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Se7en Write-ups


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Here is my first attempt at adapting characters from film. I love this movie and have seen it probably ten times. I own it on DVD and I once watched it end to end three times in a row. I was just in the zone that day.


Let me know what you think.


I wrote these guys as competent normals, within a few points. They are good at their jobs, but not superhuman.

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Re: Se7en Write-ups


First, William Sommerset:


Val	Char	Cost	Roll	Notes
10	STR	0	11-	Lift 100.0kg; 2d6
10	DEX	0	11-	OCV:  3/DCV:  3
10	CON	0	11-
10	BODY	0	11-
15	INT	5	12-	PER Roll 12-/14-
15	EGO	10	12-	ECV:  5
15	PRE	5	12-	PRE Attack:  3d6
12	COM	1	11-

4	PD	2		Total:  4 PD (0 rPD)
3	ED	1		Total:  3 ED (0 rED)
3	SPD	10		Phases:  4, 8, 12
4	REC	0
20	END	0
20	STUN	0	Total Characteristic Cost:  32

Movement:	Running:	5"/10"
                     Leaping:	      2"/4"
              Swimming:     2"/4"

Cost	Powers	END
7	We Have To Divorce Ourselves From Emotion...:  +15 PRE (15 Active Points); Only to defend against PRE Attacks (-1)
4	Very Observant:  +2 PER with Sight Group

5	Contact:  FBI Agent (Stinky Man) (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact) 11-
2	Fringe Benefit:  Local Police Powers
3	Fringe Benefit:  Police lieutenant
1	Fringe Benefit:  Weapon Permit (where appropriate)

7	Did The Kid See It?:  Analyze:  Motive 14-
3	Bureaucratics 12-
2	CK: The City 11-
2	Well-Read:  KS: Literature 11-
2	Well-Read:  KS: Philosophy and Religion 11-
4	KS: Criminal Law and Procedure 13-
4	KS: Law Enforcement World 13-
3	Criminology 12-
3	Concealment 12-
3	Conversation 12-
3	Deduction 12-
1	Familiarity:  Forensic Medicine 8-
3	Interrogation 12-
2	PS: Police Officer 11-
3	Research 12-
2	Well-Read:  SS:  Psychology 11-
3	Streetwise 12-
1	TF:  Small Motorized Ground Vehicles
4	WF:  Small Arms, Blades, Thrown Knives
9	Don't Even Start That Big Brain Of Yours Cooking...:  +3 with Criminology, Deduction and Research
4	+2 OCV with thrown switchblade

Total Powers & Skill Cost:  90
Total Cost:  122

50+	Disadvantages
0	Normal Characteristic Maxima
5	Age:  40+
10	Social Limitation :  Loner: "Anyone who spends a significant amount of time with me finds me disagreeable."   (Frequently, Minor)
5	Reputation:  "We are ell going to be real glad when we get rid of you, Sommerset. You know that. It's always these questions with you.", 11- (Known Only To Fellow Police Officer)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Cynical: "People don't want a hero, they want to eat cheeseburgers, play the Lotto and watch television."  (Very Common, Moderate)
10	Hunted:  City Police Department 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)
27	Experience Points :Thirty-Seven Year Veteran

Total Disadvantage Points:  122



Background/History: Detective Lieutenant William Sommerset is the main protagonist of the brilliant 1995 film Se7en, played by Morgan Freeman. He is partnered in the film by Detective David Mills, played by Brad Pitt.


Personality/Motivation: William Sommerset is an extremely experienced and efficient homicide detective. He is cerebral man, and he is methodical in his methods. However, he has seen so much human suffering in his thirty-seven years on the department, that he has become cyinical. Though this is a danger for anyone involved in the law enforcement career, it is particularly poignant in his case because he is also by nature a bit of a philosopher. He always asks the questions that other officers will not ask. He seems to want to understand the emotional underpinnings of every deviant act he is forced to bear witness to, yet he must also strive to maintain a detached, almost clinical view of his fellow man. His detachment makes him pretty much unflappable under normal conditions, and pretty hard to spook under trying circumstances. By his own admission, he can be a bit abrasive, especially when involved in an investigation.


Quote: Ernest Hemingway once wrote, "The world is a fine place and worth fighting for." I agree with the latter.


