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Teleporter - Only


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Re: Teleporter - Only


Here are a few I used on a Teleporter awhile back.


Naked Advantage [Autofire: 5 Shots], for X Pts. of STR. (+1/2), 1/2 END (+1/2), SFX = The character teleports mid-punch so quickly that his punch can hit his opponent multiple times with one swing.


Naked Advatage [Area Effect: Radius, Selective, Two-Dimensional], for X pts. of STR (+1), SFX = The character teleports mid-punch so quickly that his punch can hit multiple opponents with one swing.


HA, Area Effect [Line, x2 length, Selective] (+1 1/2), HA (-1/2), Linked to Teleportation (-1/2). SFX = I created this one because the book says you can't use Teleport to do Move Bys and Move Throughs. This takes away one of a Speedsters (my character was essentially a Teleporataion Speedster) largest attacks. The SFX is that the character appears mid-teleport to smash into his opponent(s), then continues on to his destination.

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Re: Teleporter - Only


Plenty of excellent ideas already.


A couple of my own:


I KNOW you said you are OK defensively, but you might consider:


1. 50% DamReduction (physical and energy, resistant) COSTS END to represent a sort of 'blink teleport' - he rapidly TPs on the spot, so anything hitting him is likely to (at least in part) pass on through, reducing the actual damage he takes.


2. 6 levels with DCV, costs END - same sort of idea - but a lot less use against AoE attacks.


As for offence, well you specify that you want to have to port with anything, so no ranged port attacks - no problemo.


There are four basic approaches to damaging with teleportation (probably more but I can only really think of 4):


1. You grab something large, maybe a car, and teleport yourself and it above the target. Gravity gets involved and the thing falls on them. That is simply a teleport with plenty of extra mass, and, effectively, works exactly the same as a strong character throwing a large object. Obviously the TP character goes along too, but as they are sitting on top of the mass they only have to worry about falling damage - and there is no need to port HIGH above a target.


2. Grabbing the target and teleporting away with bits of them. You'd just build this as a killing attack that triggers when you combat teleport away from a grabbed enemy. That has a couple of advantages: a) you wind up a way from the target (although you probably spent at least a phase near tehm when you grabbed last phase) AND B) as the attack is triggered you can haf phase TP away and still get another half phase action in - even another attack. ALTERNATIVELY have a special triggered teleport that goes off when you do your killing attack - same sort of thing but a slightly different emphasis.


3. Teleporting with the whole target but the teleport itself hurts them, just as Nightcrawler's TP leaves people nauseous or even unconscious. You could build that as a NND damage shield that only goes off when you are teleporting (I'm suggesting damage shield otherwise you need a seperate attack roll, which might miss, which could be odd).


4. Teleporting with the whole target but leaving them in a solid object. I KNOW YOU CAN NOT DO THIS, well not as a rule - but there is no reason you can not build it: triggered Entangle and/or Killing attack (possibly NND Does BODY) that goes off if you teleport someone very close to a solid object (the SFX are that you teleport over to the wall, and the target with you winds up inside it, taking damage or entangled). This can be quite expensive to build right if you can't get the GM to handwave some relatively inconsequential stuff - like damage to the wall.


If you want to see specific builds for any of those ideas, let us know the active point cap and any other campaign restrictions.


As for sfx, almost any that justify TP work but shifting to a congruent (but much smaller) plane or disintegration/reintegration often work best for the ideas I've suggested above.

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Re: Teleporter - Only


Thanks for all the ideas so far!


What I am currently thinking is to have him based on dimensional instability. To represent this I have an interesting idea for Teleportation so tell me what you guys think of it.


I will have a Teleportation ability with a damaging side affect. This damage will be of a specific type that gets absorbed with an absorption ability that then powers an AoE energy blast with an actavation role. Eveytime I use a teleport it will trigger this blast and if the activation role is a success it will set of a "rift" or a "dimensional instability field" that will blast anyone around my exit hole. The damage of the rift will be based on how many jumps have gone into the absorption power (though I might just make it static and ditch the absorption.)



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Re: Teleporter - Only


I'm not sure if this would be useful or not, given your chosen special effect but you could even have some sort of hearing group flash based on a sonic boom triggered by your teleporting away from the target - the idea being that the space you occupy is a vacuum, and the air around it rushes to fill it at supersonic speed.

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Re: Teleporter - Only


If your character can harness or manifest the power effect of molecular instability, then there's always the handy dandy power of disassembling your opponent on the molecular level: Ranged Killing Attack (no range) Penetrating.


Since you didn't want to be able to a-port people or objects, it's a no range power, essentially you touch your opponent, port in place (essentially shifting in your hex) but now, part of your opponent that used to be intact has now separated from them and decomposes into its component atoms. Nasty affair, molecular instability. Good against foci, robots and opponents that think that bulletproof is good enough. Not for the squeamish.

