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Voice of the Ancestors


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Hey guys and gals


I'm looking to make a power that all the PCs tend to share which I describe as hearing the 'Voice of the Ancestors'. The effect is this: the ghost of a specific ancestor is keeping his eye on the PCs to help them along in the major arc's quest. The ghost had the same quest when he was alive but died before he could document any of his progress. The Ghost is stuck in the 'Domain of the Dead' so he can't manifest himself into the Prime Material Plane to communicate as per the standard HERO write-up for Ghosts. Instead I want the PCs to hear a durge when the ghost is around and then be able to more or less 'summon' it to speak to them directly (Normal Hearing) during parts of the game where they are stuck or on the wrong track.


So here's what I have:

Voice of the Ancestors: (Total: 47 Active Cost, 21 Real Cost) Clairsentience (Hearing Group), Discriminatory, Perceive into a single other dimension, Transmit (32 Active Points); Independent (-2), No Conscious Control (-2) (Real Cost: 6) plus Detect Ancestor's Ghost 11- (Hearing Group), Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Perceive into a single other dimension, Sense (Real Cost: 15)


Any comments?

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Re: Voice of the Ancestors


If the only purpose is to communicate with a particular ghost and only when he's around I'd recommend Mind Link Limited heavily (like No Conscious Control).


A build based on Clairsentience assumes that the ghost is always going to give them useful information. That wouldn't always be the case if he's being treated as an NPC of sorts.

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Re: Voice of the Ancestors


I'd just make the ghost a contact, myself. It might start at a high cost because the contact is theorectically available anywhere. But if the contact is only available when the GM decides, not when the player desires, then that might negate all or most of the cost. If the ghost is nothing more than plot device and GM fiat, then no points.


If the ghost provides other powers, like Danger Sense, buy those separately.

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Re: Voice of the Ancestors


Good, good, I'm listening...


I envision it as more than a plot device, the Ghost desperately wants to help the PCs but he's not always where the PCs are and when he 'catches up' to them he lets them know by the quiet durge that the players may or may not hear. I want weather, environment and PC alertness all to play into whether or not they can sense him around. Sometimes they may call on him and he's not there (limiting the use of the Spirit Contact which I looked at as well), but he is so driven by this quest that it would be hard for him to deny them advice if asked for and if he can give it.


One thing that I left out is that the major quest involves chasing down a Necromancer. So the NPC being a ghost could be influenced by the BBG with or without the PCs' knowledge.


To justify the Clairsentience, I am saying that the Ghost can't speak to just anyone... only those who share the ability to hear him. Mind Link might work but as a NCC as suggested. I would think that I might have to couple this to the Spirit Contact though so I'll have to look at the cost structures side-by-side.

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Re: Voice of the Ancestors


Uncle It:

Mindlink - No Conscious Control, Side Effects (physical manifestation of dirge, subject to PER modifiers), Only with Ancestors


Detect Ancestors 11- Trigger - when Ancestors play dirge


All of the build should go on Uncle It's CS. The players don't spend a point. You can get more specific about the powers of the ghost as needed.

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Re: Voice of the Ancestors


I am saying that the Ghost can't speak to just anyone... only those who share the ability to hear him.


Phys Lim on the ancestor, or Limit on his powers.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary thinks it would be more interesting to hear the voices of your descendants.

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Re: Voice of the Ancestors


Ok, here's my quick and dirty take on the Contact angle:


Ancestor's Ghost: Contact (Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Contact is slavishly loyal to character), Spirit Contact (x2) (12 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2) 8-


Voice of the Ancestors: Mind Link , Ancestor's Ghost, No LOS Needed, Psychic Bond, Requires A Contact Roll (No Active Point penalty to Skill Roll; +0) (20 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2)


Why does this seem munchkiny to me?


Eosin, I like where you're coming from with your build. We're getting closer...

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Re: Voice of the Ancestors


Eosin' date=' I like where you're coming from with your build. We're getting closer...[/quote']


My POV is to build it into the Ghost rather than the players. Players should not have to pay for GM plot devices so the powers I designed would never be seen by PCs.

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Re: Voice of the Ancestors


In my new game, ghosts will play a large part. I find this thread very useful. For years, they sat just at the edge of existance, until the Crossroads Event. Now they are summonable, and it's not terribly unusual to see one about every month or so in your normal travels about Urban Fantasy HERO Indianapolis.


This power could form an easy "start up" before a PC becomes proficient at summoning ghosts. I see a progression of powers:


  1. Sense Ghosts
  2. Communication with the Dead
  3. Manifestation (limited to an area) Specific Ghost
  4. Manifestation (limited to an object) Specific Ghost
  5. Manifestation (no limits) Any Nearby Ghost.


I'll start an Urban Fantasy Thread of my own to hold all of my other ideas, but this is an inspiring start.

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