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Stargate Question


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Re: Stargate Question


I'm not overly familiar with the movie terms' date=' but if the Jaffa are the guys with the bang sticks and transforming headgear then those would be the ones. :)[/quote']

I don't remember if they called them that in the movie or not -- it's been a LOOOONG time since I've seen it. The write-ups I did are based on the tv series, so I'm not sure if they'll meet your needs if you're looking specifically for the movie versions. (I also have the write-ups I did for their staff weapons & such, too, if it would help).


If you still think they might fit your need, let me know and I'll see if I can dig them up.

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Re: Stargate Question


The TV series is fine as well (I'm not familiar with that either). I just need a stepping off point for this guy.


Also, I've been trolling Google Images for a clean picture of one of them and I can't find a nice full body or 3/4 body pic anywhere. You wouldn't have to something would you?

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Re: Stargate Question


The TV series is fine as well (I'm not familiar with that either). I just need a stepping off point for this guy.


Also, I've been trolling Google Images for a clean picture of one of them and I can't find a nice full body or 3/4 body pic anywhere. You wouldn't have to something would you?


I found the attached image on the mgm site: http://www.stargatesg1.com/stargatelb.html


Is that what you were looking for?

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Re: Stargate Question


I don't remember if they called them that in the movie or not -- it's been a LOOOONG time since I've seen it. The write-ups I did are based on the tv series, so I'm not sure if they'll meet your needs if you're looking specifically for the movie versions. (I also have the write-ups I did for their staff weapons & such, too, if it would help).


If you still think they might fit your need, let me know and I'll see if I can dig them up.


Just to clarify--no, Ra's Threatening Armored Men were not called Jaffa in the movie. In the series pilot, Jack O'Neill notes that they didn't have the symbiote pouch when General Hammond shows him the dead Jaffa from the Cheyenne Mountain raid. So, not Jaffa--but except for anything relating directly to the symbiote, Jaffa write-ups should work just fine for them.


As for why Ra was using human TAMs and not Jaffa, don't look at me, man. I didn't do it. :cool:

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Re: Stargate Question


Okay... found my notes. ;) I'm going to start with the weapons and equipment first, because that will help make sense of some of the notes in the character write-ups.


Oh... I should also note that, though the PCs had a VERY high number of points, most of that was in lots and lots of skills, and I treated this as a Heroic-level game. That may help if some of the values in the write-ups seem a little... low. :)



First, the zat. I went round and round and round with this thing... and part of the problem is that what we've seen in the show isn't exacty consistant. (1 shot stuns, 2 shots kill, 3 shots disintegrate... that seems consistant. Except they also use the "3 shots disintigrate" for inanimate objects, and the first two have no visible effect on an inanimate object. Except one 1 shot can cause control crystals to short and explode. That sort of thing.) I tried all kinds of combos of NND Does Body and so on... but eventually decided to go with some custom Limitations instead:



Electrical EB 18d6 (standard effect: 54 STUN, 18 BODY)

0 END (+1/2)
Invisible Power Effects, Hide effects of Power, SFX Only (Fully Invisible; +1)
OAF (-1)
STR Minimum 5 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -3/4)
Cannot Use Targeting (-1/2)
Attack completely negated by any Force Field or Force Wall (-1/2)
BODY damage done recovers at 1 BODY every post-12; no 'bleeding' occurs if
victim is below 0 BODY (-1/2)
Beam (-1/4)
Real Weapon (-1/4)
Reduced By Range (-1/4)
BODY damage done to inanimate objects has no measurable effect until
3rd shot (-1/4)

Active Cost: 225
Real Cost: 43


Notes: The zat has a *chance* to kill an unarmored "average human" on the first shot, since it does 18 BODY and the "average human" has a BODY of 8 and an ED of 2. (18 Body - 2 ED = 16 Body gets through; to kill someone in HERO you have to put them as far below 0 as they are above it...in other words, must do twice their BODY score to kill them. Since the "average human" has a BODY score of 8, twice that is 16 -- exactly what gets through the "average human" defenses.) However, this is only likely if the firer is at point-blank range to his target; the "Reduced by Range" Limitation means that even a couple of feet will drop the damage to 17 BODY...so the "average human" would be at -7 BODY after being shot this way. Since the BODY damage does recovers slowly -- and no "lose an extra BODY point due to bleeding" occurs even though the victim is below zero -- killing the average "man on the street" should be something that happens in only the most UNUSUAL circumstances. As-is, though, it SHOULD drop all but the most hardy (or heavily defended/insulated) PCs with one shot due to the STUN...just like we see on TV.


