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Worship the Destroyer


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So in the "The Book of Destroyer" thread, I mentioned that my rapidly approaching campaign will be a cross between Rifts and the Age of Apocolypse comic series.


In this world, the good doctor has managed to annex North America and the resulting war pretty much trashed the place. He has divided the continent into several Dominions/territories/sectors/whathaveyou. Each sector is controlled by a team of supervillains caled Hunter Cadres. Each member of the cadre has further divided the sectors into smaller baronies that each has absolute control over.


In addition to all of this, a group of sycophants have created a religion around the Doc. Worshipping him as some form of a vengeful deity that has come to raise humanity from its primordial ooze. Mutants and Supers with "natural" powers are slightly deified themselves as "angels". Those without any superpowers are considered to be lower lifeforms that are destined and duty bound to be subservient to the new order.


This religion has spread at a very rapid pace for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the "fear of god" so to speak. Inquisitorial style purges are common-place and a new form of "Witch Hunting" is the norm as The Brotherhood purges the rebels and heretics from society.


The PC's are a part of an underground rebellion that is trying to dethrone the doc and free the oppressed.


How would this religion look to you? I'm basing it on a (even more?) corrupted version of the medieval Catholic Church as the political and societal controls (tried and true oppressive tactics) are well known and established. But I'd love to try and through some odd-ball stuff that will catch the players off-guard.

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Re: Worship the Destroyer


The whole "normal people are lower life forms" doctrine might run into problems, depending on how 'mutant detectors' and such work in the world. Do children who haven't manifested yet detect as powered or unpowered? This was inspired by Manic Typist's post about orphanages & such - children should be well cared-for at least until it can be determined they are definitely baseline. And what about people who gain powers later in life?


But mostly, how does a guy without any inherent powers (I don't have his write-up, but I thought Dr. D was a Doom clone?) become the center of a religion worshipping the inherently powered? Or is powered in your version?

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Re: Worship the Destroyer


The whole "normal people are lower life forms" doctrine might run into problems, depending on how 'mutant detectors' and such work in the world. Do children who haven't manifested yet detect as powered or unpowered? This was inspired by Manic Typist's post about orphanages & such - children should be well cared-for at least until it can be determined they are definitely baseline. And what about people who gain powers later in life?


But mostly, how does a guy without any inherent powers (I don't have his write-up, but I thought Dr. D was a Doom clone?) become the center of a religion worshipping the inherently powered? Or is powered in your version?

I completely agree with the children thing.


/begin pulling storyline out of behind


The religion itself has become a bit corrupted from the initial incarnation. Where originally it was based on a Eugenics (ubermensch) style philosophy it began to grow into a cult and, with Dr. D's great success in the War, it quickly grew into a full blown religion depicting Dr. D as a messianistic figure.


The more zealous members saw his "human" troops being submissive to the mutants and supervillains under his control and eventually came to the conclusion that they were avatars of his might and thus must be the superior form to which all beings must submit.


Anyone that pointed out that the doctor was simply a human in power armor were quickly killed or made to disappear considered heritics to his, obviously divine, religion. Dr. D didn't bother to correct the zealots as they proved to be rather successful in ferreting out rebels.


Many of the supervillains under his command have taken this "divine" status to heart and mind and believe their own press. They gladly lord over the zealots and "slaves" abusing their new found "divine" powers.


/end pulling storyline out of behind



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Re: Worship the Destroyer


Superhumans who oppose Destroyer's rule are widely considered "fallen," like the angels who rebelled against the true God. They exist to tempt and corrupt the righteous, so what they say is automatically received as lies. Those who consort with them are attributed the same horrific practices as every persecuted religious minority in history: human sacrifices, kidnapping children for sacrifice or slavery, depraved orgies etc.


On a slightly different front, the official CU has often drawn associations between Dr. D and the Hindu god Shiva, and the Doctor himself is reputed to be intrigued by the analogy. You could incorporate elements of that into "Destroyerism," so that Doctor Destroyer is seen as the force that tears down the corruption of the old world, making it clean for new, pure growth.


(And there has to be a better name for this faith than "Destroyerism.") :think:

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Re: Worship the Destroyer


I think we're on a roll with this! How about:



[pur-gey-shuhn] pur·ga·tion (pûr-gshn)


–noun the act of purging.


The act of purging or purifying.




[Origin: 1325–75; ME purgacioun (< AF) < L pūrgātiōn- (s. of pūrgātiō) a cleansing, purging, equiv. to pūrgāt(us) (ptp. of pūrgāre to make clean or pure, deriv. of pūrus pure) + -iōn- -ion]

I would love to use Eugenics as that has a great "Made Up religion" feel to it like Scientology or Branch Davidians, but the real world implications are rather bad and I'd like to avoid it.


So Purgationism sounds pretty cool and kinda fits the bill.


Religion: Purgationism

Follower: Purgite

"Priest": Purgist?

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Re: Worship the Destroyer


"Purgite" sounds cool for a follower, and I agree with Haerandir's suggestion of "Purgator" for a cleric - it sounds rather ominous, and reminiscent of "Purgatory". I do find "Purgationism" to sound a bit too clinical and scientific, though. Maybe something a little shorter and pithier, like "Purgatism?"


