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DoA Characters


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Re: DoA Characters


Eh... I could put one together for you, Edsel, but to do her right is expensive.


I think I have to buy her gravity defying chest as a Power, but I'm not certain. ;)


No, I never wrote her up, but she's "Ryu Light." Lots of MA, her Ninjitsu Multi-Power, and some retarded stats. She also plays golf. Who knew?

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Re: DoA Characters


I have actually never played any of the DoA games, I don't even have a console game. I initially learned of the character throught Youtube videos of the game and then read some of the storyline and history of the character.


At some point I would love to run the old 4th Ed Adventure Watchers of the Dragon and I think she would be a cool NPC participant for the game.

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Re: DoA Characters


Surbrook's Stuff has the write-ups for Bayman & Helena Douglas from the DoA setting but none of the others. There are a lot of Final Fantasy write-ups though.


Darn, because the character's from DoA I'd be looking for would (mainly) be Ayame, Kasumi, Hayate & Ryu Hayabusa (though for Ryu I'd be more going for Ninja Gaiden Ryu).


EDIT: (Though that might be something for Ninja Hero or then Champions.)

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Re: DoA Characters


I have been studying the Katsumi character (watching Youtube videos of her fights and such) to get some ideas of what sorts of powers/abilities she has. I have also collected quite a bit of background data on her history and such. If I don't find a write-up of her I will probably do my own. I'll have to look over the Bayman and Helena Douglas write-ups to if their design jives with my building philosophy at all. Since I an only interested in Katsumi I may go my own way and make a version that works best for my campaign instead of doing a generic (for mass consumption) version.


BTW: It is also really hard to find a good picture of her that would work good on a character sheet. Most images I find are covered with logos, game capture stills, or eye-candy shots. I haven't found a good fighting pose with her standard blue or white costume that I like.

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Re: DoA Characters


Surbrook's Stuff has the write-ups for Bayman & Helena Douglas from the DoA setting but none of the others. There are a lot of Final Fantasy write-ups though.



Sorry about that, Edsel. I remembered there were a lot of fighting game stuff and recommended it. Can't you use one of the other writeups like CHun-li as a base for a Kasumi?


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Kasumi Background Data


Here is all the background data I have managed to dig up on Kasumi. Until now I have been spelling it Katsumi but apparently the “t” is omitted to spell her actual name. The data below is the result of extensive Google-fu and comes from many different sources. Can any of you add to this background data? Can you see something I have wrong?


Kasumi (last name unknown) Aka the “Kunoichi of Destiny”

Birthday: February 23rd

Age: 17 (at the time of the first DoA tournament, presumably they are held yearly so by the time of the fourth tournament she would be at least 21).

Hair Color: Red

Eye Color: Brown (sort of a golden brown)

Height: 5’-2” (152 cm)

Weight: 106 pounds (48 kg)

Blood Type: A (I assume A+)

Measurements: 35”-21”-33” (89 cm – 54 cm – 85 cm)

Profession: Kunoichi (female ninja)

Hobbies: Origami and Fortune Telling


Background & History


Dead or Alive: Kasumi is a former member of the Mugen Tenshin clan. She ran away from the clan in order to enter the first Dead or Alive tournament and they by confront Raidou, the man who crippled her brother Hayate, his spine was cracked and he was put into a coma). In this she succeeded, she fought and killed Raidou. However by leaving the secretive ninja clan, and taking her brothers sword with her, she became nukenin (runaway shinobi). Her nukenin status means that she must live everyday on the run as the members of her former clan seek to silence the traitorous kunoichi.


Dead or Alive 2: After winning the first tournament (and killing Raidou), Kasumi was captured by DOATEC (the Dead or Alive Tournament Executive Committee). This is/was a very shady organization that apparently used the DoA tournaments as a means to further their own experiments aimed at making the ultimate fighter. They captured Kasumi in order to obtain her DNA so that they could clone and genetically engineer the ultimate fighter. Kasumi managed to escape their custody (defeating her clone in the process) and sought to return to her village. However this was not allowed because a dishonored ninja can never return home.


Dead or Alive 3: Kasumi lives on the run from the ninja of her former clan. Not a day passes without an attempt on her life. Despite the danger she enters the third DoA tournament since she knows that her brother (Hayate) will be there and she still wishes to meet with him one last time. She encounters Hayate who is now healthy. He is more that recovered, for a time he too was captured by DOATEC and was modified making him more powerful. He hates DOATEC and wants them destroyed just as much as Kasumi does. Hayate was always very close to his sister Kasumi but he is now the clan leader and reluctantly hunts her in keeping with the clan rules. However during the tournament he makes no effort to kill or even fight her. Kasumi’s half sister Ayane hates Kasumi so she does her best to fulfill the clan’s vengeance which makes it hard to Kasumi to have any sort of lengthy discussion with her brother.


Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball: Kasumi is invited to the fourth DoA tournament but this turns out to be a hoax. She and many of the other female contenders are stuck for two weeks on a tropical resort island (Zack Island). This leads to all sorts of inexplicable behavior; the girls frolic extensively in swimsuits, play volleyball, sunbathe, and generally get along well with each other (many even give pole dancing a try). This despite the fact that many of them would normally attempt to kill each other on sight Ayane and Kasumi are prime examples of this behavior. It must have been something in the water.


