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A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine






The Kringle Kommando (a.k.a. "Rambo Claus") -- the guy who takes care of the ones who've

been really naughty. As you can tell from his accoutrements, he doesn't bother with putting

lumps of coal in the stockings of the ones who're on the Really Naughty List (:shock:).



(Inspired, of course, by The Arc's Santa Heckler & Koch pic.)




Major Tom 2009 :bmk:

Ho-Ho-Ho! Feuer Frei!

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine






No one -- not even Santa's elves -- knows who this mysterious elf is, or have

ever heard him called by name. They do have an unofficial name for him, though:

The Elf with No Name.


All that's really known about him is that he's the driver of the Kringle Kommando's

Battle Sleigh, and that he doesn't like anyone else messing with his ride at all. He

also speaks with a British accent, and is an expert martial artist as well. He's never

seen wearing anything other than what can best be described as an elven-style

business suit, all in black, and a pair of black sunglasses.




Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Actually, there are two different characters with that name. The first Snow Angel does indeed

have a writeup on Surbrook's Stuff, and the second is one of The Arc's character pics from a

few years ago (as to whether or not a writeup exists for his Snow Angel, I couldn't tell you).




Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Brother Jim: I just did a new pic of the Surbrook's Stuff Snow Angel over on the Fabrica site,

but when I tried to find a setting that would let me put a colored background behind the pic,

that's when I found out that there's no such function in the F2011 version of the creator.

Apparently, only the A/T-style Fabrica has that function (curses! foiled yet again by limited



On the other hand, I like how the hairstyle for her turned out this time (I went with some

different selections for this version, but kept the general look of her).




Major Tom 2009 :(

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


This is for Brother Jim and anyone else who might be interested in creating colored backgrounds

for their Fabrica pics. Although there's no function on the F2011 menus for creating color back-

grounds, there is a way to do it, but it takes a bit of time (and a lot of mouse-clicking as well).


What you have to do is to first go to the Symbolo/Symbols menu, and click the button until the

square comes up. Then you click on the enlargement button (the + sign) until the square is

about 1.5 to 2 inches square (or maybe a little bigger). You'll need to do this a total of 9 times

altogether, so be prepared for slightly tired clicker fingers.


Once you've got all 9 squares in place, pick the color you want to use for your background and

color them in (don't forget to use the Line function to make the black line border the same color

as the squares).


After you've got that out of the way, create your pictures as you normally would. Be warned,

though: if you've got items on your pic that you need to put in "back" of the image, be sure

to use the Layering button that only does one level at a time. If you use the button that puts

the item behind the image in one shot, you'll bury the item under the color background (I

found that out when I redid the pic of Snow Angel on the color background, and put her long

hair in back of the background; the first thought that went through my mind when that happ-

ened was that I'd somehow deleted the item).



I hope that everyone else who uses Fabrica 2011 to create their pics finds this of some use to





Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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