges that last 1 turn each.


Oil of Ricochet

This oil, when applied to a missile weapon, allows the user to bounce the weapon off multiple surfaces before hitting the target.

Indirect +3/4 as naked advantage on up to 2d6 RKA, OAF, Trigger (drink), 3 charges of 2 phases each.


Potion of Retribution

This sneaky potion lets the user attack with no visible effect. The effects occur later, perhaps at an inoppurtune time. (example: Crush drinks the potion and hits Dirk with an 8d6N blow to the back, then runs away as fast as he can. Dirk feels nothing, but wonders why Crush is running away. Crush set the time of the effect for 1 minute, so in 60 seconds, Dirk is going to fall to the ground with no Crush to be seen.)

Time Delay +1/4 as a naked advantage on up to 20 STR. 3 charges of 1 Turn each, OAF, Trigger (drink).


Potion of Shadowself:

Drinking this potion creates a shadowy copy of the imbiber, who will aid his 'brother' as possible while he lasts...1 minute.

Duplication on up to 200 points (40); OAF Potion, Trigger (drink), Cannot Recombine (-0), 1 charge lasting 1 minute.

Messenger's Deliverance

This potion allows the drinker to move huge distances, each stride taking the character 1/3 of a kilometer instead of 1/3 of a meter (average stride for 5'5" person). Of course, you have to be careful not to step headlong into a building or mountainside...

Megascale +1/4 as naked advantage on up to 6" of running (3 points); OAF Potion, Trigger (drink), 4 charges lasting 1 minute.



When placed on bare skin (or scales, hide, etc), this stone attaches itself like a leech. It drains 1d6 BODY until time runs out or the victim is dead.

Drain 1d6 vs. BODY, Continuous, Uncontrolled; OAF - stone, trigger-magic word, 1 charge lasting 1 turn.


Numbing Agent

Though sometimes used legitimately, the most common use is by assassins. The vial is thrown and breaks, loosing an agent the stops the victim's sense of touch. Blowdarts, pin-pricks, and other followup attacks are then unnoticed, until too late...

6d6 Flash vs Touch, Explosion (+1/2), Invisible to Sight, Smell, Touch (+1); IAF-vial, trigger-throw and break, 1 charge.


Potion of Long Reach

This potion allows the user to attack at a distance without having to be there. It is typically used by assassins of Noroki to get at well protected targets, and by some thieves for safer pickpocketing. The user may attack or perform other actions at up to 6" distance as if standing there.

6" Stretching, Does Not Cross Intervening Space (+1/4), No Noncombat Stretching (-1/4), Invisible to Sight, Sound, and Touch (+1), OAF potion, Trigger -drink, 3 charges lasting 1 turn.


Velvet Touch -- Rapier 1d6 HKA, Invisible to Touch Sense group (+1/2), Does no Stun

The wounds this weapon causes are painless. The effect is that the target doesn't realize he's been wounded (or how badly he's been wounded) unless he takes a moment to examine the wound. (The GM doesn't tell players struck by it how much BODY they took -- and plays NPCS/Monsters as though they don't know either.) This weapon is especially favored by assassins for attacking sleeping victims as it will not wake them ...


Oil of Ricochet – 6 charges (3 GP)

Can add indirect (bounce off objects) to any physical ranged weapon (arrows, daggers, etc.)


Hyper Alert – 3 pills, lasts 5 minutes (15 GP)

+10 Perception, Danger Sense 11-

Must take half phase perceive to keep from being disoriented. If you don’t take a half phase, you get an Ego Save or you are disoriented (-2 CV)


In Motion – Simple Gold Ring (20 GP)

+1†Running (max 10â€), +2†Swimming (max 6â€)

15†Teleport, 3 End, 2/day, 6†Flight, costs end, 2/day


Cloak of Protection – Dark Blue, blade edge (25 GP)

Block, uncontrolled, 10 OCV, for 1 turn

1-1/2D6 RKA, Damage shield, lasts 1 turn

Both powers only activate when knocked out, or when incapacitated, with 1 charge per day


Ring of Ready –Platinum Ring, 12 charges (6 GP)

Instant Change, can include readying a weapon/shield


Sanctuary – Ring, 3 charges (9 GP)

Extra Dimensional Movement (safe zone) Gives user two full phases to take defensive, non-movement actions, only on self, (healing potions, etc.)


