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Retiring a Character


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Greetings Herophiles, it appears that I am being pressured into putting my Character into Semi Retirement. I created the Character in 06-06-1998 and he will probably get retired in the new year. I have become pretty attached to the Character and I am finding it hard to let go. Now I have some experience points to spend and an opportunities to exploit.


During the recent Megalosian Civil War in the north Sir Errandis Menelvagor and the Companions have brought down a Count and his Mercenary army, convinced another Count to change allegiance to the Emperor, and smash the army of a Rebel Duke and laid siege to his Castle.


Then he turned his attentions to the Rebel Earl to the East and broke the siege of Castle, freeing the Archbishop to rally his Duchy for the Emperor. He exposed the Earl's conspiracy and convinced another Duke to side with the Emperor. He brokered a Treaty between the Kingdom of Cardiel and the Empire of Megalos to aid Blockade Rebel Lords Ports and Sack the Eastern Earls Capital.


There is one Rebel Lord left to oppose the Emperor and he commands an army of Veteran.


Now it is his turn to face the Companions. Sir Errandis Menelvagor is looking towards the future. Once of his enemies joked about rewarding the Companions Lands and Title in the Black Woods.


The Black Woods largest forest in the Empire and infested with horrors from another world. my character has considered asking for his reward the Lands and Title as Lord of the Black Woods.


During the Civil War he has made enemies and allies alike in the Royal Court. he has voiced his desire to remain a Knight Errant and there by serve his Liege Lord and the Empire. He is going to try and manipulate his enemies into bringing about his greatest desire.


By ennobling him they force him into their arena an force him to play by their rules. The Emperor also assures that he has a handle on this powerful individual.


Strangely enough he is also being courted by the Prince of Cardiel who does not want to see such an individual in service to the Empire. He has Contacts through out the Empire and more friends than enemies at Royal Court and among the Nobility.


How would he go about manipulating events to gain his desire?







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My GM and the other Players have subtlety suggested I retire my character.


Errandis's Goals have remained the same since character creation. Only his methods have changed. On Yrth the Elves are a Dying Race. The Banestorm almost destroyed his people. The Black Woods and the war against the Horrors within cost his people the Powerful, their Champions, and the Brave.


The Black Woods lies within the borders of the Empire, but is avoided as the Horrors still infest it.


Lastly, has watched the younger races War and witnessed the destruction of Nature in their path. Like locusts they will leave nothing behind them, but lifeless rock. This is centuries away, but his people may not live to see it unless they become part of the world.


The Elves have no Kingdoms, no Kings, and no armies. They are scattered and struggle against the younger races to survive.


In order for his people to survive they must change and become part of this new world.


To that end. Sir Errandis seeks position and power within the Empire and through that hope to create place for his people, to teach the younger races to live in harmony with nature, and restore the Black Woods to their natural state.


So he will work with the Emperor to bring down this Rebel Duke and restore order to the Empire (Star Wars moment there eh ;) ). He will use all the political capital, friends and resources he possesses to become Lord of the Black Woods.


And build from there.



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Re: Retiring a Character


So, easy-peasy.


Call in your favours, accept your elevation to the nobility and ask for - as a fief - a chunk of the Black Woods and some adjacent land. Build a keep and start subduing the lands about. Your neighbours will like you for killing the horrors, the nobles will be happy because you are out of play - doing something useful in plain sight, but not meddling at court. Send out (subtly) a call for Elves to come and help you. That way you integrate them slowly into the local power structure, and give them a place to live, while at the same time training up a loyal powerbase if you ever need it.


And while the menfolk are out fighting horrors in the woods, you can console the hawt elf widows....


Sounds like a pretty good retirement to me.


cheers, Mark

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Re: Retiring a Character


Or, just let your GM NPC your retired character unfettered by concern -- knowing that a decade of play have built trust and mutual respect -- to help drive the needs of the campaign, while you enjoy the rich and well-earned rewards of a new character. :)

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Re: Retiring a Character


Also, if you are having difficulty letting go you could pull a Pendragon and play your character's son or other relative.


Or just use him as a mentor or ally figure.


As for getting the Black Woods perhaps a false prediction or prophecy whispered in certain hostile ears that states that Sir Errandis Menelvagor will meet his doom in those woods ... Or just a simple claim that he is afraid of this bane of his people.


If he wanted to be really elaborate then he could trick a group of enemies into letting him have the Forest by having some double agent or outside source suggest that these woods would be the ideal place for Errandis to have an 'accident' while fighting monsters. They think the whole thing is a cover for their assassination attempt and spend plenty of resources on hiring powerful mercenaries while he has infiltrated the group and makes sure that it meets plenty of monsters before being captured by his forces. Thus he, gets the land, weakens his enemies and gets some help in clearing out the area. Very tricky to pull off though.

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Re: Retiring a Character


Alternatively, Errandis could trick his enemies into "tricking" him and sticking him with the Forest rather than some other, more "desirable" lands.


Once it comes time to actually let go, I find it is best to employ the retired character as an NPC; an older Errandis would be the perfect patron for a new band of adventurers bent on helping to clean out the Forest. Once in a great while he can even emerge from retirement to help them out of a jam.

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Re: Retiring a Character


Some excellent ideas so far. Especially with the ideas on how to use my enemies.


On a side note he already Patron to two groups of Elves. The Rangers of Lebethron (His Allies among the Elven Clans/Tribes.) and the Marchwardens of Istarlond (Defenders of the Elven University of Magic inside a small section of the Black Woods they have already cleared of the Horrors.)


He teaches Magic and Younger Races Psychology while studying magic in Istarlond. Errandis is husband to Luthien. One of the Survivors of the Black Woods Wars. Though scarred mentally by the horrors within he recently achieved his goal of healing her and others in Body, Mind, and Spirit.


Through various means be is also Patron to the Bards of Eastern Yrth, 2 bands of Adventurers, and Orphanages in almost every city in the Empire. His list of Contacts startles the Imperial Ministry of ?? (Security).



Freaking Brilliant Hero Gamers?




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Re: Retiring a Character


Wow. In a way' date=' I'm rather envious. I've never had a character last that longer than 2 years. I either end up running the game or I got PCS'd to a new duty station, where I would find a new group and start fresh. If you did get the title to the Black Wood, would you clear it out, or make it a training ground for Adventuring hopefuls?[/quote']

Thanks Sweeper, for some reason I have duplicate posts, but I will answer cross post anyway.


His goal would be to work with the Elves already dedicated to wiping out the Black Woods Horrors, but I like how you think. ;)


Duplicate Thread -- Re: Retiring Characters




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