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[Character] Doktor Archeville

Dr Archeville

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A character I've used in assorted games (tabletop, pbem and forum, in numerous systems). This is the 500 point version used in Jack M. Butler's Global Guardians game, though I am working on a more standard 350 point version suitable for a Champions game (though some names and places may need to be changed).


[b]Background/History[/b]: Viktor Archeville was born in the summer of 1977 in Schönwald, a small town in the majestic Black Forest of Germany [which is in the southwestern portion of what was known as West Germany].  Cynthia, his lovely mother and a skilled psychologist, died in childbirth, leaving her husband Heinrich to raise him alone.  Heinrich was trying to break away from the family trade of making fine cuckoo clocks and enter the burgeoning computer programming field, and so had little time for little Viktor.  Fortunately for Heinrich, Viktor proved more than able to take care of himself, as he was walking before he was a year old, and speaking coherent sentences by age two.
It has been said that the Archeville family was cursed with madness.  Some say it was from a hex laid on one of the line’s ancestors generations ago due to some slight, either real or perceived.  Some say it was from working with cuckoo clocks, or that they all worked on cuckoo clocks because they were mad.  It was not a trait that showed up in all members of the Archeville line, and Heinrich seems to be spared.  He had hoped that by distancing himself and young Viktor away from their families ties, he could lessen the chances of Viktor going mad.  Heinrich was initially quite worried for his son’s sanity -- he knew that great intelligence often came with great ego, and with great ego often comes madness.  Heinrich tried to juggle monitoring young Viktor with trying to break into the computer programming field, but doing so did nothing but cause him to develop manic/depressive syndrome and low-grade paranoid schizophrenia.
Viktor seemed hardly to notice his father’s deterioration, or if he did he chose not to point it out.  He made a few friends here and there, but none of his friendships lasted terribly long due to the rumors of his family’s affliction.  His intellect and skill continued to grow as time passed… as did his father’s madness.  On Viktor’s 13th birthday, Heinrich Archeville was admitted to an insane asylum, leaving Viktor to be taken in by Child Services and await adoption.
Unfortunately, adoptions are tricky at best, and near impossible if the child is in his teens, so for several years, Viktor was effectively a ward of the state.  He would visit his father occasionally, but each visit grew more and more awkward.
When he was 16, Viktor enrolled in the [i]Technische Universität München[/i], the Technical University of Munich, as the University was celebrating it’s 125th anniversary.  While there, the barest signs of his familial madness began to make itself apparent.  He’d find himself laughing maniacally at times, or he would become annoyed almost to the point of enragement by incompetent people.  He was relieved to find that by keeping his conscious mind focused on his studies, he could suppress his outbursts and in fact use that mental energy to make astounding leaps in logic or revolutionary breakthrough.  He earned a Doctorate in Mathemtics and [i]Meisters[/i] (Masters) degrees in both chemistry and physics by the age of 22.  He could easily have done more, but he didn’t want to seem too intellectually flashy.
Now Archeville faced a conundrum.  He was sure that if he didn’t find some constructive way to use his intellectual skills, he would likely end up as one of those megalomaniacal supervillains who hijack television broadcasts and make grandiose threats to the world, like Lord Doom.  He had heard of the recent appearance of Aurora, and the idea of working as a superhero intrigued him.  By using his skills to combat evil and injustice -- a never-ending battle -- he’d be sure to never be idle and thus not allow the madness to overtake him.  He worked for a while as a crime fighter in Germany, using teleportation devices to get nearly anywhere he needed.  Sometimes he’d go into a situation with nothing more than his armored labcoat, trusting in his inherent genius to be able to turn whatever items he found at the scene of the crime into some gadget that could be used to stop the villains.  In between “jobs,” he sold some of his theoretical notes and designs to various tech firms, and wisely invested the money to form a sizeable nest egg.
Apparently, the German government -- or someone in a position of influence -- was impressed by Archeville’s works, and recommended him for membership in the Global Guardians.  When he was approached, he jumped at the chance.
[b]Personality/Motivation[/b]: Archeville is trying to redeem his family name and keep himself busy with important, useful work.  As long as he’s busy in superheroics or working on some gadget that can help himself or his teammates, he’s fine.  If he goes for about a week without something to do, he becomes noticeably edgy and paranoid, and will often throw himself into some project that no one can identify the reason behind.
Over the past three months or so, though, Archeville has noticed that his madness has been starting to manifest even if he’s in the midst of something truly noble and heroic.  After having fought it  for so many years, Archeville is trying something new -- controlled outbursts.  Like rangers starting brushfires to retard the spread of a raging forest fire, or slowly opening a shaken-up bottle of soda so that the contents don’t explode outwards, Archeville occasionally lets his madness have free reign.  He’ll laugh maniacally at times, becomes somewhat absent-minded, gets readily annoyed by incompetent people, becomes somewhat arrogant and overconfident, speaks with an exaggerated German accent, and will spends several Phases describing exactly how his latest invention will aid his allies/bring ruin to his opponents.  Even at his worst, though, he’ll never use his inventions to kill, or even permanently harm a foe.
Archeville enjoys a professional rivalry with other high technologists, including Doc Tomorrow.  He’d love to match wits with the Fool someday, though a part of him is concerned that if he were to do so, his own madness might take over completely and he’ll become as much a threat as the Fool.  Archeville loathes magic, as it cannot be reliably controlled or scientifically analyzed, and due to the possibility that his lineage’s madness is the result of a mystical hex.  He’ll work with mage and witches if he absolutely must, but he’ll grumble the whole way through.
[b]Quote[/b]: “Let’s see you laugh at meine theories vile you rot in jail, [i]schweinehund[/i]!”
[b]Powers/Tactics[/b]: Archeville’s metagene-enhanced intellect makes him a master of a variety of scholarly and scientific fields, from acoustics to zoology, and to quickly grasp the meanings of most languages (his four Universal Talents).  His work stands far ahead of the efforts of most other researchers, allowing him to produce gadgets, machines, and computers more advanced than any in the real world, and in some cases more advanced than even cutting-edge technologies seen in the Global Guardians world (hence the Advanced Technology perk).  When he embarks on a mission, he always has a number of completed tools on hand that could prove useful, including a Jaffe energy pack (his Kraftwerk, or “power plant”) to power them.  He’s interwoven his nigh-ubiquitous lab coat with various metallic and polymer threads that diffuse incoming energy, including kinetic energy, and he wears an antigravity belt that enables him to fly.
Archeville is also skilled at using mundane items to produce highly effective gadgets and gear.  Using baling wire, duct tape, circuit boards, and a TV, he could produce a laser rifle, a hologram projector, or some other gadget.  With access to a standard janitorial closet, he could create potent corrosives and various types of bombs.  If he has sufficient raw materials on hand, he can produce nearly any kind of technological gadget.  These items last for a short time before their jury-rigged construction fails (the TV he uses to project an illusion burns out from the strain placed on it, or the crude laser pistol’s barrel melts).
[b]Appearance[/b]: Archeville’s strong Aryan features would’ve made him a prize nab for the Nazi Party, had he been born forty years earlier.  His alabaster skin, thin and imperial nose and lips, and cheeks cut of marble make for a regal face.  His eyes are Rhine-blue & carry the wolf’s glare, and his hair is silky and golden, falling down past his shoulders.  Archeville usually wears sturdy black rubber-soled boots, black or dark blue khaki pants, a short-sleeved shirt (usually solid red, blue, green, or purple), and his white lab coat.  Since he is trying to release his madness in controlled bursts, specifically so it won’t overtake him, Archeville does look after his appearance, wearing clean clothes and keeping his hair neat and tidy.  He stands 5’10” (1.78 meters) and weighs 180 pounds (81.65 kg).


