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Help me name my team; Part Two: Germany.


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Okay, so after all of the great ideas and suggestions I got for the Canadian team, I figured I'd solicit more help from our learned members. Next up is a German hero team. The leader is that archer dude from Champions Worldwide whose name has completely vanished from my head. (And yet, I can still hear the melody from Britney Spears "Toxic"...I need a better mental delete function...) and the rest of these guys will round out the group. The only one set in stone is the Archer. So I need names for these guys, and a name for the team!


Okay, the brief on these guys is:


1) Power Armored Blaster. Very traditional, except for that big vulnerable head...


2) Female Plasma/Flame blaster. If anyone has some idea how to make her different from Hellfighter from Canadian Shield, by all means run it by me. Something like Fire from the JLA maybe...


3) Team Mystic. Versatile but not necessarily overpowering.


4) The Big Thor clone. :D


5) Team Gadget dude. Probably a Blaster, but maybe a techie stealth dude?


6) That archer guy whose name I can't remember. (pic not included, though go here: http://www.oldgloryminiatures.com/detail.asp?product_id=SF-SU5 if you want to see the mini)

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Re: Help me name my team; Part Two: Germany.


You could call the powered armor guy "Kreigkampf" Which I think means "Headstrike" :)






Nachtjager (I think is Night Hunter)


I like those...and yeah, I was probably half set on either Donar or Perun already.


Only one I'm not sure about is Warlock, since well, that's a lady. ;)


Someone point the good Baron our way to translate the remaining ones into German? (Cuz I have zero idea how to construct Firedancer.)

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Re: Help me name my team; Part Two: Germany.


Okay, still need a team name, but this is what I like so far:


1) Kriegkopf (Which appears to be "War Head". Thanks for the idea Chad)

2) Feuerstern (Firestar)

3) Der Hexer is in the lead here.

4) Donar

5) Nachtjäger

6) Erm...that guy from CW. ;) (Longbow?)

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Re: Help me name my team; Part Two: Germany.


Okay, still need a team name, but this is what I like so far:


1) Kriegkopf (Which appears to be "War Head". Thanks for the idea Chad)

2) Feuerstern (Firestar)

3) Der Hexer is in the lead here.

4) Donar

5) Nachtjäger

6) Erm...that guy from CW. ;) (Longbow?)

Glad I could help!



Now I can make you paint my mini at GenCon!

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Re: Help me name my team; Part Two: Germany.


You could call the powered armor guy "Kreigkampf" Which I think means "Headstrike" :)






Nachtjager (I think is Night Hunter)


Finally somewhere that my meager command of the German language will come in handy. Four years stationed there will do that for you.


How 'bout the following (incorporating other's ideas)


1. The Defender - Der Verteidiger

2. Firedancer - Feuertanzerin

3. White Witch - Weissenhexen

4. Magni - Norse God of Might (Thor's son)

5. Nighthunter - Nachtjager

6. The Archer - Der Bogenschutze


They may not all be perfect but should be close...

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Re: Help me name my team; Part Two: Germany.


As to the team name itself...


I used a German government-backed group as background 'flavour' with the name Bundesueberdienst (Federal Super-Service; not the best name in th world, but I blamed it on an unimaginative Bonn bureaucrat). Perhaps die Ueberschutzgruppe (after Grenzschutzgruppe-9, [border Protection Group], the German anti-terrorist unit and the equivalent of the SAS or Delta Force). For a civilian or privately backed team, perhaps die Schutzverband or die Schutzliga, or maybe die Landesgeiste (Spirits of the Nation).


By the way, if yours is a government group, they may have a reserve of sorts. Germany still requires its youth to do national service (18 months, I think). Possibly German supers could satisfy that law by co-option into the federal 'super-reserve unit'...


Hier stehen meine zwei Pfennige...

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Re: Help me name my team; Part Two: Germany.


As to the team name itself...


I used a German government-backed group as background 'flavour' with the name Bundesueberdienst (Federal Super-Service; not the best name in th world, but I blamed it on an unimaginative Bonn bureaucrat). Perhaps die Ueberschutzgruppe (after Grenzschutzgruppe-9, [border Protection Group], the German anti-terrorist unit and the equivalent of the SAS or Delta Force). For a civilian or privately backed team, perhaps die Schutzverband or die Schutzliga, or maybe die Landesgeiste (Spirits of the Nation).


By the way, if yours is a government group, they may have a reserve of sorts. Germany still requires its youth to do national service (18 months, I think). Possibly German supers could satisfy that law by co-option into the federal 'super-reserve unit'...


Hier stehen meine zwei Pfennige...


