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Anita Blake beta writeup

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Anita Blake - The Executioner


Val CHA Cost Roll Notes

13 STR 3 12- Lift 150 kg; 2 ½ d6 HTH Damage

20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7

15 CON 10 12-

18 BODY 16 13-

13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 14-

20 EGO 20 13- ECV: 7

18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3 1/2d6

16 COM 3 12-

6 PD 3 Total: 9 PD (3 rPD)

5 ED 2 Total: 8 ED (3 rED)

4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

6 REC 0

30 END 0

33 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 108


Movement: Running: 8"/16"

Swimming: 2"/4"


Cost Powers

27 Animate Dead: Summon 200pt Zombie, Specific Being (+1), Slavishly Loyal (+1), Arrives Under Own Power (-1/2), Must Inhabit Location (-1/2), OAF Focus, Bulky, Expendable but easily obtained (-1 ½) (Animal to be sacrificed, must be of suitable size for the age of the dead to be raised. The older the dead, the larger the death required). Gestures (-1/4) and Incantations (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV) (-1/4), Extra Time: Full Round – Only for Activation (-1/4). The specific zombie raised will be whoever is buried in the grave. Zombie will have the knowledge of whoever was buried there.

12 Slaying the White Goat: Summon additional 63 zombies, Sacrifice Must Be ‘Human’ (-1), Number Limited by number of dead bodies in the area (-1/2).

7 Eyes of the Killer: +10 Presence – Only for fear and intimidation (-1/2)

5 Ferocious Will: 9pts Mental Defense

25 Necromancer: Detect Dead, Discriminatory & Analyze, 360 Degrees, Ranged

6 Combat Luck (3PD/3ED)


3 Breakfall 13-

3 Concealment 12-

3 Criminology 12-

3 Fast Draw 13-

3 Forensics 12-

1 Interrogation 8-

3 Paramedics 12-

3 Slight of Hand 13-

1 Streetwise 8-

2 AK: St. Louis Area 11-

2 KS: Animators 13-

2 KS: Creatures of Legend 13-

1 KS: Judo 11-

2 KS: Preternatural Biology 13-

3 KS: Vampires 14-

2 WF: Small Arms

1 WF: Knives

4 +2†Running

6 +2 Perception

2 PS: Animates the Dead

3 Scholar

5 Contact: Edward – Hitman (11-) Extremely Useful Skills. ie Vampires call him Death.

2 Contact: Evans – Psycometry (8-) Useful Power

7 Contact: Ronnie Sims – Private Investigator (14-) Useful Skills/Contacts, Good Relationship

3 Contact: Irving Griswold – Reporter (11-) Useful Skills/Contacts

3 Contact: Dolph Storr – Head of RPIT (11-) Useful Skills/Access to Police Records

8 Contact: Jean-Claude – Master Vampire of St. Louis(11-) Loves Anita, Extremely Useful Powers and Resources

6 Contact: Richard Zeeman – Alpha Werewolf (8-) Loves Anita, Useful Powers

2 Perk: Concealed Weapon Permit

1 Perk: Reputation: Powerful Necromancer (14-) Small Group – Other Animators

1 Perk: Licensed Vampires Executioner

3 Lightsleep

Judo – Black Belt

4 Choke Hold 5,7 2d6 NND Automatically Targets Head

4 Escape 7,7 28 Str vs. Grabs

3 Takedown 8,8 2 ½ D6 Target Falls

5 Breaking Throw 5,5 1d6 Killing Disable, One Limb, Target Falls

4 Block 8,10 Block, Abort

16 +2 All Combat

6 +2 Handguns

12 +4 PSL for Hit Locations only

2 +2 Lighting Reflexes, Only with handguns

201 Total Powers & Skills Cost

309 Total Character Cost


75+ Disadvantages

10 Psych: Casual Killer

10 Psych: Very Protective of Innocents and Friends

5 Psych: Smart ***

10 Social: Dangerous Allure (11-) Major, Only with the Supernatural

5 Social: On Call with RPIT

5 Reputation: Necromancer (11-) Limited Group – Occult World

10 Reputation: The Executioner (11-) Vampire Hunting Zombie Queen

5 DNPC: Richard (11-) As powerful

15 Hunted: Marcus & Raina (11-) As Powerful, Harshly Punish

10 Watched: Edward (8-) More Powerful, Anita is easy to find.

10 Distinctive Features: Badly scarred arm and shoulder. Easily Concealed, causes major reaction.

95 Total Disadvantage Points



The two defining moments of Anita Blake’s childhood were the death of her mother and the first time she raised the dead. The death of her mother left Anita determined to protect innocents. When the family dog died and Anita raised it accidentally, she was sent to her grandmother to learn how to control her powers. And that was her life until she graduated from university with a degree in Preternatural Biology, with a minor in Creatures of Legend. Not very useful for earning a living. Anita might have gone on to get her masters degree if Bert Vaughn had not recruited her to work raising the dead for Animator’s Inc.


As part of a deal with the police’s new Regional Preternatural Investigation Team, Anita became a special consultant in supernatural investigations. And that’s when the trouble started. One her first investigations with the police got her involved in finding out who was killing vampires in St. Louis. It also led to her becoming involved with Jean-Claude, the new Master of the City. Soon after Anita met Richard Zeeman, 2nd Alpha of the local werewolf pack and the two of them started dating. Unwilling to accept this, Jean-Claude forced Anita to accept dating both him and Richard with the agreement that if he could not woo her in a suitable period of time, he would step aside.