[b]Dr. Viktor Archeville, v1[/b]
[b]Val	Char	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
10	STR	0	11-	Lift 100 kg; 2d6 [1]
15	DEX	15	12-	OCV: 5/DCV: 5
10	CON	0	11-
10	BODY	0	11-
35	INT	25	16-	PER: Roll 16-
21	EGO	22	13-	ECV: 7
20	PRE	10	13-	PRE Attack: 4d6 (~14)
16	COM	3	12-

2	PD	0		Total: 14 PD (12 rPD)
2	ED	0		Total: 14 ED (12 rED)
3	SPD	5		Phases: 4, 8, 12
4	REC	0
20	END	0
20	STUN	0		[b]Total Characteristics Cost[/b]: 80

Movement:	Running:	6”/12”
	Flight		15”/30”

[b]Cost	Powers									END[/b]
73	[b][i]Scientific Genius[/i][/b]: Variable Power Pool (Gadgets Pool), 60 base + 30 
control cost; Focus (all powers bought through VPP must have at least 	
-½ worth of this Limitation; -½), Can Only Be Changed In Archeville’s 
Laboratory (-½), Adding Powers to the VPP Requires an Inventor Skill 	
Roll (-¼)									var
38	[b][i]Spontaneous Inventor[/i][/b]: Variable Power Pool (Gadgets Pool), 30 		
base + 15 control cost; Charges (all powers bought through VPP must 	
have at least -0 worth of this Limitation; -0), Focus (all powers bought 
through VPP must have at least -½ worth of this Limitation; -½), 		
OIF (appropriate objects of opportunity; -½)					0
18	[b][i]Armored Labcoat[/i][/b]: Armor (12 PD/12 ED) (36 Active Points); 	
Activation Roll 14- (-½), OIF (-½)						0
20	[b][i]Gravitimetric Belt[/i][/b]: Flight 15”; OIF (-½)					3
27	[b][i]Kraftwerk[/i][/b]: Endurance Reserve (200 END, 20 REC); OIF (-½)		0

15	Advanced Technology
4	Money: Well Off ($400,000/year)

16	[i]Amazing Intellect I[/i]: Universal Scholar 16- (Not with Knowledge skills pertaining 
primarily to magic; -¼)
20	[i]Amazing Intellect II[/i]: Universal Scientist 16-
20	[i]Amazing Intellect III[/i]: Universal Tradesman 16-
3	[i]Analytical Mind I[/i]: Absolute Range Sense
3	[i]Analytical Mind II[/i]: Absolute Time Sense
3	[i]Analytical Mind III[/i]: Bump of Direction
5	[i]Analytical Mind IV[/i]: Eidetic Memory
3	[i]Analytical Mind V[/i]: Lightning Calculator
3	[i]Analytical Mind VI[/i]: Perfect Pitch
6	[i]Analytical Mind VII[/i]: Speed Read (x100)
20	[i]Analytical Mind VII[/i]: Universal Translator 16-

20	+2 Overall
10	+2 with all Intellect Skills

3	Analyze Technology 16-
3	Computer Programming 16-
3	Cryptography 16-
3	Demolitions 16-
3	Electronics 16-

Everyman Skills (Cost: 1 points)
0	1) Acting 8-
0	2) Area Knowledge: Germany 11-
0	3) Climbing 8-
0	4) Concealment 8-
0	5) Conversation 8-
0	6) Deduction 8-
0	7) Language Skill: German (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)
0	8) Persuasion 8-
0	9) PS: Scientist 11-
0	10) Shadowing 8-
0	11) Stealth 8-
1	12) Transport Familiarity: Custom Adder (?), Small Ground Vehicles

3	Forensic Medicine 16-

Global Guardians Package (Total Cost: 0 Points)
5	1) Fringe Benefit: International Police Powers
3	2) Criminology 16-
3	3) Deduction 16-
3	4) Paramedics 16-
8	5) Team Base Donation
28	6) Team Communicator
-20	7) Hunted by Tarot 8-
-20	8) Monitored by All the World’s News Agencies 11-
-10	9) Social Limitation: Celebrity

9	Inventor 19-

3	Linguist (Total Cost: 23 points)
2	1) Arabic (completely fluent)
2	2) Bengali (completely fluent)
2	3) English (completely fluent)
2	4) French (completely fluent)
2	5) Hindi/Urdu (completely fluent)
2	6) Malay-Indonesian (completely fluent)
2	7) Mandarin Chinese (completely fluent)
2	8) Portuguese (completely fluent)
2	9) Russian (completely fluent)
2	10) Spanish (completely fluent)

