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Childhood Skill Packages


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Hello all,


I am currently working on modifying The Random Character Creation stuff found in Central Casting: Heroe's of Legend, to better fit my game world and personal sensabilities.


One of the things I am incorporating is a package of familiarity skills that a child would pick up from being raised in a family that had a particular profession (i.e. Farmer, Fisherman, Hunter, Silk Merchant, etc.).


I was thinking of skill packages that contained a set of 1pt. Fam's totalling no more than 5pts.


The problem I'm having is that there are a rather large amount of packages to develop and I know that I will start getting very generic with the skills I put in them over time.


So, I was wondering if I were to post a list of the possible family occupations if anyone would help with filling in the Fam skills for them?


Right now the process is geared towards the main game area of the Igard Confederacy but I fully plan on posting the word doc once I have it finished.

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Re: Childhood Skill Packages


In your situation, I'd just provide a list of occupations to my players, let them choose which one they want for their parents, and then come up with packages on the fly. Every package should probably have a related PS and a KS. Then, choose some related skills for the rest.


For example, Joe picks for his parents to be farmers. You make up this package:

PS: Farmer

KS: Farming

Trading (Fam)

PS: Cooking

KS: Flora and Fauna


Good luck.

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Re: Childhood Skill Packages


The other thing is to consider that many historical societies set the threshold between "child" and "adult" rather lower than present day western societies. In many cases it would be quite appropriate for a twelve year old to have a functionally complete adult set of skills. Not always, of course. Skilled crafts, for example, may take longer to learn.


Of course, part of the problem here is that you are really dealing with "Everyman Skills" here. While you could build a skilled farmer with a 3 Point PS: Farming, why would you bother? Just throw a couple of familiarities at the character and don't worry about it.


I think you are overanalysing, in other words.

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Re: Childhood Skill Packages




PS Laborer 8-

AK Local Area 8-

Bribery 8-

Trading 8-

Handle Animal 8-


Basic start...

This is close to what I was going for here. Thanks :thumbup:


I know it seems like I'm talking about Everyman skills and I really do tend to over analyze. However, I like to have skill heavy games (probably why I like Rolemaster so much) and this is particularly true of Fantasy HERO.


This, at least in my mind, helps alleviate the min/max of characteristics by giving the players many more options to spend those exp on. I already limit myself to 1-5 exp per game session (3 being average) and with that "low" level of exp gain combined with a skill heavy setup ensures that the players advance slowly and really think about how they want to spend/save those points.


During character creation I break out skills into the following categories:


Genetic: Not really skills but templates that apply to each specific race which include only abilities and characteristic maxima that come from, well, genetics.


Everyman: Skills that every single individual of any given culture would learn just for being raised in that culture (native language, AK and CK, a couple of KS's regarding cultural and religious beliefs, etc.).


Childhood/Adolescence: Small familiarities that are picked up during childhood based on various events they are exposed to. These include skills from working in the family business, etc.


Professional: These are the baseline skills/abilities that the character acquires from being trained in the characters "Class/Profession/Trade/etc.". These are optional but recommended to help give the player some direction.


Extension Packages: These I nicked from KillerShrike and I use them to add a bit more color to the Profession Packages. These, for example, will take a Light Warrior Profession Package and (with the addition of the Wilderness Extension) turn it into a Scout/Forester. These are also optional as well.


I feel that this gives a very solid understanding of the characters historical skill development and gives the characters skills that a player may not necessarily have picked up on their own. This is particularly relevent considering the players that I tend to get, who are invariably new to the system or are inclined to powergame. :D

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Re: Childhood Skill Packages


Hello all,


I am currently working on modifying The Random Character Creation stuff found in Central Casting: Heroe's of Legend, to better fit my game world and personal sensabilities.

What is this? Never heard of it, but it sounds a bit interesting. Info would be appreciated.


One of the things I am incorporating is a package of familiarity skills that a child would pick up from being raised in a family that had a particular profession (i.e. Farmer, Fisherman, Hunter, Silk Merchant, etc.).


I was thinking of skill packages that contained a set of 1pt. Fam's totalling no more than 5pts.


The problem I'm having is that there are a rather large amount of packages to develop and I know that I will start getting very generic with the skills I put in them over time.


So, I was wondering if I were to post a list of the possible family occupations if anyone would help with filling in the Fam skills for them?


