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Etrigan's Arts


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Re: Etrigan's Arts


The skills...


+3 w/Perception rolls


Penjak Silat : Mar stk (basic punches and kicks,etc...) 10D6

Sac stk (Big acrobatic flying kicks and knee strikes) 12D6

Mar dodge

Mar block

Mar Escape (55 str)

Mar throw (several related techiques) 8D6+v/5

Cost 24 pts

+4 DC 16 pts


Use art w/claws/Bagh ank +1 pt

Def man. IV 10 pts









Security systems (more mytical stealth than actual techical knowlage)





KS: Silat

KS: Martial world

English (2) (Native is Indonesian)

Chinese (1)


Total 100 points

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Re: Etrigan's Arts


Claw gloves HKA 1D6 REnd>0 OIF 14 pts


Athletic exelence +3" running,Leaping and swimming 12 pts


Tiger spirit inside +10 Pre Offensive only (-1/2)


"The spirit of the Tiger, upholds and sustains me"

Nightvision 5 pts

LS- High temp,Low temp 4 pts

Find Weakness (11) Pejak silat martial strikes 10 points

Lack of weakness (5) 5 pts

Mental def (7) 5 pts

Combat sense (15) 15 pts


Total cost 100 points...

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Re: Etrigan's Arts


I'm seeing Tiger-man as a National hero of his native land, good for an international group or a cool NPC Hero.....(Buy Perq. Untill super with exp?)


Secret ID

Code of the Hero

Overconf: Fearless (the downside of having a "Tiger inside")

Rivalry: Martial artists (Tigers brook no rivals..)

DNPC: Female reform/moderate politition (need a name...)

Enraged: Combat (11) (14) (pesky short tempered Tigers...)

Hunted :Archfoe (8) (Black tiger? a muslim extreamist?)

Hunted ARGENT (8) (national heros try to keep big corrupt multinationals out...and they don't like it!)

Hunted Mystery (8)


Tiger man is a devout Muslim, but has no problem with the West, his own native mystics (see his powers) or science...a classic hero in most every way.


Still needs about 15 more points of disadds though....

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Re: Etrigan's Arts


Very nice indeed. Makes me think of an older version of the Teen Champ character I play in the Uberworld Universe named Giraffe.




I agree, especially when you consider Giraffe is going to end up turning into a power-mad tyrant like his father.




Great work, Etrigan!

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Re: Etrigan's Arts


Well, what at first was suppose to be a anatomycal study of the back... became VOID, a cosmic power weilder:



A good friend of mine send me this character story.


Background: The vastness of space can make it a very lonely place. This is the life of Alexander Markov, forever roaming through space guarding the galaxy against unknown threats. Alexander was born in Russia before the cold war, he lived a simple life until he had to join the army to defend his country for the honor of his people. That is at least was he was thought to believe. He was a gifted student as a child and a very good soldier when he grew up. He made his way up the army ranks and followed orders without question. One day he was assigned to a special experimental project with the basis of sending a spy satellite in outer space. He was part of a three manned team that was to be sent along with the satellite into space. His orders where to guard and make sure that the mission was successful. He trained for months before he was ready to go, he was not scared and with pride he was to become a hero of his people. Little did he know what kind of hero he was going to be. The launch was successful but without any previous experience they did not know what to expect once they arrived at their destination. They got there without any trouble but after two days out into space they were getting ready to leave. They had launched the satellite at the designated coordinates and was preparing the ship for the return home trip when a flash of light appeared outside the starboard window. They did not know what it was until they realized that the light had stopped right in front of their ship. Alexander woke up in the middle of a room surrounded by glass windows and what seemed like doctors looking inside at him. He did not know were he was or what had happened to him. Once he was fully aware of his surroundings they told him parts of what they knew had happened and gave him a mirror to look at himself. Alexander was shocked to see that he was glowing and you could almost see through him. It was like if you took a part of the night sky and placed it over somebody. That was just the beginning of the surprises he had come back with amazing abilities including flight and the ability to manipulate gravity. His government studied him for almost two years before letting him out of his cage. He still was a soldier after all but know that the war was over and they did not know what to do with him. They finally sent him back where it stated to try and figure out what had happened. Alexander spent the next ten years of our time in space looking for what had created him. Even though he met new life on other planets and searched a good part of the galaxy without any success, he was still alone and decided it was time to come back home.

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Re: Etrigan's Arts


Ho! And I will probably retouch the Mindstorm picture above... My friends at work found the coloring... well...euhhh... beurk! :)




I found the colouring to be brave. That shade of fushia on a superhero's cpae is indded a bold step. I would not say that it was "beurk" though :)


As for Etrigan's cloak pin, I'd eitheir make it much more obvious (with a nice strong glow and very relfective), or I'd get rid of it completely.


And thanks for the well wishes too :)



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Re: Etrigan's Arts


Here we have one of my player character... the Mongoose... a martial artist/speedster :





To Pinecone: I hope you have some time and can come up with another excellent background on this one... (cause he's current background is cheesy)! :-)

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Re: Etrigan's Arts


A new (and better I think!) color version of Mindstorm:




It looks like a silver vs bronze age colouring contest :) I think both are fine.


How would he look if the current yellow were black(ish) and the yellow a dark purple (ish)? With the cape maybe one of those two colours?

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Re: Etrigan's Arts


Here we have one of my player character... the Mongoose... a martial artist/speedster :





To Pinecone: I hope you have some time and can come up with another excellent background on this one... (cause he's current background is cheesy)! :-)


Sorry, I've been gone...what are the backgroud details that need to be there? Or are you looking for a total rewrite?


Right now, off the top of my head I'm thinking alien dna transfer+spending time in a lost monastary of Mongoose style to learn how to use his powers with out self-injury....

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Re: Etrigan's Arts


Sorry, I've been gone...what are the background details that need to be there? Or are you looking for a total rewrite?


Right now, off the top of my head I'm thinking alien DNA transfer+spending time in a lost monastery of Mongoose style to learn how to use his powers with out self-injury....


Make sure you give him the Mongoose martial art from The Ultimate Martial Artist!! :P

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Re: Etrigan's Arts


A total rewrite will be just fine Pinecone! :-)

For the moment the only background element i've got from the player is that the character is Chinese and was trained in a monastery in a hidden mystical vale where he connected with the spiritual essence of the mongoose...

So.. feel free to do as you please... :-)


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