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Help me stat this "sword"


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I found this rather cool statue of a Linage II night elf (blue skin, white hair, dressed in minimal back clothes), and thought I could make a character sheet out of it (assassin? fighter-mage? thief?). Anyway, she's holding the weapon I've attached to this post and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for it's stats.




Edit: Well the attachment didn't want to attach, so I'm linking to the picture in question. I hope this works.



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Re: Help me stat this "sword"


It looks to me like a double bladed sword, though one is short and one is long. Either you could do a Long/Broad sword with a bit of extra damage to simulate being hit with both blades (1.5d6 + 1d6+1= 3d6*blinks* maybe a bit much) or a AF2 advantage on the sword, with the second hit being a bit less than the first (complicated). Alternatively stat as a short and long sword and allow the character to use the Multipower attack rules. (GM's Discrection of course).


Edited to add: And damn that elf is fine*l*. And I'd probably make her a straight warrior, or a Warrior/mage.

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Re: Help me stat this "sword"


It looks to me like a double bladed sword, though one is short and one is long. Either you could do a Long/Broad sword with a bit of extra damage to simulate being hit with both blades (1.5d6 + 1d6+1= 3d6*blinks* maybe a bit much) or a AF2 advantage on the sword, with the second hit being a bit less than the first (complicated). Alternatively stat as a short and long sword and allow the character to use the Multipower attack rules. (GM's Discrection of course).


Edited to add: And damn that elf is fine*l*. And I'd probably make her a straight warrior, or a Warrior/mage.


I was thinking making it some sort of Multipower... and I like the AF attack (sort of a "super skill"). Actually, if I make the elf a "heroic" level character, I can just define the sword as "does X" and leave it at that. Hmmm... I'd give it a +1 (maybe +2) OCV due to the unpredictability of the attacks.




Edit: Wait... +2 OCV with Block, Bind, Disarm! that's it!

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Re: Help me stat this "sword"


I was thinking making it some sort of Multipower... and I like the AF attack (sort of a "super skill"). Actually, if I make the elf a "heroic" level character, I can just define the sword as "does X" and leave it at that. Hmmm... I'd give it a +1 (maybe +2) OCV due to the unpredictability of the attacks.




Edit: Wait... +2 OCV with Block, Bind, Disarm! that's it!


That'll NEVER work!

Haven't you even READ D&D 3rd edition???????

Double weapons PWN, d00d, they are teh roxor.


Ok, I got that out of my system.

Sounds about right to me. If you're feeling extra tricky and actually want to reflect the extra blade, maybe a small triggered HKA that can be used after a bind or block (A sudden sneaky poke using the "wrong" part of the weapon) balanced with a small SFX limitation that the weilder can take the same small KA on a very poor roll (natural 17 or 18, f'rinstance) to represent the reality of such weapons...they never really caught on in the real world because of the tendency to accidentally hit yourself at inopportune moments.

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Re: Help me stat this "sword"


That'll NEVER work!

Haven't you even READ D&D 3rd edition???????

Double weapons PWN, d00d, they are teh roxor.


Ok, I got that out of my system.

Sounds about right to me. If you're feeling extra tricky and actually want to reflect the extra blade, maybe a small triggered HKA that can be used after a bind or block (A sudden sneaky poke using the "wrong" part of the weapon) balanced with a small SFX limitation that the weilder can take the same small KA on a very poor roll (natural 17 or 18, f'rinstance) to represent the reality of such weapons...they never really caught on in the real world because of the tendency to accidentally hit yourself at inopportune moments.


Uhm... she fights in a bodice, high heels, and a thong. "Reality" has nothing to do with it. :D

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Re: Help me stat this "sword"


I would also put in a bonus to 'sweep' manuevers representing her ability to rotate the blade around herself staff-style allowing her to make multiple attacks, you can also give it a "suprise bonus" for similar reasons. Otherwise, this being HERO, I looked at it and went "Hey, special effects!"


Amadan: Don't make me smack that l33t out of your mouth.

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Re: Help me stat this "sword"


I would give bonuses to OCV to a reasonable set of maneuvers that included sweep, and call it a day. Maybe +2 Block, Disarm, Sweep. You might also consider some bonus to avoiding or breaking a weapon bind manuever since it can be easily reversed. But then, I tend towards heroic level games, and not high-end cinematic or super-heroic games where power constructs, like MP, might apply. Oh, and she needs more clothes! :eek:

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Re: Help me stat this "sword"


Women in fantasy (unless their anthropomorphic mammals) don't seem to have any body hair, so never need to shave their legs. For that matter, many men in fantasy art lack body hair as well.


Also - on the Dark Elves in Lineage 2: the males also tend to wear very little.


It's annoying but I chalk it up to magic. It's also why they tend to wield weapons twice as large as themselves, and special maneuvers create laser light shows - magic.

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Re: Help me stat this "sword"


I'm too tired to notice skimpy clothing, so I'll just comment on the sword.


You can write it up any way you like, because there is no way anyone with normal humanoid joint articulation could ever use it without disemboweling themselves. Also, the balance is all wrong


If the gripping area were longer and the blades shorter, it could be used in quarterstaff form... but, as it is, it's a suicide looking for a place to happen.











God, she's got a nice butt!! :P

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Re: Help me stat this "sword"


Nah, she counts on being able to sweep her opponents in the first phase of combat while they are at 1/2 DCV goggling or looking at each other and going "She's going to fight in THAT?"


cheers, Mark


It works for Vampirella to be sure, but Vampi's usually dealing with people who want to mate with her rather than eat her. In the underdark I'm not so sure that general assumption holds true...


Dark Elfess: strikes a pose and thinks that ought to distract them.

Green Warted Troll: thinks: mmmmm... tasty... she'll go good with catsup!

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