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Autoduel Champions! Accidently stumbled across someone selling a copy on eBay! I know our group had it, 'cause I recognized the cover, but I can't for the life of me remember ever actually using it. I know we were playing both games, but never together. It seems like it always was there for use during Champs character creation, though.


Ah, the memories of whole sessions spent on character (or car) creation...

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Re: Set the WayBack Machine for:


I tried to run an Autoduel Champions adventure for some friends, back in the day. Basically, it was intended to be John M. Ford's Alkahest in Hero System rules. I think we ended up with three characters who were 200 point supers with $30K cars that essentially wiped the bad guys up in one shot.


I might have my Champions writeups for the Alkahest villains around here somewhere.

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Re: Set the WayBack Machine for:


I've had a lot of that kind of stuff "turn up" in the last few years, including all of my 3E Champions stuff (really only the rules, Stronghold and CLOWN) after I'd gotten another copy of the rules, Stronghold, and a couple of other things from eBay.


We never really had "vehicle combat." Our GM just kind of winged it, on the rare occasions one of us tried to, say, run somebody over. Although, I did have to take some form of auto mechanic's skill with every character after essentially losing an argument wherein I insisted that I could change my oil in-character without said skill. (It was a non-plot point that derailed about half of the evening's gaming. I still feel like an @$$.)

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Re: Set the WayBack Machine for:


Loved that supplement. Used the rules so I could make my Ghost Rider ripoff character. I never got to play him becuase who wants to GM the guy on the motorcyle when everyone else is in an alley?


Still have the book, though! Somehow I no longer have CHampions !, 2 and 3 though. Drat!

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Re: Set the WayBack Machine for:


I still have every Hero System book I ever bought, starting in 1985 (with the exception of two copies of the BBB, given away to friends). A couple of them have gotten kinda ratty over the years (Champions II, Champions III, and first edition Golden Age of Champions have lost their covers and a few of the outside pages; the binding on Robot Warriors has split) but they're there. (I've seen copies of CII and CIII here and there for not too much; maybe next time I see one I'll grab it.)

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Re: Set the WayBack Machine for:


I should still have a copy of it around somewhere. Heck Steve Jackson games just re-issued GURPS Autoduel (2nd Edition) a couple years ago.


I dunno though, while changing a tire should be an every-man skill I'd think you'd at least have to have familiarity with auto mechanics to change the oil.

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Re: Set the WayBack Machine for:


I should still have a copy of it around somewhere. Heck Steve Jackson games just re-issued GURPS Autoduel (2nd Edition) a couple years ago.


I dunno though, while changing a tire should be an every-man skill I'd think you'd at least have to have familiarity with auto mechanics to change the oil.


Heh. Somewhere my wife has one of those funny e-mails that list the steps a man takes to change the oil in his car. Needless to say "drinks a beer" features prominently throughout, as does "curse out loud." :D


Changing the oil isn't that hard. Doing it right? Well, that's a bit trickier. Doing it in the middle of combat? :ugly::help:

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