Keep Back – Rod, 2 charges (10 GP)

4D6 EB Electricity, NND, No Range, Hole in the middle, explosion


Purse of Plenty – Small Coin Purse (10 GP)

creates 1 Copper per 2 days, only if previous copper is spent. This is real money, not a transformation.


Set the Pace – Potion, 12 charges (12 GP)

½ END and no long term END effects from movement powers, each charge lasts 5 hours.


Siphon – Twisted Bands Ring, 3ch. (7.5 GP)

2D6 Stun and 1D6 Body Transfer

No Range, +2 OCV

Barricade – Bracers (20 GP)

8DEF Hardened Force Wall, 8†Line only

Stone Wall, blocks all sight, lasts 5 minutes

3 END per use, 2 charges per day


Filcher – Soft Leather Gloves (20 GP)

4 DEF cumulative to 7 DEF on location 6

5 STR TK, Invisible Power Effects, Fine Manip

12†Range, 1 END per phase, 2 charges per day

8- or +1 to Pick Pockets and Sleight of Hand


Like Minds – 2 Amulets (15 GP each – 30 GP)

Telepathy Surface Thoughts only between amulets

+2 to Coordinate attacks with other amulet wearer


Blazer – Permanent Arrow (10 GP)

1-1/2D6 RKA, +1 StunX, +2 OCV, Lasts extra phase


Thumper – Temporary Arrows (2 GP each)

8D6 EB, physical, +1 OCV, does double knockback (normally no knockback in FH)


Featherweight – Salve, 6 charges (12 GP)

Lowers the STR min of a weapon by 5. Can also be put on other things, be creative. Each charge takes a full phase to apply, but lasts for 24 hours.


Globe of Defense – Scroll (3 GP each)

Missile Deflection, normal projectiles

AE 1â€, Uncontrolled, lasts 1 minute


Improved Globe of Defense – Scroll (12 GP each)

Missile Deflection, all ranged including magic

AE 1â€, Uncontrolled, lasts 1 minute


Empower –Silver Ring, 6 ch (5 SP each, 3 GP)

Adds 10 Active points to a spell, 0 phase activate


Staff of Aldur – Metal banded Staff (45 GP)

4D6 N, +2 OCV, 13 STR min, 2H

Surprise: +1†Reach, 0 phase activate

Lighting Strike: +2 OCV, 0 phase activate, 2/day


Stone Skin Potion – gray and powdery (2 GP each)

+2 DEF, +2PD and +2ED, lasts 1 minute


Eye of Elvie – Diamond Eye Amulet (10 GP)

See invisible, 8†range, 0 phase activate

2 charges per day last 5 minutes


Fortress – Mirrored Tower Shield (40 GP)

+3 DCV Shield, 10 DEF, 10 Body

Create Stone Wall, 6 DEF, 10 Body, 8â€, 1/day

Each hex has to be defeated separately

+2 OCV Deflect/+2 OCV Reflect light based flashes


Enchanted Scrolls – Blank Scrolls (1 GP each)

Can store up to a 60 active point spell


Zephyr– Glass Ring (25 GP)

5†gliding, always on

20% DR from wind based attacks


Athletes Strap – Red Silk Boot Strap (8 GP)

+1†Running, Max 11â€


Slip Stone – Amulet (.5 GP per charge)



Pellets: These pellets are typically the size of a pearl, with the consistency of baby aspirin. Pellets usually come 6-12 to a container...


Bird Pellet: Eating this pellet transforms the user into a blackbird (crow/raven from bestiary) for 1 hour. The bird form has the same INT and EGO as the user, as well as skills, although a crow can't speak incantations or wield a sword...

Multiform, -12pt creature modified (10 points), OAF-pellet, Trigger-eat, 6 charges lasting 1 hour, Limited-crow form lasts one full hour.


Banquet Pellet: This pellet provides the equivalent of one days food all day long. Eat one at breakfast and you don't need to eat again until tomorrow...

