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Traveller-esque pre & between adventure advancement tables?


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Traveller-esque pre & between adventure advancement tables?


I want to do some random char generation for people coming into the game with prior experience, and also random experience generation between adventures, like traveller does with its previous experience tables.



Ive seen the hero/arduin char gen sys, its not so clear to me, as I do not have the orig arduin books to see how it works, and it comes close, but im not up to making my own.


I know the later runequest books have it, but again I cant use them.


Does any one have any/know of any tables like that for hero fantasy games?

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Re: Traveller-esque pre & between adventure advancement tables?


I dont remember seeing any for Hero, there was a book for Rolemaster that had a bunch of NPC's and some tables that might prove useful


I have all the old arduin books, what do you need help with?


for SF games, there was a game called Battlelords of the 23rd Century that had a bunch of tables for character backrounds.

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Re: Traveller-esque pre & between adventure advancement tables?


one thing I would suggest is to determine how many points the characters are allowed to spend on backround rolls. then work up some tables from there to start with


I would suggest keeping them to 5 or 10 pts maximum for most fantasy or SF games.


say 1 table for unusual backrounds

1 table for special items, they dont even have to be magical, a specially trained

pet or something, say a horse, dog, etc

1 table for character special abilities


you could also balance things by having the player roll or decide on a disadvantage worth the same points as the bonus.


I would offer to help work some tables up for you, but I kind of have my hands full with some other projects at the moment

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Re: Traveller-esque pre & between adventure advancement tables?


In The Labyrinth had some excellent "job tables" but I don't know what your odds are now of even FINDING a copy of In The Labyrinth...


Lucius Alexander


What do you expect, another palindromedary tagline?

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Re: Traveller-esque pre & between adventure advancement tables?


heres a couple of examples from Arduin

they have seperate tables for Fighter, Mage, Cleric, Rogue, and Other:


01-02. Proficiency with Longswords: +1 with HTH Combat (5 Active Points); Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (-2 saves etc vs cold and disease; -1/2)


11-12: Proficiency with Maces and Flails: (Total: 9 Active Cost, 6 Real Cost) +1 with HTH Combat (5 Active Points); Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (-3 vs Sleep and Charm Spells; -1/2) (Real Cost: 3) plus +2 CON (4 Active Points); Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (-3 saves etc vs sleep and charm spells; -1/2) (Real Cost: 3)


most everything is a bit of good and a bit of bad

and are a D100 roll

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