Over the next couple of years Anita battled vampires, bloody thirsty fae, and perverted lycanthropes. Jean-Claude’s elegant ruthlessness has slowly solidified his rule over the vampires of St. Louis while Richard’s progressive ideas and inability to accept he is a monster have gotten him in deeper trouble with the local Alpha and his mate (Marcus and Raina). They now plan to kill Anita first before making their move to destroy Richard, but only when the time is right.




Anita Blake is a hard as nails vampire executioner. She can be abrasive and blunt and even in the face of great danger remains a smartass. Over the last few years she’s be in danger almost constantly. As a result she no longer thinks twice about killing someone in self defense. And sometimes self-defense means firing before the werewolf or vamp has the chance to attack. Her lack of feeling about killing has started to bother her a little but she accepts it as a price for survival. Anita is extremely protective of innocents in general and her friends in particular. She’s willing to put herself in great danger to keep people safe, even to the point of surrendering herself if everyone else can go free, willing to take the chance she can survive where more innocent people would simply break or die.



"One thing I've learned about vampires - they keep pulling new rabbits out of their cloaks. Big, fanged, carnivorous bunnies that'll eat your eyeballs out if you're not paying attention."


Richard: The pack respects you.

Anita: Only because I killed a few of them.

Richard: Well, that does tend to impress them.



I gave Edward his own section because he’s a special case. Edward is a human assassin so skilled he got bored hunting humans and now only goes after monsters. He helps Anita at times, is her primary source for illegal firearms and once even gets information for her. He also nearly tortures her twice and threatens her multiple times when he feels she’s getting in the way of one of his missions. And by the time of The Killing Dance when Anita’s skill and speed with firearms has gotten exceptional he starts talking about how it might be a good challenge for him to try to kill her, just to see if she’s good enough to stop him.



Anita Blake is a necromancer, able to sense the presence of the dead and undead. She can walk through a graveyard and feel the dead in every grave as well as ghosts and other undead. She raises zombies for a living but under dire circumstances has used them as weapons (despite it being completely illegal). Because of her necromantic powers she has limited resistance to vampire powers, but it’s her sheer force of will that impresses most vampires.


Despite her magical power, Anita prefers her guns and knives in combat. She’s a black belt in Judo and can handle herself hand to hand, but she knows she needs weapons to take on monsters much stronger and faster than she is. Anita will not hesitate to draw her gun in a dangerous situation, even before she might need it. Better safe than sorry. Her knives she keeps hidden and uses for surprise attacks in close. Her favorite weapons are firearms. Sawed off shotguns, mini uzis and particularly her 9mms.



Anita Blake is 5’3†and roughly 110 lbs, a self described china doll with pale skin, long black hair and big brown eyes. She’s in excellent physical shape, which only serves to highlight just how ‘chesty’ she is. Anita prefers casual black clothing, loose fitting to make it easy to hide weapons. Under normal circumstances, she carries a Browning Hi-Power 9mm, but when she expects trouble she also carries a Firestar 9mm and various throwing knives hidden in various places.


Campaign Use:

Anita Blake is best used in supernatural campaigns. Her job is raising the dead, so if the PC’s ever need information from the dead, she’s a good choice. Her primary use would be for information about the supernatural world. Anita’s reputation is pretty well established by now and she’s helped police in multiple jurisdictions with high profile criminal cases. There is little she doesn’t know or doesn’t know someone who can find it it. Though the price sometimes can be high.


The Marks

Vampires have a way of marking their chooses human servant, creating a bond between the vampire and the human that grows stronger with each mark. By the fourth mark, the human servant is as immortal as the vampire.


If you use her after the events in The Killing Dance Anita has the first three marks, giving her the following powers:


5 LS: Immunity To Animal Poisons

15 Vampiric Toughness: 25% Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant

10 Vampire Mind Tricks Don’t Work on Me: +15 to Mental Defense (only v. vampires –1/4)

15 The Triumvirate: Mind Link Jean-Claude and Richard, Psychic Bond

7 Fast Healer: Regeneration, 1 Body per 5 Minutes, Self Only, 0 Endurance, Persistent


Designer Notes: This is Anita Blake just before Killing Dance, when her hunteds and other plot complications all get resolved. I gave it a lot of thought before assigning Richard as a DNPC but it makes sense. For all his power, he’s naïve and more than once Anita has to take action to keep him safe. While Jean-Claude only gets into serious trouble while helping Anita. This is still very much a beta write up and all feedback is welcome. Dangerous Allure was the best way I could think of to represent that while she's good looking, human men rarely seem to hit on her while almost every vampire, lycanthrope, and fae attracted to women seem to find her utterly fascinating and sexy. Her Detect Dead power is simply a way to represent that not only can she tell the power levels and age of most vampires she meets, but she can walk through a graveyard and feel the age and placement of all the bodies buried there as well as other dead like ghosts.


Anita Blake created by Laurell K Hamilton. Write up created by Mark Fentz.

