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Star Trek Online (Star Trek's new MMO)


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Star Trek Online is a massively multiplayer online game where you will join Starfleet and explore the greatest wonders and discoveries from our galaxy and beyond. You will team up with thousands of other players as you advance from Starfleet Academy and master your skills aboard a starship. Your journey will take you to far-away posts at the fringes of known space where you will carry out missions to establish contact with new civilizations while protecting the values of the Federation during a time of rising tensions. Rising through the ranks will test your abilities as a warrior, diplomat, explorer, and most importantly: a leader. Play your cards right and you will one day become Captain of your own starship and chart your own course to the final frontier.



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Re: Star Trek Online (Star Trek's new MMO)


Star Trek Online is a massively multiplayer online game where you will join Starfleet and explore the greatest wonders and discoveries from our galaxy and beyond. You will team up with thousands of other players as you advance from Starfleet Academy and master your skills aboard a starship. Your journey will take you to far-away posts at the fringes of known space where you will carry out missions to establish contact with new civilizations while protecting the values of the Federation during a time of rising tensions. Rising through the ranks will test your abilities as a warrior, diplomat, explorer, and most importantly: a leader. Play your cards right and you will one day become Captain of your own starship and chart your own course to the final frontier.



I expect it to have the same problem as all MMO games.


NPC to PC (Ensign Gregory Petalion): Congratulations, you are the first to discover the Hyptighari culture. This is the most important day in the history of Star Fleet. Thanks to your brilliant strategy Star Fleet has made peaceful contact with them. Here is 1000 xp and 1.5 Credits.


NPC to PC (Ensign Weasley Crasher): Congratulations, you are the first to discover the Hyptighari culture. This is the most important day in the history of Star Fleet. Thanks to your brilliant strategy Star Fleet has made peaceful contact with them. Here is 1000 xp and 1.5 Credits.


NPC to PC (Ensign Jerk MeOrf): Congratulations, you are the first to discover the Hyptighari culture. This is the most important day in the history of Star Fleet. Thanks to your brilliant strategy Star Fleet has made peaceful contact with them. Here is 1000 xp and 1.5 Credits.

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Re: Star Trek Online (Star Trek's new MMO)


Ouch! Unkind. With a TOS approach, it could be fun space adventure. The isolated nature of starships would make a clean interface for group-spawned play areas.


Hard to get an idea of gameplay from the site. The technical control panel stuff looks cool, though I imagine the learning curve won't be trivial.


Having seen several big projects go down the tubes before launch, at present I'd call this vaporware despite its generous funding.

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Re: Star Trek Online (Star Trek's new MMO)


Ouch! Unkind. With a TOS approach, it could be fun space adventure. The isolated nature of starships would make a clean interface for group-spawned play areas.


I recall the days of trying to rpg TOS trek. There were relatively few fights over who got to be navigation, communications, etc..a lot of down time. I"m not seeing how a multi-player crew experience on a starship will go over. Maybe everyone gets their own ship?

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Re: Star Trek Online (Star Trek's new MMO)


Ouch! Unkind. With a TOS approach' date=' it could be fun space adventure. [/quote']



Never ever ever happen. The game will be based on a weasely model that will be hacked into a first person shooter by the bored fans. It would be great if it happened, but take City of Heroes. Arena combat in a really big arena.

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Re: Star Trek Online (Star Trek's new MMO)


Never ever ever happen. The game will be based on a weasely model that will be hacked into a first person shooter by the bored fans. It would be great if it happened' date=' but take City of Heroes. Arena combat in a really big arena.[/quote']

Granted that these things are all MMOs first, gameworld simulations second. But if you require ship travel & space combat as a precursor to beaming down and shooting things, as MMOs go it could be fun space adventure.

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Re: Star Trek Online (Star Trek's new MMO)


Granted that these things are all MMOs first' date=' gameworld simulations second. But if you require ship travel & space combat as a precursor to beaming down and shooting things, as MMOs go it could be fun space adventure.[/quote']


True...but my disappointment with MMORPG's has been vast and my fun virtually non-existant.

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Re: Star Trek Online (Star Trek's new MMO)


After playing 5 of them I can honestly say that MMO's are a big waste of time and the most empty feeling you get from playing. There's hardly any stories worth talking about from your experience unlike pen and paper. Plus they lack the interaction with a GM and impact upon the world. No matter what you do in the MMO you'll have zero impact what-so-ever. Not very fulfilling if you ask me.

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Re: Star Trek Online (Star Trek's new MMO)


After playing 5 of them I can honestly say that MMO's are a big waste of time and the most empty feeling you get from playing. There's hardly any stories worth talking about from your experience unlike pen and paper. Plus they lack the interaction with a GM and impact upon the world. No matter what you do in the MMO you'll have zero impact what-so-ever. Not very fulfilling if you ask me.

