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Looking for some "names"


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I find myself on a "creative roll". After a long dry spell (writers block) my ideas are finally making it onto paper. WooHoo!! :D:celebrate


But there is something still not flowing. The enemy the PC's are fighting are an ancient evil that has plagued the world throughout recorded history. It is the source of all the legends of demons and the like.


Since the game is designed to have a decidedly “anime” feel to it the names I am using at the moment really won’t do. Somehow the inspired “Class 5 Invader” doesn’t really cut it. I was thinking of names for the five types of invader/demon and one overall name.



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Re: Looking for some "names"


Hmm... well, whenever anime and HERO come up in the same sentence, the first place I check is Michael "Susano" Surbrook's wonderful website, Surbrook's Stuff. What you're describing sounds a lot like Susano's adaptation of the Silent Mobius manga series, which he calls Silent Mobius Zeta. The main enemies of the setting are alien demonic entities known as "Lucifer Folk." Susano provides descriptions of the different types of Lucifer Folk, as well as a list of grimoire names for demons that would be appropriate for them, some of which you might like. Let me just link you to those specific resources:








Another possibility is from an article in the pre-Fifth Edition archives of Digital Hero by Bryan Salois, describing the Shou Zhan Chuan Temple. This is the base of an ancient order of mystically-powered warriors dedicated to combatting an evil very much like you describe, which they call "The Dark." You can find more specifics about the entities of The Dark in this followup article expanding on the Temple: http://www.herogames.com/FreeStuff/dharchives/shouzhan2.htm


I hope there's something there you can use. :)

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Re: Looking for some "names"


LL, Good calls. I actually have "Silent Mobius" as well as "Blue Seed" which I admit have influenced my campaign concept. But SM uses names that lean toward western/Biblical ones. Lucifer Hawks, Asmodeus, Baphomet and so on. I was looking for something with more of a Asian (Japanese?) feel. But I wanted to avoid blatant use of the names used in known anime. But I lack the needed knowledge to make them myself.

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Re: Looking for some "names"


*points to his creation history for the Eight Sages*


Zhu, translated into Mandrin, means "deep". In my world, she's defined as the second of the two most primal beings that appeared at the beginning. She is considered the source of all demons of that world, and has left her mark in the myriad punctures in the darkness that the mortals call 'Night.'

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Re: Looking for some "names"


If these enemies are where the legends of demons come from, why not call just them "Demons" or "Devils"?


Anime series do not tend to complicate their names, when they can help it. Think of the Angels from Evangelion, the Heartless from Kingdom Hearts (okay, not actually an anime series, but you know what I mean), or the Devils from Devil Hunter Yoko.

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