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Re: Anita Blake beta writeup


Only minor quibble is that I would have written up the Raise Undead as a Summon (Zombies). Make sure that she can summon like 200+ Zombies with a Human sacrifice she can raise a whole graveyard and command them too.

other things missed:


Followers, The Were Leopard Pard

Follower: I forget the Vampire that now gets it's strength from her.

Contact Edward 15-


Also a Distinctive Features Small, pretty and easy to underestimate.


Also IIRC there's a suite of powers that she gets after she become Jean Claude's human servant.


Mind Link to Jean Claude, and to Richard


Transform Non-master vampire to Anita's servant

I believe that she has a Healing that works for Undead only.


Also she must "feed" using her Succubus/Incubus ability or make Richard and Jean Claude weak.



BTW Being a Necromancer is a Death Sentence in the Vampire world. The Vampire Council does NOT like mortals who can turn them into servants. This is something that is only really known to Jean Claude and Richard. Some of her enemies have learned of it but they are dead.. or not talking.


Tasha :)


I would recommend Writing up a Book 1 Anita Blake, Then a couple of more versions as her power gets ramped up through the series. By the newest book she is someone you don't want to mess with at all.

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Re: Anita Blake beta writeup


Ok here is Anita Blake after the first book. She is expensive due to her contacts and Powers. I tried to keep her in the realms of Trained Normal.


Anita Blake




Val Char Cost

10 STR 0

18 DEX 24

18 CON 16

15 BODY 10

13 INT 3

18 EGO 16

15 PRE 5

16 COM 3


6 PD 4

6 ED 2

3 SPD 2

6 REC 0

36 END 0

29 STUN 0


7" RUN 2

2" SWIM 0

2" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 87


Cost Power

6 Regeneration: Healing Body 1d6 (standard effect: 3 points), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (20 Active Points); Extra Time (5 Minutes, -2), Self Only (-1/2) [Notes: No Healing Max (see FREd p. 120).]

25 Mental Link to Jean Claude: Mind Link , One Specific Mind-Jean Claude, Any distance, No LOS Needed, Psychic Bond

20 Immunity to Most Vampiric Mind games: Mental Defense (24 points total)

42 Raise Corpse as a Zombie: Summon 250-point Zombie, Weak-Willed -4 on EGO Rolls (+1/2), Specific Being (+1) (125 Active Points); Arrives Under Own Power (-1/2), Summoned Being Must Inhabit Locale (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4), Incantations (-1/4) [Notes: Raises one dead person as a zombie from their grave. Animator must be in same Graveyard as corpse being raised. Zombie will have intelligence person had in live and can answer questions put to it.]

33 Detect Death magics and Undead A Large Class Of Things 18- (Unusual Group), Discriminatory, Range, Sense, Tracking

Powers Cost: 126


Cost Martial Arts Maneuver

5 Block: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +3 DCV, Block, Abort

4 Escape: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 25 STR vs. Grabs

3 Legsweep: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -1 DCV, 3d6 Strike, Target Falls

5 Breaking Throw: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, -2 DCV, Grab One Limb; HKA 0 1/2d6 , Disable; Target Falls

Martial Arts Cost: 17


Cost Skill

3 +1 with any three maneuvers or a tight group of attacks

8 +1 with All Combat

3 Concealment 12-

3 Streetwise 12-

3 Scholar

3 1) KS: Animators (4 Active Points) 13-

1 2) KS: Raising the Dead (2 Active Points) 11-

2 3) KS: Supernatural Creatures (3 Active Points) 12-

3 4) KS: Vampires (4 Active Points) 13-

6 Penalty Skill Levels: +3 vs. Hit Location modifiers with Pistols

3 AK: St Louis Area 12-

3 Conversation 12-

3 Criminology 12-

3 Forensic Medicine 12-

3 Paramedics 12-

3 Persuasion 12-

4 WF: Small Arms, Blades, Thrown Knives, Axes, and Darts

Skills Cost: 57


Cost Perk

3 Fringe Benefit: Concealed Weapon Permit (where appropriate), Licenced Vampire Executioner

8 Contact: Edward (AKA Death) (Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Good relationship with Contact) 12-

11 Contact: Ronnie (her best friend and Private Investigator) (Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Very Good relationship with Contact) 14-

18 Contact: Dolph and the RPIT Squad (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (x3) (18 Active Points) 8-

Perks Cost: 40


Cost Talent

6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)

Talents Cost: 6


Total Character Cost: 333


Pts. Disadvantage

10 Dependent NPC: Catherine (Best Friend) 8- (Normal)

5 Distinctive Features: Scars on arms and Body (Easily Concealed; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses; Not Distinctive In Some Cultures)

20 Watched: Jean Claude- Vampire Master of the City of St Louis 14- (Mo Pow, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)

10 Reputation: The Executioner, 11- (Extreme; Known Only To A Small Group- Vampires and folk tied to Vampire culture))

5 Reputation: Animator, 8-

20 Psychological Limitation: Will do anything to help a friend (Common, Total)

10 Social Limitation: On call with RIPT squad (Frequently, Minor)



Disadvantage Points: 80

Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 53

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0




I keep feeling I missed stuff, but after re-reading Guilty Pleasures after my previous post. This seems to sum her up nicely IMHO.