Diminished Eating (1 day), OAF-Pellet, Trigger-eat, 6 charges lasting 1 day


Bonding Pellet: When two objects are impacted by this pellet (e.g. hammer hits pellet resting on stone), the two objects are stuck together (e.g. the hammer just hit a bottle of superglue).

3d6 DEF3 Entangle, Sticky, only to bond surfaces, OAF-pellet, Trigger-impact of DC1 or greater, 6 charges


Odorous Pellet: When thrown against the target, the pellet releases a skunklike odor that clings to the target. The effect lasts 24 hours, much shorter than a real skunk's spray. Tomato juice can reduce the odor as per Skunk's odor also.

Flash vs. smell 4d6, 1 hex, Continuous, OAF-Pellet, Trigger-impact of DC1 or greater, 6 charges lasting 1 day




"Dark Blade of the Broken" - A black edged dirty silver blade that has a squirmish leather grip wrapping. In the hands of a "Broken" works as such: 2d6 Killing, 10 Str Min, +2 OCV, +1 DCV; Immunity to Disease and Poison


In the hands of any other: 1/2D6 NK, 30 Str Min, -4 OCV/DCV; Disease - Transformation 4d6 - Into undead


Basically I wanted a sword, a good one, that my bad guys used, but couldnt be used by the party, or sold etc. Something they would have to destroy. Its worked wonderfully so far.


Displacer Medallion


Cost Power

7 Initial Displace: +5 with DCV (25 Active Points); Limited Power (Only vrs. First Attack of any attacker; -2), OIF (-1/2), Limited Power (Only vrs. Oppenents with Sight PER; -1/4)

9 Combat Displace: +4 with DCV (20 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Limited Power (-1 Level for every successful "hit"; -1/2), Limited Power (Only vrs. Oppenents with Sight PER; -1/4)

Powers Cost: 16



Burne's Baton (Wand of Fireballs): Created by renowned pyromancer Burne of Hommlet, this unassuming baton acts as a wand of fireballs but with a lot more options. The user need only point the baton, focus his attention for a moment and utter one of fifteen command words and it will shoot forth one of a variety of fireballs.


Multi-Power, 60-point reserve (60 Active Points); Charges (100 Charges that don’t recover; -1¼), Concentrate (½ DCV; -¼), Extra Time (Delayed Phase; -¼), Focus (OAF wand; -1), Incantations (-¼), Independent (-2) (-5; 10 Real Points).

1u Standard: RKA 2d6; Area of Effect (Radius 3" or 19 Hexes; +1).

1u Concentrated Blast: RKA 2d6; Area of Effect (One Hex plus One Hex Radius or 7 Hexes; +¾), Increased STUN Multiplier (+1 STUN; +¼).

1u Focused Blast: RKA 2d6; Area of Effect (One Hex; +½), Increased STUN Multiplier (+2 STUN; +½)

1u Arcing: RKA 2d6; Area of Effect (One Hex plus One Hex Radius or 7 Hexes; +¾), Indirect (from wand; +¼)

1u Ground Zero: RKA 2d6; Area of Effect (One Hex plus One Hex Radius or 7 Hexes; +¾), Personal Immunity (+¼)

1u Delayed Blast: RKA 2d6; Area of Effect (One Hex plus One Hex Radius or 7 Hexes; +¾), Time Delay (+¼)

1u Blinding: RKA 1d6 and Flash 3d6 vs. Sight Group; Area of Effect (Radius; +1).

1u Flickering: EB 6d6; Autofire (x5; +½), Explosion (+½).

1u Big Boom: EB 6d6; Explosion (-1 DC/3";+1).

1u Conforming: EB 6d6; Conforming (+½), Explosion (+½).

1u Penetrating: EB 6d6; Explosion (+½), Penetrating (+½).

1u Armor Piercing: EB 6d6; Armor Piercing (+½), Explosion (+½).

1u Line of Sight: EB 6d6; Explosion (+½), Line of Sight (+½).

1u Long Range: EB 6d6; Explosion (+½), Increased Maximum Range (x25 Range; +½).

1u Accurate: EB 6d6; Explosion (+½), No Range Modifier (+½).

Total Real Cost: 25 points


There you go.




