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How would you do it?


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I've got a player in a game we're getting ready to start that wants a power that I'm not sure how to go about creating. Maybe you guys could help me out?


The character's premise is that he can go Desolid by jumping out of our current timestream and instead travelling in an unrealized, possible parallel 'now.' The effect he wants to create is that when he walks through another character he causes a sort of time flux that disorients them. He wants to be able to do this even (or more appropriately, mostly) when doing a full move.


I have a couple of rough ideas of how I might do this but I'm not happy with them. I'd really like to see how you all might 'solve' this problem. Thanks in advance.



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Re: How would you do it?


Interesting power, to say the least.


How I would do it is with a mental entangle, area of effect one hex, affects physical world, trigger (occupying the same hex as someone; activating trigger is an action that takes no time; trigger resets automatically).


That way you enter someone's hex while desolidified and the entangle hits them. Since it's AoE one hex it not only hits everyone in the hex but it's nearly impossible to miss with (since your own hex has a DCV of 0). Everyone hit by the power has to take some time to shake off the disorientation (break out of the entangle) before they can act again.

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Re: How would you do it?


Sounds like a NND EB. IIRC, two people can occupy the same hex, so it's usable. Now, if he wants to be invulnerable (desolid) while doing this, you have to buy the attack as Affects Physical World. Which would be very, very expensive.


As for with a full move, buy it as a normal NND EB, maximum range equivalent to how far the character moved that phase.

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Re: How would you do it?


Here was my first thought when I read that:


173 Time Shift: Sight, Hearing, Mental, Touch, Mystic, Radio and Smell/Taste Groups Flash 3d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Continuous (+1), Damage Shield (Offensive; Affects Mental And Physical Attackers; +1 1/4), Affects Physical World (+2) (259 Active Points); Linked (Desolidification; Lesser Power can only be used when character uses greater Power at full value; -1/2)


I bit costly but anything that affects the physical world while desolid is going to get up there quick. It flashes everything for a short period and there's some room to play with things.

Here would be the same thing as an entangle:


105 Time Shift II: Entangle 3d6, 3 DEF, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Damage Shield (Offensive; +3/4), Continuous (+1), Affects Physical World (+2) (157 Active Points); Linked (Desolidification; Lesser Power can only be used when character uses greater Power at full value; -1/2)

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Re: How would you do it?


Not tough.


1) He buys desolid normally. That he's stepping out of the timestream is in this case just SFX.


2) He buys an NND Hand Attack, Affects Solid World, at a total of (+1 advantage for NND and +2 for ASW) +3. Expensive, but it's a powerful ability and he'll get his point's worth from it. He doesn't get to add his STR damage to it unless he also buys ASW for his STR and Does Body for the HA (Steve's ruling on a similar power).


Now he can run through people and HA them to his heart's content.

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Re: How would you do it?


I wouldn't even bother with damaging powers, myself.


It disorients them, right? Doesn't hurt them, but makes them queasy/less able to react quickly?


DEX Drain, ASW, Damage Shield. Somewhere around +3.75 in Advantages, but handy, and adding limitations like 'only usable while desolid' can chip away at the cost a bit.

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Re: How would you do it?


Wow, thanks for all the input. I had basically combined Dreadnought and MilkmanDan's ideas and done it as a NND EB with trigger but some of the other suggestions have me considering other alternatives. The suggestion of a DEX drain, in particular, sounds interesting. Thanks again.



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Re: How would you do it?


So does that make it a "stun them or nothing" effect' date=' not actually doing STUN? Getting enough dice to ensure that gets the cost up VERY quickly.[/quote']



It's a "stun them or nothing" effect, but you don't need all that many dice if it's an NND.

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Re: How would you do it?


I wouldn't even bother with damaging powers, myself.


It disorients them, right? Doesn't hurt them, but makes them queasy/less able to react quickly?


DEX Drain, ASW, Damage Shield. Somewhere around +3.75 in Advantages, but handy, and adding limitations like 'only usable while desolid' can chip away at the cost a bit.


Just what I was going to say, although I would make it something like:


3d6 DEX Drain, ASW, Damage Shield

+3d6 DEX Drain, only when doing a full move


... or something to that effect.

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Re: How would you do it?


It's a "stun them or nothing" effect' date=' but you don't need all that many dice if it's an NND.[/quote']


If you've got NND and Affects Physical World on it, it's +3. If you want to Con-stun someone with a STUN of 20, that means you need six dice on average, so 120 active points worth. At 20 points a die, it's pretty darn expensive.

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