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Japanese Powered Exoskeleton


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Re: Japanese Powered Exoskeleton


Wow, that's incredibly cool. Not speaking Japanese, did they say its lifting capacity or anything along those lines? I'm very interested in what the actual technical aspects are.


Either way, damn cool piece of tech. Can't wait till they put them into public (or even military) use.


But dunno about this whole Cyberdyne thing. Miles Dyson still working there?

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Re: Japanese Powered Exoskeleton


Ok, I admit to not speaking Japanese so I can't make heads or tails of what the spokesman is saying, but watching the video I am not sure this is anything more than a cartoon.


They show a guy doing some knee bends, ok... With bags of stuff in his arms, ok... And he can walk up and down stairs... Cool...


So can I, without a costume.


Don't get me wrong, it looks way cool and all... With names like Cyberdyne and HAL being thrown around like they are though, I am more inclined to think that this is just a couple of Japanese guys laughing behind their hands at YouTube and followers... **EDIT** Ok, the poster is itnsource which makes it all the more likely that it is a pre-research mock-up or an outright fabrication in my book, but it is still very visually appealing. **EDIT**


Anyone got more information about this?

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Re: Japanese Powered Exoskeleton


This is very cool. Wonder how long before we actually see people wearing these suits in public?


Though myself, I want to see one equipped with bulletproof armor, a jet pack, and a mounted taser. It may not make you Iron Man, but then, after Civil War, who'd want to be Iron Man?

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Re: Japanese Powered Exoskeleton


Thanks for the additional links, Curufea. With a little more digging I found some more information on this...


Apparently the suit in the original link is HAL-5. Fifth generation of the research project. There are a couple more articles (by narrowing to "robot suit HAL" I managed to hit the top 10 articles or so). There is some interesting video with English translation including a comparison of the deep knee bends I mentioned with a person not in the suit. There are also articles about a mountain climber using it to take a quadrapalegic up a mountain (which I didn't read in depth).


Based on numbers they are publishing, for about $70,000, you too can buy 30 STR plus 30 STR only for casual STR. Apparently they expected to produce a small number of these this year (like 10) and expect to make a few hundred next year.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Japanese Powered Exoskeleton


I remember seeing old photos of GE developing an exo-skeleton back in the late 70's early 80's. Humungous thing with 280V cables attached to the back. Looked like something out of a B Movie. Too bad they didn't take it farther.


Was this it ?




(photo attached below)


I recall being fascinated by these things as a youth...And by the

same companys' Quadruped Walker (photo attached below). Some

of the coolest stuff from my childhood. :thumbup:



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