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Name Game! Dr. Helix?


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Alright, I'm making a Mad Scientist with a genetics background who's currently dead.

But before that he was the scion of a WWII Axis Eugenics Project (commanded by nazi's but the scientist/father was Italian)...


He managed to "evolve" himself, somewhat like Marvel's High Evolutionary and during his lifetime he was THE authority on Genetic Engineering, Cloning, Bioweapons, creation of Monsters, etc.


Dr. Helix is the name I have so far, but I'm wondering if there isn't something better.

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Re: Name Game! Dr. Helix?


I was thinking Italian or Latin for his name, myself.


How about the Latin noun Artifex? Its meanings include "maker," "craftsman," "artist" and "master of an art," as well as "mastermind" and "schemer."


Doctor Artifex, I think this name as it doesn't instantly jump out at you and seems like players would remember it.

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Re: Name Game! Dr. Helix?


The only worry that comes to my mind with Dr. Artifex is that it's perhaps too easy to shorten.


There's little menace in somebody the party comes to call "Arty."


Although Doc Arty is looming possibility I believe there is even a comic book precedent for such a shortening. Don't think that Doc Ock gets written off just because Spider Man got witty with the name.

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Re: Name Game! Dr. Helix?


I'll try to distract him while you steal it back!


:whistle: How about:


Hel IX (the 9th clone of the evil mad genius scientist guy)



Genocide (overused?)

Professor Zombocalypse (don't ask why...I just don't know)

Curiously enough, I'm already using the name Biomancer.

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Re: Name Game! Dr. Helix?


Okay, this is how it goes down.


Dr. Artifex isthe scion of an Axis Eugenics program, Italian rather than German (just to be different) The program actually started generations before the Axis was even thought of, but when Artifex (who's secret ID I'm not finished with either) was born shortly before WWI, he proved to be exactly what they were looking for. He trained as a man of science and a man of action, much like the American Doc Savage. However, he became particularly interested in the sciences of Life.

While the super powered operatives of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan took most of the Headlines, Italy boasted the Mighty Hercules and, after a little pushing from his superiors, the newly named Dr. Artifex. When WWII wound down, many of the Italian supers had already vanished; their loyalties either to themselves or to the Axis of which Italy was no longer a part of. Dr. Artifex was one of the former.


He spent the next decade as a fairly standard mastervillain, using biological weapons, monstrous creations, and mercenary soldiers he'd taken with him. Then in late 1953, the (as yet unnamed)Aliens invaded. The burgeoning cold war was halted and Earth had to stand united against an outside threat. The United Nations collapsed under the strain and if it were not for the fact that the costumed community (heroes and villains) put aside their differences and took point in the effort, Earth might have fallen.


For his part, Dr Artifex was somewhat humbled that their were such advanced civilizations on other worlds. Oh he'd suspected, but to have it proven. He formed a loose coalition with other "Science" villains and while they worked tirelessly to save Earth, they also combined their efforts to steal the technology used by their invaders. When the world was once again safe, it's super powered champions and the major military powers declared a mutually enforced "rebuilding" period. 5 years. From 1955 to 1960 there was only one attempt by some Super powered mastermind to take over a weakened Earth. And said mastermind's plan was crushed by his "Fellow" criminals who had taken the pact more seriously.


During the "Rebuilding" Dr. Artifex managed to evolve himself; greatly reducing the affects of times passage on his body, immunity to most diseases, further enhancement of his already impressive physical prowess, and an astounding leap in intellect. For the next two decades (until 1985) he was a thorn in the side of the days heroes. Then he...retired.


Dr. Artifex had always been a bit different than most mad scientists; he lacked the insanity. Sure, he was arrogant, felt everyone was beneath him and held grudges for a long time, but he wasn't insane to the point where it could be used against him. Flushed with new understanding and intellect he set about making the world in his image. And then after a while decided that wasn't going to work. He changed focus and began earning a fairly legitimate fortune selling anti aging formula and cloned guardians/slaves/companions to the mega rich and the other villains. Unlocking secrets and making new things was more important to him now. And revenge. He still wanted some revenge.


But all things must come to an end. Dr Artifex had three lead assistants that he'd chosen over the years, his first Edwin Cooke, in 1958, his second Cordelia St Croix in 1967, and the final, Megan Thomas in 1974. All three were medical students whom he'd heard of through his criminal channels and while others came and went they remained loyal. He gave them versions of the Evolution Serum he'd taken (though to lesser effects as they lacked his "Perfect Genome") and as a result they'd spent decades in his service, learning at his hand and being made wealthy many times over.


Cooke worshiped Dr Artifex, seeing him as the apex of what he himself wanted to be. St. Croix similarly saw him as an ideal, and served has his mistress on and off again. Thomas loved him. Artifex saw Cooke as burgeoning supervillain; he seemed obsessed with biological weapons. St. Croix was obsessed with the creation of monsters and biological horrors. Thomas was interested in medicine. She wasn't a naive child wiht a heart of gold in a den of evil, but she was the most ethical and normal of them. As time wore on, Artifex was more drawn to her council.


The trouble started with Cooke. Among his litany of character flaws, Cooke was obsessed with being sought after by women. His harassment of the underlings was ignored, his attempts at seducing St. Croix, who was the "office's" femme fatale was laughed. Only Thomas treated him sympathetically; which turned out to be a mistake. Cooke became obsessed with her and when she began to feel unease with the situation, Artifex stepped in and made it clear in a very physical fashion that his actions would not be tolerated. For a while things seemed to fall back to normal but Cooke had been changed by the experience. He no longer saw Dr. Artifex as an ideal but as an impediment to his rightful control over Thomas.


Things started to fall apart and Cooke made a power play for the organization, the object of his obsession and the right to the name. He killed Artifex and brought the "Office" down. However he totally underestimated his fellow assistants. St Croix easily escaped using some of her monsters to cover her tracks, and the personal confrontation with Thomas went about as poorly as it could for an arrogant, sexist, wanna be stalker. Thomas had taken steps to protect herself and not only defeated him but for a few minutes, killed him. The lifesupport in his armor managed to heal his wounds and his men pulled him from the wreckage of the base.


St Croix took the name Madame Echidna and became a Monster Maker/Wannabe Conquereer.


Cooke took the name Biomancer and has become a super criminal himself. He's got a suit of powered armor that uses biokinetic wepons


Thomas hasn't been heard from since. Though there has been occasional never confirmed sightings of the deceased Dr. Artifex .

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