Tasha :)


PS I am a total Laurel K Hamilton fan. I have read all of her books multiple times. Thanks for the excuse to reread them again :D


PPS I can't get the bloody Hero Boards template to actually work as a paste operation here :(

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Re: Anita Blake beta writeup


Only minor quibble is that I would have written up the Raise Undead as a Summon (Zombies). Make sure that she can summon like 200+ Zombies with a Human sacrifice she can raise a whole graveyard and command them too.

other things missed:

I considered using a summon and still might. It works better in some ways. But you'd have to handwave that the special effect of summoning the zombie is that the mortal remains disappear until the zombie is laid to rest again.


Followers, The Were Leopard Pard

Follower: I forget the Vampire that now gets it's strength from her.

Contact Edward 15-

As was stated, this is write up is before Killing Dance. She only picks up the followers in later books. Gabriel is still alive at this point. She's not raised Damien yet as a zombie and I think it's not until Blue Moon that she really gains him as a follower.


Edward I was leaving until last and simply forgot to fill in, though he's a special case contact. She never simply calls him. He makes contact with her somehow first, and then for that adventure they work together. Kind of. It's not until Obsidian Butterfly that he's not a potential enemy anymore. In two of his first three appearances he threatens to torture her for information.


Also a Distinctive Features Small' date=' pretty and easy to underestimate.[/quote']True, it's the usual thing with writing up a character. More disads than points.:)


Also IIRC there's a suite of powers that she gets after she become Jean Claude's human servant.
True, though my write up is before she turned into JC's vampire servent at the end of Killing Dance, I left all this out. In the write up, she's as human as she ever gets. This is before the power spike really starts up as well as before sex starts becoming half the novels.:)


BTW Being a Necromancer is a Death Sentence in the Vampire world. The Vampire Council does NOT like mortals who can turn them into servants. This is something that is only really known to Jean Claude and Richard. Some of her enemies have learned of it but they are dead.. or not talking.
This is stated a couple of times, but somehow she keeps meeting Necromancers, including a human servent of a vampire who is as powerful as her and much more knowledgable about necromancy. The world doesn't seem to support the statements.
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Re: Anita Blake beta writeup


Only a couple of small notes, based on my recent reading of the first 8 books or so...


She acquires her Marks from Jean Claude early on, and perodically looses them and regains them at the speed of plot, all the while hearing all the time how the marks are permenant and unbreakable, yadda yadda. As such, I'd be inclined to give her the abilities she gains from the marks in even an early write up, and make them Independent.

And speaking of the Mark... I'm thinking that even "normal" Anita has combat luck, whereas "marked" Anita has Damage Reduction... probably around 50% Physical, Resistant, Body Only. It doesn't stop her from getting mauled, but keeps her from catastrophic injury, and in combonation with the regeneration and combat luck, she's able to toe off with all kinds of supernatural baddies.


Summon is probably the best way to go with her Zombie Raising, as noted before. Its easy enough to do... it could be done as an Expendable Focus (Corpse that can be raised), with additional quantity multipliers for the number of Zombies she can raise limited by the nature of the sacrifice provided.


I still think that she could do with some Targeting PSL's, because she by neccesity has to target specifically vunerable body locations, and does so with regular ease. Some Lighting Reflexes might do as well.. she comes across as faster than she really is... even tho the various supernatural baddies are almost inevitably faster than she is, superhumanly so, when the time for shooting comes she always seems to have a weapon in hand and going Boom before the various opponents can react.


Edward... I'd call Edward a Rival in the early books, who is also a Contact. Around a zero sum equation, points wise.


Nice work in general, however.

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Re: Anita Blake beta writeup


Whew... once you guys are done' date=' care to send me a copy for the website?[/quote']Sure thing.


She acquires her Marks from Jean Claude early on' date=' and perodically looses them and regains them at the speed of plot, all the while hearing all the time how the marks are permenant and unbreakable, yadda yadda. As such, I'd be inclined to give her the abilities she gains from the marks in even an early write up, and make them Independent. [/quote']

It's not really a periodic losing and gaining. She gains the three marks in the first three books or so. Loses them when she kills Alejandro. Then they are gone until put back in place at the end of Killing Dance.


And speaking of the Mark... I'm thinking that even "normal" Anita has combat luck' date=' whereas "marked" Anita has Damage Reduction... probably around 50% Physical, Resistant, Body Only. It doesn't stop her from getting mauled, but keeps her from catastrophic injury, and in combonation with the regeneration and combat luck, she's able to toe off with all kinds of supernatural baddies. [/quote']Since there seems to be some demand for it, I'll probably do an additional section for adding the marks. on to the basic Anita.


Summon is probably the best way to go with her Zombie Raising' date=' as noted before. Its easy enough to do... it could be done as an Expendable Focus (Corpse that can be raised), with additional quantity multipliers for the number of Zombies she can raise limited by the nature of the sacrifice provided.[/quote']Yes, I've been coming around to this point of view as well.


I still think that she could do with some Targeting PSL's' date=' because she by neccesity has to target specifically vunerable body locations, and does so with regular ease. Some Lighting Reflexes might do as well.. she comes across as faster than she really is... even tho the various supernatural baddies are almost inevitably faster than she is, superhumanly so, when the time for shooting comes she always seems to have a weapon in hand and going Boom before the various opponents can react.[/quote']Target PSL's are a must, I agree. She mentions enough about going for the head or heart to kill certain vampires.