OTOH there's no reason that all faiths have to be an "-ism." I quite like just calling it "Purgation." Pretty much sums up what it's about IMHO. :angel::bmk:

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Re: Worship the Destroyer


Quick idea: It would be cliche to have this being run behind the scenes by mentalists. Cool twist would be it isn't, but there are lots of associated mentalists, who are watching and waiting for 'rebellion' mentalists. IOW, not only is Purgatism a tool to control the conquered people, it's a trap for mentalists from 'the rebellion'.


Actually, thinking about it, the trap would work on more than just mentalists.

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Re: Worship the Destroyer


Recommendation - have a non-trivial portion of their beliefs be essentially reasonable. This allows (quasi)-intelligent people to back them, rather than having anyone who doesn't automatically agree with the PC's sound like a complete and utter looney. Alternately, have their beliefs be so dense that it's possible to take only part of it and believe in THAT part, while (conciveably) ignoring the rest - like National Socialism. Thoughts on that sort of thing:


1. Most superhumans really ARE superior to normal humans, at least physically. Quite a few are superior mentally, as well.


2. Telepaths are quite good at determining guilt and innocence; why would you NOT want one going though your mind to determine if you comitted a crime or not?


3. The old order was corrupt and decadent. After all, one person was able to overthrow them!


4. yeah, it sucks now, but in a couple of years we'll figure out how to all be supers, so it won't matter any more.


Also: recall, if you will - Hitler really was pretty good for the German economy, up until the start of the war, and he really DID instill them with a certian national/ethnic pride. Also, the Hitler Youth program, full of propaganda that it was, was actually a pretty good way for german kids to get out, meet other germans, and get in shape. Moral of the story - even crazy, tyrannic despots can put together a decent social program.

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Re: Worship the Destroyer


If you don't mind my asking, what's happening in the rest of the world? If find it hard to believe that the other great powers would have just stood by while Destroyer took over the most powerful and prosperous section of the planet. How did they get involved (or why didn't they), and where do they stand on Destroyer's realm now?


And just as a corollary to the topic of the thread, are Purgite "missionaries" active outside North America?

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Re: Worship the Destroyer


If you don't mind my asking' date=' what's happening in the rest of the world? If find it hard to believe that the other great powers would have just stood by while Destroyer took over the most powerful and prosperous section of the planet. How did they get involved (or why didn't they), and where do they stand on Destroyer's realm now?[/quote']


Maybe the rest of the world really does hate the U.S.A. :) And Canada is actually not important enough for anyone to care about. :)

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Re: Worship the Destroyer


To continue on with my earlier suggestion: there are numerous reasons, moral and immoral, for the new government to look after the impoverished and those who can't fend for themselves.


One of strengths of a totalitarian regime is that it can be very efficient, because it has no oversights.


Perhaps what remains of the cities could be patrolled by a new police force, one that is competent and fair, if strict and harsh? Let the players see the police take down a murderer, or a rapist, hard. Make it clear that there ARE benefits to this new regime.

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Re: Worship the Destroyer


To continue on with my earlier suggestion: there are numerous reasons, moral and immoral, for the new government to look after the impoverished and those who can't fend for themselves.


One of strengths of a totalitarian regime is that it can be very efficient, because it has no oversights.


Perhaps what remains of the cities could be patrolled by a new police force, one that is competent and fair, if strict and harsh? Let the players see the police take down a murderer, or a rapist, hard. Make it clear that there ARE benefits to this new regime.


And then have them take down someone who steals just as hard, because they are harming the community. Everyone who willingly lives under Destroyer's rule is also given his protection. Anyone who breaks the rules is choosing to oppose Destroyer. Any attack on a citizen of Destroyer is as an attack on Destroyer.


And the only penalty for that is removal. Permanently.



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Re: Worship the Destroyer


Yes... and bit by bit freedom is eroded...


Yay! America! :hush: Sorry couldn't resist.


And then have them take down someone who steals just as hard, because they are harming the community. Everyone who willingly lives under Destroyer's rule is also given his protection. Anyone who breaks the rules is choosing to oppose Destroyer. Any attack on a citizen of Destroyer is as an attack on Destroyer.


And the only penalty for that is removal. Permanently.

Yeah, this is definitely the direction I want to go with the society.

If you don't mind my asking, what's happening in the rest of the world? If find it hard to believe that the other great powers would have just stood by while Destroyer took over the most powerful and prosperous section of the planet. How did they get involved (or why didn't they), and where do they stand on Destroyer's realm now?


And just as a corollary to the topic of the thread, are Purgite "missionaries" active outside North America?

Honestly, I haven't even thought about this. I know in his write-up in CCC he believes that taking down America will free him to take out the rest of the world. But other than that I've got nothing.

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Re: Worship the Destroyer


i figure the rest of the world is pretty much stuck in a cold war type situation they might have tried assembling a military option but destroyer just used some super weapon to target key points in all of the major nations capitals.


say the residence of the leader and the pointed out to the survivors not only did he have his own doomsday weaponry he also had the entire American arsenal at his disposal. meanwhile a covert war is being fought between the two sides. with the free nations attempting to smuggle supplies to resistance cells in the lands of the destroyer without being detected. whilst cultists establish secret churches and attempt to destabilize the other nations, so they will fall to their rightful god

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