Powers/Tactics: Sommerset is a man nearing retirement age. I would say in his late fifties. He was probably once a bit stronger and faster, but his age is catching up with him. However, his incisive mind and his considerable experience are his main tools. There several scenes in the film that show that he knows his way around a switchblade knife. He is shown to be pretty handy at throwing it as well. In a lesser film, this would have come up as a major plot point, but in Se7en it was used more as a visual depiction of his quiet frustration with his surroundings. In a game, it might make a nice surprise attack. He also carries a 4" barrel .38 cal revolver, probably a Smith and Wesson.


Campaign Use: As a GM NPC in a Dark Champions game, or as a PC in a League of Extraordinary Gentlemen style game based on modern film sources. This write-up is meant to represent the character prior to the conclusion of the film Se7en. I do not imagine that he would still be involved in police work after the events depicted in the film. However, there might be some case big enough to bring him back from retirement.


Appearance: William Sommerset is an African-American man in his late fifties.


EDIT: OK I'm finally satisfied with it. Thanks for all the input. You guys are great.

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Re: Se7en Write-ups


Now, Detective David Mills


Val	Char	Cost	Roll	Notes
13	STR	3	12-	Lift 151.6kg; 2 ½d6 [3]
13	DEX	9	12-	OCV:  4/DCV:  4
13	CON	6	12-
10	BODY	0	11-
10	INT	0	11-	PER Roll 11-/12-
10	EGO	0	11-	ECV:  3
15	PRE	5	12-	PRE Attack:  3d6
18	COM	4	13-

6	PD	3		Total:  6 PD (0 rPD)
5	ED	2		Total:  5 ED (0 rED)
3	SPD	7		Phases:  4, 8, 12
6	REC	0
26	END	0
24	STUN	0	Total Characteristic Cost:  39

Movement:	Running:	8"/16"
              Leaping:	      2"/4"
              Swimming:     2"/4"

Cost	Powers	END
5	You've Read My Files, Right?. You've Seen The Things I've Done?:  +10 PRE (10 Active Points); Only to defend against PRE Attacks (-1)
4	Athletic:  Running +2" (8" total)	1
2	Observant:  +1 PER with Sight Group
7	Very Agile:  +2 with DCV (10 Active Points); Must be aware of the attack (-½)

2	Fringe Benefit:  Local Police Powers
1	Fringe Benefit:  Police officer
1	Fringe Benefit:  Weapon Permit (where appropriate)

1	Bribery 8-
3	Athletic:  Breakfall 12-
3	Athletic:  Climbing 12-
3	Concealment 11-
3	Deduction 11-
2	KS: Criminal Law and Procedure 11-
2	KS: Law Enforcement World 11-
3	Interrogation 12-
2	PS: Police Officer 11-
3	Shadowing 11-
3	Streetwise 12-
1	TF:  Small Motorized Ground Vehicles
2	WF:  Small Arms
2	AK: Upstate 11-
1	CK: The City 8-
3	+1 with small arms

Total Powers & Skill Cost:  59
Total Cost:  98

50+	Disadvantages
0	Normal Characteristic Maxima
10	Hunted:  City Police Department 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)
15	DNPC:  Wife (Tracy Mills) 8- (Incompetent)
20	Psychological Limitation:  Impatient, Easily Frustrated or Angered (Very Common, Strong)
3	Experience Points: Five Years in Homicide

Total Disadvantage Points:  98


Background/History: Detective David Mills is partnered with Detective William Sommerset in the film Se7en. The character is played by Brad Pitt. At the start of the film, he has just transferred to the city police department after many years of working "upstate", a presumably more suburban or rural area. Most of the film is set in a generic large city that could be anywhere on the East Coast or in the Midwest. Though he is an experienced and capable police officer, he does not have the level of professional maturity that Sommerset has.


Personality/Motivation: David Mills wants to make a difference in the world. He fought to be assigned to a busier area, so that he could work big cases. He is dedicated and highly motivated, though a little over his head in the case depicted in Se7en. Admittedly, the film shows a once in a lifetime case, that would try any investigator. He is by nature hotheaded and impatient. He is prone to losing his temper and acting out violently when frustrated. As Sommerset puts it, he feeds off his emotions. Though this does not always serve him well, it also makes him physically courageous and a very dogged adversary.


Quote: I don't think you're quitting because you believe these things you say. I don't. I think you want to believe them, because you're quitting. And you want me to agree with you, and you want me to say, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're right. It's all #@*&%ed up. It's a #@*&%ing mess. We should all go live in a #@*&%ing log cabin." But I won't. I don't agree with you. I do not. I can't.