Given that the Body damage does recover, this means that if long enough elapses between shots the "second shot" won't kill a target; in other words, due to the time lapse, things have "reset" and this "second shot" (say, an hour later) acts like a first shot all over again.


It may be possible to build up a kind of tolerance or resistance to the effects of the zat, as there have been RARE occasions where we've seen one of the SG-1 team shot with a zat and, while they were more or less physically disabled, they were not out cold.


The "Invisible Power Effects (SFX Only)" means that although Body damage is being done, there are no blast marks, burns, etc. -- no outward signs of damage -- until the "disintegrate" level of effect is reached. (It does NOT mean that the zat blasts themselves are invisible... as they obviously are not. ;) )

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Re: Stargate Question


Staff Weapon

Plasma Burst: RKA 3d6+1, Standard Effect for Stun Multiplier (= x2) (+0)

+2 Increased STUN Multiplier, Only vs. those carrying a Goa'uld
or who have naquadah in their system (+1/4)
0 END (+1/2)
OAF (-1)
STR Minimum 11 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1)
Requires Two Hands (-1/2)
Inaccurate: -2 OCV (-1/2)
Beam (-1/4)
Real Weapon (-1/4)


Staff Strike: HA +5d6

0 END (+1/2)
OAF (-1)
Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)
STR Minimum 13 (-1/2)
Requires Two Hands (-1/2)
Real Weapon (-1/4)

Active Cost: 124
Real Cost: 29


Notes: The staff weapon has two possible methods of attack: the plasma burst (firing it at range) or using it like a club (the "staff strike", which is your normal STR damage + 5d6). The "Standard Effect" note on the Stun Multiplier means it's set at 2. So if you do 10 Body with the killing attack, you'll do 20 Stun. If you do 12 Body, you'll do 24 Stun. And so on. This eliminates the chance of "one bad die roll completely takes a PC out of the fight with the first shot." However, the increased Stun Multiple (+2) vs. those carrying a Goa'uld means that, for example, the Jaffa who get hit with a staff weapon plasma burst take x4 Stun...in other words, 10 Body means 40 Stun; 12 Body means 48 Stun, and so on.


The "Inaccurate" Limitation is NOT the official version (which either cuts OCV in half, or takes OCV to zero) but a custom one I did for myself... I treat every -1 OCV as a -1/4 Limitation. The "Inaccurate" is there because the staff weapon isn't exactly a good design for a ranged weapon if you're looking for accuracy, and most Jaffa we've seen in the show fire lots of shots but seem to rarely hit their targets. ;)


Now... why the Increased Stun Multiplier vs. those carrying a Goa'uld or that have naquadah in their systems? Well, it seems the usual major threat to a System Lord and his troops is... another System Lord and his troops! So I reasoned that the staff weapons plasma bolt had was probably "tuned" to be at peak efficiency against other Jaffa. And since all current Goa'uld (and their larva) have the power mineral naquadah in their system, I thought that perhaps a proper frequency of pulse might cause a tiny, tiny, tiny burst of power liberation from that naquadah, resulting in a larger shock to the system than just the plasma burst on its own.


(Plus, on the show, Jaffa tend to drop after a single hit, regardless of their wearing armor. An Increased Stun Mult. seemed like a good way to usually get them to go down in one hit... but also see my Jaffa write-up notes.)

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Re: Stargate Question



Tactical SMG: RKA 1d6+1

Autofire (5 shots; +1/2)
4 clips of 50 Charges (+1/2)
+2 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/2)
Limited Penetrating: Penetrating x3, not vs. vehicle armor,
FF, FW, or Combat Luck (+3/4)
OAF (-1)
STR Minimum 10 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1)
Real Weapon (-1/4)
Beam (-1/4)


Reduced Recoil Impulse: +2 with Ranged Combat

OAF (-1)
Linked (Tactical SMG -3/4)
Real Weapon (-1/4)


Sights: Penalty Skill Levels:  +1 vs. Range Modifier with All Attacks

OAF (-1)
Linked (Tactical SMG -3/4)
Real Weapon (-1/4)

Active Cost: 78
Real Cost: 22


Notes: The FN-P90 is a real-world submachinegun currently in use by select units of the U.S. armed forces. It is most notable for its incredible penetrating power; it can put its NATO-standard 5.7x28mm rounds through up to 48 layers of Kevlar at a range of 150 meters!! To reflect this, the write-up includes x3 Penetrating, which should go right through any body armor out there. But to keep this from being death-on-toast for vehicles or PCs, the Penetrating advantage doesn't work vs. vehicles, force fields, force walls (Goa'uld System Lord defenses) or Combat Luck (the PC's "edge").


