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Ben 10 (again!)


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Re: Ben 10 (again!)


Might have gotten a new race name in the least one. It looks like a female of Four Arms species shows up and Cannonbolt makes another apperance (It seems like Ben's mastered him a bit more). Unfortunately I can't say much more because I only saw the last 10 minutes :(

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Re: Ben 10 (again!)


The 4" toy line currently has six of the initial ten aliens. Each one comes with a circular collectible lenticular card. On the back of each card is the name of the planet and species of each alien , as well as a very brief blurb about their powers.


I currently have Grey Matter, Ghostfreak and Stinkfly on my shelf at home. I should have Heatblast tomorow and hopefully Wildmutt and Fourarms by the end of the weekend. Anyhow, the alien races that I know but haven't been mentioned yet are:


Grey Matter: Galvan

Ghostfreak: Ectonurite

Heatblast: Pyronite

Stinkfly: Lepidopterran

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Re: Ben 10 (again!)


Well, everyone is updated once again. The toys gave me a few interesting insights:


- Galvans have flexible skeletons. So Grey Matter isn't just getting inside things because he's small. He's apparently somewhat rubbery.


- In the season 1 episode "The Alliance", Grandpa Max was in the hospital and Ben mentioned that he wished he could help him. One of his ideas was to go Ghostfreak and merge with Max. According to Ghostfreaks card, Ectonurite's can posess people for short periods of time. I decided to redo a significant portion of Ghostfreaks write up to take this possibility into account.


- Stinkfly has exhibited that his goo has several different properties. Sometimes it's sticky, while othertime its slippery. In one episode, he put out a fire using the stuff. Then in the recent episode "Grudge Match", Ben suggested Kevin 11 use Heatblasts power on the goo because the stuff was explosive! I really wasn't sure if this was just inconsistent writing or part of a bigger plan. Well, according to the card Lepidopterrans can apparently create all kinds of chemical compounds out of their slime, in both liquid and gaseous states. That's got some great potential if Ben's smart enough to figure it out :)


DC also has Ben 10 in the "Cartoon Network Action Pack" comics. link. I bought the first one. As you might expect of a 32 page book shared by 4 seperate stories, the execution is pretty rushed...

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Re: Ben 10 (again!)


The Wife got the rest of the series one figures while I was sleeping :)


- Nothing really new revealed about Heatblasts people, other then the name and "homeworld"


- Tetramads stand an average of 10' tall. I think they usually list Fourarms as being 12' tall. They also indicate they "can leap blocks at a time at a height of several stories". The average city block is 80 meteres long, while a story is tyically 4 meters. I think his leaping might need to be improved slightly, probably just with increased NCM.


- Vulpimancers like Wildmutt use their quills to help them hear :) Interesting...

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Re: Ben 10 (again!)


Maybe the quills act somewhat like Insect Antenna as far as hearing/Vibration sense? Maybe it also helps with smell aslo given how Wildmutt doesn't see but hears and smells the world. Antenna sense vibration, temp, tastes things, smells things. just a thought.....


antenna + big mammalike nose + mammal like ears = pretty aware of world arround him.

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Re: Ben 10 (again!)




[b]Val	Char	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
30	STR	20	15-	Lift 1600.0kg; 6d6 HTH damage [3]
20	DEX	30	13-	OCV: 7/DCV: 7
23	CON	26	14-
15	BODY	10	12-
8	INT	-2	11-	PER Roll 11-
10	EGO	0	11-	ECV: 3
20	PRE	10	13-	PRE Attack: 4d6
6	COM	-2	10-
16	PD	10	Total: 16 PD (6 rPD)
10	ED	5	Total: 10 ED (6 rED)
5	SPD	20	Phases:  3, 5, 8, 10, 12
11	REC	0
46	END	0
42	STUN	0	[b]Total Characteristics Cost:[/b] 122
Run: 6"/12"
Swim: 2"/4"
Leap: 16" Forward, 8" Up

[b]Cost	Powers	END[/b]
6	[i]Plant Body:[/i] Damage Resistance (6 PD/6 ED)	0
5	[i]Five Root Like Legs:[/i] Extra Limbs  (3), Inherent (+1/4) (6 Active Points); Limited Manipulation (-1/4)	0
10	[i]Spring Time:[/i] Leaping +10" (15" forward, 7 1/2" upward)	1
10	[i]Rapid Plant Growth:[/i] Elemental Control, 20-point powers	
14	1)   [i]Grow Thorns:[/i] Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1/2d6 (1d6+1 w/STR), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Damage Shield (+1/2), Continuous (+1) (27 Active Points); Activation Roll 15- (-1/4)	1
30	2)   [i]Vine Arms:[/i] Stretching 7", x4 Noncombat (40 Active Points)	4
10	3)   [i]Tarzan Aint Got Nothin' On Me:[/i] Swinging 20" (20 Active Points)	2
15	[i]Plant Attacks:[/i] Multipower, 15-point reserve	
1u	1)   [i]Claws:[/i] Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6 (2d6 w/STR) (15 Active Points); Reduced Penetration (-1/4)	1
1u	2)   [i]Punch:[/i] Hand-To-Hand Attack +3d6 (15 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)	1
51	[i]Explosive Seed Pods:[/i] Energy Blast 6d6, Explosion (+1/2), Autofire (5 shots; +1 1/2) (90 Active Points); 8 Charges (-1/2), Range Based On Strength (-1/4)	[8]