Edward... I'd call Edward a Rival in the early books' date=' who is also a Contact. Around a zero sum equation, points wise.[/quote']I was considering using Edward as a contact and a watched. He doesn't want to outdo Anita, he already believes he's better. When Anita starts getting up to his level he starts thinking about trying to kill her simply because she might be good enough to get him first. He's all about the challenge and by the sixth book or so where the write up is Edward has mentioned a couple of times he's considering challenging her. By then it's more than a rivalry but less than a hunted.


Nice work in general' date=' however.[/quote']Thanks, everyone has to start someplace.:) Hmm..ok...working on some revisions now.
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Re: Anita Blake beta writeup


Yeah I think I got the Raise dead mostly right in my write up. I did forget the OIF Bulky expendable Sacrificial Animal.


I would keep the Vampire marks in the write ups. She always seems to have them when it counts and also at the end of the First book she already has the second mark. I know that she loses them after that other master marks her himself to claim her as his Human servant.


I gave Anita Combat Luck mostly because she was a Protagonist and gets knocked around quite a bit without much more then bruises and scrapes to show for it.


As for Edward, I would always call him a contact. Yes he would gladly kill her if she threatened him in any way or if she had something he needed, but he always seems to be there when she needs him. Even in the first book she sees him as a friend who understands the Violent side of her profession. She knows what he is capable of, but she trusts him. I mean when she was feeling badly after a session with Nicolaos. Edward stayed up and watched her sleep to keep her safe. If she didn't have trust in him, I guarantee that she would not have been able to sleep with him in the same room.


Tasha :)

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Re: Anita Blake beta writeup


Quibble: Other than the BOD being a bit high: 5' 3" 110lbs doesn't quite go 15 to 18 BOD, IMHO. Keep the combat luck, damage reduction et al though. I think she might have a superheroic speed, start at 4, at least 5 by her later adventures. Possibly super dex?


I guess you have to decide if she is a heroic or super character. By the lastest books she is really a super, but then Hamilton is gearing up for a god level show down by the last book I read.


My first thought was "where's Edward?" Glad you got him in the followup posts.


Final question: Is this writeup designed for a game set in Hamiltons Vampire World? Or is the idea being able to have a "Summon ungodly capable vampire fighter" spell?



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Re: Anita Blake beta writeup


The high BODY is a great way to deal with the way that Anita seems to take huge amounts of damage and still be able to function. BODY=Body mass is just your way of justifying it, but really Anita is one very tough woman.


In my write up she has just received her Vampire Marks and really hasn't started to power up much. She is still VERY human in her thought processes and while she will kill for protection, she doesn't yet have that cold killer expression in her eyes.


I am currently in the middle of the Second book (about 5th reread over all), and so far I would change her Judo skills as she is a Black belt, so I would give her just about all of the maneuvers. She just doesn't use them in "real" combat because she knows that they wouldn't make much of a difference when dealing with guys who are 200-300 lbs, let alone Vampires and Lycanthropes.


I'll repost my Beginning Anita Write-up later today after I finish this book. I feel like I have a better handle(hero write up wise) on her now, than I did at 4am this morning.


Tasha :)

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Re: Anita Blake beta writeup


Hello all,


A few thoughts. The high body for Anita really relates to her will to survive and how much damage she's shown taking in the books. Even without the marks, she gets shot, gets broken bones, gets the holy living hell kicked out of her and keeps coming back.


By the book, being a black belt means having at least 15 points in manuvers, a KS in the martial art and requires skills. I think I'll add escape, but beyond that I just took moves she actually uses in the books. Her Judo skills are a back up for when she doesn't have knives or guns, so very much a third choice.


I'll post my update in a bit.

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Re: Anita Blake beta writeup


Again the writeup is for the Version of Anita that appears at the end of Book 1 and Book 2. I left her strength normal because she really isn't that strong. I left her Pre normal because most people have a hard time seeing her as being dangerous. She has lots of maneuvers in Judo, mostly because they are things that I have seen her do so far and some are things that I remember being taught in my Basic Judo class sooo long ago. Oh she has some PSLs for hitting locations, but I didn't give more. mostly because she targets hearts and limbs on things that are either prone or who don't move very well in combat.


Tasha :)


PS included the HDC file. Post at will Susano!!!



Anita Blake


Player: Laurel K Hamilton


Val Char Cost

10 STR 0

14 DEX 12

15 CON 10

15 BODY 10

13 INT 3

18 EGO 16

25 PRE 0

16 COM 3


6 PD 4

6 ED 3

3 SPD 6

8 REC 6

30 END 0

28 STUN 0


7" RUN 2

2" SWIM 0

2" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 75


Cost Power

6 Regeneration: Healing Body 1d6 (standard effect: 3 points), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (20 Active Points); Extra Time (5 Minutes, -2), Self Only (-1/2) [Notes: No Healing Max (see FREd p. 120).]