3	Mechanics 16-
5	Navigation (Air, Land, Marine, Space) 16-
7	Power: Gadgeteering 18-

3	Scholar (Total Cost: 9 points)
3	1) KS: Known Superhuman Criminals 17-
3	2) KS: Research Methods 17-

Scientist Package (Total Cost: -14 Points)
1	1) Fringe Benefit: Doctorate in Mathematics
2	2) PS: Academic Researcher 11-
3	3) PS: Inventor 16-
-10	4) Social Limitation (Occupation: Scientist)
-10	5) Social Limitation (Publish or Perish)

3	Scientist (Total Cost: 19 Points)
2	1) SS: Biology 16-
2	2) SS: Chemistry 16-
2	3) SS: Civil Engineering 16-
2	4) SS: Gravitics 16-
2	5)SS: Materials Science 16-
6	6) SS: Mathematics 20-
2	7) SS: Physics 16-
2	8) SS: Robotics 16-
2	9) SS: Structural Engineering 16-

3	Security Systems 16-
3	Systems Operation 16-
9	Weaponsmith (all categories) 16-

10	Distinctive Features: Overwhelming Aura of Mad Science (Concealable; Noticed 
and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 
10	DNPC: Heinrich Archeville (father) 8- (Normal)
15	Psychological Limitation: Cannot Resist Tinkering with Machines (Common, 
20	Psychological Limitation: Code Versus Killing (Common, Total)
15	Psychological Limitation: Dislikes Magic (Common, Strong)
10	Psychological Limitation: Proud of Himself (Common, Moderate)
15	Psychological Limitation: Scientific Curiosity (Common, Strong)
1	Quirk: Dislikes unnecessary physical labor.
1	Quirk: Hates Country & Western Music.
1	Quirk: Never carries cash or spare change.
1	Quirk: Often gives his inventions German names.
1	Quirk: Stereotypical German Tastes - loves Beer, Chocolate, and Sausage.
5	Reputation: From a Family of Lunatics (Extreme, Known Only to Inhabitants of 
the Black Forest) 8-
5	Rivalry: Professional Rivalry With Other High Technologists
15	Social Limitation: Public Identity (Dr. Viktor Archeville) (Frequently, Major)
15	Social Limitation: Walking, Talking Stereotype (Mad Scientist) (Very Frequently, 
10	Vulnerability: 2x Effect from Magic (Uncommon)
6	Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points: 150

Characteristics Cost:		080	Base Points:			350
Powers Cost:			174	Points from Disadvantages:	150
Perks:				019	
Talents:			102
Skills Cost:			123	Experience Spent:		0
Total Cost:			506	Total Points: 			500


[b][i]The Angstigator[/i][/b]:  This bizarre ray-gun fires a beam of specifically modulated sonic waves that sound not unlike a Kurt Cobain/Nirvana riff.  Targets struck are filled with feelings of anxiety, apprehension, and insecurity.  Most targets tend to fall into a deep depression and give up once affected, mired in feelings of existential loss.  A few, though, become enraged.
Mind Control 9d6, Telepathic (+¼) (56 Active Points); OAF (-1), Subject to 
Range Modifier (-¼), Set Effect (Only to Inflict Angst; -1).  Total Cost: 17 points.

[b][i]Bio-Enhancer[/i][/b]: This device takes the form of a large table with numerous energy projectors surrounding it, and a computer console on one side.   Subjects lying on the table are showered with energy, artificially stimulating a body’s natural healing processes to its ultimate extent.  This boosts metabolic rates and cell reproduction, effecting faster healing.
Simplified Healing 5d6, Can Heal Limbs (55 Active Points); OAF Immobile (-2). 
Total Cost: 18 points.

[b][i]Blink-Box, v1[/i][/b]: This device clips onto Archeville’s gravitic belt. It allows him to warp the gravitational attraction between his own molecules, thus allowing him to become intangible for microseconds at a time.  Though the effect does not last long enough to allow him to travel through walls, it does allow him to reflexively render himself intangible long enough for many attacks to bypass him.
+6 DCV (30 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-½), OIF (-½), Ineffective vs. 
Attacks that can Affect Desolidified (-¼). Total cost: 13 points.

[b][i]Cerebral Enhancer[/i][/b]:  Sometimes, even Archeville’s amazing intellect can use a boost.  With this circuitry-lined headband, he can get that boost (an average of +10 to INT).
Aid INT 3d6, Delayed Return Rate (5 points per hour, +1) (60 Active Points); 
OIF (-½).  Total Cost: 40 points.

[b][i]Data Grabber[/i][/b]: This device, which resembled a typical PDA, can read a computer’s total memory in microseconds.
Detect Data In A Computer (INT Roll [15- for Archeville]) (Radio Group), 
Discriminatory, Rapid (x10,000,000,000) (40 Active Points); OAF (-1).  Total 
Cost: 20 points.

[b][i]Decerebrator[/i][/b]:  This large pistol fires a thin beam of energy that scrambles a target’s neurons, specifically the ones in their brainstem.  The affected targets temporarily goes blind, deaf, and loses all other sensory abilities, and loses voluntary motor control.  Repeated exposures to the beam can cause a person to become limp and unresponsive.
Flash (Sight Group, Hearing Group, Touch Group, Smell/Taste Group) 2d6 
(Active Cost: 25 points); OAF (-1). (total cost: 12 points) plus Drain DEX 2d6, 
Ranged (+½) (Active Cost: 30 points); OAF (-1), Linked (-½) (total cost: 12 
points).  Total Cost: 24 points.

[b][i]Dimensional Transporter[/i][/b]: This module, which takes the form of a large add-on to his gravimetric belt, allows Archeville to move from one point to another without crossing the physical space in between.
Teleportation 10”, x4 Noncombat Movement (25 Active Points); OIF (-½).  Total 
Cost: 17 points.

[b][i]Expand-o-Bots[/i][/b]: One of Archeville’s more ingenious devices is this set of ultra-miniaturized robots.  Initially, they look nothing more than a set of action figures.  Upon activation, they grow into human-sized robots (the growing process takes a fraction of a second), programmed to obey Archeville’s every command.  (Well, most of them -- programming glitches occasionally surface.)  Archeville typically carries four Expand-o-Bots with him into battle.  Often, Archeville will design his Expand-o-Bot to resemble some known superhero (and so when it’s in it’s inactive shrunken form, it truly does appear to be a commercial action figure), but sometimes he’ll make it look like a more idealized version of himself.  A typical Expand-o-Bot has stats identical to that of the proto-robots Mechanon “summons,” as seen in the free .pdf file seen on the HERO Games website.
Summon one 150-point Robot, Expanded Class (minor robots; +¼), Devoted 
(+¾) (60 Active Points); 4 Charges (-1), Extra Time (Full Phase; -½), OIF (-½).  
Total cost: 20 points.