Ah the good ol' days when we paid in Mark and Pfennig - now with the Euro price have skyrocketed and ...


Okay, back to the topic:

No 18 month natonal service in Germany an ymore - we still have the draft, but it's only 9 month now and socila service (whiyh you have to do if you don't want to serve in the Budneswehr) is now the same length of time (used to be 10 months). There still are reserves, but not as many as there used to be and even though I served I'm not in the reserve. Guess you have to yell "Here! Here! Take me!" and jump up and down to get there.


Names for the Characters - some of what I've seen so far are pretty good, but anyhow -her are mine:


1) Power Armored Blaster. Very traditional, except for that big vulnerable head...

Take DIE KAMPFMASCHINE (The Fighting Machine/ The Juggernaut) for a really macho name.


2) Female Plasma/Flame blaster. If anyone has some idea how to make her different from Hellfighter from Canadian Shield, by all means run it by me. Something like Fire from the JLA maybe...

STEPPENBRAND (Prairie Fire - but it has no "romantic" tone to it in German).


3) Team Mystic. Versatile but not necessarily overpowering.

DOKTOR ZAUBERBERG - Zauberberg means "magic mountain" and is the title of a novel by one of the Mann-brothers (forgot if it's Heinrich or Thomas). Anyhow, the magic mountain in the novel is in the Swiss Alps - a sanatorium for people with lung-problems. Maybe the good Doctor is already around for some 150 years and got his alchemic powers by experimenting with substances on aforementioned mountain (it's a real place by the way) to cure his lung ailment - and got more out of it.


4) The Big Thor clone. :D

Sombody alreday said DONAR which is Thor's name in Germany. But if you want to go more for the hammer how about RUNENHAMMER (Runehammer)?


5) Team Gadget dude. Probably a Blaster, but maybe a techie stealth dude?

For a Blaster take FEUERSTOSS (Burst of Fire), for a German Batman DER SCHATTEN, although I like Deadman's Nachtjäger even better.


6) That archer guy whose name I can't remember. (pic not included, though go here: http://www.oldgloryminiatures.com/de...duct_id=SF-SU5 if you want to see the mini)

I would call him Der Grüne Pfeil (the Green Arrow).


And please stay clear of "Kreigkampf" - doesn't mean "Headstrike".

It should be "Kriegskampf" which means "Warfight" - in both language a rather silly word.


My two €-cent (wanna have my Pfennige back!)

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Re: Help me name my team; Part Two: Germany.


Okay, and we're back. ;)


Thanks to everyone (The rep stick shall be smiting out soon)


Here is our new tentative list.


Team: Uberschutzgruppe


1) Die Kampfmaschine

2) Feuertanzerin

3) Weissenhexen

4) Magni (Which coincidentally, works amazingly with my Norse Gods treatment in CU)

5) Nachtjäger

6) The CW dude. ;) (Okay, all kidding aside, he's Der Bogenshutze)

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Re: Help me name my team; Part Two: Germany.


1) Die Kampfmaschine is the way to go I think


2) Feuertänzerin sounds good to me


3)White Witch is not "Weissenhexen" in german, I would use The White Witch which would be "Die weiße Hexe" (the character is a female, right?)


Schould be spoken like "die" = deep without the p, "weiße" = why + the as one word, Hexe is easy I think, like hex but with an e at the end that sounds like the e in ex.


Just for the pronunciation. If you have questions I would be happy to help


btw, weissenhexen sounds just silly


4) Magni, I think this is cool


5) Nachtjäger... mhm... I think you could use this without sounding silly but I don't have something else ecept the longer version "Der Jäger der Nacht" and this is definitly not a good and usable name, more of a title.


6)Der Bogenschütze, or for everyone without our special letters it would be "Der Bogenschuetze"


I think you have a good cellection of names that do not sound that silly as real names for german supers.


Oh, there is one thing... Uberschutztruppe.. mhm... is there a collective word for supers in your world likle metas? Mhm maybe this sounds a little bit long but "Einsatzkommando für Sonderfälle" (Task force for special cases) would be better. We don't use the word uber that much and especialy ubermenschen is a word you will not see in use that much here. Superhelden (Superheroes) yes, but Ubermenschen (which would be Overhumans btw)... no... at least not in any official writings.

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Re: Help me name my team; Part Two: Germany.


1) Die Kampfmaschine is the way to go I think


2) Feuertänzerin sounds good to me


3)White Witch is not "Weissenhexen" in german, I would use The White Witch which would be "Die weiße Hexe" (the character is a female, right?)