To reflect the weapon's accuracy, the write-up includes a +2 OCV with Ranged Combat and a +1 to offset Range penalties (the "iron sights" on top of the weapon). Since submachine guns are designed for use at fairly close range anyway and tend to get very innacurate over about 20 to 30 meters, this should adequately reflect the "real-world" capabilties of the weapon.

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Re: Stargate Question


Jaffa Body Armor: Armor (4 PD/6 ED); OIF (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4)

Active Cost: 15
Real Cost: 8

SG Tactical Vest: Armor (4 PD/2 ED); Standard Vest (Protects Locations 11-13; -1 1/2),
OIF (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4)

Active Cost: 9
Real Cost: 3



Notes: Basic armor. Naturally the Jaffa body armor is better than that made on Earth, and is more heavily weighted towards repelling energy damage (since their own weapons are energy-based). The "Real Amor" limitation is functionally equivalent to the "Real Weapon" limitation.


The "standard vest" limiation means that unlike the Jaffa, the SG teams don't wear full body armor. In most cases this won't make a difference, as most of us don't use "Hit Location" rolls...so if they get hit, it can be assumed the Tactical Vest will do its bit to help protect them. If someone *DOES* deliberately target an arm or a leg, though (with the associated OCV penalties) and hits, there are NO defenses from the Tactical vest on that location.

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Re: Stargate Question


Now the write-ups for the Jaffa. Keep in mind... this is for a Heroic game! So while the stats of the Jaffa may seem too low, remember that they're pretty impressive next to a "regular" or "man-on-the-street" human. So, first, for comparison, average humans:


Average "Man on the Street"


2 PD
2 ED
16 END

Average "Fit and Toned" Human

10 STR
10 DEX
10 CON
10 INT
10 EGO
10 PRE
10 COM

2 PD
2 ED
20 END

Jaffa (Average)

Val	Char	Cost
13	STR	3
12	DEX	6
11	CON	2
11	BODY	2
10	INT	0
12	EGO	4
12	PRE	2
10	COM	0

3	PD	0
3	ED	1
3	SPD	8
5	REC	0
25	END	2
25	STUN	1

6"	RUN	0
2"	SWIM	0
2 1/2"	LEAP	0
Characteristics Cost: 31

OCV: 4  DCV: 4  ECV: 4

Phases: 4, 8, 12

Cost	Power
6	Regeneration: Healing 1d6, Can Heal Sense Organs (cure blindness,
	deafness, etc.), 0 END (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2);
	Extra Time (3 Hours, -3 1/2), Self Only (-1/2),
	IIF Symbiote (-1/4)
8	Symbiote: LS  (Immunity: disease); IIF Symbiote (-1/4)
Powers Cost: 14

Cost	Martial Arts Maneuver
5	Defensive Block:  1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +3 DCV, Block, Abort
3	Legsweep:  1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -1 DCV, Weapon +1 DC Strike, Target Falls
4	Weapon Bind:  1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Bind, 23 STR
1	Weapon Element:  Staff Weapon
Martial Arts Cost: 13

Cost	Skill
3	+1 with Goa'uld weapons
1	Penalty Skill Levels:  +1 vs. Inaccuracy with a staff weapon
2	AK: Home world (Everyman) 11-
2	Climbing (Everyman) 11-
3	Combat Piloting 11-
0	Deduction (Everyman) 8-
2	KS: Enemies of his System Lord (Everyman) 11-
2	KS: Jaffa Procedures and Protocols (Everyman) 11-
2	KS: Religion based on his System Lord (Everyman) 11-
2	KS: The System Lords (Everyman) 11-
0	Language:  Goa'uld (idiomatic)
2	Navigation (Space) 11-
1	PS: Jaffa (Everyman) 11-
0	Paramedics (Everyman) 8-
1	Security Systems 8-
0	Stealth (Everyman) 8-
3	Systems Operation 11-
0	TF:  Goa'uld Spacecraft
1	WF:  Goa'uld Weapons
Skills Cost: 27

