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Car Chases and vehicle combat


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Re: Car Chases and vehicle combat


Well, I got the Combat book thinking it would cover vehicle combat but it didn't. I got the Vehicle book thinking it would cover vehicle combat but it didn't. I can't afford another book for just this one thing. It seems logical to me that a book on Combat should cover, well, combat--including vehicles. It also seems logical to me that a book on vehicles should--you guessed it---cover combat with the subject matter of that book. It doesn't make sense to me that neither the Combat nor the Vehicle books cover vehicle combat since that subject matter would be highly appropriate for both of them.


Vehicle combat should be in all 3 books or, at least, in the Combat book since that is what that particular book is about.



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Re: Car Chases and vehicle combat


Well, there are fairly substantial rules describing vehicle combat in the core HERO System Fifth Edition, Revised rulebook, on pages 470 to 475. They may be sufficient for games that don't actually focus on combat between vehicles. The Ultimate Vehicle, like all the "Ultimate" books, explores a particular subject in detailed HERO System terms, which is why the advanced and optional vehicle combat rules are included in it.


While I do agree with you that the vehicle combat rules would have been appropriate to include in the Combat Handbook (although not in the HERO System Vehicle Sourcebook, which is just a compilation of vehicle writeups), I assume that Steve believed the rules in the core book would be enough in most cases. The CH's main purpose appears to be to gather rule clarifications and options for combat between characters that were scattered through several other books.

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Re: Car Chases and vehicle combat


I don't recall any such information in DH... probably because The Ultimate Vehicle addresses the subject about as thoroughly as most folx need. ;)


The only thing in DH (that I can think of) is the random waterway generator in DH7. Otherwise, it's as Steve said.

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Re: Car Chases and vehicle combat


Well' date=' there are fairly substantial rules describing vehicle combat in the core [i']HERO System Fifth Edition, Revised[/i] rulebook, on pages 470 to 475. They may be sufficient for games that don't actually focus on combat between vehicles. The Ultimate Vehicle, like all the "Ultimate" books, explores a particular subject in detailed HERO System terms, which is why the advanced and optional vehicle combat rules are included in it.


While I do agree with you that the vehicle combat rules would have been appropriate to include in the Combat Handbook (although not in the HERO System Vehicle Sourcebook, which is just a compilation of vehicle writeups), I assume that Steve believed the rules in the core book would be enough in most cases. The CH's main purpose appears to be to gather rule clarifications and options for combat between characters that were scattered through several other books.


Thank you to everyone for your replies. I appreciate it.


I think that you have a point about the Vehicle Sourcebook though I have to admit that I disagree--but it's a real mild disagreement. I took another look at my copy and can, more or less, see reasons for vehicle combat not being in it.


I do, however, totally agree that vehicle combat should, without a doubt, be in the Combat book. A combat book should cover all aspects of combat. That's what it's for. Hopefully, future editions will include the vehicle combat rules.


The combat rules in the rule book are kinda sorta ok and they should help me figure out how to do car chases with gun battles in my Pulp Hero games (I had forgotten they were there--thanks for reminding me). Maybe the 6th ed. will cover vehicle combat as well or nearly as well as the Ultimate Vehicle seems to (I read that section of it a long time ago from a book a friend loaned me but don't remember much of it).


At any rate, I'm going to have to work at and spend time with integrating vehicles in my pulp modules. I was hoping to avoid that much work and that much time. That's why I got the Combat book (hint, hint--politely speaking).



Any chance car chases/vehicle combat will ever be covered in DH?


One other thing about DH. Is there any way to have a search feature compiled for DH? That would make it possible for anyone (including me) to search for pulp articles and info, vehicle combat rules and strategies, or whatever else needed at the time without having to look through all 47 issues one by one (or however many issues there are at the time).



kk :king:

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Re: Car Chases and vehicle combat


When you say "the vehicle book" are you talking about The Ultimate Vehicle or the Hero System Vehicle Sourcebook? They are two different things.


The Vehicle Sourcebook has a bunch of vehicle writeups, and that's all it was meant to be. TUV has the rules that were used in those vehicle writeups, some more writeups of its own, and a bunch of combat rules, including vehicular combat maneuvers and hit location charts for basically every type of vehicle.