24	+3 with All Combat
1	AK: USA 8-
3	Acrobatics 13-
3	Climbing 13-
3	Combat Piloting 13-
2	Gambling (Sumo Slammers  CCG) 11-
1	PS: Fishing 8-
0	PS: Little League 11-
2	PS: Video Games 11-
1	Survival (Temperate/Subtropical) 8-
4	TF:  Hoverboard, SCUBA, Skateboarding, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles, Two-Wheeled Muscle-Powered Ground Vehicles
3	Tactics 11-

[b]Total Powers & Skills Cost: 200
Total Cost: 327[/b]

[b]200+	Disadvantages[/b]
10	DNPC:  Grandpa Max and Gwen 8- (Normal; Useful Noncombat Position or Skills; Group DNPC: x2 DNPCs)
15	Distinctive Features:  Green Plant Alien (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
10	Hunted:  Kevin 11 8- (As Pow, Capture)
20	Hunted:  The Forever Knights 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
15	Hunted:  Vilgax 8- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish)
10	Psychological Limitation:  Hates Bullies (Common, Moderate)
10	Psychological Limitation:  Overconfident (Common, Moderate)
10	Psychological Limitation:  Trusting and Naive  (Common, Moderate)
15	Social Limitation:  Secret ID (Frequently, Major)

[b]Total Disadvantage Points:[/b] 115











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Re: Ben 10 (again!)


A thought just came unbidden into my mind. Would it be possible that the new form(s) could be replacing other forms that were found to be too grotesque for the target audience? It would be relatively easy to just never use certain forms again and never refer to them from here on out. It's not an unknown phenomenon.


It's also perfectly possible I'm being overly paranoid, too.

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Re: Ben 10 (again!)


I doubt it.


More likely, the new forms have something to do with the fact that Cartoon Network owns Ben 10. It doesn't have to pay licencing fees and get's to keep all the royalties from sales of Ben 10 merchandise. In fact, in a recent interview CN officials said they make more money off Ben 10 then they do off Naruto.


So, more aliens simply means more toys for kids and geeks to collect and more money for CN ;)

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Re: Ben 10 (again!)


I doubt it.


More likely, the new forms have something to do with the fact that Cartoon Network owns Ben 10. It doesn't have to pay licencing fees and get's to keep all the royalties from sales of Ben 10 merchandise. In fact, in a recent interview CN officials said they make more money off Ben 10 then they do off Naruto.


So, more aliens simply means more toys for kids and geeks to collect and more money for CN ;)

That's the other explanation... :whistle:

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Re: Ben 10 (again!)


Ok, I posted Gwen, Granpa Max, The RV and some pretty rough stats for the new plant alien.


I also made Max a Follower for Ben, but I still consider him a DNPC for the aliens for now (might change that later though, still mulling it over). Gwen and Max both need some work to be fleshed out.


Based on the plot synopsys for an upcoming episode (Tough Luck), Gwen will become Lucky Girl again next month (7/12). Not sure if that's going to be a permenat change or not.


As for the Plant Alien, at this point just about everyone on the net is calling him "Wild Vine", but the only "official confirmation" I have seen about this comes from a forum post by somone claiming to be Meagan Smith (voice of Gwen). So for now, I'm just sticking with "new alien".


Though I do kinda like my son's suggestion of Spider Plant, since "he's kinda like Spiderman, only he's green and a plant." :D

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Re: Ben 10 (again!)


Cartoon Network is currently running a "Choose Your Favorite Alien Hero" poll.


It's only for the initial ten aliens. The current ranks are as follows:


Heatblast: 26%

XLR8: 18%

Fourarms, Upgrade: 11%

Ghostfreak, Diamondhead: 8%

Grey Matter, Wildmutt: 5%

Ripjaws: 4%

Stinkfly: 3%


Must be some rounding involved, cause that only adds up to 99%...


Wonder how paranoid that list makes Log ;)

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Re: Ben 10 (again!)


Cartoon Network is currently running a "Choose Your Favorite Alien Hero" poll.


It's only for the initial ten aliens. The current ranks are as follows:


Heatblast: 26%

XLR8: 18%

Fourarms, Upgrade: 11%

Ghostfreak, Diamondhead: 8%

Grey Matter, Wildmutt: 5%

Ripjaws: 4%

Stinkfly: 3%


Must be some rounding involved, cause that only adds up to 99%...


Wonder how paranoid that list makes Log ;)

Fourarms got only 11%? How can you NOT call that a conspiracy??

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Re: Ben 10 (again!)


So' date=' more aliens simply means more toys for kids and geeks to collect and more money for CN ;)[/quote']


Power Rangers Syndrome. What fun. :rolleyes:


"I'm going Fourarms. *Flash* Huh? Why am I green?"

New Green Mutation Fourarms. On sale now.


"I've figured out how to harden Upgrade's liquid metal body into protective plates. Neat, isn't it?"

Introducing Battle Armor Upgrade.


"Ben, I've built this bike for you. It's full of alien technology from my days as a Plumber. It should come in handy."

The 10-Cycle. Your collection isn't complete without it.

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