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The problem with this list is that it's utterly dry. Out of the entire list only a handful have any actual description at all. So the whole thing reads like a catalog of Hero powers, and frankly, that bores me.


I dare contributors to this thread to post further item descriptions that are, in fact descriptions, and better yet, aren't the sort of magic items we've all seen a trillion times in RPGs and computer games. I can do a strength potion in Hero myself, thank you.

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read the Golinds Armor, Golinds Axe, and Dysons Mask entries, Old Man. There are a few others here also. but most of the "bland ones" are Dadeluses. Ell he posted most of the list as a "drop in and use" file for random/quickstarts/NPC's. Rather than filling in a paragraph on the genera of a potion of Strength he went with brutish and nasty items. Common stuff for his commoners. The really good stuff he was very reluctant to post due to players in his game possibly reading them. Though a few did surface.

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The object before you is a rod approximately 10 inches long and 1 inch thick. There is a small hole on one end of the rod. It is generally cylindrical and covered with many soft bumps. Overall the rod is a deep green color with the bumps being tinged with yellow.


Breaking one of the bumps causes a foul smelling, pus like liquid to ooze forth which is caustic to the touch. At the same time a similar colored ball of ooze shoots out of the hole. When there are no more bumps to break the rod ceases to function.


The colored ball seems to have no effect on metal or stone but is immediately absorbed by flesh. Once absorbed, the subject's skin erupts in painful pustules that break and burn. The smell of the yellow-green ooze that comes out of the blisters also causes extreme nausea. The effects seem to pass after about a minute.


Aleister's Rod of Blistering-

Negative CSLs -3 DCV, -3 OCV, Ranged (+1/2), 12 Charges lasting 1 minute (+1/2), Charges Never Recover (-2), Only vs Living Targets (-0), Side Effect - 1d6 RKA, no range (-1/2), OIF Rod (-1/2), Independant (-2), 60 Active Points, 10 Points Real.


How's that?

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You hold in your hands an object very similar to a Lavenus' Folly. Legend has it Lavenus was so greedy that he couldn't part with any of his treasures, even those that were cursed. One such item was a ruby pendant hanging from a golden chain. The ruby was of unusual size, about as wide as a silver royal, just like the one you have there.


If you looked closely, they say you could see sparkling lights moving in the stone, yes, yes, just like that one does. And if you hold a flame close to it, the lights dance about quickly. Here let me show you. There...see? they dance about just like that, but if you actually touch the flame to stone, it melts away like butter. There..see? Just like that.


The...oh please, do stop screaming, it's quite annoying. Now where was I? Ah yes, the glowing worms you see crawling over your skin and eating into your flesh? They have no name as yet, but they absolutely hate fire, it gets them into a burning rage you could say. The most interesting thing is that... *sigh*... I will have to gag you now, you know.


Now then, the interesting thing is that fire excites them to be violent but also causes them to mate uncontrollably. There! see that? their numbers are multiplying as we speak. You'll be happy to know that the pain will end soon as they burrow into your vital organs and brain, eating and mating at the same time. Marvelous creatures...simply marvelous.


Lavenus' Folly

RKA 1d6, NND (defence is resistant defense; +1), Does BODY (+1), Continuous (+1), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Sticky (+1/2), Trigger - direct flame (+1/4), No Range (-1/2), OIF - pendant (-1/2), Independant (-2), 1 Charge lasting 1 hour (-1/4), Charges Never Recover (-2) , 79 Active Points, 13 Points Real.

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The Coin of Thelonius


Xandros the Seeker is a god of many aspects. Most notably he is a god of travel, knowledge and exploration. However he is also known as a trickster. One of his devoted followers, Thelonius, an accomplished spy and diplomat, commisioned a special item in honor of Xandros. It was a coin made of silver mined from Mount Selkir where legend has it that Xandros won his wife, Lunara's freedom by luring Zarath, Lord of the Darkness into playing a rigged game of chance. The coin was minted in the high temple of the holy city of Xandrion and blessed by the High Priest of Xandros himself. Thelonius carried the coin as a luck charm.


