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Wonder Woman


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Re: Wonder Woman


Rockin'! I've already repped you for the 350 point version, so I can't for the 250.


I like the Invisible Plane.


I've been playing about with Wonder Woman versions based on the Showcase Presents volume of her Silver Age stories. She's pretty awesome in those. She's almost as awesome in her Wonder Girl stories in the same book.


On the other hand, the version of Wonder Girl that appears in the Teen Titans volume is much more restrained. (There is, of course, the obvious question about whether or not it is the same Wonder Girl, but no distinction was made at the time.) I've half-designed a version of that character. Very simple and very cheap.


I don't have any problems with the Life Support in the 350 point version. The Silver Age stories gave her all kinds of neat abilities, explicitly including some degree of Life Support. I think she would have been in trouble in a vacuum, though.

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Re: Wonder Woman


Wonder Woman - Wikipedia



Wonder Woman - DC Comics



Wonder Woman - Cover Browser



Wonder Woman - DC Comics Wikia








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Re: Wonder Woman




The Wonder Woman Files


Thanks for that. I'd visited that site in the past, lost its URL, and couldn't find it again when I was looking yesterday.


I tend to build characters based on their earliest appearances. Most of the iconic characters were a lot less powerful at first than they became later. WW is no exception, despite a certain amount of hyperbole in the descriptions.


For example, the "faster than Mercury" comment is associated with a situation where she outruns a deer. Apparently, "faster than a deer" wasn't impressive enough. ;)


Another early story has her appearing to hit her top speed at 80mph.


Her strength seems relatively manageable too.


I may have a go at building her myself.

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Re: Wonder Woman


In the original comics, Wonder Woman lost her Amazon strength is a man linked her bracelets together with a chain. It mutanted to her being cuffed by a man.


She would also become enraged if the bracelets were ever removed.


Those disadvantages are in the 350 version.


Lynda Carter's Wonder Woman didn't have those weaknesses, but I included the magic belt as it was on the TV show.

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Re: Wonder Woman


One basic modification... I believe the Mental Radio should have what is, perhaps mislabelled, Clumbsy on the OAF. She pretty much had to stand there with the cord plugged into her tiara. Looks like she was at least 1/2 DCV.


At some point, her earrings that allow her to breathe anywhere should be added as well.

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Re: Wonder Woman


According to the Wonder Woman Encyclopedia mental radio messages could be sent by anyone without using a device, but could only be received with the OAF: Mental Radio. I considered using an activation roll to simulate someone actually receiving the message, but decided to leave that as a special effect and a (-0) advantage/disadvantage.


The Mental Radio was used for Wonder Woman, Steve, or Etta Candy to call for help, for for Wonder Woman and Paradise Island to communicate with each other.


I'll revamp Wonder Woman after Batman, adding more background skills, and better defining the Mental Radio.

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  • 4 months later...

Re: Wonder Woman


Typical Amazon


Val Char Cost

30 STR 20

18 DEX 24

18 CON 16

12 BODY 4

13 INT 3

11 EGO 2

15 PRE 5

16 COM 3

10 PD 4

8 ED 4

4 SPD 12

10 REC 0

36 END 0

36 STUN 0

Total Characteristics Cost: 97


Cost Skills

2 AK: Paradise Island 11-

5 CSL: HTH Combat +1

2 KS: Ancient History 11-

2 KS: Greek Pantheon 11-

4 Language: Native English [Ancient Greek Native]

2 PS: Amazon 11-

Total Skills Cost: 17


Cost Powers

9 Armor +6 PD +6 ED, Restrainable (-1/2), OIF: Bracelets (-1/2)

6 HA +2d6, HTH Attack (-1/2), No END (+1/2)

5 Leaping +5"

5 LS: Longevity [immortal]

11 Running +3", 4x NCM

Total Powers Cost: 36


Total Cost: 150


75+ Disadvantages

5 Enraged: When Bracelets are Removed 8-, Recover 14-

15 Hunted: Enemies of Wonder Woman (More Powerful) 8-

5 PhyL: STR 15 When Bracelets are Chained by a Man (Infrequently/Greatly)

20 PsyL: Heroic (Common/Total)

15 SocL: Secret Identity [Amazon]

15 Vuln: Surprise Attacks, 1 1/2x STUN (Very Common)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 150




This is a typical Amazon based on the TV version. The HA is Amazon training, the weaknesses are from the comic book version of Wonder Woman. I'm having them trained in the English language because the Queen may want to send them to America should the Princess run into trouble.

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