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Movie Hulk Estimated Strength- Hero style


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This is an interesting discussion, what with all the talk of realism and such.


However, not to be a drag, but how could ol' Hulk even swing a 60 ton tank in circles in the first place? I mean, the outward force of that thing would tear his hands off, assuming his feet could even find grip on the dirt. Unless he weighs 60+ tons as well of course. ;]


We try not to think too much about realism in our games. If we can, we try and figure out how things should work. If it becomes a lot of work, or bogs down the fight, physics takes a back seat to what would be the most fun.

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I gave up on trying to do HULK type bricks when my calculator smacked me in the face and told me it will not be doable in 250 (now 350) character points to make it equal to HULK from movie, Tv, or Comic so live with it.


Now instead of thinking how would I do the hulk I think What do I want my character to be able to do and how can I do it within character concept and character sheet.

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on the tank-throwing, i think its obvious from the way the hulk swings the tank in a 360 before he throws it, that hes using a haymaker throw.


also, it seems the movie hulk has absortion (physical) which increases his growth (and therefore his strength). he visibly grows when shot with automatic rifles in one scene.


the most reality-defying part of the movie is the hulks pants. they go from pants to shorts and back, and yet the waist still fits. what kind of super-elastic material is that?

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Originally posted by Bob Dog

I don't think the general movie going audience is ready for a pantless Hulk.

It's something I could live without as well.


I agree, save my poor eyes. lol. Sometimes I think people go too far with realism, this is comics!!! LOL When's the last time you saw an 12 foot tall green-skinned mugger in an alleyway?


BTW did you notice in the one scene with the mutated dogs, that the hulk grew and turned darker green? Cool.

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The 5e book has an example for "super-throws"


Just take the flight power, add the UAA advantage, and a limiter "Only on what the character can lift" for like -1/2 or so...


The hulk would have it at like 2" (more like 20"...but he only wanted to huck the tank 2 km instead of to the seaboard) with the megascale advantage...


Arandmoor Keet

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Originally posted by dbsousa

as far as the pants go, blame the internet...


USA Today Article


Awesome. Jar Jar Binks needed to be done away with, to bad he wasn't.


I think Daredevil was done fairly well. What do you folks think?


Juries still out on the Incredible Hulk for me. I never like his comics anyway, too depressing and moody. I could only read them for so long. I'd give the movie a B or C+.


Take Care. :)

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