[b][i]Force Barrier Generator[/i][/b]: This device, a green metallic cube 5 inches per side, can be used to generate a powerful protective force screen.   Archeville can alter the shape of the field to be a straight line, a ring, a square, or whatever.
Force Wall (8 PD/8 ED; 3” long and 2” high) (46 Active Pints); OAF (-1).  
Total Cost: 23 points.

[b][i]Krake Harness, v1[/i][/b]: Archeville often finds he needs an extra arm or two to help him in his experiments.  This stainless-steel waist-harness gives him those arms.  The four prehensile, electrically-powered titanium-niobium tentacles are attached to a stainless steel waist harness, which has an inner lining of lamb’s wool (for comfort).  Each tentacle is five inches in diameter, approximately two feet long at full contraction, and can extend to a maximum of six feet.  Each tentacle ends in three single-jointed pincers, which are able to rotate in relation to he arm 360 degrees in a screwdriver-like twisting motion.  Each tentacle segment contains four high-efficiency electric motors equipped with a clutched, helical-gear train, independently mounted on frictionless gimbals and housed in four thing, overlapping layers of titanium-niobium steel.  Electrical power is provided via Archeville‘s Kraftwerk.  Krake is German for “squid.”
Extra Limbs (4) (5 Active Points); OIF (-½) (total cost: 3 points) plus +40 STR 
(40 Active Points); OIF (-½), No Figured Characteristics (-½), Only With Extra 
Limbs (-½) (total cost: 16 points).  Total cost: 19 points.

[b][i]Personal Omnishield Generator[/i][/b]: A device that can be added to Archeville’s gravimetric belt and provide added protection.
Force Field (10 PD/10 ED/5 Mental Defense/5 Power Defense) (30 Active 
Points); OIF (-½).  Total Cost: 20 points.

[b][i]Synaptic Interference Generator[/i][/b]: This pistol can cause severe disruption in a target’s synapses, causing weakness, vertigo, and slowed reaction time.
Drain Strength 1d6, Ranged (+½) (15 Active Points); OAF (-1) (total cost: 8 
points) plus Drain Dexterity 1d6, Ranged (+½) (15 Active Points);  OAF (-1), 
Linked to Drain (-½) (total cost: 6 points) plus Drain Speed 1d6, Ranged (+½) 
(15 Active Points); OAF (-1), Linked to Drain (-½) (total cost: 6 points).  Total 
cost: 20 points.

[b][i]Theme Music (Leitmotif)[/i][/b]: Occasionally, Archeville will bring a special iPod into battle with him, re-wired to broadcast the music selections out rather than pipe them through a set of headphones.  The combination of the rousing music, plus subtle subsonic alterations he’s made to his music recordings, allow him to more easily intimidate or persuade others.  He usually blasts Wagner’s Flight of the Valkyries, but has been know to play songs by Marvin Gay or Barry White.
+60 PRE (60 Active Points); Limited (Hearing Group Flash Defense applies, and 
ineffective against deaf targets; -1), Only for Presence Attacks (-½), OIF (-½).  
Total Cost: 20 points.

[b][i]Thermoptic Camouflage[/i][/b]:  Inspired by various Japanese developments (both in the military and in certain anime movies/series), this device allows Archeville to become invisible to both normal vision and infrared perception.  The device looks something like a hooded trenchcoat.
Invisibility to Sight Group and to Infrared Perception, No Fringe (30 Active 
Points); IAF (-½).  Total Cost: 20 points.

[b][i]Tractor Beam[/i][/b]: This gauntlet, made of alternating bands of gray and blue metal and sized and shaped for Archeville’s right hand, uses gravitic manipulation to move objects (up to 400 kg) at a distance.
Telekinesis (20 STR) (30 Active Points); OIF (-½).  Total Points: 20 points.

[b][i]Vari-Pistol[/i][/b]:  This decidedly ultra-tech weapon can be used to fire a wide variety of low-level energy beams, allowing Archeville to best take advantage of a foe’s vulnerabilities.  He can alter not only the types of energy it fires, but also practically any aspect of it’s function, setting it to a wide-angle setting (Area of Effect), making it NND to bypass a foe’s known defenses, and so on.
EB 2d6, Variable Advantage (+1 Advantages; +2), Variable Special Effects (+½) 
(35 Active Points); OAF (-1).  Total Cost: 18 points.


Comments, questions, and criticisms are welcome -- it's the only way I'll learn ;)

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Re: [Char] Doktor Archeville


How is Scientist a social lim?


Have you ever seen a scientist trying to socialize? Very sad. :P


Though on a more serious level, given consider that his soc. lim isn't Scientist - it's Walking Talking Mad Scientist Cliche. So I'd say that the occasional mob of pitchfork wielding peasants forming in downtown LA is worth a few points of soc. lim., myself. ;)


BTW - rep for the name alone. I like him!

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Re: [Char] Doktor Archeville


Out of curiosity' date=' how is "scientist" a social limitation?[/quote']

You'd have to ask the guy who made that "Scientist" package, but I'd imagine it's playing to the fact that Scientists (in comics and most forms of fiction, at least) tend not to do well in social situations, and are often overlooked in favor of Actors/Actresses, Sports Figures, and other Celebrities.


Also may I recommend adding a roller skate based power and "dislike of living giant robots" quirk.

I definitely get the second references (the 'handle' I use here, and in most other forums, is the one I've been using for over a decade, when I first started exploring the 'net, and the first sites I came across were Transformers fan messageboards where most everyone had a handle based on a TF character), but admit to not getting the first. Only roller skate-like gadget that comes to mind were Iron Man's Retractable Rocket Skates.

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Re: [Char] Doktor Archeville


How is Scientist a social lim?


Have you ever seen a scientist trying to socialize? Very sad. :P

Yeah, they're either painfully awkward, or are inhumanly smooth (in which case you've got a Mad Psychologist or Sociologist on your hands, and s/he's subtly twisting you to their nefarious ends ;) ).


