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Hello My Hero Elite.



I was really board last night and it started to puzzel me. How would you best buy/make the abilities showcased on Naruto? For certain characters like Sakura it is easy, just buy up equvilent stats and knowledges. But when you get to characters like Garaa with the control over sand and Neji with his biyakugan(and all the powers that he commands from it.) it gets much harder to think of the proper way to build them.



So I am asking for you and your expertise to :help: me out here.


Thank you all.

La Rose


PS: I have managed to watch every episode made so far and both movies as and I am a real big fan of the show.:thumbup: (expecially of Rock Lee)

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Re: Naruto


For Garaa's Desert coffin I was thinking of something like a "martial Grab it ranged attached to it and Limitation representing the need for sand." But that was just a thought.


And for Someone like Sasuke maybe a VPP with Cosmic on it and large enough so he can place any power in there that he has the 'chakra' to use. Also slap on a few limitations to show that he has to observe the ability also that he must be using the sharingan to learn it and anything else that might be right.



La Rose

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Re: Naruto


Hello My Hero Elite.



I was really board last night and it started to puzzel me. How would you best buy/make the abilities showcased on Naruto? For certain characters like Sakura it is easy, just buy up equvilent stats and knowledges. But when you get to characters like Garaa with the control over sand and Neji with his biyakugan(and all the powers that he commands from it.) it gets much harder to think of the proper way to build them.


PS: I have managed to watch every episode made so far and both movies as and I am a real big fan of the show.:thumbup: (expecially of Rock Lee)


Well there is no "Proper way" to build any power is more personal preference really. For example I would buy most ninjutsu as a multipower and create an appropriate taijutsu. Then the weapons they use. Maybe a few special Ninja related combat maneuvers specifically for a Naruto Campaign.


Alot of the fancy stuff they do with the weapons you can just make a talent or even a weapon proficiency that you might have to buy to learn the technique.


And with the Multipower for creating Ninjutsu powers you could use multi slots for often used powers and ultras for powers that are stronger and not as used often. If you baugh Sasuke's learned powers in a mutipower you could buy them as ultras and they would be cheep to buy new ones.


Well that is how I see it but there are lots of ways to do things. VPP's could be a good way to do a few types as well depends on how much leeway you want to give your players. do not think you would need cosmic on his VPP tho just say Ninjutsu powers that sort of takes in a lot and if you wanted you could add a few more points on for the wide range of powers that seems to include but I think +2 is a bit much. THe special effect will always be Ninjutsu. And I think even Sasuke would have to make a skill roll maybe a Ninjutsu skill role to change his VPP.



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Re: Naruto




I realize there are many ways to build differant powers and it really just fall onto the player for personal taste. What I was namely asking was how you all build some of the powers they exibit on the show. No need to worry weather or not it breaks power caps or what have you just what do you think makes the most sense watching them.


How do you all think Neji's or 'worf boy'(sorry his name eludes me at the moment) or anyone else there. Just choice a character you really like, assuming you watch, and have fun with it. I was just curious how other people view there abilities and how 'They would right it up.


La Rose



Also one that has really been confusing me is the Biyukugan for Neji. The SFX is the ability to observer in 360 dregrees all around himself(with one small exception) out to I think 10 meters at all times and can use it to search out into unbelievable distances with spot on accuracy. That is One power that is a little confusing to me.

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Re: Naruto


Honestly, byakugan would be somewhat simple. Buy Detect Chakra, put it in sight category, and then you'd add 360 degree vision, and a buttload of telescopic to it. You'd probably need to add a limitation that says only while byakugan is active (possibly -0). Then you'd link his chakra drain to byakugan, along with any other powers he uses with it (kaiten? damn, been too long since I've watched those). As for the weakness... well, it's so small, but it could be a side effect, perhaps, or another limitation that says when aiming for one specific hit location (HL 1 for example) target does not gain whatever bonuses to defense you buy linked to byakugan. Oh yeah, and they have to be "behind" the byakuganka (:rolleyes:).


Well, that's how I'd do it. Actually, I wrote up a lot of jutsu based off of my friend frankto's Naruto d20 (lots and lots of jutsu there). They're all ranked into D, C, B, A, S.


As for Gaara's sand control... considdering it's shukaku that gives it too him, I think that it would be grounds for a VPP. Sharingan could possibly be a vpp, but much more limited I'd think than gaara's. Other than that... umm... not sure what else I could recomend at the moment.