Dead or Alive 4: The Mugen Tenshin ninja clan is now at war against DOATEC, as a result they will certainly be at the fourth tournament. Kasumi still wishes to see her brother and so goes to this tournament as well. She finds him and tries to convince him to stop the war with DOATEC and to take the clan back to their secret village. Hayate remains silent during her appeal which is soon interrupted when Ayane arrives and attacks Kasumi but is defeated. Kasumi pursues Hayate to the DOATEC tritower. There she confronts Helena, the current reluctant head of DOATEC, who says she wants nothing to do with the ninja fighters (this includes Ryu, Ayane, and Hayate) and mentions that a clone of Kasumi - codenamed ALPHA-152 – is about to become active. Kasumi fights her way past Helena and then heads down to the lab to destroy ALPHA-152, who resembles Kasumi in form and fighting style, but seems to be made up of pure energy. Kasumi fights her clone to her best efforts, but in the end it appears ALPHA-152 escapes in the chaos of the destruction wrought by the Mugen Tenshin invasion. Kasumi is last seen watching Helena entering the blazing helipad. When trying to interfere Kasumi is prevented from doing so by Ayane, who by doing that saves Kasumi's life as the building starts exploding mere seconds later.


Dead or Alive Xtreme 2: This seems to be a reboot of the original storyline.


Personality: Kasumi is highly honorable and for a ninja seems to be reluctant to fight if it can be avoided. She is also very merciful for a kunoichi often sparing her enemies' lives. She is fully capable of killing as her slaying of Raidou shows. She is sad about her fate and inability to return to her village but still possess a strong will to live.


Fighting Moves – Most of these are based on watching YouTube videos of the character fighting. I am guessing that some of these moves are specific to certain versions of the game. I have seen the following moves:



Strike/punch (martial strike)

Martial Block

Martial Dodge

Perhaps a Flying Dodge (based on how she avoids a storm of shuriken while fleeing her hunters in a cut scene)

Full Move Strike

Martial Throw

Chop-like strike (Killing Strike)

Somersault Kicks (a forward flip which ends in the opponent being kicked down hard from above)

Spinning kick

Side kick

Scissor-throw (I would call this a form of sacrifice throw; she gets her usually male opponent in a head lock with her thighs and then throws/flips them into the ground).

Multi-head stomp (my favorite from the videos, she jump on to an opponent’s head and stomps them in the head four times as they fall to the ground. “hut, hut, hut, hut”).

Juggling kick (she lays on her back and as the opponent attempts to attack she kicks them up and then sort of juggles them with her legs as she kicks them. It ends with a final hard kick as she jumps back to her feet).

She carries what was her brother's ninjatō (aka ninjaken or shinobi katana) which she is skilled with (certainly a weapon element) though she rarely uses it in combat due to her reluctance to kill.


Other Notable Skills & Abiliities

Kasumi has all of the classic skills of a Ninja but certain abilities appear to be exceptional. She is a very skilled acrobat. She appears to be very fast runner, perhaps not super-human but on par with Olympic-level competitors. She can leap further than normal humans, she can vertically clear at least seven feet but when it comes to jumping down she is especially skilled, in the game footage she is shown easily leaping down as many as five floor and landing on her feet unharmed. In one cut-scene she is shown to run up a tree to do a jumping flip and in doing so she appears to run up to a height of perhaps 25 feet. She is also shown to catch three shuriken which are thrown at her in rapid succession.


In the Dead Fantasy I and Dead Fantasy II videos that I have seen, Kasumi seems to display some sort of teleporting ability and energy blasts. Is this from the games or just a bit of creative license used by the creators of those videos?


EDIT: Added more details that occurred to me.

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Re: DoA Characters


Surbrook's Stuff has the write-ups for Bayman & Helena Douglas from the DoA setting but none of the others. There are a lot of Final Fantasy write-ups though.


None of which were done by me. All of that was material submitted to the website. So if you end up doing some DOA character sheets, send them on over and I'll host them!

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Re: DoA Characters


I have been studying the Katsumi character (watching Youtube videos of her fights and such) to get some ideas of what sorts of powers/abilities she has. I have also collected quite a bit of background data on her history and such. If I don't find a write-up of her I will probably do my own. I'll have to look over the Bayman and Helena Douglas write-ups to if their design jives with my building philosophy at all. Since I an only interested in Katsumi I may go my own way and make a version that works best for my campaign instead of doing a generic (for mass consumption) version.


BTW: It is also really hard to find a good picture of her that would work good on a character sheet. Most images I find are covered with logos, game capture stills, or eye-candy shots. I haven't found a good fighting pose with her standard blue or white costume that I like.


Email me directly and I'll see what I can do.

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Re: DoA Characters


Email me directly and I'll see what I can do.


I found some better pictures once I realized that I needed to be searching for "Kasumi" and not "Katsumi." However I am still interested to see if you have something better so a PM is on the way.

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Re: Kasumi Background Data


In the Dead Fantasy I and Dead Fantasy II videos that I have seen' date=' Kasumi seems to display some sort of teleporting ability and energy blasts. Is this from the games or just a bit of creative license used by the creators of those videos?[/quote']


It feels like a bit of creative license to bring the characters up a bit to the level of the Final Fantasy Girls (similar to Yuna's drunken boxing, but with a potion and an ether in Dead Fantasy II). However, the director might have based the special moves for Kasumi and (maybe) Ayame off of some of Ryu's special abilities in Ninja Gaiden, as well as the stereotypical "jutsu" abilities (teleporting).

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Re: DoA Characters


My current intention is to forget about the Energy Blast. The teleport ability, for Kasumi anyway, will be sort of like the Disappearing Act from Dark Champions, p130. She will use Sleight of Hand to produce a shower of cherry blossoms (or other flower petals) and then seemingly vanish during during the split second others lose sight of her in the "mist of flowers."


My intention now is to make her non-super human. However she may be of such a high point total that she could work in a supers game. I mostly run street-level Dark Champs so that's what I am building her for.


As a side note, so far out of all the people I have talked to I have found no one who has actually ever played the game but one person has a cousin who he thinks has played it. Thus virtually all of my data has been due to web searching.

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