Cost	Perk
3	Fringe Benefit:  Low Justice:  Character has the right to mete
	out justice.
2	Reputation:  Jaffa! (A large group) 11-, +1/+1d6
Perks Cost: 5

Total Character Cost: 90

Pts.	Disadvantage
5	Dependence: Must meditate in Kel No Reem trance for two hours out
	of every 24 or suffer Incompetence and Weakness
10	DF:  Jaffa (forehead marking, stomach pouch, etc.) (Easily
	Concealed; Major Reaction)
5	Enraged:  When his System Lord's divinity is questioned (Uncommon),
	go 8-, recover 14-
10	Hunted:  Jaffa of a rival System Lord 8- (As Pow, Harsh)
10	Phys:  Dependent on presence of symbiote (Infreq, Greatly)
15	Phys: Symbiote renders host unconcious if host takes approx. 50% or
	more of BODY in a single hit (Infreq, Fully)
25	Psych:  Devoted to his System Lord (VC, T)
15	Rep:  Merciless enforcer of a System Lord's will, 11- (Extreme)
5	Rivalry:  Professional (Other Jaffa in his System Lord's service;
	As Pow; Outdo)
20	Social Limitation:  Subject to orders (Very Frequently, Major)
Disadvantage Points: 100

Base Points: 0
Experience Required: 0
Total Experience Available: 0
Experience Unspent: 0

Notes: This is your average, run-of-the-mill Jaffa foot soldier -- willing to lay down his life in the service of his System Lord. He's quite effective against ordinary citizenry or populations, but one-on-one probably not that big a threat to a PC. Unfortunately for PCs, Jaffa tend to travel in groups.


I guesstimated his Regen recovery time at 1 BODY every 3 hours...far faster than human, but not up to the level of Wolverine...after all, this isn't a comic book setting! :) If you think some other rate (like 1 per hour) would be more appropriate, it won't change his cost by more than about 2 points or so at most.


One thing to notice is that the total character cost is 90 points but he has 100 points in Disads. This leaves a little room (10 pts. worth) for growth as he begins to gain experience. You may also want to spend them now, perhaps on some increased END or STUN.


Also note that if you need more points... this Jaffa was built on 0 Base points + 100 Disadvantage points. So you could simply increase his Base points from 0 to, say, 25. ;)


Now, I want to draw your attention to one of the Disadvantages -- "Symbiote renders host unconcious if host takes approx. 50% or more of BODY in a single hit". This is ENTIRELY supposition on my part, and NOTHING in the show backs it up... so feel free to delete it. Here's my reasoning:


Though the System Lords seem to have no hesitation in treating their Jaffa as expendable... getting a new Jaffa takes about 15 years. So they can't be quite as expendable as it seems. My thought was that if they suffer a catastrophic wound -- 50% or more of their BODY in a single hit -- their symbiote takes matters into its own, er, hands... and puts them into an unconcious state while it repairs the damage. This is to prevent them from doing something stupid (like continuing to fight) and getting themselves killed when they're already grieviously injured.


And since one shot of a staff weapon generally seems to drop a Jaffa... this could also (in addition to the Increased Stun Mult. listed in the staff weapon write-up) help explain why they drop so "easily". :)


(It also seems obvious that if this is the case, really experienced Jaffa, like Teal'c or Master Bretak, may be able to override this "off switch" -- perhaps replacing the Physical Limitation with an Accidental Change and adjusting the roll to suit.)

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Re: Stargate Question


Jaffa (Experienced)

Val	Char	Cost
13	STR	3
13	DEX	9
12	CON	4
12	BODY	4
13	INT	3
14	EGO	8
15	PRE	5
12	COM	1

5	PD	2
5	ED	3
4	SPD	17
5	REC	0
30	END	3
35	STUN	10

7"	RUN	2
2"	SWIM	0
2 1/2"	LEAP	0
Characteristics Cost: 74

OCV: 4  DCV: 4  ECV: 5

Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

Cost	Power
6	Regeneration: Healing 1d6, Can Heal Sense Organs (cure blindness,
	deafness, etc.), 0 END (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2);
	Extra Time (3 Hours, -3 1/2), Self Only (-1/2),
	IIF Symbiote (-1/4)
8	Symbiote: LS  (Immunity: disease); IIF Symbiote (-1/4)
Powers Cost: 14