Though on a more serious level' date=' given consider that his soc. lim isn't Scientist - it's Walking Talking Mad Scientist Cliche. So I'd say that the occasional mob of pitchfork wielding peasants forming in downtown LA is worth a few points of soc. lim., myself. ;)[/quote']

He's actually got two soc limits, the Sco Lim: Scientist (folded into the Scientist package under skills), and the "Walking Talking Stereotype (Mad Scientist)" one. Though, looking back on him now (I've not looked at this sheet in many months), I probably shouldn't have "doubled up" like that....


BTW - rep for the name alone. I like him!

Thanks :D

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Re: [Char] Doktor Archeville


I definitely get the second references (the 'handle' I use here' date=' and in most other forums, is the one I've been using for over a decade, when I first started exploring the 'net, and the first sites I came across were [i']Transformers[/i] fan messageboards where most everyone had a handle based on a TF character), but admit to not getting the first. Only roller skate-like gadget that comes to mind were Iron Man's Retractable Rocket Skates.


In the Transformers season one cartoon episode "Countdown to Oblivion", Starscream and Dr.Archeville are on Cybertron. Starscream orders Dr.A to Earth to fix the planet destroying bomb. Dr.Archeville replies, "How do you expect me to get to Earth? On my roller skates?!"


OK I may not have the quote exactly right, but I know he made the roller skate reference. I won't dig out the DVD and watch it again. I'm not that much of a nerd.


Great character, Dr. Arch-evil-le!

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Re: [Character] Doktor Archeville


Looks cool Dr A :)



Bah ... like he's the only one ;)

What? There are others who would dare to play another superhero game? and *gasp* go to their website?



Alright, bring me the heathens! Every one of them! I'll execute them on the spot!

I'll...I'll...Atomic Thinktank you say?

...sounds familiar...



oh well, Kill the heathens.



Hey. where'd those pitchforks come from?

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Re: [Character] Doktor Archeville


In the Transformers season one cartoon episode "Countdown to Oblivion", Starscream and Dr.Archeville are on Cybertron. Starscream orders Dr.A to Earth to fix the planet destroying bomb. Dr.Archeville replies, "How do you expect me to get to Earth? On my roller skates?!"


OK I may not have the quote exactly right, but I know he made the roller skate reference. I won't dig out the DVD and watch it again. I'm not that much of a nerd.

Ha! I bow to (and give rep for) your greater KS: Transformers Trivia!


Great character' date=' Dr. Arch-evil-le![/quote']

Or Arche-Ville, "old town" (Old One Town?) ;)



Hey. where'd those pitchforks come from?

S-Mart. 2-for-1 sale.

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Re: [Character] Doktor Archeville


For the "Standard" 350 point version, and looking at the Quick Superhuman Generator in the Champions genre book, I was thinking of going with the Checklist Hero and All-Terrain power sets, and have them either be in one OIF (a suit of power armor), or in lots of gadgets spread about him (Armor & some Life Support in an IIF Labcoat, growth & shrinking in OIF rings/bracers, ranged attacks in some OAF blasters, et cetera) (though I'm not 100% sure that'd be allowed, so I've asked Steve). Brain & Will set for Characteristics, and either Scientist or Technicians for the Skills/Perks/Talents set.

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Re: [Character] Doktor Archeville


Okay, here's the new 600 point version of Dr. Archeville for the West Coast rangers game (set in the Champions Universe, current era), in both .doc and HDv2 files.


Background and Personality are largely the same. A few changes to his powers and appearance, though.


[b]Powers/Tactics[/b]: Archeville’s possesses one of the most advanced minds on Earth, which makes him a master of a variety of scholarly and scientific fields, from acoustics to zoology, and to quickly grasp the meanings of most languages.  His work stands far ahead of the efforts of most other researchers, allowing him to produce gadgets, machines, and computers more advanced than any in the real world, and in some cases more advanced than even cutting-edge technologies seen in the Champions world (hence the Advanced Technology perk).
Archeville is also skilled at using mundane items to produce highly effective gadgets and gear.  Using baling wire, duct tape, circuit boards, and a TV, he could produce a laser rifle, a hologram projector, or some other gadget.  With access to a standard janitorial closet, he could create potent corrosives and various types of bombs.  If he has sufficient raw materials on hand, he can produce nearly any kind of technological gadget.  These items last for a short time before their jury-rigged construction fails (the TV he uses to project an illusion burns out from the strain placed on it, or the crude laser pistol’s barrel melts).  When given time and proper tools, Archeville can create even more impressive devices.
(In game terms, Archeville has a large Variable Power Pool, but a third of it only applies if he has time to make extensive preparations, perform test runs, and the like.  His basic Pool requires 1 Turn to 1 Minute to change, so he can’t alter his current allotment of gadgets in mid-battle, but he can make standard preparations for a mission or a fight fairly quickly.  His gadgets either contain Charges or draw off his Endurance Reserve, not his personal END.)
When he embarks on a mission, he always has a number of completed tools on hand that could prove useful, including a energy pack (his Kraftwerk, or “power plant”) to power them.  His power armor, an incredibly advanced suit, contains a dizzying array of abilities, reflecting Archeville’s tendency to favor broad generalizations over tight specializations, and defense slightly over offense.  The suit allows him to fire a wide variety of energy blasts or ensnaring tanglewebs, grow to gigantic size or shrink down to less than a foot in height, provide assorted visual enhancements, and provide potent defenses against most attacks.  The suit also allows him to move about in most environments.
[b]Appearance[/b]: Archeville’s power armor – which is not much bulkier than normal clothing thanks to nanotechnological breakthroughs – is snow white, with silvery-grey breastplate, vambraces and boots and golden pauldrons in the shape of eagle’s heads.  Over it all he wears a forest green cloak.  His head is covered by a distinctive silvery-grey gold-edged open-faced helm (it looks like Magneto’s).  (More than one person has made an off-hand comment that Archeville’s armor sorta resembles Dr. Destroyer’s, which secretly concerns him since the aesthetic design elements came to him in his dreams, and he fears it’s his subconscious telling him he is to be the next World-Class Threat.)  
Out of his armor, Archeville’s strong Aryan features would’ve made him a prized nab for the Nazi Party, had he been born forty years earlier.  His alabaster skin, thin and imperial nose and lips, and cheeks cut of marble make for a regal face.  His eyes are Rhine-blue & carry the wolf’s glare, and his hair is silky and golden, falling down past his shoulders.  When “off-duty,” Archeville usually wears sturdy black rubber-soled boots, black or dark blue khaki pants, a short-sleeved shirt (usually solid red, blue, green, or purple), and a white lab coat.  He stands 5’10” (1.78 meters) and weighs 180 pounds (81.65 kg).


