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Stalking a superhero.


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Has anyone seen the music video to Infernal's single 'A to the B'?



It features a woman who clearly fancies the local superhuman and so keeps on getting into trouble e.g. jumping off buildings so that he will have to save her and show her some attention.


I think this would make an amusing sub-plot for a Champion's game. With one or more people rushing blindly into danger so they can get some time with the superhuman they're obsessed with.


It could be done for various different reasons though, perhaps a fanboy/fangirl really wants an autograph and can't think of a better way. Or a lonely old person sees this as a way of finding someone to talk to.


I suppose you would build this as a DNPC 'crazed stalker' - Incompetent.


Further twists could involve the stalker kicking up a fuss when they are saved by the wrong superhero. "You?!? You're not her! Put me back on that train line this instant!" Or even worse developing superpowers of their own. Teleportation, Telepathy, Mind Control and Flight would be particularly scary when wielded by such an obsessive character. "I teleported into your hidden base today and replaced all the pictures of that slut with pictures of me! Just to remind you that we should be together..." :nonp:

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Re: Stalking a superhero.


Didn't Lois Lane do that ALL the time to Superman back in the Golden Age hey-days of yore?


Which came up as a hilarious turnabout in 52:


Lois: What ever possessed you to jump out of a window to get someone's attention?

Clark: The memory of you asking me that with a straight face will last a lifetime.

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Re: Stalking a superhero.


I ran the stalker scenario in a PBEm game I co-GMed. A beautiful pizza girl was fixated on one of the city's superheroes. But there was also a uber-geek super-genius (38 years old and living in his mother's basement) who was obsessed with her. He built a 60-foot robot to whup the hero's butt to impress the girl and sweep her off her feet.

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Re: Stalking a superhero.


Dodge Bullets For Me.


I think this scenario, or possibly a running sub-plot, would work best for an acrobatic crime fighter.


Normally when a hero rescues a damsel from the mob, she helps to resolve the situation, by entering a witness protection program, or by staying out of the way in future, or in the worst case by getting herself killed. But this one is different. Her reaction is to obsess over the studly superhero who saved her. She loves seeing him in action, against fearsome odds, and she's convinced that whatever she does, Her Hero Will Save Her.


Since none of the bad men she used to be frightened of can hurt her - they can at most force her stud-god superhero into showing his invincibility against all odds, which she wants - she can go around to everybody she hates and provoke them all she pleases.


"Hey you! Yeah, Fat Tony, you ugly jerk - I'm gonna testify against you-hoo! Three strikes for you, Tony boy! Wanna know where I live now? Here's my card. Come around and visit me any time. Bring all your friends."


(Under her breath: "Here they come, handsome. Dodge bullets for me.")


She's actually doing a good job provoking very bad people into public mistakes...

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Re: Stalking a superhero.


Has anyone seen the music video to Infernal's single 'A to the B'?



It features a woman who clearly fancies the local superhuman and so keeps on getting into trouble e.g. jumping off buildings so that he will have to save her and show her some attention.

I had not seen this before now. Thank you. It's hilarious.


I think this would make an amusing sub-plot for a Champion's game. With one or more people rushing blindly into danger so they can get some time with the superhuman they're obsessed with.


It could be done for various different reasons though, perhaps a fanboy/fangirl really wants an autograph and can't think of a better way. Or a lonely old person sees this as a way of finding someone to talk to.


I suppose you would build this as a DNPC 'crazed stalker' - Incompetent.


Further twists could involve the stalker kicking up a fuss when they are saved by the wrong superhero. "You?!? You're not her! Put me back on that train line this instant!" Or even worse developing superpowers of their own. Teleportation, Telepathy, Mind Control and Flight would be particularly scary when wielded by such an obsessive character. "I teleported into your hidden base today and replaced all the pictures of that slut with pictures of me! Just to remind you that we should be together..." :nonp:


Either would make a fantastic sub plot, and I am SO ripping your idea off :) Rep on its way

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Re: Stalking a superhero.


Slightly off topic but . . .


I recall a story when Judge Dredd had a stalker. She wound up setting up a slide on the (I think) top floor of an old folks home and conning the eldsters to "play" on it, all so Judge Dredd would turn up and arrest her.


O'course, this being Judge Dredd, she's damn lucky he doesn't just shoot her and he certainly can't (won't) return her affections.


I can see how a scenario like this could be infuriating, amusing and exasperating, all in equal measure.


And any competent psychiatrist will tell you that the last thing that the stalkee should do is encourage his(her) stalker.

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Re: Stalking a superhero.


Going back to Fiducia's comment. This could be applied in some way or other to all of DC's hangers on. Jimmy Olsen in particular. "I can handle it, I can handle it... Ooops.... zeee, zeeee, zeee!"


Hmmm, in 'Watchmen' there's a panel where two heroes are discussing a bad guy who only robbed banks so he could be beaten up by the costumed hero. Got a sexual thrill from it. I wonder how many players would catch on to that little kink if you played it through a few sessions?

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Re: Stalking a superhero.


Reminds me of a character from a comic I have, "Guide to the Non-Existent Universe". In it there is a fellow called the Black and Blue Panther. He's a masochist and his costume is designed to expose the most sensitive and vulnerable parts of the anatomy. He was only successful because he could take so much abuse the bad guys would wear themselves out.

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