Later, while on a diplomatic mission to the Empire of Xapat, documents of a rather sensitive nature were discovered on Thelonius' person (no doubt planted there by some unscrupulous courtier looking to discredit him :rolleyes: ). Thelonius was taken into custody and sentenced to death on the spot. As he was preparing for the end, Thelonius called upon Xandros to make the journey to the afterlife a safe one as he clutched the coin in his hand.


This enraged one of his captors who snatched the coin and hurled it out a window. Fortunately for Thelonius, Xandros was in a particularly good mood that day and responded to the prayers. As the coin struck the ground Thelonius disappeared from the grasp of his captors and reappeared at the spot where the coin fell. Thelonius, realizing that discretion is the better of valor, fled with the documents still in his possesion. Thus was a sinister plot to assassinate the High Prince of Xandrion thwarted.


From thence forth Thelonius never willingly parted with the coin, and it saved his life on a least two more occasions as recorded in the scrolls of Thon. There is no record of what happened to the coin after Thelonius died.


The Coin of Thelonius


10" Teleport, 0 endurance, OAF (coin), gestures (someone must fling the coin), Side effect: 10" accidental teleport versus the owner when somone else flings the coin.

Active cost: 30 Real cost: 11


2d6 Luck OAF (coin)

Active cost: 10 Real cost: 5


Total cost: 16


Thelonius occasionally found the coin to be a mixed blessing. One notable incident involved one of his many paramours finding him in flagrante delicto with a chamber maid. The enraged woman took his luck charm and threw it into the fire place. Thelonius acquired some unusual burn scars on his tender parts as a result.


I did not take the independent disadvantage for either power, because, while the coin may be taken from its true owner temporarily, it always manages to return. The coin was once stolen form Thelonius by a rival. However, three weeks later he went fishing and caught a fine perch. When he was cleaning the fish, for supper, he found the coin lodged in the fish's stomach.


How a PC becomes the true owner of the coin is up to the GM.

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Ye gods, the things I could post ...


An old GM of mine, also went by the name Ouroboros (long story, but I had the name first, dammit), wrote up a whole TON of weapons, wonders, gadgets and gizmos. They were, however, written for the Warhammer FRP game, and would take some mucking around to translate into Hero. However, my favorite comes to mind ...


The Daemon Axe of Nurm Geotlief

-- Kadrin-gototh, 'Slayer's Fist', Khazalid


The Axe was empty; then it was filled.

The Axe was soul-less; then it was alive.

The Axe was a void; then it drew blood.

-- from the chant of Nurm Goetlief, Norse axeman


A double-bitted axe of fearsome design, hundreds, perhaps thousands of skulls and leering faces press outwards from the once-smooth faces of the legendary weapon. The edges are yet keen enough to cut light, and spill out a rainbow hue despite the oily blackness of the steel. The triple-dragon's-head pommel actually smokes during battle, reeking of sulphur, and the thrusting tip in front is so jagged with screaming mouths that when the weapon is swung the tortured screams of scores of condemned souls sounds as the wind whistles past them. Runes on the blade pulse, the only unwarped portion of the steel, but even they alternate between drinking and expelling the light. The haft of the two-handed axe is wrapped in hide that seems to mix lizard and snake skins in its makeup, for it is both scaly and bumpy. Whatever the creature that gave its hide, it is excellent for gripping.


History: Hints found in Dwarven legends suggest that this may be the axe originally carried by the dwarvish ancestral God of Slayers into the Chaos Wastelands, where his fate is yet unknown. Since then, this ancient axe has been almost constantly on the move, appearing even after seemingly lost forever after a period of only five or ten years. During the Second Incursion of Chaos, the axe once again made itself known, in the hands of a Norseman berserker whose deeds lent his name to the axe. Fighting his way out of Praag as it fell, Nurm Goetlief slew scores of Warriors of Chaos along the north of the Kislev nation until he reached Kislev itself. At the forefront of the battle before the walls of Kislev, it is said that he was the first person from within the walls to greet the armies of Magnus the Pious -- by slaughtering his way out to the relieving force. After the siege broke, Goetlief moved on within only a few months, hunting Chaos bands to the west and north, supposedly heading back to his native Norscaa. The axe disappeared along with him.