Cost	Martial Arts Maneuver
5	Defensive Block:  1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +3 DCV, Block, Abort
3	Legsweep:  1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -1 DCV, Weapon +1 DC Strike, Target Falls
5	Offensive Strike:  1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, Weapon +4 DC Strike
4	Weapon Bind:  1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Bind, 23 STR
1	Weapon Element:  Staff Weapon
Martial Arts Cost: 18

Cost	Skill
6	+2 with Goa'uld weapons
2	Penalty Skill Levels:  +2 vs. Inaccuracy with a staff weapon
2	AK: Home world (Everyman) 12-
2	Climbing (Everyman) 12-
3	Combat Piloting 12-
2	Deduction (Everyman) 12-
4	KS: Enemies of his System Lord (Everyman) 14-
4	KS: Jaffa Procedures and Protocols (Everyman) 14-
4	KS: Religion based on his System Lord (Everyman) 14-
4	KS: The System Lords (Everyman) 14-
0	Language:  Goa'uld (idiomatic)
3	Navigation (Hyperspace, Space) 12-
3	PS: Jaffa (Everyman) 14-
2	Paramedics (Everyman) 12-
3	Security Systems 12-
2	Stealth (Everyman) 12-
3	Systems Operation 12-
5	Tactics 13-
0	TF:  Goa'uld Spacecraft
1	WF:  Goa'uld Weapons
2	Weaponsmith (Goa'uld Weapons) 12-
Skills Cost: 57

Cost	Perk
3	Fringe Benefit:  Low Justice:  Character has the right to mete
	out justice.
4	Reputation:  Jaffa! (A large group) 11-, +2/+2d6
Perks Cost: 7

Total Character Cost: 170

Pts.	Disadvantage
5	Dependence: Must meditate in Kel No Reem trance for two hours out
	of every 24 or suffer Incompetence and Weakness
10	DF:  Jaffa (forehead marking, stomach pouch, etc.) (Easily
	Concealed; Major Reaction)
5	Enraged:  When his System Lord's divinity is questioned (Uncommon),
	go 8-, recover 14-
10	Hunted:  Jaffa of a rival System Lord 8- (As Pow, Harsh)
10	Phys:  Dependent on presence of symbiote (Infreq, Greatly)
15	Phys: Symbiote renders host unconcious if host takes approx. 50% or
	more of BODY in a single hit (Infreq, Fully)
5	Psych:  Aware his System Lord is not perfect or all-powerful (Unc, M)
20	Psych:  Devoted to his System Lord (VC, S)
15	Rep:  Merciless enforcer of a System Lord's will, 11- (Extreme)
5	Rivalry:  Professional (Other Jaffa in his System Lord's service;
	As Pow; Outdo)
20	Social Limitation:  Subject to orders (Very Frequently, Major)
Disadvantage Points: 100

Base Points: 50
Experience Required: 20
Total Experience Available: 20
Experience Unspent: 0

Notes: This Jaffa has been around a while (though not as long as Master Bretak) and has a bit more experience under his belt. His stats are a little higher, and he's got enough practice with his staff weapon to not only offset the "Inaccurate" penalty entirely, but to be at a net +2 OCV using it...a MUCH more dangerous foe! He's also slightly faster on foot (7" Run), his Skill Rolls are a bit higher, he's added another manuever to his martial arts, and he's picked up a couple of new skills like Tactics and Navigation: Hyperspace. He can also service and repair his own weapons.


Though the amount of his Disad points have stayed the same, the Disads themselves have changed slightly. In particular, note that his "Devoted" Psych Lim has gone from "Total" down to "Strong" -- he's experienced enough now to be not quite the fanatic that a newly-minted Jaffa would be. He's also picked up a new small Psych Lim "Aware his System Lord is not perfect or all-powerful" to make up the difference. He's no less devoted to his god, but he's aware his god has feet of clay.


This is overall a 170 point character as opposed to the 90 point cost of the "average" Jaffa. His abilities are considerably greater, and experienced Jaffa should be used with CAUTION by the GM, as they are FAR more likely to be a significant danger to the PCs.

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Re: Stargate Question


Now, I know this next bit wasn't asked for, but I'm supplying it anyway. ;) Below are the guidelines I gave to my players for creating PCs for my Stargate game. Yes, these ARE very high-point characters for a Heroic level game (especially considering how many points of "freebies" they get). The reason for this is that I wanted them to be very, very competant -- almost as competant as what we regularly see with SG-1. But by the same token, for writing up the SG-1 members, I'd start with this process... and add more. :) That way, SG-1 is still the premier team. But the PCs are still darn useful. ;)




How to create your Stargate character:


First, since these are heroic-level characters, everyone has Normal Characteristic Maxima as a 0-point Disadvantage.