Schould be spoken like "die" = deep without the p, "weiße" = why + the as one word, Hexe is easy I think, like hex but with an e at the end that sounds like the e in ex.


Just for the pronunciation. If you have questions I would be happy to help


btw, weissenhexen sounds just silly


4) Magni, I think this is cool


5) Nachtjäger... mhm... I think you could use this without sounding silly but I don't have something else ecept the longer version "Der Jäger der Nacht" and this is definitly not a good and usable name, more of a title.


6)Der Bogenschütze, or for everyone without our special letters it would be "Der Bogenschuetze"


I think you have a good cellection of names that do not sound that silly as real names for german supers.


Oh, there is one thing... Uberschutztruppe.. mhm... is there a collective word for supers in your world likle metas? Mhm maybe this sounds a little bit long but "Einsatzkommando für Sonderfälle" (Task force for special cases) would be better. We don't use the word uber that much and especialy ubermenschen is a word you will not see in use that much here. Superhelden (Superheroes) yes, but Ubermenschen (which would be Overhumans btw)... no... at least not in any official writings.


Es tut mir lied, mein duetsch ist nicht so gut mehr. Bin ich eine ganzen fauler sack fur die umlaut furgessen. Und die scharfes s auch.


And that probably wasn't all that great either...see what 20 years will do to you.

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Re: Help me name my team; Part Two: Germany.


1) Die Kampfmaschine is the way to go I think


2) Feuertänzerin sounds good to me


3)White Witch is not "Weissenhexen" in german, I would use The White Witch which would be "Die weiße Hexe" (the character is a female, right?)


Schould be spoken like "die" = deep without the p, "weiße" = why + the as one word, Hexe is easy I think, like hex but with an e at the end that sounds like the e in ex.


Just for the pronunciation. If you have questions I would be happy to help


btw, weissenhexen sounds just silly


4) Magni, I think this is cool


5) Nachtjäger... mhm... I think you could use this without sounding silly but I don't have something else ecept the longer version "Der Jäger der Nacht" and this is definitly not a good and usable name, more of a title.


6)Der Bogenschütze, or for everyone without our special letters it would be "Der Bogenschuetze"


I think you have a good cellection of names that do not sound that silly as real names for german supers.


Oh, there is one thing... Uberschutztruppe.. mhm... is there a collective word for supers in your world likle metas? Mhm maybe this sounds a little bit long but "Einsatzkommando für Sonderfälle" (Task force for special cases) would be better. We don't use the word uber that much and especialy ubermenschen is a word you will not see in use that much here. Superhelden (Superheroes) yes, but Ubermenschen (which would be Overhumans btw)... no... at least not in any official writings.


Agree with Hisho (though I still thing that RUNENHAMMER is better than MAGNI - but that is just personnal taste and depends on how far you want to get into the mythical background).


The "Ãœberschutztruppe" really sound silly in this German's ears:


Maybe you want to consider:


"Sondereinsatzkommando S" (Special Task Force S - like in S for Super), if the group is like police. or just "Kommando S" for short.


And Hisho is right about the "über".


And another "real life problem": I'd guess that most German superheroes would adopt an English name - because that is soooooooo hip ...


BTW, Hisho, are you German, too?

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Re: Help me name my team; Part Two: Germany.


And that probably wasn't all that great either...see what 20 years will do to you.


As far as the german goes... well it's my mothertongue so...

I know what I'm talking about, I was just trying to help. Oh, and I hope that I will have the same knowledge about the english language as I have now but I think if I would not use my english for 20 years... well... :ugly:


BTW, Hisho, are you German, too?


Yep, I'm german and I second your Idea that many supers would use english names.


Einsatzkommando S, mhm... with our new government here and some of our officials with their "task forces" you could use also "Task Force S", just try to speak it with a strong german accent.


As Roter Baron has said, english names are hip... :sick: but I don't like them that much if you could use a good german equivalent for them.

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Re: Help me name my team; Part Two: Germany.


Cool enough, and thanks for filling me on current German culture. :)


New team name: Sondereinsatzkommando S


The White Witch: Die weiße Hexe


The rest as is for now. My campaign does a lot of stuff with the Gods (Too many Thor comics as a kid) and I'm hoping to finish my take on it at some point for DH.

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Re: Help me name my team; Part Two: Germany.


As far as the german goes... well it's my mothertongue so...

I know what I'm talking about, I was just trying to help. Oh, and I hope that I will have the same knowledge about the english language as I have now but I think if I would not use my english for 20 years... well... :ugly:


I only wish my German was ever as good as your english. Both you and the Baron are obviously very fluent in it. Thanks for correcting me, nothing like a native to give us the correct answer.

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