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[resource] Adventure Seeds


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I thought it would be fun to have a thread of just random adventure seeds appropriate for FH


1) An important individual has been taken against his will by a subterainian race, this is odd as they normaly kill instead of taking prisioners. It is up to the PC's to figure out why, save the individual, and teach the supterainians a lesson.


2) The PC's come into a town to find out that they give tribute to a dragon, apon investigation they find out that no one has actualy ever seen the dragon, just some flames shooting out of a cave and a booming voice. Are the PC's brave enough to face the dragon...if he really exists


3) When a prince from another kingdom is found dead the day after the royal banquet it is up to the PC's to find the true killer before war breaks out...

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Re: [resource] Adventure Seeds


1. Why is the local fruit merchant all of a sudden so interested in buying the land adjacent to the local graveyard?

2. A public call is going throughout the town for some able-bodied men to help build 'the greatest ship ever'... but it's for a duke that doesn't even know how to swim.

3. The nearest librarian has been seen running to and fro lately on business that nobody can quite understand. He always manages to disappear when followed, and always comes back to the library empty-handed. What has he been up to?

4. Two brute-like brothers have ridden into the campaign city claiming to be monster-slayers... and also claiming to have some favors owed to them by certain ancient dragons. They want to have free-run of the city or else they will call in some of those favors and destroy the town!

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Re: [resource] Adventure Seeds


Yeah, but who needs ideas for that crazy high-powered stuff? It's when you're GMing a world where there are no non-humans and not much magic (like Valdorian Age) where you need the adventure seeds, IMO.


For a wilder high fantasy campaign, you can pull just about any story from any genre and use it almost directly, simply substituting magic for whatever technology etc.

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Re: [resource] Adventure Seeds


Very true.


However in High Fantasy you rarely get characters caring about NPCs to the level you do in Harn and other street-level settings. The PCs spend all their time in exotic locations killing exotic things and the only NPCs they care about are sellers of exotic items or those in high authority.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: [resource] Adventure Seeds


- An unnaturally tinted stone has appeared in the town square. It is too large for anyone to have carried, and in fact no one seems to be able to budge it. What the heck?


- A small town has recently discovered a silver mine, and the residents are reaping quite the profit from trade. So much so that it has quickly gone to their heads. But a nearby ruler is sending a force to take over control of the mine...forcefully if necessecary. Are the locals worth warning? Protecting? Saving from their own stupidity? Will the PCs attempt to step in and make a fortune of their own?

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Re: [resource] Adventure Seeds


- SIEGE! A barbarian horde has surrounded the town where the characters are currently staying/living/based. The city walls are stout and keep the horde at bay, but all able-bodied men (and women if some in the party are female) are immediately conscripted into the city's Army. The party find themselves manning the city defences alongside other conscripts and commanded by an Officer from the city's forces. Messengers have been despatched to neighbouring allied cities and a relief force is on its way. Can the city hold out until these allies arrive to break the encirclement and drive the barbarians away?


Alternative: the characters are in an allied city and are conscripted into the relief force.

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Re: [resource] Adventure Seeds


-The daughter of a high landlord wants to learn how it is to be a real adventurer, with dungeon crawls and orc ambushes (and stuff like that, play with the fantasy of a young woman *g*). So the landlord arrange a fight in a near forest. But, is the attack real or fake and the attackers try to kidnap the daughter ?


Wulfi, one for the road

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