25 Mental Link to Jean Claude: Mind Link , One Specific Mind-Jean Claude, Any distance, No LOS Needed, Psychic Bond

20 Immunity to Most Vampiric Mind games: Mental Defense (24 points total)

28 Raise Corpse as a Zombie: Summon 250-point Zombie, Weak-Willed -4 on EGO Rolls (+1/2), Specific Being (+1) (125 Active Points); OAF Bulky Expendable (Easy to obtain new Focus; Animal Sacrifice (The older the Corpse is, the "higher" the order of animal sacrifice needs to be); -1 1/2), Arrives Under Own Power (-1/2), Summoned Being Must Inhabit Locale (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4), Incantations (-1/4) [Notes: Raises one dead person as a zombie from their grave. Animator must be in same Graveyard as corpse being raised. Zombie will have intelligence person had in live and can answer questions put to it.]

33 Detect Death magics and Undead A Large Class Of Things 18- (Unusual Group), Discriminatory, Range, Sense, Tracking

7 Levelheaded (Pre Defense): +15 PRE (15 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about half of its effectiveness (Defense only; -1)

Powers Cost: 119


Cost Martial Arts Maneuver

5 Block: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +3 DCV, Block, Abort

4 Escape: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 25 STR vs. Grabs

3 Legsweep: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -1 DCV, 3d6 Strike, Target Falls

4 Disarm: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, Disarm; 20 STR to Disarm roll

3 Joint Lock: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, -1 DCV, Grab One Limb; 10 STR for holding on

4 Joint Lock/Throw: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab One Limb; 1d6 NND ; Target Falls

3 Legsweep: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -1 DCV, 3d6 Strike, Target Falls

3 Sacrifice Throw: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +1 DCV, 2d6 Strike; You Fall, Target Falls

4 Strike: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 4d6 Strike

5 Breaking Throw: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, -2 DCV, Grab One Limb; HKA 0 1/2d6 , Disable; Target Falls

Martial Arts Cost: 38


Cost Skill

3 +1 with any three maneuvers or a tight group of attacks

8 +1 with All Combat

3 Concealment 12-

3 Streetwise 14-

3 Fast Draw 12-

3 Scholar

3 1) KS: Animators (4 Active Points) 13-

2 2) KS: Creatures of Legend (3 Active Points) 12-

1 3) KS: Jujutsu (2 Active Points) 11-

1 4) KS: Raising the Dead (2 Active Points) 11-

2 5) KS: Supernatural Creatures (3 Active Points) 12-

3 6) KS: Vampires (4 Active Points) 13-

8 Penalty Skill Levels: +4 vs. Hit Location modifiers with Pistols

5 PS: Animator 14-

4 PS: Vampire Slayer 13-

3 SS: Biology 12-

3 SS: Supernatural 12-

3 Breakfall 12-

3 AK: St Louis Area 12-

3 Conversation 14-

3 Criminology 12-

3 Forensic Medicine 12-

3 Paramedics 12-

3 Persuasion 14-

4 WF: Small Arms, Blades, Thrown Knives, Axes, and Darts

Skills Cost: 83


Cost Perk

3 Fringe Benefit: Concealed Weapon Permit (where appropriate), Licenced Vampire Executioner

6 Contact: Edward (AKA Death) (Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources, Contact has significant Contacts of his own) 11-

11 Contact: Ronnie (her best friend and Private Investigator) (Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Very Good relationship with Contact) 14-

18 Contact: Dolph and the RPIT Squad (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (x3) (18 Active Points) 8-

Perks Cost: 38


Cost Talent

6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)

Talents Cost: 6


Total Character Cost: 359


Pts. Disadvantage

10 Dependent NPC: Catherine (Best Friend) 8- (Normal)

5 Distinctive Features: Scars on arms and Body (Easily Concealed; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses; Not Distinctive In Some Cultures)

20 Watched: Jean Claude- Vampire Master of the City of St Louis 14- (Mo Pow, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)

10 Reputation: The Executioner, 11- (Extreme; Known Only To A Small Group- Vampires and folk tied to Vampire culture))

5 Reputation: Animator, 8-

20 Psychological Limitation: Will do anything to help a friend (Common, Total)

10 Social Limitation: On call with RIPT squad (Frequently, Minor)

Disadvantage Points: 80

Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 79

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0


Writeup by Tasha Greenbottle

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Re: Anita Blake beta writeup


Looks pretty good Tasha

I still think you may have overbought some of her MA maneuvers, buyt thats a campaign style thing... I'm in the "Maneuvers are the ones that you know so well that you get to use the highly effficent marital versions in combat" school of martial arts thinking. From that POV, a Black Belt is when you START learning how to apply the skills for real outsider a dojo mat. I've seen too many instances of a fairly skilled martial artist getting his or her rear handed to them on a plate trying to translate sparring into real fighting. But Anita does show a pretty functional combat grasp of Judo, so the suite of maneuvers are certainly appropraite, just saying that they could be shaved down without being untrue to the source.


+4 PSL's is about what I was thinking for the starting Anita (Heck, if I was going to write up a Vampire Hunter Package deal, I'd put +4 PSL's for targeting in it as a base). Its enough to reliably hit a vital location (Head or Vitals) without penalty on an OOC suprised or unconcious foe, and a good decrease of penalty even in a stand up fight. Later on, she'd get more with XP. I'm pretty sure Edward would have around 8 of 'em. He's kinda the poster boy for the slogan "Gun control is being able to hit your target".