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Re: Car Chases and vehicle combat


When you say "the vehicle book" are you talking about The Ultimate Vehicle or the Hero System Vehicle Sourcebook? They are two different things.


The Vehicle Sourcebook has a bunch of vehicle writeups, and that's all it was meant to be. TUV has the rules that were used in those vehicle writeups, some more writeups of its own, and a bunch of combat rules, including vehicular combat maneuvers and hit location charts for basically every type of vehicle.




I'm not sure which of my posts you are referring to. My most recent one specifically mentions which book I'm talking about. An earlier post mentions "the vehicle" book and I was referring to the Vehicle Sourcebook.


kk :king:

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Re: Car Chases and vehicle combat


One other thing about DH. Is there any way to have a search feature compiled for DH? That would make it possible for anyone (including me) to search for pulp articles and info, vehicle combat rules and strategies, or whatever else needed at the time without having to look through all 47 issues one by one (or however many issues there are at the time).



kk :king:


Well, our board colleague JmOz has taken the rationalizing step of compiling all the Table of Contents listings for the adventures published in DH, grouped by genre to make them easier to find. You can read that here: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24556


I also Saved all the TOC from every issue of DH up to #42, as a RTF. I find that makes it much easier for me to find what I'm looking for. In case that would benefit you I'll Attach it below as a ZIP:

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Re: Car Chases and vehicle combat




I'm not sure which of my posts you are referring to. My most recent one specifically mentions which book I'm talking about. An earlier post mentions "the vehicle" book and I was referring to the Vehicle Sourcebook.


kk :king:


I guess I'm just not too clear on what exactly is being said. I'd been kind of casually following this thread before I posted, but even looking back now I'm still not 100% sure.


I interpret the gist of this thread as being that you have the Hero System Vehicle Sourcebook and the Hero System Combat Handbook, but neither has vehicle combat rules; and that you do not have The Ultimate Vehicle, but have at least skimmed it. Right? The first time I saw "the vehicle book", I immediately thought of TUV, and between that and the casual way I've been following along, I took a wrong turn.


In which case, my fullest commentary here is to recommend getting TUV; I agree that vehicle combat rules in the Combat book would make sense, but also agree that if vehicle combat will be a mainstay of a campaign that the GM (at least) needs TUV; and lastly, to recommend getting TUV once again.


If I'm still out there flappin', please either try to clarify again, or tell me you're putting me on ignore, and I'll try again to give my views as helpfully as possible or butt out, as the case may be. ;)

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Re: Car Chases and vehicle combat


I guess I'm just not too clear on what exactly is being said. I'd been kind of casually following this thread before I posted, but even looking back now I'm still not 100% sure.


I interpret the gist of this thread as being that you have the Hero System Vehicle Sourcebook and the Hero System Combat Handbook, but neither has vehicle combat rules; and that you do not have The Ultimate Vehicle, but have at least skimmed it. Right? The first time I saw "the vehicle book", I immediately thought of TUV, and between that and the casual way I've been following along, I took a wrong turn.


In which case, my fullest commentary here is to recommend getting TUV; I agree that vehicle combat rules in the Combat book would make sense, but also agree that if vehicle combat will be a mainstay of a campaign that the GM (at least) needs TUV; and lastly, to recommend getting TUV once again.


If I'm still out there flappin', please either try to clarify again, or tell me you're putting me on ignore, and I'll try again to give my views as helpfully as possible or butt out, as the case may be. ;)


I wasn't clear about what I meant. Sorry about that.


I have the Combat book and the Vehicle Source book. I do not have TUV. I originally got the Combat book thinking it dealt with all aspects of combat (it still seems logical to me that it would do that) and I got the Vehicle Source book mistakenly thinking it was the vehicle book that dealt with vehicle combat. I don't have enough money to get TUV right now and, the way things are, I won't for a significant time to come.


That means I will have to, more or less, design my own vehicle combat system. I've gotten some suggestions from a friend that will help but....


I have to admit that I am surprised and disappointed that vehicle combat isn't in the combat book and, well, I feel a bit slighted that it isn't. That's the way it is, though, and it isn't as if it's a life-or-death matter. I'll just have to deal with it.


It would be nice if DH did something for vehicle combat and car chases with gunfights.


kk :king:

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