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High flying wrasslin


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I saw a thread on luche libre (sp?) a while back and got inspired ...this is what I've got so far and I'd apreachiate any help you can provide.......HA +6D6 RSR:Acrobatics (high octane moves) +3 DCV RSR: Acrobatics and +6" superleap, you guessed it RSR: Acro, +5" of running and Rapid strike. I'm also thinking +6 OCV with Sweep and a "Signature move" such as a naked advantage of AP on the HA, RSR SE:NND(Move backfires) Then going with MA-Brick stats ,say 30 ST and 25 Con...Well? will ths character blow chunks or rock like Ultimo dragon? :)

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If you're trying for real lucha libre you've got to have grapples. Falls in Mexico are scored more often on submission moves than by pinfalls. The luchadores on American television are generally working a hybrid style, using classic lucha libre moves with American wrestling psychology.


Another thought is giving the character some sort of HKA with a Psychological Limitation against it's use. In Mexico the piledriver and piledriver-like moves such as the Tombstone (called the 'Martinete' in Mexico) are banned as being far too dangerous, possibly even lethal.


On a final note no masked luchadore ever reveals his identity to anyone. Doing so would basically cost him his job. In a very extreme example the luchadore Blue Demon was buried in his mask, his identity never revealed.Kayfabe (not letting fans know the truth behind the buisness) may be dead in the US but south of the border it's alive and well.


Hope this helps in some way.


Jushin Liger rules! :D

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Thanx...I guess I'll have to break down and buy some actual MA moves...Flying dodge,MA grab,Ma escape and a Speed strike....Hmmm +20 Pres RSR: Acro,must follow high octane move....Suceptable:Bare faced shame 2D6.....Does anyone speak spanish? I have the name Sangria Flameco scribbled down but it would be nice to have an actual spanish name rather than Spanlesh...I am going with the tag line "My blood is on fire!" just prior to a signature move....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm "Pinecone" The idea of a super powered "Masked Mexican Wrestler" certainly has appeal. Have you seen the cartoon "Mucha Lucha"? You can get lots of ideas from that. Or were you just thinking of a "Lucha" campaign using normals? That could be fun too, but I think that I would prefer the "super powered" version !

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I'm definitly thinking super levels, after all you can't have aztec mummys and natzi nuns and just have a guy that works out! I've finished uo El luchadore but I can't find the blinking sheet..I basicly went with 6D6 HA RSR: Acro and a "signature move" of APx2 on the HA RSR: Acro and SE: Drain 3D6 (GM's choice ST or DX or Stun) some basic ring fighting of Disabling grab (???) and Flying dodge and escape and a martial throw, A "Espiritu luchdore block of powers of Combat luck x3 and +10 power der and Mental def, only vs supernatural attacks (because a luchadore is a man of virtue...El santo wrestled SATAN!) Ive always had the world of wrasslin intersect with the Super world through the "Galactic wrestling Federation" of course in this world that one legged guy on WWE will turn out to be a fomorian infiltrator so it's definatly on the swashbuckle side. I normally run grim and gritty style adventures so if it gets off the ground it will be change of pace...

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Cool! maybe I have finnaly figured this out...


High octane moves: HA +6D6 RSR: Acrobatics cost=15

Signature move: APx2 on HA RSR:Acro,SE(Drain 3D6) cost=15

+3 DCV RSR: Acro

+6" Leaping RSR: Acro

+20 Pres Must follow signature move -1/2

Rapid strike:Hth

+4 W/ Hth


Power Def (10) only vs supernatural attacks -1

Mental def (12) only vs supernatural attacks -1

Combat luck x3 (cost=18)



Lang: English 5 (native is spanish)


Acrobatics +2


Perq. Celebrity

Perq. Wealthy 5


V-rod harley (11 points)


Ring fighting

MA throw

MA escape

MA block

Joint break

+2 DC


This leaves me at 331 points if my arithmatic is good...so what is missing and what do I spend my last few points on? Thanx....

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Re: High flying wrasslin


On a final note no masked luchadore ever reveals his identity to anyone. Doing so would basically cost him his job. In a very extreme example the luchadore Blue Demon was buried in his mask' date=' his identity never revealed.[/quote']


Wow. Now that is some hardcore kayfabe.

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Re: High flying wrasslin


There was a luchadore called Santo who was also a film actor and folk hero. His most famous movie was "Santo vs las Mujeres Vampiro" in which he played a superhero style character. He was also involved in a feud with Blue Demon.


I think Champions Universe mentions a luchadore superhero with a mask that allows him to see (and so fight) vampires and other supernatural menaces.


I think that a superhero luchadore PC would a great idea. :) :)

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Re: High flying wrasslin


There was a luchadore called Santo who was also a film actor and folk hero. His most famous movie was "Santo vs las Mujeres Vampiro" in which he played a superhero style character. He was also involved in a feud with Blue Demon.


I think Champions Universe mentions a luchadore superhero with a mask that allows him to see (and so fight) vampires and other supernatural menaces.


I think that a superhero luchadore PC would a great idea. :) :)


I think a lot of folks here know who El Santo is, if only from his brief appearance on MST2K.


And the Champs-verse superhero Luchadore is called El Espectro, and from what's been said of him online, he's basically a masked wrestling version of Doctor Fate.

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Re: High flying wrasslin


I think a lot of folks here know who El Santo is, if only from his brief appearance on MST2K.


And the Champs-verse superhero Luchadore is called El Espectro, and from what's been said of him online, he's basically a masked wrestling version of Doctor Fate.

i'm curious whats the skinnyon el espectoro?

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Re: High flying wrasslin


There was a luchadore called Santo who was also a film actor and folk hero. His most famous movie was "Santo vs las Mujeres Vampiro" in which he played a superhero style character. He was also involved in a feud with Blue Demon.


I think Champions Universe mentions a luchadore superhero with a mask that allows him to see (and so fight) vampires and other supernatural menaces.


I think that a superhero luchadore PC would a great idea. :) :)


Over in Hero system I have some Lucha villians and I have posted Occho, El Hombre del ocho caras (or something like that...) I also posted Caveman Cortez, who is my take on aHero games Lucha hero, who will surely apear in Lucha Hero.....

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