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Harry Dresden


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Can anyont tell me how to build Harry Dresden? If you don't know, he's the wizard/ detective star of a series of novels by Jim Butcher.

I'm just starting out and since I can't find anyone in the area who plays hero, I'm figuring it out by myself, so PLEASE explain how you did it.:help:

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Re: Harry Dresden


Can anyont tell me how to build Harry Dresden? If you don't know, he's the wizard/ detective star of a series of novels by Jim Butcher.

I'm just starting out and since I can't find anyone in the area who plays hero, I'm figuring it out by myself, so PLEASE explain how you did it.:help:


Darn, I *know* we've had threads about this before, but I can't track them down. Also look for the recent thread on how to convert fictional characters to HERO - Dresden was an example for some of those items. [Edited to add - try this thread as a starting point: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14299 And this is the converting characters thread: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=55200]


Some of it depends on how the game is going to be run. You could go with something as simple as KS: Magic and PS: Wizard at preposterously high levels and handwave the magic. (Although I think that would probably be *too* loose). Alternately, there's the Magic Power Pool option.

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Re: Harry Dresden


Darn' date=' I *know* we've had threads about this before, but I can't track them down. Also look for the recent thread on how to convert fictional characters to HERO - Dresden was an example for some of those items. [Edited to add - try this thread as a starting point: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14299 And this is the converting characters thread: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=55200']


Some of it depends on how the game is going to be run. You could go with something as simple as KS: Magic and PS: Wizard at preposterously high levels and handwave the magic. (Although I think that would probably be *too* loose). Alternately, there's the Magic Power Pool option.


Use this line instead: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=58595


It has the full article.

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Re: Harry Dresden


My knowledge of Dresden is currently rather limited but I would say many KS's on different types of ritual and magical beings then go with a magical VPP that requires a wizardry skill roll and use of variable foci.


Possibly consider a different pool for differing types of magic such as making potions.


Personally I think it would be more fun to Heroise Jim Butcher's Furies of Calderon series. And when I've finished all the hundreds of things I'm doing at the moment then I just might get around to that.

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Re: Harry Dresden


One of my players is doing a Harry Dresden homage in my long-delayed HCPD 13th District campaign.


One of the things I am having trouble modeling is Harry's difficulties with modern equipment, especially anything electronic. Apparently, his magic aura causes electronics to fry in his presence, unless he takes special precautions. I'm thinking this is a Dispel Electronics sort of effect, but I'm wondering if someone who is really familiar with the series can confirm I am on the right track.

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Re: Harry Dresden


One of my players is doing a Harry Dresden homage in my long-delayed HCPD 13th District campaign.


One of the things I am having trouble modeling is Harry's difficulties with modern equipment, especially anything electronic. Apparently, his magic aura causes electronics to fry in his presence, unless he takes special precautions. I'm thinking this is a Dispel Electronics sort of effect, but I'm wondering if someone who is really familiar with the series can confirm I am on the right track.


I might just do it as a Change Environment...

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Re: Harry Dresden


One of the things I am having trouble modeling is Harry's difficulties with modern equipment, especially anything electronic. Apparently, his magic aura causes electronics to fry in his presence, unless he takes special precautions. I'm thinking this is a Dispel Electronics sort of effect, but I'm wondering if someone who is really familiar with the series can confirm I am on the right track.
I would build it as:

Murphy-onic Field: 1d6 suppress technology, 0END +½, Persistent +½ Uncontrolled (deactivated by performing maintanence) +½, All technology Simultaneously +2, Area of Effect (2" Radius) +1; 27 Active; Always On -½, No Conscious control -2; Real cost: 8points


The name is a quote from a character in the book. Also some equipment might suffer a greater effect than normal which you might do as an additional limitation (probably either -0 or -¼ at most) and some things are resilient which would be represented as power defense with the -2 only for foci:

Murphy-onic resistance: 5 power defense; 5 active; Only For Foci -2; Real Cost: 2points


Hope this answers your problems. :)

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Re: Harry Dresden


I would build it as:

Murphy-onic Field: 1d6 suppress technology, 0END +½, Persistent +½ Uncontrolled (deactivated by performing maintanence) +½, All technology Simultaneously +2, Area of Effect (2" Radius) +1; 27 Active; Always On -½, No Conscious control -2; Real cost: 8points


The name is a quote from a character in the book. Also some equipment might suffer a greater effect than normal which you might do as an additional limitation (probably either -0 or -¼ at most) and some things are resilient which would be represented as power defense with the -2 only for foci:

Murphy-onic resistance: 5 power defense; 5 active; Only For Foci -2; Real Cost: 2points


Hope this answers your problems. :)

But since it screws him up, usually at the worst time (blowing out lights, car breaks down, computers crashing, no cell phone, cold showers) could it also be a disadvantage? Or does the limited controll he has over it cancel out the disadvantage? Defanitly got the disadvantage UNLUCK.

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Re: Harry Dresden


But since it screws him up, usually at the worst time (blowing out lights, car breaks down, computers crashing, no cell phone, cold showers) could it also be a disadvantage? Or does the limited controll he has over it cancel out the disadvantage? Defanitly got the disadvantage UNLUCK.
The No Conscious Control limitation covers the fact that it can hinder as well as help him and that he has limited if any control over the power.

when he is actively hexing machines I would say is a dispel.

Unluck would cover when the power works at an inconvenient moment like when his car "died" at the front of Bianca's house in the first book.

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Re: Harry Dresden


I've been running a Dresdenverse campaign for about six months. This is my take on the magic.


Magic Pools: Magic is extremely versatile and to capture this concept I have decided to use the Variable Power Pool for ALL mortal magic practitioners.


All spells within a Magic Pool must take All Powers Must Cost END (-1/4). Note: this should include spells that have charges such as Potions. It must require an expenditure of END to cast in all cases. I will not allow a spell to be purchased Reduced END as this seems contrary to JB’s writings.


All powers must take Spell (-1/2).


All VPPs must take the Side Effect: Magic Aura: 3d6 damage (only affects Technology near the character, randomly occurs unless the character becomes emotional then it always occurs; -½).

This is a quick and easy way to simulate the problems of a wizard around technology and the GM will be able to play around with it as the situation requires.

This Side Effect occurs more readily the more advanced the technology. Its effect is significantly lessened with tech before about 1950 according to the author. I have altered this somewhat to about 1945 and pretty much leave tech that old alone. Because of this, wizards tend to drive very old cars and can fly in very old planes. Also World War II radios and such can actually work without too much chance of them burning up. Of course I leave open the possibility of a burn out at a critical time just for the sake of the story.


As a more or less ‘free’ power I allow a wizard to make this Side Effect happen if he/she chooses. This represents JB’s regular use of a hex to fry technology. I consider this more of a Special Effect than power.


I came to a conclusion after reading the books that human magic is cast not from the mind but the will. Therefore I decided to use EGO as the basis for the skill required to actually cast a spell. I call this skill Force of Will It is 3 points and is EGO-based. Magic Research and the Magic Skill required to change spells of a wizard’s VPP remain INT-based. The EGO-based Force of Will does not mean magic has become a Mental Power; just that EGO is used to determine if a Spell is successfully cast.

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