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New trick arrow!

Logan D. Hurricanes

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I'm watching Patent Bending, and they've come up with an idea that is either ingenious or completely insane: a crossbow that fires a live cat.


Now, foregoing the question of how to keep a quiver full of pussycats, how cool would this be? It would revolutionize the super-archer concept!


So, how to do this? Summon at Range? :think:

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Re: New trick arrow!


Summon has the disadvantage that once you launch the cat it's unable to act until it has a chance to reorient. Of course Followers could also work here, but you may need to buy limited extra STR, Only to Throw Cats.


Still, since the cat CLEARLY should be clawing, hissing and biting wildly as it streaks through the air, you may need some other power construct and simply use an enraged projectile cat as the SFX. For example:


Darkness to Sight/Hearing (Hissing cat stuck to the head)

Flash to Sight/Hearing (Cat spit in the eyes, screams in ear)

1 PIP RKA, Continuous, Uncontrolled (Claw/Claw/Bite/Rear Claw/Rear Claw)

Eantangle (Get this mother f@#$^ing cat of my mother f@#$^ing head!)

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Re: New trick arrow!


Summon has the disadvantage that once you launch the cat it's unable to act until it has a chance to reorient. Of course Followers could also work here, but you may need to buy limited extra STR, Only to Throw Cats.


Still, since the cat CLEARLY should be clawing, hissing and biting wildly as it streaks through the air, you may need some other power construct and simply use an enraged projectile cat as the SFX. For example:


Darkness to Sight/Hearing (Hissing cat stuck to the head)

Flash to Sight/Hearing (Cat spit in the eyes, screams in ear)

1 PIP RKA, Continuous, Uncontrolled (Claw/Claw/Bite/Rear Claw/Rear Claw)

Eantangle (Get this mother f@#$^ing cat of my mother f@#$^ing head!)


Oh God, the mental image that summoned up almost made do a spit-take all over the monitor. My cubemates in the office were wondering what had made me start chuckling evilly. ;)


Rep to you, sir. :thumbup:

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Re: New trick arrow!


Summon has the disadvantage that once you launch the cat it's unable to act until it has a chance to reorient. Of course Followers could also work here, but you may need to buy limited extra STR, Only to Throw Cats.


Still, since the cat CLEARLY should be clawing, hissing and biting wildly as it streaks through the air, you may need some other power construct and simply use an enraged projectile cat as the SFX. For example:


Darkness to Sight/Hearing (Hissing cat stuck to the head)

Flash to Sight/Hearing (Cat spit in the eyes, screams in ear)

1 PIP RKA, Continuous, Uncontrolled (Claw/Claw/Bite/Rear Claw/Rear Claw)

Eantangle (Get this mother f@#$^ing cat of my mother f@#$^ing head!)



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