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Best published adventure


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Guest Lollygagger

Re: Best published adventure


Out of curiosity' date=' what in particular was frustrating about them and/or the adventure ?[/quote']



For one, the bad guys are built like PCs and not like NPCs. And yes, there's a difference.

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Re: Best published adventure


The Zodiac are possibly an example of a well-rounded experienced team' date=' with code-words, maneuvers, the whole bit; that's one of the things that makes them very hard to beat.[/quote']


On that front they were, in fact, a very sophisticated example of how to tactically maximize your resources as a team, in and out of combat. I learned quite a bit about that from Zodiac Conspiracy.


However, that title highlights what I thought was one of the disconnects of the product: the Zodiac was played up as a big behind-the-scenes covert manipulator, but they were structured like a combat-effective overt supervillain team. There was no real command setup or support network "on the ground" to allow them to institute the subtle schemes that were supposedly their forte.


When I used the Zodiac I gave most of the individual members power and influence in their own right, based on their backgrounds. For example, Taurus maintained several alternate guises as expert advisors to various world leaders; Gemini was the head of a prestigious legal firm; Pisces gained the throne of Atlantis; Scorpio won the leadership of his old ninja clan. These positions gave the Zodiac the resources to affect the world - and the PCs - in various ways that wouldn't clearly lead back to a single source, much less to the Zodiac itself... at least not until the PCs began to put the clues together. :eg:

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Re: Best published adventure


Hmmm, What Rough Beast ... Ran it a couple of years ago. Okaaaay, but there were better adventures in Adventurer's Club - my all time favourite is the Pulp Hero The Hawkes Phantom and Hands of the Strangler - these were TOP NOTCH and the good folks at Hero Games should think of republishing them (with new maps etc.) for Pulp Hero - and if you are at it include the old Justice Inc. adventures as well. MAN, those were the days - my old Pulp Hero campaign went for 4 years - about 50 issue (= adventures) of hard-fisted, dame-rescueing, Nazi-bashing, treasure-hunting, things-man-wasn't-meant-to-know-uncovering, mob-fighting tales of heroic action, spanning from 1931 to 1942 - even included 8 extra-issues of Action Comics (heroes were turned into superheroes) ... [DROOOL]


BTW: Better Champions adventures than Rough Beast were in my oppinion Terror in the Treasures (AC #3) and Legions of Hell (AC #13).

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Re: Best published adventure


Hey all, don’t post here much, mostly lurk.


My favorites have always been from lots of different places. From old-Champions/HERO the ones I had the best time running and playing in…


the Coriolis Effect – loved the art and the story was cool also.

Deathstroke – always loved that team and the set up was pretty cool. They always gave my players a hard time. The villains are great and smart

Island of Dr. Destroyer – always loved this sort of game for some reason and it a great way to get the group together.

Shadows of the City – it’s for Dark Champions but there sure are a lot of mutants and mystical super-beings in it. I have run it, just not quite as dark in some places.

Champions Presents – really liked the set up for the 3 linked adventures (Time-Traveler ones was my favorite)


NON- Champions/HERO stuff…


Crisis at Crusader's Citadel – I am running this right now for my group. They are having a good time, but the villains are giving them a run for their money (individually they are not as many points as the players)

FORCE – another old V&V game, I love LOVE the badguys, and with some modification the game can be very cool. This will be adventure two for my hero’s team

Death Duel with the Destroyers and Island of Doctor Apocalypse are also great fun, but a bit to high powered for my group at least for a while.

Dawn of DNA – quirky funny set up and cool villains.


Hehe lots of V&V stuff :)

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Re: Best published adventure


I'm really suprised that nobody mentioned Sharper than a Serpent's Tooth.


I loved this thing, A review on RPG.net summed it up pretty well as "What would have happened if Stan Lee had written 28 days later"


However, I do think it works best as a plot arc that begins about 6-8 sessions into an ongoing game.


The adventure works great as written, but it works best if you set up a few things:


- Viper as an omni-present criminal organization always poking in things it shouldn't.

- The Ultimates as a group of experienced bad guys who are destructive but just short of diabolic.

- Cybermind as the ultimate super-hacker. Otherwise his bit comes a bit from left field (Of course in my game I spread the plague across several cities and let an NPC team capture him. This made the situation even more desperate, but kept the players from asking what all the other heros were doing.)

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Re: Best published adventure


OK, having looked at the conversion to 5th of What Rough Beast that was linked above, I'll say right now I forgot just how much of a dungeon crawl it really was.

Still a cute critter tho ;)


Another one I just had pop back in mind tho was "The House that Jack Built"


Tho the Demonic Jello was a bit too campy for our campaign, the whole basic idea and the way the house was put together meant it could almost be the focal point for a whole campaign arc.

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