Dr. Viktor Archeville
Val	Char	Cost	Roll	Notes
15	STR	5	12-	Lift 200 kg; 3d6 [1]
15	DEX	15	12-	OCV: 5/DCV: 5
18	CON	16	13-
13	BODY	6	12-
33	INT	23	16-	PER: Roll 16-
23	EGO	26	14-	ECV: 8
23	PRE	13	14-	PRE Attack: 4½d6
14	COM	3	12-

8	PD	5		Total: 17 PD (12 rPD)		32 PD (27 rPD) w/ FF
7	ED	3		Total: 15 ED (12 rED)	30 PD (27 rPD) w/ FF
4	SPD	15		Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
11	REC	8
36	END	0
30	STUN	0		Total Characteristics Cost: 80

Movement:	Running:	6”/12”
	Flight		15”/30”
	Swimming	20”/40”

Cost	Powers									END
80	Improvised Gadgets: Variable Power Pool (Gadgets Pool), 60 base 		
+ 30 control cost; Focus (all slots must have at least -1/2 worth of this 
Limitation; -1/2)								var
38	Prepared Gadgets: Variable Power Pool (Gadgets Pool), +30 base + 	
+15 control cost; Focus (all slots must have at least -1/2 worth of this 
Limitation; -1/2), Takes Hours To Change (-1/4), Can Only Be 	
Changed In Archeville's Laboratory (-1/2)					var
16	Kraftwerk: Endurance Reserve (100 END, 10 REC); OIHID (-1/4)
72	Checklist Utility Suit: Multipower (90-point reserve); OIHID (-1/4)
5u	1) Deadly Attack: RKA 4d6; OIHID (-1/4)					6
4u	2) Defense Shield: Physical and Energy Damage Reduction, 			Resistant, 50%; OIHID (-1/4)							0
2u	3) Enhanced Personal Defenses: Force Field (15 PD/15 ED); 		
OIHID (-1/4)									3
1u	4) Heat Sensing: Infrared Perception (Sight Group); OIHID (-1/4)		0
2u	5) Improved Reach: Stretching 4"; OIHID (-1/4)				6
3u	6) Intangibility: Desolidification (affected by electrical and radiation 		
attacks); OIHID (-1/4)								4
7u	7) Multiphasic Power-Blast: Energy Blast 12d6, Variable Special 		
Effects (any; +1/2); OIHID (-1/4)						9
3u	8) NBC Safety: Life Support: Safe in High Radiation, Self-Contained 	Breathing, Immune to all Terrestrial Diseases and Biowarfare Agents, 
Immune to all Terrestrial Poisons and Chemical Agents; OIHID (-1/4)	0
1u	9) Radar: Radar (Radio Group); OIHID (-1/4)				0
4u	10) Size Increase: Growth (+45 STR, +9 BODY, +9 STUN, -9 KB, 		
41,984 kg, -6 DCV, +6 PER Rolls to perceive character, 14 m tall, 		
7 m wide); OIHID (-1/4)							4
2u	11) Size Reduction: Shrinking (.2225 m tall, 0.1602 kg mass, -6 to 		
PER Rolls to perceive character, +6 DCV, takes +9 KB); OIHID (-1/4)	3
4u	12) Stealth Screen: Invisibility to Hearing, Radio and Sight Groups, 		No Fringe, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4); OIHID (-1/4)		2
2u	13) Tangleweb Projector: Entangle 5d6, DEF 5; 6 Boostable 		Charges (-1/2), Limited Range (50”; -1/4), OIHID (-1/4)			[6 bc]
4u	14) Tractor Beam, Advanced: Telekinesis (30 STR); OIHID (-1/4)		4
1u	15) UV Sensing: Ultraviolet Perception (Sight Group); OIHID (-1/4)	0
1u	16) Visual Magnification: +12 versus Range for Sight Group; 			OIHID (-1/4)									0
29	Toughness: Armor (12 PD/12 ED); OIHID (-1/4)			0
6	Environmental Immunity: Life Support (Safe Environment: Intense 	
Cold, Intense Heat, High Pressure, Low Pressure/Vacuum); 			OIHID (-1/4)									0
20	All-Terrain Travel: Multipower (60-point reserve); OIHID (-1/4)
1u	1) Digging: Tunneling 2" through DEF 2 material; OIHID (-1/4)		1
2u	2) Flying: Flight 15"; OIHID (-1/4)						3
2u	3) Glide-Capable: Gliding 30"; OIHID (-1/4)				0
1u	4) Swims Like A Fish: Swimming +18" (20" total); OIHID (-1/4)		2
1u	5) Wall-Walking: Clinging (normal STR); OIHID (-1/4)			0
7	Comm Suite: HRRP (radio Group); Sense Affected As Sight and 	
Hearing Groups As Well As Radio Group (-1/2), OIHID (-1/4)		0

2	Contribution to WCR Base
15	Highly Skilled Inventor: Advanced Tech
5	Money: Well Off

3	Analytical Mind I: Absolute Range Sense
3	Analytical Mind II: Absolute Time Sense
3	Analytical Mind III: Bump of Direction
5	Analytical Mind IV: Eidetic Memory
3	Analytical Mind V: Lightning Calculator
4	Analytical Mind VI: Speed Read (x10)
20	Analytical Mind VII: Universal Translator 16-

20	+2 Overall

Everyman Skills (Cost: 0 points)
0	1) Acting 8-
0	2) Area Knowledge: Germany 11-
0	3) Climbing 8-
0	4) Concealment 8-
0	5) Conversation 8-
0	6) Deduction 8-
0	7) Language Skill: German (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)
0	8) Persuasion 8-
0	9) PS: Scientist 11-
0	10) Shadowing 8-
0	11) Stealth 8-
0	12) Transport Familiarity: Small Ground Vehicles

