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Teen Titans (TV)


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Okay, I've been inspired by the Teen Titan toys that are about 1.5" in size and are arranged on cardstock to look like pages from a comic book.


Inspired to run another young players game at an upcoming Convention using these figures.


I looked back for Michael Hopcraft's write ups and couldn't find them or at least couldn't find them not written in HTML.


I was hoping people around here could give me suggestions, advice on Titans cartoon lore and their villains, power builds, even complete write-ups if you're interested. Maybe someone could translate that Michael's write-ups back to legible. (I'm sure someone could do it a lot quicker than me)


After a little time and some work on my own stuff, I'll post the completed versions I'll use at the convention. All input is GRRRREATLY appreciated as I am only passingly familar with the Titans in this incarnation, but I figured kids would dig it.


After the convention, I'll post a recap of how it went because I wish I'd done that last year. It was very fun.

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Re: Teen Titans (TV)


Having glanced through the write ups the only problem I see is Beast Boy, who while comic relief is also (amusingly) the muscle of the team on the series. Capable of turning into anything from a door mouse to a Great Whale that would make Capt. Ahab spit nails, he is power personified. He also has favored forms - since his radiation accident he's had free access to his 10 foot tall Werewolf form.


I'd give him a much larger VPP to cover his Multiform abilities. Also, you'll want to add Psych Lim: Vegetarian (Common, Total) if you want to squeeze a few more points out. He'll also go a little nuts if pushed too hard - somewhere under that smiling green exterior there really is an animal (seen in the radiation accident episode vs. Adonis).


Raven: I actually disagree with the write up for Raven as I would have taken the EC route and locked her into the powers she uses extensively:


Entangle as a resistant force wall/cables etc. - whatever she wants it to look like, it provides DEF for the target and is hard to break.


Telekinesis which she uses constantly and is fantastically powerful - she's probably the strongest TK in the series, and uses her powers to move earth, raise objects, etc.


Extra Dimensional Travel is her primary mode of group transit (usable on others).


Flight - she moves roughly as fast as Star Fire, but that's easily debateable, in combat their speeds are equivalent to the best of my knowledge.





Presence Attack via Raven Form/Darkness




YMMV, but I had always envisoned her as an EC character.


Hope that helps. :)

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Re: Teen Titans (TV)


Raven: I actually disagree with the write up for Raven as I would have taken the EC route and locked her into the powers she uses extensively:


And that's the beauty of HERO -- there are probably a dozen different ways you can do it, and they're all valid! There are 3 or 4 different versions of the TV Titans floating around on these boards, all similar but different. :)



(F'rex, check the characters on Lord Liaden's link vs. my characters...) :D

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Re: Teen Titans (TV)


Oh yeah. And in a real game I'd've probably done a VPP for Raven, but these are for a "beginners/all-ages" game so I went for the simplest build. Beast Boy's got enough points in his VPP to do a Tyrannosaurus, so I figure he's good. :yes:


Didn't even think about the Beast-Boy/Werewolf thing. You'll also notice that I didn't give Starfire any FTL Travel or LS: Breathe in Outerspace. But those have only ever come up once (IIRC) and haven't been mentioned since, so I figure they were throw-aways. YMM(as always)V. :)

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Re: Teen Titans (TV)


I did clix last year. I want to try something else and I don't feel like buying, painting and basing the cast and villains like I did for the X-Men. And I had to make some of the X-Men and probably would have to make some of the Titans' villains. But mostly, I think these little 1.5" figures really capture the feel and spirit of the show, the clix recall the comic series (the regular one, not the one based on the show)

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