Game Statistics: 'Package', Nurm Geotlief's Axe:

2-H Weapon (-1/2), Str Min 18 (-1), OAF Unbreakable (-1): 79 Actives, 21 Real Cost.

a) 2d6+1 HKA: Great Axe, 1/2 END (+1/2) [44 Actives]: 2 END.

B) +1 pip HKA: Additional Mystic Damage [5 Actives]; 2 'recoverable' charges (see text), -1/4.

c) 1/2d6 Drain: vs both PD and rPD (+1/2), 0 END (+1/2), Return Rate 25 Years (+3) [25 Actives]; Linked (To Main HKA, -1/2).

d) Final Death, 5 Actives (Special Effect, see Text).


B) -- If the axe inflicts ONLY the 'additional' damage to its target (i.e. the axe inflicts 8 points to a person with -- currently -- 7 rPD), one 'charge' of the second HKA is used up. It has two charges per day, the first refreshing at moonrise, the second at moonset (or however you want to run it). As I don't have Fantasy Hero, I didn't quite know how to run that, but as the person wielding this axe isn't liable to often inflict only 1 point of BODY damage, it shouldn't be too much of a penalty, hence the -1/4.


d) Final Death. Any person killed by this weapon dies -- no resurrection, no 'raised dead', no coming back as a ghost. The body may be animated as a zombie or skeleton, but the spirit of the person -- or daemon, or whatever -- is 'taken into' the axe itself. In WFRP, this is intended to be only daemons, chaos warriors, and nasty-evil-bad entities/critters. If the GM wants, however, this can be anybody and everybody. To quote from the game description for WFRP:


When a soul is taken into the blade, the axe changes minutely as it takes on part of the aspect of its newest 'victim'. As the axe has hewn more Chaos creatures than all of the Empire's Runefangs put together, its evil appearance is actually due to its war against Chaos, not its infection with it. The souls within are trapped, completely taken from the great stream of life, never to bother anyone ever again -- unless the axe is somehow destroyed, which will release on the spot a horde of ghosts, daemons, and other nasties to ravage the world. To prevent just such an occurance, a unique rune upon the blade confers upon it a 90% chance to resist any sort of destruction, above and beyond any normal resistances. Roll the 'anti-destruction' chance after the destructive force (weapon that destroys magical weapons, great forge hammer, dragon's breath, etc.) has achieved what the GM judges as sufficient force. If the resistance roll is 10% or under, the destructive force actually recoils upon itself.


This accounts also for the 'Unbreakable' aspect. If the axe ever IS broken, well, it should nigh be the end of the game world ...

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Originally posted by Shadowpup

The object before you is a rod approximately 10 inches long and 1 inch thick. There is a small hole on one end of the rod. It is generally cylindrical and covered with many soft bumps. Overall the rod is a deep green color with the bumps being tinged with yellow.


Breaking one of the bumps causes a foul smelling, pus like liquid to ooze forth which is caustic to the touch. At the same time a similar colored ball of ooze shoots out of the hole. When there are no more bumps to break the rod ceases to function.


I had that disease once, but a month of amoxycillin made it go away. Always use a condom! :eek:

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Originally posted by Old Man

I had that disease once, but a month of amoxycillin made it go away. Always use a condom! :eek:


Too. Much. Information!


On a less...informative...note:


Bryan's Big Bag of Stuff:

This ordinary-looking leather bag holds a surprising amount of goods: nearly half a ton of gear can be placed within the cavernous interior of this bag.


Bag: Vehicle-like object; STR 20 [10 pts], BODY 10, Size (1 hex), DEF 2, No END (+1/2) Persistent (+1/2) and Full IPE for STR (+1) [20 pts], Full IPE for Size (+1) [0 pts] Disadvantage: Small Opening [infrequently, Slightly 5 pts]; 'Vehicle' isn't capable of moving or acting [0 pts]

Total Vehicle Cost: 25/5 = 5 pts


[The Invisible Power Effects to cancel Mass/Size was suggested by either Star Hero or TUV, I forget which. I simply dropped DEX, SPD and MOVE since it really isn't a vehicle. It'd actually be cheaper to buy them back, but I think that would be silly]

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I don't care what you say. If you don't buy the DEX etc down, I'm taking that bag out for a drive if I ever find it.