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Re: Teleporter - Only


So I made a +DCV Blink Defense power that costs END. Do I have to turn it on during my phase and then pay the end every phase? Or do I only pay the END when I am attacked?


The former. The other would be a custom Limitation. Some people do that with defence powers. I'd maybe call it a -1/4 if it cost End each Phase you were attacked and no other Phases. I'd probably call it a -1/2 if it cost End each time you were attacked (meaning it could cost you several times per Phase). But that's just my take on it.


I'd also probably make you buy it Persistent if it could work while you are subconscious or whatever. I know Persistent powers aren't supposed to cost End, but I'd probably allow it for this type of power, where it can be "on" all the time but costs you points due to other people's actions.


Hmm. OR you could do it as a weak Susceptibility instead of a Limitation. That would even be book legal.

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Re: Teleporter - Only


The former. The other would be a custom Limitation. Some people do that with defence powers. I'd maybe call it a -1/4 if it cost End each Phase you were attacked and no other Phases. I'd probably call it a -1/2 if it cost End each time you were attacked (meaning it could cost you several times per Phase). But that's just my take on it.


I'd also probably make you buy it Persistent if it could work while you are subconscious or whatever. I know Persistent powers aren't supposed to cost End, but I'd probably allow it for this type of power, where it can be "on" all the time but costs you points due to other people's actions.


Hmm. OR you could do it as a weak Susceptibility instead of a Limitation. That would even be book legal.


I realized being able to only pay endurance when attacked should be an advantage. Here is what I have now:


Blink Teleportation: +4 with DCV, Trigger (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action to reset, Character does not control activation of personal Trigger; When Attacked; +1/2) (30 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2), Instant (-1/2), Side Effects (Teleportation causes 1d6 Energy NND (Teleportation, Dimensional/Molecular Instability, Teleportation Experience) Does Body (15AP/RP); -1/4)


The side effect is on all my Teleports is because my SFX causes damage when Teleporting.

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Re: Teleporter - Only


I realized being able to only pay endurance when attacked should be an advantage. Here is what I have now:


Blink Teleportation: +4 with DCV, Trigger (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action to reset, Character does not control activation of personal Trigger; When Attacked; +1/2) (30 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2), Instant (-1/2), Side Effects (Teleportation causes 1d6 Energy NND (Teleportation, Dimensional/Molecular Instability, Teleportation Experience) Does Body (15AP/RP); -1/4)


The side effect is on all my Teleports is because my SFX causes damage when Teleporting.


I'm not sure what you are trying to do here.


The Trigger Advantage depends on the same senses as the character has to activate the ability it's attached to so the build offers none of the features of Danger Sense or Defense Maneuver.


Side Effect is a Limitation. This means that it either harms the power's owner or local environment. An attack that affects someone who grabs the character (which is what your build implies) should actually be built separately with either its own Trigger or Damage Shield Advantage.




20 Teleportation Experience: Energy Blast 1d6, Linked (Blink Teleportation; Or Any Other Teleportation Power; Greater Power is Constant or in use most or all of the time; +0), Damage Shield (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Continuous (+1), No Normal Defense ([standard]; +1), Does BODY (+1) (25 Active Points); No Knockback (-1/4) - END=0


For the bonus DCV I would suggest going with something closer to the following:


16 Blink Teleportation: +4 with DCV (20 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) - END=2


Regardless of END cost the character can still be surprised. If the character is Stunned or Knocked Out he would have to pay the END cost again. Being a power it's also subject to Adjustment powers like Drain and Suppress.

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Re: Teleporter - Only


I realized being able to only pay endurance when attacked should be an advantage. Here is what I have now:

Blink Teleportation: +4 with DCV, Trigger (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action to reset, Character does not control activation of personal Trigger; When Attacked; +1/2) (30 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2), Instant (-1/2), Side Effects (Teleportation causes 1d6 Energy NND (Teleportation, Dimensional/Molecular Instability, Teleportation Experience) Does Body (15AP/RP); -1/4)

The side effect is on all my Teleports is because my SFX causes damage when Teleporting.

He’s gonna knock himself out SO fast.

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Re: Teleporter - Only



He’s gonna knock himself out SO fast.


I build that side effect into all my teleports. Its a mechinic I use to represent, diminsional tears. I have an absorption for it, and then the absorption powers an AoE explosion that goes off on an activation role whenever I teleport.


It all comes together to represnt that occasionaly my Teleports cause dimensional rifts and the more I teleport before the rift that stronger it is when it occurs.

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Re: Teleporter - Only


Its meant to represent my ability to dodge by teleporting slightly out of the way.


That part I understand. :D


I build that side effect into all my teleports. Its a mechinic I use to represent, diminsional tears. I have an absorption for it, and then the absorption powers an AoE explosion that goes off on an activation role whenever I teleport.


It all comes together to represnt that occasionaly my Teleports cause dimensional rifts and the more I teleport before the rift that stronger it is when it occurs.