Powers/Tactics: David Mills is younger and more athletic than his counterpart, and as a result he is more prone to physical action. He states that he has been involved in at least one shootout while on the job, and mentions other accomplishments. His physical stats are impressive for an essentially average guy. He engages in a long foot chase and running gun battle with John Doe in the second act of the film, and shows considerable speed and ability. His pistol looks like a Browning Hi Power 9mm to me.


Campaign Use: This write-up is meant to depict David Mills before the conclusion of the film. As in the film, he makes an excellent foil for Sommerset. It would be difficult to play him after the conclusion of the film, as I would imagine that he is in prison or some type of an insane asylum. As Sommerset's partner, he could be used in the same situations he could. Both characters are written as competent normals, give or take. Se7en's world has a strong sense of cinematic realism to it. No one, with the possible exception of John Doe, is depicted as being superhuman.



Appearance: This character is played by Brad Pitt. Enough said.


EDIT: I think I've got it just right now. At least to my mind. Thanks for all the input.

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Re: Se7en Write-ups


The more I think about it, I might have made Sommerset's INT and EGO too high. 15 and 15 might suffice. I also wonder if I could put Mills' DEX to 15. I might make those changes in the final draft.


EDIT: I made a few little tweaks to Sommerset. I decided 18 INT/EGO were to high, but I kept his skill rolls about the same. Just minor changes to make it feel more right to me.

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Re: Se7en Write-ups


What was you're thinking when you gave Mills 4 speed? And why did you up their defences? Where did they demonstrate being tougher or have more ED than normal?


Apart from those very minor quibbles I think they're good write-ups.


I thought Mills displayed some impressive foot speed and reaction time during the foot chase. He aborted to dodge twice after running to avoid a set shot from the bad guy.


The PD/ED scores come from the fact that he took a direct strike to the face with a pipe which, though it did stun him, it didn't knock him out. The Tough/Experienced Cop write up in Predators calls for 4PD/3ED. I could easily trim it back a few points. I will look at it again. I was acknowledging a little bit of the cinematic. Though the film is more realistic than most, these guys are more capable than their real world counterparts.


I might try my hand John Doe, but he would be more conjecture than anything. He seems to have any skill he needs to advance the plot.


Thanks for the input

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Re: Se7en Write-ups


I'll have to have a look at the film again, but if a 10 Str John Doe smacked Mills with a lead pipe he was probably doing 4d6 damage Max. I agree that is probably the PD that Mills displayed. He never lost teeth or had anything broken, he didn't need hospitalisation so I would go with 4 PD but ED? I don't think he demonstrated being able take a hit from a blowtorch.


Another thing, Brad Pitt is arguably the best looking bloke on the planet, is 18 Com high enough? :ugly:

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Re: Se7en Write-ups


I'll have to have a look at the film again' date=' but if a 10 Str John Doe smacked Mills with a lead pipe he was probably doing 4d6 damage Max. I agree that is probably the PD that Mills displayed. He never lost teeth or had anything broken, he didn't [i']need[/i] hospitalisation so I would go with 4 PD but ED? I don't think he demonstrated being able take a hit from a blowtorch.


Another thing, Brad Pitt is arguably the best looking bloke on the planet, is 18 Com high enough? :ugly:


I'm probably going to go with a 4PD/3ED for Sommerset and a 5/4 for Mills. I acknowledge that I might have gone point happy there. It may also be a taste thing. In my mind, I can see in-shape normal folk having 6 PD or ED. I think boxers and other tough guy types can have as high as 10 PD in "real life" without giving me pause.


By the way....funny.

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Re: Se7en Write-ups


I thought Mills displayed some impressive foot speed and reaction time during the foot chase. He aborted to dodge twice after running to avoid a set shot from the bad guy.


The PD/ED scores come from the fact that he took a direct strike to the face with a pipe which, though it did stun him, it didn't knock him out. The Tough/Experienced Cop write up in Predators calls for 4PD/3ED. I could easily trim it back a few points. I will look at it again. I was acknowledging a little bit of the cinematic. Though the film is more realistic than most, these guys are more capable than their real world counterparts.


I might try my hand John Doe, but he would be more conjecture than anything. He seems to have any skill he needs to advance the plot.


Thanks for the input


I wouldnt trim it back...or if I did I'd give him a level Combat Luck.




Oh, and nice write ups by the way.

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Re: Se7en Write-ups


Some people consider Morgan Freeman very good looking' date=' so his COM should be higher.[/quote']


I had a similar thought. I guess that I didn't in the end because it's hard for him to shine in this film in the looks department. After all, he's sandwiched between Brad Pitt and Gwyneth Paltrow for a lot of the movie. ;)


Thanks for the input.

