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Help with a character build


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I used to play Champions alot but the group I moved to was much more fantasy oriented (read: D&D) and that was great but I've missed playing super heroes and decided to bite the bullet and start a champions campaign. Unfortunately, it's been over 10 years since I ran a champions campaign I'm still getting my head around all the rules.


To get to the chase, I want to build a character named Firefight. He's a military oriented villain whose main power is the ability shrink things and then regrow them....which for him means lots of weapons. He carries things around in pouches like a .50 cal machine gun and a Howitzer. Batman's utility belt has nothing on this guys gear.


Anyway, I intend to buy the guns'n stuff as RKA's and such. However, I also want to buy the actual power for him and I'm not sure how to go about it. At first I thought I could just go with "Shrinking" and usable on others but it doesn't really look like it was intended for that kind of thing.

Then I started looking at Transform but I'm not sure how to go about that as well. Would I have buy it twice? Once to shrink items and once to grow them back to normal size?


How would you go about it?

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Re: Help with a character build


If you are just going to have the character pull out miniaturized foci before he attacks, I would save the points and call it a special effect. If you actually plan on shrinking something in a fight, such as shrinking a vehicle so the PCs can't use it or shrinking a PC's weapon so it becomes harmless, I would build the power.


Shrinking, Useable as Attack has the advantage of working in one application and possibly for a cheaper cost, but this will not actually reduce the effect of foci (though the GM might have to rule a PC that can't get into a vehicle cannot use it).


Transform will likely be more expensive and require multiple uses to take effect, but you have the luxery of defining it's effects on the object shrunk. For example: "Transform [any object] into [smaller object] resulting in the object functioning on a reduced scale or not at all."


If shrunken weapons are a secondary effect and the "shrinking ray" is the villain's main power, then I might build it as a whole Shrinking Multipower, including:

- HKA, Variable Advantage (Explosion for Rocket Launchers, Autofire for Machine Guns, Armor Piercing for Rifles, ect.), Focus: Shrunken Weapons

- Flight, Useable as Running and Swimming (a helecopter, a car, and a boat), Focus: Miniaturized Vehicles

- Shrinking, UAA (to make followers and minions more powerful or easier to transport)

- Transform (as above, to ruin vehicles and foci)

- Dispel Growth

- Missile Deflection (SFX: shrinking projectiles into harmless sizes)

- Shrinking (heck, it's a good Defensive power all on it's own)

- Microscopic Vision (well, it can't go in the MP but might still be a cool power)


I hope that helps a bit.

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Re: Help with a character build


My first reaction was either a lengthy and detailed Multipower with the "Special effect" of growing weapons to full size and using them, or a Variable Power Pool with that same effect.


Then if you still want to shrink things you come across for effect, you'd still have to buy either a shrinking usable as attack, or a transformation attack (Big object to small object).

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Re: Help with a character build


Thanks guys! I appreciate the help.



I have one more question though. I have a copy of the 5th edition non-revised rules. I have found very little difference between it and fourth edition. How much difference is there between revised and non-revised?

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Re: Help with a character build


Non at all, I think. Revised mostly added examples and explanations, plus some errata and miscellaneous fixes. I don't have 5th ed., but I think that's the story. You are perfectly fine, rules-wise, with 5th.


Back on your Transform: I'd make you buy it twice, because I'd probably make a player by Grow and Shrink as seperate powers. But a multipower should help you out there.


60 Size Change Powers

. . 6 u . 60 point Transform: Grow

. . 6 u . 60 point Transform: Shrink


For a total of 72 points. Of course, if he has a Multipower already for say his gun powers, you could put the Transforms in there, for only +12 points, provided you don't need him to be able to shoot a gun and grow or shrink something at the same time.


60 Gun Bunny Growy Shrinky Multipower

. . 6 . u . 12d6 Enery Blast - Blaster Rifle

. . 6 . u . 6d6 RKA Hooge Mucking Gun

. . 6 . u . Transform Grow

. . 6 . u . Transform Shrink


or something like that.

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Re: Help with a character build


Hmmm... for pulling a howitzer out of your pocket' date=' I'm thinking Summon. Maybe a Summon for a specific class of items (weaponry) with the recoverable charges limitation.[/quote']



Using Summon for Vehicles and such get's VERY expensive, since it requires both Specific Being and Slavishly Devoted.

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