3	Analyze Technology 16-
3	Computer Programming 16-
3	Electronics 16-
3	Inventor 16-
3	Language: English (completely fluent; German is native)
3	Mechanics 16-
3	Scholar
2	1) KS: Earth’s Superhumans 16-
2	2) KS: Superpowers 16-
2	3) KS: The Superhuman World 16-
3	Scientist
1	1) Biology 11-
1	2) Chemistry 11-
1	3) Earth Sciences 11-
1	4) Engineering 11-
1	5) Health Sciences 11-
1	6) Mathematics 11-
1	7) Physics 11-
1	8) Social Sciences 11-
3	Security Systems 14-
3	Systems Operation 14-
3	Teamwork 12-

10	DNPC: Heinrich Archeville (father) 8- (Normal)
10	Enraged: when someone dismisses his theories, ideas or suggestions 
(Uncommon), go 8-, recover 11-
10	Hunted: Donors, 8- (As Powerful, NCI, Watching)
20	Hunted: Governments, 11- (More Powerful, NCI, Watching)
20	Psychological Limitation: Code Versus Killing (Common, Total)
15	Psychological Limitation: Dislikes Magic (Common, Strong)
15	Psychological Limitation: Easily Infatuated With Female Battlesuit & Gadgeteer 
Heroines & Villainesses (Common, Strong)
15	Psychological Limitation: Fascinated By Advanced Tech (Common, Strong)
15	Psychological Limitation: Megalomaniac (Very Common, Moderate)
5	Psychological Limitation: Must Redeem Family Name & Reputation 
(Uncommon, Moderate)
15	Psychological Limitation: Noblesse Oblige – Wants To Lead Humanity To A 
New Era (Common, Strong)
15	Psychological Limitation: Scientific Curiosity (Common, Strong)
5	Reputation: From a Family of Lunatics (Extreme, Known Only to Inhabitants of 
the Black Forest) 8-
5	Rivalry: Professional Rivalry With Other High Technologists
10	Social Limitation: Held to a Higher Standard (Frequently, Minor)
15	Social Limitation: Public Identity (Dr. Viktor Archeville) (Frequently, Major)
Total Disadvantage Points: 200

Characteristics Cost:		137	Base Points:			400
Powers Cost:			325	Points from Disadvantages:	200
Skills/Perks/Talents Cost:	138	Experience Spent:		0
Total Cost:			600	Total Points: 			600


[b]Example Powers for [i]Gadgets[/i] Power Pool[/b]
Here are some examples of devices Dr. Archeville might build with his Gadget Pool.  For more ideas, see the Equipment Guide and Gadgets & Gear.

Bio-Enhancer: This device takes the form of a large table with numerous energy projectors surrounding it, and a computer console on one side.   Subjects lying on the table are showered with energy, artificially stimulating a body’s natural healing processes to its ultimate extent.  This boosts metabolic rates and cell reproduction, effecting faster healing.  German name: Bio-Vergrößerer.
Simplified Healing 8d6 (standard effect: 28 STUN and 8 BODY), Can Heal Limbs 
[85 Active Points]; OAF Immobile (-2). Total Cost: 30 points.

Blink-Box: This flat device clips onto Archeville’s breastplate. It allows him to warp the gravitational attraction between his own molecules, thus allowing him to become intangible for microseconds at a time.  Though the effect does not last long enough to allow him to travel through walls, it does allow him to reflexively render himself intangible long enough for many attacks to bypass him.
+11 DCV [55 Active Points]; Costs Endurance (-½), OIF (-½), Ineffective vs. 
Attacks that can Affect Desolidified (-¼). Total cost: 24 points.

EMP Generator: Archeville loves advanced technology, and is loathe to damage any tech, but realizes that it is often best to take out a foe’s devices before they do more harm.  German Name: EMI Gewehr (Elektromagnetisches Impuls Gewehr).
Dispel 16d6, any Electrical Device one power at a time (+¼) [60 Active Points]; 
OAF (-1).  Total Cost: 30 points.

Gjallahorn: While reading up on Norse Mythology, Archeville came across the tale of Heimdall’s powerful Gjallahorn.  In a fit of pique, Archeville made a technological item that resembles the mythical item.
Hearing Group Flash 8d6, Area of Effect (7” Cone; +1), Does Knockback (+¼) 
[54 Active Points]; OAF (circuitry-covered horn; -1), Increased Endurance Cost 
(x2 END; -½), No Range (-½).  Total Cost: 18 points.

Glatt:  With a few moments mixing together various household cleaning supplies, Archeville can whip up a mixture many times slipperier than normal soapy water.  He can then either simply spill out the contents from his mixing bucket, or fill balloons with them to throw at foes.  Glatt is German for “slick.”
Entangle 2d6, 2 DEF, Area of Effect (3” Radius; +1), Takes No Damage from 
Attacks (+½) (50 Active Points); Cannot Form Barriers (-¼), 4 Charges (-1), 
OAF (-1), Range Based on STR (-¼), Vulnerable (to any attack that creates a 
physical effect which gives the victim something to grab hold of; -½).  Total cost: 
12 points.
Change Environment 8” radius (normal hard surfaces to extremely slippery hard 
surfaces), -4 to DEX Rolls to move on [29 Active Points]; OAF (sprayer; -1), 
Only Affects Characters Who Are Moving On the Ground (-¼), 4 Continuing 
Charges lasting 5 Minutes (-0).  Total Cost: 13 points.

Multisyringe: This handheld device contains an extensive supply of different medicines Archeville can inject into a sick person to cure him.  The Activation Roll represents the fact that the multisyringe might not have quite the right medicine for a specific illness (or a specific species); if Archeville knows in advance what illness or species he may encounter, he can load the syringe with the appropriate medications (thus removing the Activation Roll).  Note the multisyringe does not provide any sort of Healing -- it simply stops the course of a disease or illness.  Characters who have lost BODY, STUN, or other Characteristics to an illness must recover them normally, or with the help of other medical technology or such.
Minor Transform 6d6 (standard effect: 21 BODY) (sick persons into well persons) 
[60 Active Points]; OAF (-1), Activation Roll 11- (-1), No Range (-½), All Or 
Nothing (-½), Limited Target (sentient beings; -¼).  Total Cost: 14 points.
Minor Transform 6d6 (standard effect: 21 BODY) (sick persons into well persons) 
[60 Active Points]; OAF (-1), No Range (-½), All Or Nothing (-½), Limited 
Target 	(sentient beings; -¼).  Total Cost: 18 points.