Its the lack of world impact that I find difficult to engage me. Every adventure you go through will have been completed a thousand times before, and will be completed a thousand times after. Its one thing that I think would be good with GM interactive games such as the Neverwinter Nights Persistant Worlds. You can actually impact the world (if there are GMs willing to put in the effort). It has the advantage of having multiple people interacting (more than just the six people sitting around a table, which I think is an advantage, but with GM interaction, all players can be more involved in the game world. I understand why this can't be done on a large scale, otherwise the 13 year olds on summer break would finish every quest while the full time professionals would get bread crumbs, but it ruins the RP experience for me in the large MMO worlds.

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Re: Star Trek Online (Star Trek's new MMO)


The last time I was involved in a MMO project, "player-created content" was one of the goals. In theory the tools for this would be buildings, followers, etc. So yes, while you have no particular impact on "canned" adventures (except in rare cases where they're designed for impact) you could create your own little corner of the world and have impact on other players' corners.


I don't know if any games have remotely achieved this, however. The success of Everquest sort of soured the suits on that kind of progressive thinking.

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Re: Star Trek Online (Star Trek's new MMO)


Shadowbane did. But, it had very little story content.


Other than three main cities, all cities were paid for and maintained by players themselves. Cities would be built and torn down all by players. It was a great game with extremely harsh consequences.


As for Star Trek MMO, it sounds not very interesting.

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Re: Star Trek Online (Star Trek's new MMO)


Honestly, with the experience I've had with players in MMORPGs, I really don't think a Star Trek MMO will work very well. Several things make such a thing problematic:




Gamers vs. Roleplayers

Canon vs. Freeform



I'll explain each in turn.


Ganking- one of the most difficult things to eliminate in any MMO is the problem of griefers or gankers. These are people that get their jollies making other people's gaming experience miserable. They'll screw up your missions and drag hostile mobs to you or outright kill you, just for fun. While their are many ways to limit this kind of activity, it's just about impossible to eliminate them entirely. About the only way to do so is to put the whole game on rails and control what the players encounter. This kind of thing will frustrate players looking for a game they can make their own.


Language- When I say language, I mean the players that shout out such gems as "OMG WTF U R A -insert slur here-" and other sorts of drivel that will kill the immersion in the game. Can you imagine Spock going "Capten, yuo suxx0r lol"? This would be a deal buster for me, and I don't know how they'd stop it from happening.


Gamers vs. Roleplayers. In a MMORPG these can be two different things. An actual roleplayer is quite rare, but they do exist. They're the ones that try to avoid speaking too much "out of character". They won't brag about stats, or game mechanics, or leak through too much of RL. A gamer is typically interested in 'gaming' the system- they'll try to get the best gear and skills and maximize their character in various ways in order to complete in-game goals. They're more interested in what your character can do, not who your character is. Most times, these two types can get along, but sometimes not- roleplayers get annoyed when gamer types frequently speak out of character, and gamers get irritated when they think fellow party members have substandard equipment or abilities.


Canon vs. Freeform. This will likely be an issue in a Star Trek MMO. There will be players who are intimately familiar with ST and will ***** if something doesn't follow the ST tech manuals or story to a 'T'. They'll ***** if the game designers don't keep things 'canon'. Freeformers aren't near as obsessive, and simply want a fun game to play.


Names. This is a big bugaboo for me. You can bet your bottom credit that there will be a dozen variation of 'Kirk', 'Spock', or 'Picard' running around on every server, because for some stupid reason there are those who will not or cannot come up with an original name. Then there are the stupid names, names that are some kind of stupid joke. After playing FF XI for quite some time, I've seen dozens of variations of 'Legolas', 'Drizzt', 'Cloud' and others. It's quite annoying.


Fact is, players being the strange animals they are, you'll see tons of obnoxious behaviour, and anything short of controlling the players will result in any or all fo the behavior above. Seriously, do you really want someone named 'Ensign Playahkillah' handling the phaser banks of a starship? I think not.


This is why such a game is doomed to failure.

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Re: Star Trek Online (Star Trek's new MMO)


Honestly, with the experience I've had with players in MMORPGs, I really don't think a Star Trek MMO will work very well. Several things make such a thing problematic:

The problem with MMORPGs is the other players. :)



I agree with all of your points, which apply equally (except for Canon) to all MMORPGs. Since all MMORPGs companies rely on subscriptions for profit, they won't ban people for being griefers, or stupid names, or all of the other annoyances that make the exeperience less fun for those that do want to play and enjoy the game world.

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