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Cost of Elven Silver


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OK for my campeign I have decided that most High Elf Wepons will be made out of a special silver (Mitheral basicaly) for the medal, and a special Ivory like substance for those parts traditionaly made of wood.



Both will be extremly strong (+1 DEF or +1 Body, but I don't really use weapon breakage rules right now)


Extremly Light (STR MIN and weight will be x.75)


And in the case of the silver be able to effect some supernatural beings more than Iron weapons(Lycanthropes, some undead) It should be noted that Iron Weapons will effect some enemies more than silver (Fey)


Now for weapon upgrades I do charge a character point cost if when you point out the weapon there is a real point increase


Having said that, there is not a real cost change on most elven silver weapons (Only certain weapons are made in the elven lands: Pikes, Halberds, Bows, Quarterstaves, Fencing Blades)


Now comes the issue at hand, how much should I charge (as a modifier) to the monetary cost, I don't want to put them to far out of price for elven characters, but don't want everyone to get them.


I am also thinking that elven weapons are considerably valuable, as such would have a slight side effect (Drawback Hunted by opportunist)

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Re: Cost of Elven Silver


In our fantasy campaign "Last Dominion" there is a similar sounding metal called Luminum. In our setting a longsword, depending on the style, costs between 1,250 and 1,525 bp (Bronze Pieces roughly equal to $1 each). To have such a sword well-made incurs an additional expense of about 3,000 bp, to have it in outstanding quality requires a master swordsmith costs an additional 7,500 bp. Lastly it could be magnificent quality this would take one of the best swordsmith's in the world (perhaps there are 10 of them) and cost an additional 15,000 bp.


The metal Luminum, if used for the blade, tacks on an extra charge of 9,000 bp and grants the blade the Affects Desolid Advantage.


So if I want a Numerian Longsword it would normally cost 1,525 bp. If I had a magnificent specimen made with Luminum it would cost about 25,525 bp.


As you can see we really don't use a cost multiplier. Weapons have a base cost and then there are added charges for things like quality and materials.


Hope that is of some help.

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Re: Cost of Elven Silver


Look up some historical references to aluminum. Before electrical power, the only way to get refined aluminum was to wait for lighting strikes to hit bauxite ore deposits close to the surface. I think France had a dinner-ware set made of aluminum that was considered so valuable part of the national wealth was based on this dinner set.


That's what I imagine Mithril is like.

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Re: Cost of Elven Silver


Look up some historical references to aluminum. Before electrical power, the only way to get refined aluminum was to wait for lighting strikes to hit bauxite ore deposits close to the surface. I think France had a dinner-ware set made of aluminum that was considered so valuable part of the national wealth was based on this dinner set.


That's what I imagine Mithril is like.


The British royal family used to have aluminium table settings instead of silver. They probably still have them but they're not used on formal occasions any more I guess.


I would base the cost increase on who you want to be able to afford it. If you want every man and his dog to be able to use this then make raw materials 1 1/2 to 2 times as valuable as good steel. This would increase costs by say 25% to 100%. If you want to make it that only nobles get to carry it say 5 - 20 times as expensive. Or make it 100 times as expensive and only royalty and the biggest lords use it.


Note also that light weight isn't a big advantage for weapons, you want to be able to put some inertia in. For armour though it's fantastic. Something that's half the weight for the same protection means either a) you can fight longer without fatigue or B) you can pile twice as much on. If it's lighter than water then that's just cream to people who go strange places to do dangerous things.

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Re: Cost of Elven Silver


Unless most people are out fighting fey or lycanthropes, then it seems like the only advantage to these elven silver weapons is that they're lighter. x0.75 weight will probably get a character an extra damage class about half the time. That doesn't seem to me to be enough to justify a big cost increase, though.


Is the metal or ivory itself worth something? Does anyone use the stuff for money? If not, given your description, I'd just make them rare, and something that elves (being generally weaker?) tend to prefer over traditional weapons. I don't see how, based on the info you've provided, you can really justify making them really expensive. A little more espensive, yes. Not a lot more. But that might be ok, given your desire that not everyone have them. More on that later...


That said, if you just throw an extra damage class onto these weapons, in addition to the 0.75 wieght modifier, I think you can justify a significant price increase. On the surface, it may not seem like much, but getting +2 damage classes on most weapons will have a definite impact on combat. The difference between 1d6k and 1 1/2d6k, or 1d6+1k and 2d6k is substantial. Then I could see justifying doubling or even tripling the cost. Still not enough to make them inaccessable to the other PCs. Just a little harder to get.


The problem with making them too effective is that everyone will want to have one. They'll feel they have to to be competitative. The first option, where they are uniquely elvin, but don't provide over-riding benefits, comes near to ensuring that that only characters with some cultural connection to these weapons (elves), will actually seek them out to use them. Its kind of a catch 22. Make them too good, everyone wants one, regardless of cost. Exotic but functionally the same as normal weapons, and nobody really cares to get one.


I'm just rambling now...but what about giving them a +1 DC and/or +1 CV, only when used by elves? Nothing magical, mind you. Just something about how they are specially designed for elvin physiology, and the elvin silver is light and strong enough to be crafted in a way that other metals cannot. Therefore these weapons can only be used to their maximum potential in the hands of an elf.


That being the case, elves will want them. You can just make them rare, so not every elvish character will have one. And to other races these weapons will just be an unusual weapon...nothing special to help you win a fight, if more valuable than normal. And assuming a party setting, what non-elf PC is going to keep something that another character can put to better use?


Random thoughts on a Friday morning...

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Re: Cost of Elven Silver


I'm assuming that characters are getting "normal" equipment for money not character points.


How about going another way. Don't make the Elven weapons cost any more.


Instead make it a Perk that characters need to buy with character points to be able to purchase weapons off a specific list. You could adjust the cost on how common you want the items to be.


2-3 CP: Fairly common

4-6 CP: Uncommon

7+ CP: Rare


This Perk could even become part of an Elven Noble Package.


This way you could introduce other society based items and not have to worry about changing price lists.



Just my thoughts.

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