Personal Sensor Unit: This handy device includes spectrographic scanners to analyze materials, a battery of electromagnetic radiation detectors, and a powerful built-in analytic computer.  Scanning takes some time, but the results can be recorded for study later.
Detect Electromagnetic Energy and Physical Objects 16- (Radio Group), 
Analyze, Discriminatory, Range [37 Active Points]; OAF (-1), Requires a Systems 
Operation Roll (-½), Affected As Sight And Hearing As Well As Radio Group (-½) 
(total cost: 12 points) plus Eidetic Memory [5 Active Points]; OAF (-1), Requires 
a Systems Operation Roll (-½), Only to Remember Things Detected (-½) (total 
cost: 2 points).  Total Cost: 42 Active Points, 14 Real Points.

Portable Tailor: This small device can alter clothes into any other type of clothing.  It cannot grant the clothing any unusual or protective properties; it can only change their appearance.
Cosmetic Transform 2d6 (clothing into any other clothing, heals back through 
another application of this power), Improved Results Group (any type of clothing; 
+½) [12 Active Points]; OAF (-1), Limited Target (clothes; -½), No range (-½).  
Total Cost: 4 points.

Power Transducer: This device allows Archeville to quickly “juice up” electronic devices by transferring some of the energy from his own Kraftwerk Battery Pack.  In game terms, this is an Aid Endurance, restricted to the END of machines (typically as defined by an Endurance Reserve).
Aid Endurance 6d6 [60 Active Points]; OAF (-1), Others Only (-½), 
Technological/Electricity-Based END Only (-1), Only Restores to Starting Values 
(-½).  Total Cost: 15 points.

Reaction Augmentation System: This device – a collection of subsystems spread throughout his armor – enhances Archeville’s reaction time and speed.  However, forcing his body to move more quickly than normal requires a good deal of energy.
+3 SPD [30 Active Points]; Costs Endurance (-1/2), OIF (-1/2).  Total Cost: 15 

Security Tap:  This device, which resembles a typical PDA, can be used to tap into cameras and listening devices, allowing Archeville to see through other people’s cameras.  A more compact version if wrist-watch sized, and can actually be worn by Archeville.
Clairsentience (Sight and Hearing Groups) [30 Active Points]; Attack Roll 
Required (-¼), OAF (-1), Only Through Cameras and Listening Devices (-½).  
Total Cost: 11 points.
Clairsentience (Sight and Hearing Groups) [30 Active Points]; Attack Roll 
Required (-¼), OIF (-½), Only Through Cameras and Listening Devices (-½).  
Total Cost: 13 points.

Uber-Bacteria: Archeville, while researching various growth mutagens, discovered one that could mutate many forms of common bacteria into human-sized monstrosities.  Unfortunately, Archeville has yet to find a way to control the beasts, so for now they can only be used as “Scorched Earth” bioweapons.  See pp. 47-48 of the HERO System Bestiary for the deadly ooze character sheet, and it’s variants.
Summon two 276-point Deadly Ooze [60 Active Points]; 4 Charges (-1), Extra 
Time (1 Turn, Post-Segment 12; -1¼), OAF Fragile (vial of mutagen; -1½).  Total 
Cost: 13 points.
Summon 286-point Deadly Green Ooze [57 Active Points]; Common Limitations 
Listed Above (-3¾).  Total Cost: 12 points.

Uber-Kleber:  With a few moments mixing together various household cleaning supplies, Archeville can whip up a very powerful binary compound glue.  The glue comes in two parts, either a liquid and a powder or two liquids.  The first part of the compound is applied to (or perhaps painted on) whatever surface Archeville wishes to affect, and then the second part is dusted/sprinkled on.  The two compounds combine and create a powerful adhesive.  Uber-Kleber is German for “Super-Glue.”
Telekinesis (STR 20), Trigger (victim touches object painted with Glue; +¼) (37 
Active Points); 4 Charges (-1), Extra Time (1 Turn to prepare surface; -1¼), 
IAF Fragile (bottles and binary compound; -¾), Restricted Effect (only 
immobilizes body parts touching surface; -¼).  Total Cost: 8 points.
Telekinesis (STR 20), Trigger (victim touches object painted with Glue; +¼), 
Usable By Others (+¼) (45 Active Points); 4 Charges (-1), Extra Time (1 Turn 
to prepare surface; -1¼), IAF Fragile (bottles and binary compound; -¾), 
Restricted Effect (only immobilizes body parts touching surface; -¼).  Total Cost: 
10 points.

Universal Solvent:  With a few moments mixing together various household cleaning supplies, Archeville can whip up a corrosive liquid that can eat through nearly anything.
RKA 1d6, Continuous (+1), Penetrating (x2; +1) [45 Active Points]; OAF 
Fragile (solvent and container; -1¼), Ranged Based on STR (must throw Solvent 
or apply it by hand; -¼), 4 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Turn each (stopped by 
applying appropriate counter-agent; -½).  Total Cost: 15 points.

X-Ray Glasses: After a few simple chemical treatments to some ordinary sunglasses, Archeville can create a pair of short-lived X-Ray Specs.
N-Ray Perception (Sight Group; blocked by lead, gold, or Force Fields) [10 
Active Points]; IIF Fragile (-½), 1 Charge Lasting 5 Minutes (-¾).  Total Cost: 4 



(Yes, the new take on his Gadgetry VPP is inspired by the Ritual Magic vPP of The Demonologist (of the Devil's Advocates, in Arcane Adversaries).

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Re: [Character] Doktor Archeville


Of course, since I -- like Dr Archeville -- cannot resist tinkering with things, I've come up with an alternate version of him, one without the Multipower Power Armor, but with A) a lot more skills, and B) a few more gadgets, including a gravity manipulating belt (that allows him to fly and to create a protective force field), a tricorder-like sensor thingie, and goggles (which do not do nothing). ;)

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