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Re: Anita Blake beta writeup


Looks pretty good Tasha

I still think you may have overbought some of her MA maneuvers, buyt thats a campaign style thing... I'm in the "Maneuvers are the ones that you know so well that you get to use the highly effficent marital versions in combat" school of martial arts thinking. From that POV, a Black Belt is when you START learning how to apply the skills for real outsider a dojo mat. I've seen too many instances of a fairly skilled martial artist getting his or her rear handed to them on a plate trying to translate sparring into real fighting. But Anita does show a pretty functional combat grasp of Judo, so the suite of maneuvers are certainly appropraite, just saying that they could be shaved down without being untrue to the source.

I tend to agree. Anita never treats Judo as a primary fighting ability. Or even secondary. It's something she uses as a last resort or until she can get to her weapons. She only shows a few manuvers in the books, pretty consistent with the martial arts black belt level discussed in UMA.


+4 PSL's is about what I was thinking for the starting Anita (Heck' date=' if I was going to write up a Vampire Hunter Package deal, I'd put +4 PSL's for targeting in it as a base). Its enough to reliably hit a vital location (Head or Vitals) without penalty on an OOC suprised or unconcious foe, and a good decrease of penalty even in a stand up fight. Later on, she'd get more with XP. I'm pretty sure Edward would have around 8 of 'em. He's kinda the poster boy for the slogan "Gun control is being able to hit your target".[/quote']Edward would have 8 of them. Probably +4 lightning reflexes or so with the guns. This is the guy who likes to get up close and personal with vampires because it's more interesting. Humans are too easy.
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Re: Anita Blake beta writeup


Yeah I can see that, but she doesn't really seem to need them esp when it seems that most called shots she makes are against DCV0 opponent at least at this point in her career. She can chest shot at will against most opponents.


On the Martial arts, Yeah I can see less maneuvers being ok, though the manevers in Judo just seem like slightly different shades of the same throws.


Though thinking about it. I think that instead of Pre Defense and TONS of mental defense, that she has a 20EGO with moderate mental Defense. She shows her strength of will time and time again, but really isn't that impressive. At least not until she gains that dead look in her eyes...


Tasha :)


I'll post an edited version much later tonight

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Re: Anita Blake beta writeup


Ok, I've updated the write up on the first page.


Added PSLs for hit location and a little lighting reflexes for handguns.


Added Edward.


Added Dist Feat: Scars.


Added a section for the vampire marks.


Redid Animating the Dead as a summon. I decided to use the advantage slavishly loyal because Anita never has any trouble commanding the undead she raises. It's worth noting that despite having the power, Anita won't willing do a human sacrifice. The first time it happened, she was under a spell and was ordered to do so by a badly worded command so she killed the thug with the gun beside her instead of the helpless sacrifice. The second time was when she killed a vampire trying to kill her and the blood completed the magic circle.


Rewrote campaign use.

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Re: Anita Blake beta writeup


Ya know what...

This calls to mind an issue with Summon.

While I understand the extra advantage to be able to summon a specific target rather than a general one, I question whether it's really worth a +1... this is a perfect example. She has to locate and physically travel to the grave of a specfic person to raise them.


Kinda seems like paying a lot of extra points for something thats essentially a limitation.

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Re: Anita Blake beta writeup


Ok final version of her. I feel pretty happy about this write up. I cut back on the Martial arts, just keeping the joint locks that I had seen her use in the first 3 books.


RTF version included :)



Anita Blake


Player: Laurel K Hamilton


Val Char Cost

13 STR 3

14 DEX 12

15 CON 10

15 BODY 10

13 INT 3

20 EGO 20

10 PRE 0

16 COM 3


7 PD 4

6 ED 3

3 SPD 6

9 REC 6

30 END 0

30 STUN 0


7" RUN 2

2" SWIM 0

2 1/2" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 82


Cost Power

4 Regeneration: Healing Body 1d6 (standard effect: 3 points), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (20 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Hour, -3), Self Only (-1/2) [Notes: No Healing Max (see FREd p. 120).]

20 Mental Link to Jean Claude: Mind Link , One Specific Mind-Jean Claude, Any distance, No LOS Needed, Psychic Bond (25 Active Points); Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4)

5 Immunity to Most Vampiric Mind games: Mental Defense (9 points total)

41 Raise Corpse as a Zombie: Summon 128 200-point Zombie, Weak-Willed -4 on EGO Rolls (+1/2), Specific Being (+1) (187 Active Points); OAF Bulky Expendable (Easy to obtain new Focus; Animal Sacrifice (The older the Corpse is, the "higher" the order of animal sacrifice needs to be); -1 1/2), Arrives Under Own Power (-1/2), Summoned Being Must Inhabit Locale (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4), Incantations (-1/4) [Notes: Raises one dead person as a zombie from their grave. Animator must be in same Graveyard as corpse being raised. Zombie will have same intelligence person had in live and can answer questions put to it.]