As you might be able to see, I love Naruto as well... though I despise the durned fillers (over a year! :weep:). They just need to continue with the manga story-line because they can't write a good storyline if their lives depended on it (ok, Hinata and Naruto in the hospital was hilarious...). Leave the storytelling to Kishimotosama. Ok, rant off... so sorry. :drink:

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Re: Naruto


Naruto and Hinata in the hospital? Maybe you are reffering to the Manga. I have seen the episodes to 192(witch I thought was as high as they go till Wednesday, maybe I am mistaken.) and I don't remember a Naruto and Hinata episode where they are both in the hospital, although I am greatly intriqued!:D


Also I don't remeber Neji syphing off chakra just stopping its flow though the body.



La Rose.


PS just incase you don't know them by the Number 192 is where Naruto and Ino have to help the princess with her arranged marrage. And 193 I think(from the previews) is going to be Rock Lee and Naruto's big fight.

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Re: Naruto


the hospital scene was early in the filler arc, where naruto pops down from the ceiling inches away from hinata's face. It's also the one where he see's her "naked" (sillouhetted [sp] against the waterfall) and then the next day mentions he saw a super cute girl, and never realizes that it was her. The bug hunt cycle.


And I highly highly recomend the manga, much much better than the current series, and sakura's cuter to boot! :eek:

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Re: Naruto


Oh yeah, and the filler has bored me so much that I haven't been keeping up on the show. The last episode I saw was the one before akamaru goes... whatever it is that happens (don't say anything, I'll watch it eventually). That really is how much I dislike the filler, to me it's made naruto boring, partially because I know all the cool stuff that's going to happen after Naruto trains with ero-sennin for 2 and a half years. This filler is just so hokey and pointless with no overarching storyline that I find it boring. BRING ON AKATSUKI!!!!

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Re: Naruto


Oh, and if you want I'll post the jutsu I've converted thus far. they're all in text docs, as I didn't have HD at the time, so the costs might be off as I had to use a calculator.


Just have ninjutsu and genjutsu, no taijutsu, but that can be done either in the same fashion or as Martial Arts, depending on preference.


Maybe sometime I'll input them all into HD and revise them to boot, I have a bit more experience with HERO now, some effects might be better done differently (there's alot of jutsu that are basically the same except for SFX).

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Re: Naruto


that would be cool if you could post them here. As far as the Manga I just don't have access to them. Other than Shonen Jump I don't know where I can read them. I kinda like the the Filler. It can be very Cute and Funny. But I can't wait to see what happens to Sasuke in the Series.



Ohh by the way, Rock Lee is my favorite character.

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Re: Naruto


WOW I have just found the Manga online.





I Don't know where exactly I am in the series(as far as how the manga transfers into the show but I think I can figure it out.) Granted it will never stop me from watching the show when it comes out. Also If anyone would like to watch the show in its orriginal Japanese with subtitles, I can show you where to find it. Also it is current in the sense that it is made as the shows come out. So This Fridays episode will be what episode aired the wednesday before in japan.


La Rose.

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Re: Naruto


Few thoughts.


The Sharingan is a very straightforward mimic VPP - the user can only gain new slots if he sees a manuever in action. Some manuevers still can't be duplicated (Hoku's Ice Mirrors, the Sharingan Eye itself, and so on - heritage powers). Once he sees the manuever, the user simply spends the END and activates it normally. Kakashi has a separate power in that he can mildly hypnotize people with his as well. But that's another story.


Taijutsu: Don't make the mistake of making them "just" martial manuevers, although you can do that, there are Taijutus moves which qualify as powers or require other special effects as well. Those are important. But you can do MANY of them as straight MA from the book.


Bigger, badder abilities require Extra Time (Gestures, Throughout) and likely Incantation. Since everything costs Chakra (aka END) you have to determine if you're going to allow END Reserves of not.


Gaara's Sand isn't all that hard - it's a matter of what makes the most sense. If he can do instant crazy with it as the moment requires, then yes - it's a VPP. If he pulls the same group of tricks out of his phylactery every time, it's probably an MP. If he every once in a while goes all crazy, then it's a Power Tricks roll to achieve a specific SFX. See "Ultimate Speedster" for notes on Speedster Tricks to get an idea of what I mean.


Most Jutsu also require an Activation Roll. Jutsu's with durations may cost END only to activate. There are a lot of powers in that game - it'll take a while to model them all. But if I can help, I'd be happy too.