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Re: Se7en Write-ups


There seems to be a growing concensus that 4 SPD is too high for Mills. I was thinking about it, and I came up with a another way to reflect his agility and footspeed. I thought that I could give him 3 SPD, add a few more inches of base running, and give him a limited "super skill."


Here it is:


7 Agile Dodge: +2 with DCV, Cannot be added to the DCV bonus for the Dodge maneuver (+0) (10 Active Points); Must be aware of the attack (-1/2)


In my mind, this is a slightly improved version of Dodge. Unlike a standard 5 point DCV level, it requires you to see the attack coming, so it cannot add to your DCV before halving when you are surprised. You also cannot use the levels if you actually take the time to dodge. Though the bonus is less that of a Dodge, it takes no time in game terms. This allows you to make full moves, or half moves combined with other half phase actions, while maintaning a better DCV score.


In practice, it might represent the quick peek technique Mills uses in the film, or a character's ability to rapidly change direction to avoid a blow. It doesn't work if you don't see it coming, as in the beat down John Doe gave Mills in the film.


This may be the solution to the 4 SPD issue, and I actually like it better. What do you think?

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Re: Se7en Write-ups


There seems to be a growing concensus that 4 SPD is too high for Mills.


Depends on your campaign standards. The CU allows ordinary, human martial artists to get up to SPD 7; Mike Surbrook gives Bruce Lee a 6. The Dark Champions sample protagonists are 3s and 4s, but there are more 4s.


The point being, what SPD means in the setting in which the character exists is what's important; it's an abstraction, like most Hero stats, and only really has meaning when compared to a standard.


Besides, if you have to buy up several things (running and DCV) to make up for a stat you're lowering (SPD), you might as well not lower the stat. IMO and all that.

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Re: Se7en Write-ups


I thought that I could give him 3 SPD, add a few more inches of base running, and give him a limited "super skill."


Here it is:


7 Agile Dodge: +2 with DCV, Cannot be added to the DCV bonus for the Dodge maneuver (+0) (10 Active Points); Must be aware of the attack (-1/2)


In my mind, this is a slightly improved version of Dodge. Unlike a standard 5 point DCV level, it requires you to see the attack coming, so it cannot add to your DCV before halving when you are surprised. You also cannot use the levels if you actually take the time to dodge... This may be the solution to the 4 SPD issue, and I actually like it better. What do you think?


You might want to consider the Flying Dodge Maneuver instead. It allows a full move with a +4DCV.


Mind you, it also requires Mills to buy other Martial Art maneuvers- he doesn't really feel like a "Martial Artist", and a superskill feels more appropriate.


I'd allow the DCV to be used with the dodge maneuver. The requirement that he is aware of the attacks is probably enough of a limitation. This is my humble opinion of course...

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Re: Se7en Write-ups


laspedgamer, this really excellent work. You put allot of thought into the character sheets and it shows. I wouldn't have thought of writing up characters from Se7en in Hero System but you've done a good job of showing how Hero can handle less cinematic settings.

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Re: Se7en Write-ups


Depends on your campaign standards. The CU allows ordinary, human martial artists to get up to SPD 7; Mike Surbrook gives Bruce Lee a 6. The Dark Champions sample protagonists are 3s and 4s, but there are more 4s.


The point being, what SPD means in the setting in which the character exists is what's important; it's an abstraction, like most Hero stats, and only really has meaning when compared to a standard.


Besides, if you have to buy up several things (running and DCV) to make up for a stat you're lowering (SPD), you might as well not lower the stat. IMO and all that.


You might want to consider the Flying Dodge Maneuver instead. It allows a full move with a +4DCV.


Mind you, it also requires Mills to buy other Martial Art maneuvers- he doesn't really feel like a "Martial Artist", and a superskill feels more appropriate.


I'd allow the DCV to be used with the dodge maneuver. The requirement that he is aware of the attacks is probably enough of a limitation. This is my humble opinion of course...



Between the two of you, you settled my mind. I wouldn't have a problem as a GM with the 4 SPD, but I went with the 3 SPD and a minor super skill. It feels right in the end, and it might make the build more useful to a greater number of people. He can still hold his own with this build.


I will allow the DCV bonus to add with the dodge maneuver, as it comes out to about the same as a Martial Dodge, so it isn't unbalancing. He doesn't have any martial maneuvers.


Thanks, guys.

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