Well, I don't have it all statted out anywhere handy, but here's a quick outline of a nice little magic item I came up with once.


The Irresistable Hook: Summon Fish, Extra Time (5 minutes), OAF, random effect (can summon a trout-sized or large shark-sized fish), limited to fish within the body of water it's dangled in


Not worth much to most adventurers at first glance. Throw them into a survival situation, though, and they'll kiss your feet for one. If there's a fish in that pool of water, this thing will catch it....

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Intrope

Bryan's Big Bag of Stuff:

Bag: Vehicle-like object...

I don't know. I think I'd do the Bag of Holding as a limited E-D space.


For those who want more, though ...


Mouse Knives


When you're bit by a mouse, it seems that the little thing always draws blood; the mouse knife does likewise, finding chinks in armor and Achilles' heels with surprising adeptness. Mouse knives come in many different shapes, just like regular knives; in fact, mouse knives are usually regular knives (albeit well-made ones) with an enchantment and perhaps a minor change in appearance, the most popular addition to which is a pommel in the shape of a small rodent -- usually the mouse, hence the name.


History: The mouse knife is not all that complex an item; in fact, back in their heyday, they were actually very common. One of the final tests for apprentices at many schools of magic is the enchantment of an item so minor as to be negligible; the mouse knife was most commonly selected because of its future usefulness to the mage. They do not, however, last forever, and can be broken just like any other ordinary knife, though until they are the enchantment does not wear off.


Game Statistics:

½d6 HKA, x3 Penetrating (+1½), 0 END (+½) [30 AP], STR Min. 3 (-1/4), OAF Breakable (-1): 13 Real Points. (+1 damage class per +15 Str, max at 1d6+1 HKA at 33 Str.)


Yes, the Mouse Knife costs only half as much as the Most Terrible Daemon Axe of Nurm Geotleif, but that's what you get sometimes -- lots of disads == low cost, while few == high cost. A mouse knife will do Body to damn near anything, though, while the Daemon Axe sometimes needs to bash for a while before it starts getting through.


GMs starting/running a Fantasy Hero campaign who are willing to let their mage start with a very minor magic item might suggest this to them, or its 'little brother' version:


1 pip HKA, x3 Penetrating (+1½), 0 END (+½) [15 AP], STR Min. 3 (-1/4), OAF Breakable (-1): 7 Real Points (rounding 6 2/3 up). (+1 damage class per +15 Str, max at ½d6 HKA at 18 Str.)

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The Red Sword


Beware the Red Sword; its life is thy death...

-- unknown mystic


A simple-seeming gladius when in the sheath, the Red Sword is unmistakable when bared. Legends abound about the weapon, but this lowly scribe will sum them up here: a short blade, somewhat leaf-shaped, with a wide blood groove running down the middle. The metal is tainted faintly red, but the preternaturally sharp edge virtually glows the color of fresh blood. Both crosspiece and hilt are unadorned and unspectacular; the pommel is a simple ball of steel.


History: The Red Sword has a long and bloody history; its name comes not from the color of the blade, but from all the life it has spilled. Created thousands of years ago by priests of either a god of either war, death, or murder (or perhaps all three), the Red Sword has outlived both its cultists and, perhaps, the very god it was meant to honor. Its wielders have found themselves drawn into fights almost constantly, and more often than not into whatever battles or wars happen to be occurring nearby. Maximillian the Dead is known to have held the blade, as well as the champions of House Nerr'th before their fellow Houses destroyed them to the last. All wielders of the Red Sword have proven to be uncommonly quick in combat, easily dispatching multiple opponents within moments.