Please correct me if I am misunderstanding this...



  1. You are taking a Side Effects Limitation on ALL of the character's teleportation abilities (this implies that it is personal damage).
  2. You have a separate Absorption power built with the absorption as a defense option with the intent to stop all the side effect damage. The absorbed points feed a 3rd ability.

Why even build a separate Absorption power?

Why not just state that the side effect is environmental damage to the interdimensional boundaries?

Then buy the Explosion Attack with a 'random effect' Limitation to represent it's varying strength (as well as a Linked Limitation).

I think that would be more simple to look at on the sheet and implement in an actual game (less bookkeeping required).



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Re: Teleporter - Only


Why even build a separate Absorption power?

Why not just state that the side effect is environmental damage to the interdimensional boundaries?

Then buy the Explosion Attack with a 'random effect' Limitation to represent it's varying strength (as well as a Linked Limitation).

I think that would be more simple to look at on the sheet and implement in an actual game (less bookkeeping required).




Thanks! I did not know about the random effect ability.

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Re: Teleporter - Only


I build that side effect into all my teleports. Its a mechinic I use to represent, diminsional tears. I have an absorption for it, and then the absorption powers an AoE explosion that goes off on an activation role whenever I teleport.


It all comes together to represnt that occasionaly my Teleports cause dimensional rifts and the more I teleport before the rift that stronger it is when it occurs.


I get what you’re trying to do, and it looks like you’re changing how you’re going to do it anyway, but just so you know, having Absorb does not protect you from the damage. I mean, even if Absorb could be applied to Side Effects, taking 1d6 NND damage each time you port when that is your characters main/only shtick, you would probably render yourself unconscious on the way to the battle.

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Re: Teleporter - Only


Perhaps some sort of Entangle or Flash based upon you teleporting a person a bunch of times' date=' constantly changing their facing and orientation (upside down, for example), which results in them being very discombobulated/dizzy.[/quote']


That's a neat idea. Maybe an Entangle based on Int instead of Str. They have to orient themselves amidst position shifts and warped space to quickly move themselves in the correct direction to get out of the effect (sort of like the old D&D Maze spell...).

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Re: Teleporter - Only


OK here is my side-effect for whenever I teleport as of now:

Side Effect: (Total: 81 Active Cost, 38 Real Cost) Energy Blast 4d6, Hole In The Middle ((Only protects those coming through the Teleport); +1/4), Explosion (+1/2), Affects Desolidified Any form of Desolidification (+1/2), No Normal Defense ([standard]; (Force Field/Wall); +1) (65 Active Points); Activation Roll 8- (-2) (Real Cost: 22) plus Energy Blast 1d6, STUN Only (+0), No Normal Defense ([standard]; (Dimensional Instability, Teleportation, Experienced Teleporter Skill Roll); +1) (10 Active Points) (Real Cost: 10) plus Drain SPD 1 point (standard effect: 1 point), No Normal Defense ([standard]; (Dimensional Instability, Teleportation, Experienced Teleporter Skill Roll); +1) (6 Active Points) (Real Cost: 6)


It consists of an Activated Blast, that shows that occasionally I rip the fabric of this Dimension. It has a STUN only energy attack for people who Teleport through with me, It hurts going through the wormhole thing. Also it has a SPD drain of 1 to represent the disorientation of going through the Wormhole.


I have included a skill roll as well for the two effects of traveling. This is because my allies will be able to becomes experienced teleporters over time and not be effected.



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Re: Teleporter - Only


As I recall, teleporting with Nightcrawler, while disorienting, wasn't so bad. But if he grabbed onto someone, he could do a series of rapid fire teleports which could take someone out.


In hero terms I believe that would be something like x" Teleport x2 mass, Usable as weapon, PLUS 2d6 EB NND (not vs Teleporters), Autofire, Linked to Teleport. The effect is that you and your target both move to new positions, and the target takes as many dice of stun as you can manage to hit him with the Autofire roll. The SFX is that you teleport to your target, grab him, and then do a series of short, random teleports, until you drop him/he gets out of your grab, and then 'port to your final location.


I had a speedster who had a teleport usable against others where the SFX was that he ran over, picked someone up, moved them, set them down, and ran off to a different location, all so fast the eye couldn't register it. This is like that, except you also have an EB on Autofire.



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Re: Teleporter - Only


I just came up with this one, and I have to say, I have a little crush on it...


17  Reflexive Teleport:  +5 with DCV (25 Active Points); 
   Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power
   is used (-1/2)

When the character is physically attacked, if he would have
been hit without this power (the attack missed by five or less), 
he uncontrollably, safely teleports in a random direction, (6-number 
missed by) hexes. For example, the attack misses by five, 
meaning it would have barely hit had he not had this power: 
he teleports (6-5=1) 1" in a random direction. Had the attack 
missed by just one, meaning it was near miss even with the 
power, he teleports (6-1=5) 5" in a random direction.

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