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Re: Naruto


Also something I was thinking was that the chakra isn't always plane stamina. Although usually if your out of chakra your stamina is burnt too, but not always. Sasuke makes hint of that against the three rain ninja durring the second part of the chunnin exams. So buying your Chakra as a power reserve and just having all powers that pull from chakra only use the end reserve and all other 'normal' attacks; ie taijutsu, pull from your normal End. So characters like Garaa have immense ER; others like Rock Lee, have Giant end; and Naruto would have both.



But that is just How I understood it.


La Rose

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Re: Naruto


Actually, I was thinking of making a chakra control skill that you had to roll, and depending on how well you roll, you'd convert End into Chakra each time you need to use a jutsu. Just need to find the right balance on that.


I get all my naruto needs from narutofan.com.


I have to go to work now, or else I'd look up where episode 136 is in the manga so you could start at the time skip... well, actually kakashi gaiden first, then time skip.

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Re: Naruto


I make this comment as someone who has only seen a handful of episodes, but it seems to me that Naruto characters would be using an End Reserve to power their special abilities. Specifically, an End Reserve which recovers slowly enough that they can't just keep whipping off attacks without quickly running out of End. If you want them to mostly focus on their martial arts and only use their special abilities sparingly, then have the ER recover every 5 minutes, if you want them only used at the most crucial times, then make it once per hour.


It's been my experience that with ER's, the REC is actually more important than the END itself in moderating the effect it will have on the game. I generally limit the ER's in my WuXia games to 5xEGO and the ER's REC to EGO/5, but you may have other limits in mind. (ie someone with EGO:10 will have a max ER of END:50 and REC of 2.) Since Naruto characters seem rather strong willed, this seems appropriate. If you want higher powered games, then max it at EGOx10 and EGO/2 accordingly.





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Re: Naruto


It's hard to say. My Chakra Control and converting END to Chakra comes from the in-anime/manga explanation for how chakra works. Which basically is that you convert stamina into chakra, and how well you do it depends on how good you are at chakra control. The explanation goes on to examples of Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto, where sakura is the best at chakra control, so spends the least amount of Stamina to create her Bunshins, while Sasuke wastes a little bit, and naruto uses a ton of stamina and gets a half dead bunshin.


later jiraiyasama talks to naruto about it, but tells him not to worry about his chakra control because he has soooooooooooooooo much stamina that he can waste as much as he needs for his effects without worry.


Now for a side not, I'll get those jutsu up. Note that some things are going to be missing from the Ninjutsu. Notably rasengan and medical jutsu. The reasoning is that those are different from Ninjutsu, and thus will use Chakra Control for their RSR. Medical jutsu might be able to be argued for being included in Ninjutsu, but Rasengan is most certainly Chakra control. Body altering effects (water walking, tree walking, tsunade's ungodly strength) are also chakra control.

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Re: Converted Ninjutsu and Genjutsu


Well, here are all of the jutsu that I've done thus far. Have fun!


Oops, well, apparently I'd only STARTED on the Genjutsu, so there's only 3 in there. Well, maybe I'll get to work on this again some day if there's interest.


Nice!! That was good work. Thank you.



Hmm if it wasn't for the fact that only one other player in my normal group likes naruto I would have to run a Naruto parody game.:(


La Rose.

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Re: Naruto


Hmm, actually might not be. I don't have ultimate speedster, but it sounds like the speed zone might be the appropriate trick for this pony. The only problem would be figuring out how to rationalize sasuke starting to catch Haku.


Though remember that haku's ice abilities are a Bloodline Limit, and thus should be rare, and depending on the campaign, only owned by npc's, in which case fudging is acceptable. Probably shouldn't use it on the pc's though, they'll get pissed cause they can't do anything (unless one of them is a jinchuuriki :eek: ), thus maybe only ally npcs?


In any case, um... ran out of gas, dunno what I was gonna say. :drink:

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  • 7 months later...

Re: Naruto


In honor of the debut of the "new" Naruto Shippuuden (Hurricane) anime (which is really the old one continued with a jump forward in time), I thought I'd post the link to the Wikipedia entry on Jutsu, which literally contains writeups for every Jutsu (funky weird ninja power) used in the anime and manga! Hundreds of them! Be warned though, some of them are probably too nasty for a lot of campaigns.


Your chance to terrify your players is HERE!




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