Game Statistics:

Package: The Red Sword, OAF Unbreakable (-1), Side Effect (character always acquires the Disadvantages Berserk While In Combat, go 8-, recover 14- (to be rolled when first wounding someone in combat) and Reputation: Untrustworthy (when character first displays possession of the weapon to a new group), -1): 21 Points

  • HKA 1d6+1, 0 END (+½), Penetrating (+½) (40 Actives); STR Min 7 (-½), One-Handed Weapon (-0): 11 Points.
  • Rapid Attack (HTH) (5 Actives); 1 Points.
  • Penalty Skill Levels (4 lvls vs. Sweep Maneuvers/Block) (12 Actives); 4 Points
  • Reputation (Weapon of Mass Destruction): Large Group (virtually everyone), 14-, 5 levels (15 Actives): 5 Points


Just drawing the Red Sword should be considered a presence attack; people facing the blade should be very edgy about doing so. Of course, drawing the weapon means that everyone in the village/town/city will shortly know you have it (presuming anyone survives seeing the blade but you), and consequently your reputation will be shot...

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"No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife between the shoulderblades will severely cramp his style."

-- Steven Brust, Jhereg (Paraphrased)


There are some weapons that are special -- and others that are more special than some. This is one of the less special ones, but people of less-than-savory reputation do tend to seek out such things. The knife doesn't really have a name, but it's acquired the nickname 'Cramper' in recent times, due to the infamous saying about wizards and knives. Particularly well-balanced, rogues have found that it is an easy weapon to wield, even to the point of doing other things at the same time...


History: Cramper has no real history, having shown up on the streets of the city only a dozen years ago. It's seen several owners, the current one being a cutpurse and thug by the name of Mack.


Game F/X:

a) ½d6 HKA, 0 END (+½), Ranged (+½), +2 STUN Mult. (+½) [25 Actives]; OAF (-1), 4 STR Minimum (-¼), Real Weapon (-¼): 10 Points

B) +2 SPD [20 Actives]; IAF (-½): 13

c) Penalty Skill Levels (vs. Off-Hand Penalties, 4 levels) [12 Actives]; OAF (-1): 6 Points

Total Points: 29

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Originally posted by Wyrm Ouroboros

1 pip HKA, x3 Penetrating (+1½), 0 END (+½) [15 AP], STR Min. 3 (-1/4), OAF Breakable (-1): 7 Real Points (rounding 6 2/3 up). (+1 damage class per +15 Str, max at ½d6 HKA at 18 Str.) [/b]


Maybe you should call the big one a Rat Bite, and the small one a Mouse Tail....

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Magic Item Aesthetics


Originally posted by Old Man

The problem with this list is that it's utterly dry. Out of the entire list only a handful have any actual description at all. So the whole thing reads like a catalog of Hero powers, and frankly, that bores me.


I dare contributors to this thread to post further item descriptions that are, in fact descriptions, and better yet, aren't the sort of magic items we've all seen a trillion times in RPGs and computer games. I can do a strength potion in Hero myself, thank you.


I agree. What we need to do I think, Old Man, is have a section for aesthetics (appearance, beauty). But this would take an advertising executive....like me! LOL


Problem is, this takes alot of reflection and time. Creativity doesn't just happen, well not quality creativity anyway.


I am going to post some magic items from a competent normal fantasy game I have if people are interested. I was very concerned about aesthetics.

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The (Un)Holy Axe of the Mighty


I actually got this idea from one of the Fantasy HERO companions, then modified it to become a very interesting plot hook.


The axe is called a horseman's axe. It has a very long handle for a mounted rider to be able to hit foot troops. The blade is encrusted with runes of a dead elven language. Trapped within the axe is Semjava, a devil of torment. When weilded, the axe slowly ingratiates itself into the mind of the wielder. Those who are weak-willed will succumb quickly. Eventually, however, anyone who wields this axe will become the incarnation of Semjava, attepting to torture and torment any who are in his path.


If you are not wielding Semjava, and are within 30 feet of the axe, you will have dreams, wherein a severed head resting on a dessicated alter will answer questions about demons and Semjava, claiming that Semjava is "The Holy Axe of the Mighty" and that it has chosen them to wield the axe in the fight against demons. It knows where the demons are, but it only needs someone to wield it so that they can be destroyed.


Multipower 50 Points


a) HKA - 3D6 (side effects 1d6 EGO drain, every use of the axe) - 1

B) Mental Images 5d6 (only when subject is asleep (-3/4))

c) Images (sound) (GM option for annoying sound effects when there are "demons" around)

d) Detect life descriminitory, sense, ranged, 360 degree



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