33 Detect Death magics and Undead A Large Class Of Things 18- (Unusual Group), Discriminatory, Range, Sense, Tracking

Powers Cost: 103


Cost Martial Arts Maneuver

5 Block: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +3 DCV, Block, Abort

4 Escape: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 28 STR vs. Grabs

4 Disarm: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, Disarm; 23 STR to Disarm roll

3 Joint Lock: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, -1 DCV, Grab One Limb; 10 STR for holding on

4 Joint Lock/Throw: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab One Limb; 1d6 NND ; Target Falls

5 Breaking Throw: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, -2 DCV, Grab One Limb; HKA 0 1/2d6 , Disable; Target Falls

Martial Arts Cost: 25


Cost Skill

3 +1 with any three maneuvers or a tight group of attacks

8 +1 with All Combat

3 Concealment 12-

3 Streetwise 11-

3 Fast Draw 12-

3 Scholar

3 1) KS: Animators (4 Active Points) 13-

2 2) KS: Creatures of Legend (3 Active Points) 12-

1 3) KS: Jujutsu (2 Active Points) 11-

1 4) KS: Raising the Dead (2 Active Points) 11-

2 5) KS: Supernatural Creatures (3 Active Points) 12-

3 6) KS: Vampires (4 Active Points) 13-

8 Penalty Skill Levels: +4 vs. Hit Location modifiers with Pistols

5 PS: Animator 14-

4 PS: Vampire Slayer 13-

3 SS: Biology 12-

3 SS: Supernatural 12-

3 Breakfall 12-

3 AK: St Louis Area 12-

3 Conversation 11-

3 Criminology 12-

3 Forensic Medicine 12-

3 Paramedics 12-

3 Persuasion 11-

4 WF: Small Arms, Blades, Thrown Knives, Axes, and Darts

Skills Cost: 83


Cost Perk

3 Fringe Benefit: Concealed Weapon Permit (where appropriate), Licenced Vampire Executioner

6 Contact: Edward (AKA Death) (Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources, Contact has significant Contacts of his own) 11-

11 Contact: Ronnie (her best friend and Private Investigator) (Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Very Good relationship with Contact) 14-

18 Contact: Dolph and the RPIT Squad (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (x3) (18 Active Points) 8-

Perks Cost: 38


Cost Talent

6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)

Talents Cost: 6


Total Character Cost: 337


Pts. Disadvantage

10 Dependent NPC: Catherine (Best Friend) 8- (Normal)

5 Distinctive Features: Scars on arms and Body (Easily Concealed; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses; Not Distinctive In Some Cultures)

20 Watched: Jean Claude- Vampire Master of the City of St Louis 14- (Mo Pow, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)

20 Psychological Limitation: Will do anything to help a friend (Common, Total)

15 Psychological Limitation: Protective of Innocents (Common, Strong)

5 Psychological Limitation: Hates being thought of as being less than capable (Uncommon, Moderate)

10 Psychological Limitation: Ruthless- Has no problem pulling the trigger and killing someone if she's in danger. (Common, Moderate)

10 Reputation: The Executioner, 11- (Extreme; Known Only To A Small Group- Vampires and folk tied to Vampire culture))

5 Reputation: Animator, 8-

10 Social Limitation: On call with RIPT squad (Frequently, Minor)

5 Social Limitation: Short, Pretty and Feminine. (Occasionally, Minor) [Notes: This tends to get her underestimated by people who don't know her or her reps.]

Disadvantage Points: 115

Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 22

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0


Appearance: She is 5'3" tall 130lbs, Black curly haired, Eyes brown so dark that they look black. She is pale complected, She usually dresses very professionally when doing her Animation work (Silk blouse, short jacket, shirt, 3" heels)) She will wear a coverall while she acually animates the corpse because of the blood mess.


Notes: This is Anita Blake after the Second Book Laughing Corpse. She has recieved 2 Vampire Marks from Jean Claude, but is still basically a well trained normal person.


Quote: "I spend most of my waking hours confronting and destroying things I fear."


Tactics: This is Anita Blake after the Second Book Laughing Corpse. She has recieved 2 Vampire Marks from Jean Claude, but is still basically a well trained normal person. She tends to pull out her Gun and shoot anything that is directly threatening her. She fights dirty because at her size everyone outmasses her and getting maximum damage in keeps her alive. She will use her Judo on non-supernatural targets, but knows better to bother with paranormals. She also carries silvered knives in wrist holsters and ankle holsters. She uses a 9mm Browning HiPower as her main weapon, her 9mm Firestar for backup or for outfits that don't allow the Browning to be concealed. She also will sometimes carry a .38 2shot Derringer. All loaded with Glazier Safety Rounds, silvered for maximum damage to Paranormal targets. She also has a sawed off shotgun that she can use as even more firepower and backup, but rarely carrys that around due to it being illegal.


Campaign use: If the PCs are going up against the Supernatural, then Anita is the person to talk to. She doesn't put up with fools very well, but if you give her respect she will show the same back. She can look at a corpse and usually tell you what killed it. If you wait 3 days and the corpse is otherwise intact she can raise it as a zombie and let you ask it what killed it. She is a great friend and someone who you don't want as an enemy. If you are a Vampire or a Lycanthrope with a reputation for killing people, stay out of St Louis or you might find yourself going up against her. At this point in her career she sticks around St' Louis where she helps out the Fledgling Police RPIT program. He help has been intrumental for changing the way that police all over the country deal with paranormal threats

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Re: Anita Blake beta writeup


PRE 10? Anita Blake? But she's always doing these facedowns against the critters! At the least she should get her reputation as an advantage since it usually is.

Most of the facedowns come later in the series. Though I'd agree it should be higher. Pre is force of personality and Anita has that from the begining. I can see the point about people occasionally seeing her as less than dangerous. But that's usually an advantage for her.

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