Right now the process is geared towards the main game area of the Igard Confederacy but I fully plan on posting the word doc once I have it finished.


Interesting idea. Yeah, go ahead and post the occupations. Maybe post just some of them?

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Re: Childhood Skill Packages


Ok, here is a good portion of my list of household occupations:














Stone Mason






Rope Maker

Leather Worker


Basket Weaver







Saddle Maker

Pawnshop Owner

Caravan Master




Dry Goods Seller

Curio Merchant

Snake Oil Salesman

Book Seller

Clothing Seller

Weapon Shop Owner


Green Grocer

Wine Merchant


Furniture Dealer


Carpet & Tapestry Merchant

Livestock Trader

Shipping Agent

Silk Merchant

Art Dealer

Gem Merchant

Real Estate Broker

Lumber Merchant



Guild Thief




Street Thief



Professional Assassin



Horse Thief





Gang Leader



Stone Cutter

Wood Cutter

Charcoal Burner

Unskilled Laborer





Stable Hand

Footman (as in a doorman servant)

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Re: Childhood Skill Packages


I dont see the need to make seperate packages for such; just allocate some points in a general Race Package and let the players interpret it to their background:


Kind of like this:


or this:


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Re: Childhood Skill Packages


I have to say, I am really liking the random system I'm coming up with so far. I've got most of the tables in the place and I thought I would just run through a test character or twenty to see what happens and ti insure I wasn't missing any tables.


The first one I've done is outlined below...he has a rather...interesting uncle. :ugly:


Land of Origin: Igard Confederacy (Brurello Valley)

Species: Thorgon

Culture: Igardian (originally Lucani)

Social Status: Escaped Slave (Originally Citizen)

Wealth: Destitute (originally Well-To-Do)

Birth Legitimacy: Legitimate

Raised By: Uncle

Siblings: 4 Brothers (character is 4th of 5 kids)

Time of Birth: October 10th

Place of Birth: Family Home

Unusual Birth Events: Sky darkened as if from an eclipse. Character is the offspring of a mortal and a divine being.

Head of Household Notes: (Uncle): Diplomat and Scribe, Kleptomania, Entomophobia, Bisexual, Transvestite, Voyeur, Depression. Has a jealous rivalry with characters father (his brother) to achieve the same goal. Used to be wealthy.


Childhood Events

Age 6: Uncle moves to Eibre Mountains (change culture to Igardian)

Age 9: Sought refuge from a storm in a temple of the Holy Trinity dedicated to the yellow gods. Studied with them for 4 years.

Age 10: Witnessed a Legionnaire being conned in a racketeering scheme.


Adolescense Events

Age 14: Ran away from home but returned 10 months later


Military Events

Age 16: Joined the Navy

Age 18: Disease ravaged the ship and the character now has an allergy like reaction to cold/damp environments

Age 20: Character is captured during a battle and sold into slavery for 6 years. Character escaped with an heirloom chainmail hauberk and is now hunted by his previous owner and family to retrieve the item.


Adulthood Events

Age 29: Uncle is outlawed after a failed attempt at a political coup


Overall it was great fun! And gave me some direction to start on the skill packages and such.

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Re: Childhood Skill Packages


Thanks' date=' I'll post a bunch later this weekend or Monday. As for Central Casting: Heroes of Legend you can find an overview here: http://index.rpg.net/display-entry?mainid=3061&editionid=3370[/quote']


"This book caused some controversy because of the author's stated beliefs that homosexuality and bisexuality were considered "Sexual Disorders" and automatically gave Darkside personality points."

Controversy?!! It ought to have caused a dent in the head!! :mutter: What an «deleted by mod request».


Other than that, looks like it might be usable, but I've got $0 right now, so I can't get it. I'll keep it in mind.


Thanks for answering! :D

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Re: Childhood Skill Packages


The central casting series really is in desparate need of automating into random generation tables. I've thought about it now and then. A lot of work though.


And yes, sexuallity should be a table with the various types mentioned and a percentage roll - similar to other tables (ie like the race table). I believe the current statistics are homosexuality at 10% but I may be mistaken on that (keeping tabs on homosexuallity news I leave to my friends that are).


However - with automation comes the ability to modify percentages easily to taste. And make other changes.


Hmm, now I'm wondering if I could create a customisable version with PHP and SQL....

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