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END Reserve that starts at Zero


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So my girlfriend is finally joinging me on the HERO side!


Basically her character is (more or less) a puppet of a war god. He basically acts through her, but in order for him to make this connection to her she must be engaged in a fight, and the more havoc she causes, the more his power pours into her.


My first idea was to set her up with som basic powers (HKA OIF for an axe, Armor) just to get the fight started. Then to ad a small - moderate END reserve that these "godly powers" draw from. Something like:


War God's Might/Momentum - 50/100 END Reserve with 5 Recovery (-X Limited Recover, only when making a successful attack or when a successful attack hits you).


Powers that run off this reserve would be Characteristic boosts that cost END, superpowered HKAs, Growth, Dencity Increase, ect. All of which will cost a continuos amount of END from the reserve.


Question is, how do we make the END Reserve start with 0 and remain at 0 calm periods? Seems like we should be able to use Limited Power with this.


Any advice on this would be very helpful.

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Re: END Reserve that starts at Zero


I think the triggered Aid is the best way to handle it, on a 0 REC End Reserve. Since the Aid is the only way to feed the Reserve, then by default as the Aid fades, the Reserve empties naturally.


Although as a cheaper alternative, bypass the Aid and put the limitation 'Only In Battle, -1/4 (at most)' on the REC of the Reserve, and 'Reserve looses 5 AP per turn (-1/2ish)' on the Reserve itself.

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Re: END Reserve that starts at Zero


What is the purpose of using an END Reserve* in the first place here?


Why not just bypass it altogether and use a Limited Aid to her powers directly to represent her God's pouring his power into her?


*(END Reserves - No matter how 'Limited' still cost points and demand a certain minimum amount of END bookkeeping for what sounds like an overall power limitation).

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Re: END Reserve that starts at Zero


You are using the END reserve to limit how the power can be used. You pay for the END reserve when it is in fact a control mechanism. That means you are paying for a limitation.


I'd suggest you buy the powers directly with limitations instead:


Hand-To-Hand Attack +2d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (15 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Only when in a fight for at least 2 phases (activates on 3rd phase); -1/4)




Hand-To-Hand Attack +2d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (15 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Only when in a fight for at least 1 turn; -1/2)




Hand-To-Hand Attack +2d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (15 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about half of its effectiveness (Only when in a fight for at least 2 turns; -1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)


So on the third phase she does +2d6 HtH damage, on the second turn she does +4d6 and on the third and subsequent turns she does +6d6.

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Re: END Reserve that starts at Zero




Succor 2d6 (standard effect: 6 points), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Four God Powers simultaneously (+1), Continuous (+1) (35 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 1/4), Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Only while in combat (attacking or being attacked each phase); -1/2), Incantations (-1/4)

35 Active, 12 Real


That way she says a prayer to her god at the start of a combat and, so long as she remains in combat, she gains 6 points of God Power to up to 4 God Powers each turn. Combat as a sacrament.

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Re: END Reserve that starts at Zero


Is the Wargod's Might supposed to represent the Character getting better at fighting and more and more power; or the ability to stay in the fight longer?


If the latter, skip all the Aid, End, etc and just buy a Naked Power Advantage: Reduced Endurance: 0 END for use with her Power Suite, and a Limitation "Can Only Be Used When In Combat For X Phases" - or whatever time period.

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Re: END Reserve that starts at Zero


How about a really wacky idea. Absorption, Usable As Attack. She plunks it on the target before smacking him to kingdom come, then gets more powerful for it. Okay, maybe technically the points absorbed would go to their powers, but for that many points, I don't see why it would have too. LOL :hush:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: END Reserve that starts at Zero


How about a really wacky idea. Absorption' date=' [i']Usable As Attack[/i]. She plunks it on the target before smacking him to kingdom come, then gets more powerful for it. Okay, maybe technically the points absorbed would go to their powers, but for that many points, I don't see why it would have too. LOL :hush:


I think the power you are thinking of is called Transfer. Or used to be.



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Re: END Reserve that starts at Zero


I think the power you are thinking of is called Transfer. Or used to be.




Well, it could be some kind of linked Transfer or limited Aid, but I kinda like the idea of being able to throw an Absorption on someone else and have the benefit go to yourself. Kinda betting on their being smacked on. Heh heh.

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