No characteristic may be bought above normal human max without GM permission.


Characters are built on a base 100 points + 100 points in Disadvantages. (50 points of these will be detailed for you -- ones that every member of the SGC has in common -- leaving you to define 50 points' worth yourself.)


Build your character as per the usual HERO System rules, except as follows:




Everyman Skills: Use the "Modern" listing for Everyman Skills. These skills begin at 8- except the Professional Skill, which may be based on a characteristic (as if it were the 3 point version). These skills all cost 0 points each.




SGC Basic Package: Every skill listed as part of the SGC basic package (or those you choose when asked to make a choice) cost you 0 points. Unless specifically stated otherwise, these skills begin at the full base level, not the 8- Familiarity of Everyman Skills. If a skill is included in both the Everyman and the SGC Basic skill lists, the SGC Basic listing overrides the Everyman listing. (Example: Deduction is a skill included on both lists. The Everyman would give you Deduction 8-; the SGC would give you [assuming a 10 INT] Deduction 11-. Use the SGC value.) Background Skills (Knowledges, Professions) are assumed to be the 3 point versions based on the appropriate characteristic unless the skill is specifically listed as being just an 8- Familiarity.


You will also choose two skill packages (somewhat representing MOSes). All skills selected from these packages cost 0 points, and are added to your character exactly as the skills in the SGC Basic package were (replacing Everyman Skills if appropriate, Background Skills being the 3 point versions, and so on.)



Familiarities represent what is, in essence, a free 1-point skill. If after choosing your Everyman Skills, SGC Basic package skills and your MOS package skills you have some 8- Familiarities you'd like to turn into the full 3-point versions of those skills, you may do so by paying points from the 200 points you are using to build your character, just as if you were buying a skill not on the list. The difference is that since you have already spent (in essence) 1 point to get the Familiarity (even though it cost you zero) you must only spend the difference -- 2 points -- to make it the "full" version of the skill. (Example: Shadowing is an Everyman Skill; you get it at 8- and it costs you 0 points. If you wish to turn that into the full version of the skill, based on a characteristic, you only pay 2 points since you already have 1 point's worth of the Shadowing skill [it doesn't matter that you didn't *pay* for that 1 point's worth.])




Rank: Every character begins with a military rank; the exact title of rank varies depending on their branch of service. The beginning rank is either 2nd Lieutenant (Army/Marines/Air Force) or Ensign (Navy, Coast Guard). This would normally be a 5-point Perk, but you pay 0 points for it.


You may buy a higher rank if you wish by paying points from the 200 points you are using to build your character. Each step up in rank costs 5 points. You cannot buy a rank higher than Major (Army/Marines/Air Force) or Lt. Commander (Navy, Coast Guard) without GM permission.




Security Clearance: Every character begins with Security Clearance Level 6. You may buy a higher Security Clearance Level if you wish by paying points from the 200 points you are using to build your character. Each step up in Security Clearance Level costs 1 point. You cannot buy a Security Clearance Level higher than 7 without GM permission.




The Ancient Gene: If you wish your character to have the Ancient gene, this is a 5-point Perk you may buy using the 200 points you have to build your character.


Basic SG Team Member Training

AK: Colorado Springs
AK: Stargate Command (Cheyanne Mountain Complex)
AK: Choose one other planet where some of the character's field training
       took place
FAM: KS: Allies of Earth 8-
KS: Enemies of Earth
KS: Military Procedures and Protocols (specify service branch)
KS: Stargate Command Procedures and Protocols
Choose 1:
   KS: First Contact Procedures
   KS: Goa'uld System Lords
   KS: Terran Myths
Martial Arts: Offensive (choose 2)
   Choke Hold
   Martial Strike
   Nerve Strike
Martial Arts: Defensive (choose 2)
   Martial Block
   Martial Disarm
   Martial Dodge
   Martial Escape
Martial Arts: Takedowns (choose 1)
   Martial Grab
   Martial Throw
PS: Soldier
PS: Stargate Operator
Survival (Temperate/Subtropical)
Weapon Familiarity: Small Arms [includes assault rifles, light machine
guns (like the P90), handguns, rifles, shotguns, submachine guns and
thrown grenades]
Weapon Familiarity (Choose 2):
   WF: Goa'uld Weapons
   WF: Common Martial Arts Weapons
   WF: Emplaced Weapons
   WF: Shoulder-Fired Weapons, Grenade Launchers
   WF: Flamethrowers, Early Firearms
+1 to Perception Rolls with all senses
+1 OCV with Small Arms

Security Clearance: Level 6 (as a comparison, the scale only goes to 10 so the President would be a '10'. A filing clerk at the Pentagon might be a 1 because they'd have to handle some classified stuff. Each level of Security Clearance costs 1 point.)



