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Fantasy Hero Hardcover


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Question- why not offer this like Arc Dream/ Dennis Detweiller does (ie, ransom). We'll print the books, when we have enough money. This could be done for special projects like this, that way all those who want a copy (like me) can get one.

OR- go the Lulu route. Offer the book on Lulu ONLY in Hardcover. Either way Hero Games AND the gamers win.


BTW- I am hearby offering $75 for a copy of Fantasy Hero Hardcover, if someone will pick it up for me. I cannot make it to GenCon. I am willing to send payment via Paypal when you get the book.

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Re: Fantasy Hero Hardcover


Well, first of all, that is sort of what we're doing. An opportunity came along and we happened to have the money on hand to take advantage of it, so we are. That's more or less how we did our first hardcover special for Pulp Hero, and it's probably how any future specials will be handled.


Second, unless we sell every single copy at GenCon, we'll have some for the Online Store once we get back to the office. (We are printing more than we did of PH, though I don't have specific numbers on hand.) So there's some chance, at least, that you can get one for the standard $50 if you just keep a close eye on the O.S. If that fails you can always try to buy one off a GenCon attendee. ;)

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Re: Fantasy Hero Hardcover


I'd have to disagree. If you were doing what Arc Dream/ Pagan is doing, then those who want a copy would be able to get a copy

What Arc Dream does is they say - Ok, we have X-book and we're printing x number of copies. As soon as we get enough pledges to do this, off to the printer it goes (yep, I got my copy of Wild Talents this way).

They way you do it is the opposite. Print what you CAN and hope to sell them ('course, what happens is they sell out and not everyone gets a copy).

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Re: Fantasy Hero Hardcover


Yeah, I prefer hardcovers overall, they stand up better in my personal environment. I don't mind shelling out some extra bucks for them. I haven't actually used my Fantasy Hero books yet, I must admit, but still... a hardcover is very tempting. I'd love to see some for the other books, be they main books or otherwise.

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Re: Fantasy Hero Hardcover


my personal opinion is that not having harcovers is the one big downside to HERO products...that and the art. layout is tolerable, as it is at least utilitarian even though its not slick and flashy (and this is my opinion, and obviously i'm in the minority, or it wouldn't be this way anymore, point taken).


the softcover books, while extremely nice for softcovers, are still much more flimsy and prone to damage than hardcovers, and i've had problems with pages coming out on several occasions. plus hardcovers just feel more official and professional, imho.


conversely, i like that HERO books are probably the cheapest RPG books on the market (that i am interested in, anyway) which is good. altough White Wolf is very close, and much nicer, imho, especially on Amazon, in which case they are cheaper, as i only by HERO books from the online store (as i have no local game store to speak of). at least the content is always good and reliable, and mechanically sound.


anyway, i plan on sitting at the store webpage all day waiting on FH hardcover to be put up for sell.

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Re: Fantasy Hero Hardcover


anyway, i plan on sitting at the store webpage all day waiting on FH hardcover to be put up for sell.


I work from home at my computer. I plan on having a seperate window open on the FH and online store pages, and obsessively check them myself.


I passed on the HC Pulp, because I'm not much of a pulp fan, but FH is the genre I GM all the time, and all of my DH articles are FH stuff. I want the hardcover, just because my softcover is getting beat up a little. :)

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Re: Fantasy Hero Hardcover


Any word on whether the hard-cover FH will have:


  • Corrected errata
  • Page numbers referencing 5er vice FRed
  • Updated bibliography (one of the hi-lites of the book imho):thumbup:
  • Sample characters which reflect racial package deals
  • New material:D


Just curious. I will attempt to purchase one if they go on-sale in the on-line store, regardless.

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Re: Fantasy Hero Hardcover


Any word yet on if there were any leftovers from GenCon on the HC Fantasy Hero book? Mr. Long?


I checked the store earlier and didn't see any, but thought that perhaps the site hadn't yet been updated. I'd really like one; if you did run out, what are the chances of another print run?


Thanks! :)

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Re: Fantasy Hero Hardcover


The FH Hardcover is being handled by a different printer than our standard; otherwise we couldn't afford to do it, with such a small print run. We haven't received them yet at the warehouse, but have no fear that when we do we'll make announcements to that effect. ;)


In answer to another question -- the FH HC corrects known typos and errata, and is updated to 5ER page references. It doesn't contain any new material, or any expansions of the Bibliography. Sadly, these days my "leisure reading" is always devoted to whatever our next genre book is -- last year I didn't get to read any Fantasy because I was reading up for PAH; this year I won't get to read any mainstream Fantasy because I'm focusing entirely on Urban Fantasy. Eventually I'll get back to being able to read "whatever I want to," which may lead to some sort of online expansion of various bibliographies. ;)

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Re: Fantasy Hero Hardcover


The FH Hardcover is being handled by a different printer than our standard; otherwise we couldn't afford to do it' date=' with such a small print run. We haven't received them yet at the warehouse, but have no fear that when we do we'll make announcements to that effect. ;)[/quote']


Thanks for the update Steve.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Fantasy Hero Hardcover


What about something like a Lulu or Cafepress edition, so that when people want it, they print it then? I don't know the intricacies involved, but my wife and I publish our books that way. We send a current .pdf to them, and people order directly from the print on demand guys, and we don't really have to do /any/ work, past creating the first .pdf. Now I know you guys are a much huger company than us, and doing business on that scale is greatly different than our mom and pop shop, but it seems a way for the drooling fan who is dieing to have a bound copy of the Fantasy Hero book (erm, that's me I'm talking about) to get one without much work. Anyhoo, just the rabid thoughts of a twenty year dedicated fan. Drool.

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Re: Fantasy Hero Hardcover


What about something like a Lulu or Cafepress edition' date=' so that when people want it, they print it then? I don't know the intricacies involved, but my wife and I publish our books that way. We send a current .pdf to them, and people order directly from the print on demand guys, and we don't really have to do /any/ work, past creating the first .pdf. Now I know you guys are a much huger company than us, and doing business on that scale is greatly different than our mom and pop shop, but it seems a way for the drooling fan who is dieing to have a bound copy of the Fantasy Hero book (erm, that's me I'm talking about) to get one without much work. Anyhoo, just the rabid thoughts of a twenty year dedicated fan. Drool.[/quote']


I think, if you know a printhouse, you can just get it printed for you from a pdf. No idea on cost, though. We have a few of those around here somewhere...

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