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Early 80's TV series...


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Yeah, I'm probably aging myself terribly - - but maybe I can chalk it up to watching reruns on SciFi channel... Naw; who am I kidding? :-)


Anyway, who out there remembers "Automan"??


For those who do, remember how he had the ability to basically "cover" Walter, thus allowing Walter to also pass thru walls and such. And conversation during their "merged" time was like literally a guy talking to himself.


Ah, memories...


Anyway, my question is: how would you model this ability?


Desolid w/ Usable On Others works, but would you use Touch Only to simulate the 'merged' aspects? Limited Power: Must remain covering other person? Something else?


Thanks, in advance, for your input.



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Oh yeah... I remember this show.


Automan was a computer program/AI (writen by the shows other main charcter - Walter Nebiker (sp?) who was a computer specialist for the police) which could project itself as a hologram. Thing was, if Automan drew enough energy, it could be solid. His costume was something right out of Tron with the.


At first, Automan could only manifest at night, logic being that he tapped into the city's power grid, and when people started getting up in the morning and turned on all of their appliances, there wasn't enough power for him to stay manifest. As the show went on, though, he overcame this limitation by setting up power reserves. Automan had a side-kick of sorts: Cursor. It was exactly as the name implies - when Automan needed a car, Cursor would "draw" one.Of course, being a computer car, it behaved exactly like a car would in the early 80's computer games, right down to making 90-degree turns.


When Automan "merged" with Walter, it was essentially Walter entering the hologram of Auto. I do remember a few times when Auto would walk through a wall, but Walter would bounce off and act pretty much like a guy who just walked into a wall. I don't remember him being able to walk through the walls like Automan could... but my memory may be fuzzy. I mean, it has been 20 years since I saw this show.


Anyway... here is how I would build it (I don't have FREd handy, so I don't have costs)


Desolidification. Useable On Others, User and Owner Share Power. Do not buy the Ranged advantage, yet limiting the range further to "Must be Merged" insead of just touching may be worth a -1/4 Lim.

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Misfits of Science



Let's see, we have a dude who shoots electricity,a babe who has TK,another dude who shrinks down to the size of a Barbie Doll and one who happens to be made of ice who has ice powers,all of whom is led by a dud who has no powers at all.

Yep, that describes Misfits of Science all right,except that in the first episode the ice guy died saving the team from drowning. As an option you can roll up superpowers for the leader and a nifty vehicle[loose the icecream truck please!}.Plus you can add some more mutants who are low powered making it a teen heroes campaign.


What say heroes? do you accept the Phantom's challenge?

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I loved Misfits of Science! And have to confess sometimes I find myself singing the theme from My Secret Identity ("You'll never know wat you'll see/ when you unlock a mystery/ sometimes this double life gets out of hand).


Automan? Was Walter played by Desi Arnez Jr?

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Re: My Secret Identity


Originally posted by Killer Shrike

Does anyone remember My Secret Identity (I think it was called?). It was about a science accident kid who was invulnerable and could make himself weigh less, and then fly around using cans of aerosol for thrust?


He also had super-speed and a later repeat of the same accident gave him super-strength.

It starred the guy who later played Quinn Mallory on Sliders. And the scientist was played by the actor who played "Andy the psycho killer obsessed with Diane" on a few episodes of Cheers.

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