Rank: 2nd Lieutenant (Army/Marines/Air Force) or Ensign (Navy/Coast Guard) (game note: this would cost 5 points if you were paying for it)


Higher Ranks (each additional level of rank cost 5 points more than the previous rank)


Army/Marines/Air Force           Navy/Coast Guard

1st Lieutenant                   Lieutenant JG
Captain                          Lieutenant
Major                            Lieutenant Commander
Lieutenant Colonel               Commander
Colonel                          Captain
Brigadier General                ---------- (no equivalent naval or CG rank)
Major General                    Rear Admiral
Lieutenant General               Vice Admiral
General                          Admiral




Character Disadvantages:


15 Social: Subject to orders, responsible for those under your command (Very Frequently-, minor)

20 Watched: US Government (14-, More Powerful, NCI)

15 Hunted: Enemies of the SGC (Alien and Domestic) (8-, More Powerful)




If you want your character to have the Ancient gene, that's a 5-point Perk:


5 Bloodline of the Ancients (has the Ancients gene)



Choosing package elements:


Each package tells you to choose four elements from those listed. Some elements are listed as "counts as 2" or "counts as 3". If you chose something that "counts as 2", then you'll only choose 2 other elements (for a total of 3) instead of the usual 4.


If something prompts you to choose from a list, and says to choose more than 1, then BOTH CHOICES TOGETHER count as one element. For example, check the "Advanced Surivival" package:

Advanced Survival (Choose 4)

Bump of Direction
Riding plus TF: Equines
Survival (Choose 2):
Weaponsmith: Muscle-Powered Ranged Weapons, Muscle-Powered
Hand-to-Hand Weapons
+2 with Survival

Let's say you want Lightsleep, Weaponsmith, Survival, and Tracking.


Lightsleep and Tracking are no problem; just take them, and that leaves 2 of your 4 choices left.


Survival directs you to choose 2 environments off the list. Say you pick Mountains and Urban. That's "Survival (Mountains, Urban)" and it only counts as *1* choice, leaving you with one remaining.


Weaponsmith lists multiple items, but doesn't direct you to make a choice. That means that *all* the listed items count as one choice!


So after making your 4 choices from the "Advanced Survival" package, you'd add these to your character:




Survival (Mountain, Urban)

Weaponsmith: Muscle-Powered Ranged Weapons, Muscle-Powered Hand-to-Hand Weapons




Choose 2 of the following packages:

Advanced Survival (Choose 4)

Bump of Direction
Riding plus TF: Equines
Survival (Choose 2):
Weaponsmith: Muscle-Powered Ranged Weapons, Muscle-Powered H-to-H Weapons
+2 with Survival

Combat Specialist: Hand-to-Hand (Choose 4)

Analyze Style (Martial Arts)
Rapid Attack: Hand-to-Hand (counts as 2)
WF: Common Melee Weapons, Staffs
WS: Muscled-Powered Hand-to-Hand Weapons and +1 with Weaponsmith
Any 2 additional 4- or 5-point Martial Arts manuevers (counts as 3)
+1 with Hand-to-Hand Combat (counts as 2)
+1 with (choose any 3 hand-to-hand weapons or martial arts maneuvers)

Combat Specialist: Ranged (Choose 4)

Autofire Skill (Choose 1, counts as 2)
   Accurate Sprayfire
   Concentrated Sprayfire
   Rapid Autofire
   Skipover Sprayfire
Fast Draw
Rapid Attack: Ranged (counts as 2)
WF: Common Missile Weapons, Grenade Launchers
WF: Heavy Machine Guns, Shoulder-Fired Weapons, Flamethrowers
Choose 2:
   Weaponsmith: Muscle-Powered Ranged Weapons
   Weaponsmith: Firearms
   Weaponsmith: Chemical Weapons
   Weaponsmith: Incendiary Weapons
+1 with Ranged Combat (counts as 2)
+1 with (choose 3 ranged weapons or a ranged weapon category i.e. Small Arms)

Communications/First Contact (Choose 4)

PS: Diplomat

Information Specialist (Choose 4)

Computer Programming
Any 2 KS
Any 2 KS
Any 2 KS
+2 with Deduction

Linguist/Historian (Choose 4)

Any 2 KS
Any 2 Languages at 3pt. level
Literacy in any 3 obscure/extinct languages

Scientist/Researcher (Choose 4)

Computer Programming
Jack of All Trades
Any 2 KS
Any 2 PS
Any 2 SS

Scout/Intelligence Gathering (Choose 4)

Security Systems
Sleight of Hand

Technical/Engineering (Choose 4)

Computer Programming
Security Systems
Any SS
+1 with Electronics, Inventor, Mechanics

Transport Specialist (Choose 4)

Combat Driving
Combat Piloting
Riding and TF: Equines
TF: Large Motorized Ground Vehicles, Tracked Military Vehicles,
Wheeled Military Vehicles
TF: Small Planes, Large Planes, Helicopters
TF: Small Wind-Powered Boats, Small Motorized Boats, Snowmobiles

Unit Command (Choose 4)

Analyze (Combat Technique)
System Operations
+2 with Bureaucratics
+1 with Tactics, Teamwork, Analyze
+3 PRE
+2 EGO

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Re: Stargate Question


Notes: The FN-P90 is a real-world submachinegun currently in use by select units of the U.S. armed forces. It is most notable for its incredible penetrating power; it can put its NATO-standard 5.7x28mm rounds through up to 48 layers of Kevlar at a range of 150 meters!!


I suppose that this is a quible, but I do not think that the 5.7x28 mm round is NATO standard; to the best of my knowledge the P90 is the only weapon that uses it. FN specifically designed it for the weapon.

The ammo is designed as AP (armor piercing) and thus cannot be legally imported or sold in the US without a federal class three license.

If I am wrong about this, I am sure someone will point that out.

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Re: Stargate Question


Good point, but when a Wraith feeds on you, it doesn't simply age you, it sucks away your "life force" for its own sustenance. I'd say that rules out Transform--the aging/"stealing years" is the special effect, not the power. I wasn't thinking when I said Drain, though. It would have to be a Transfer of (at least) STR and CON, with the Wraith enhancing its own (at least) STR, REC, and END. There'd also either be a godawfully high Delayed Return Rate Advantage or a set of modifiers such that the Wraith burns the Transferred points more rapidly and the victim regains them slowly or not at all. The problem with Wraith feeding is that we've never seen the Wraith leave a victim alive enough to recover, if that's possible at all.

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Re: Stargate Question


I'm afraid I don't have a write-up for the Wraith yet; sorry!

The problem with Wraith feeding is that we've never seen the Wraith leave a victim alive enough to recover' date=' if that's possible at all.[/quote']Well, the first military commander of the Atlantis expedition was left alive, but in very aged, bad shape and then shipped back to Earth. They never said, but I believe the implication was he wasn't going to get any better.


I'm of more than one mind about how to write up the Wraith's ability.


First, it works what seems to be a permanent change in the victim... and that seems to be the job of Transform. If that's the case, it should probably be an all-or-nothing reversion -- with the circumstance for the reversion being some as-yet undiscovered gene therapy or something. ;)


Second, it could be a Drain, but as noted it would have to have the return rate bought down to something in the range of years or preferably decades. (There used to be an option like this back in... 3rd edition? It was refered to as "Destruction" -- i.e. "Body Destruction" [if used against the BODY stat], or "Flame Powers Destruction" [if used against all fire-based powers] and so on. This would essentially be that.)


I wouldn't write the Wraith ability up as a Transfer, or any kind of Healing (Self Only) or anything. I originally thought about the Healing option (they would sell their REC bac to zero, and doing the drain to a victim is how they regain END, or repair BODY damage, or whatever -- but they seem to be able to go a long time without feeding if they have to, and besides... they regenerate, in minutes, usually, which rules out the "feed to heal BODY damage" bit.)


Another reason not to make it a Transfer is they don't seem to get BETTER than normal after doing it, so it's not like they're increasing their stats or powers by doing it.


Instead, I'd give them a Dependence with the modifier that reduces their attributes. That way, the longer they go without feeding, the weaker they become. The Dependence would of course be using their Transform attack on an appropriate victim.

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