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Ideas for Teen Champions Mini-campaign for 6e when it comes out.


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It's often said that a new edition calls for a new campaign. With 6e right around the corner, I thought it'd be fun to set-up a Teen champions 3-4 scenario game for my group so we can test drive the game. I'm going to ignore game mechanics for now and focus on background.


My base idea is that the PCs already know each-other and have basically teamed up under an adult mentor hero. They all are in regular High-school, not ravenwood/Sky High. The location is Seattle, (because why not?). I need a few plot ideas. A few I've thought of that were inspired from various sources (like the Teen Titans 'toon) are Teen-villain/rivals, Evil master-mind wants an apprentice, 'and the Children shall Lead...' and few others.


Any suggestions?

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Re: Ideas for Teen Champions Mini-campaign for 6e when it comes out.


What power level are you considering? Are you doing the standard 350 (assuming that is the standard level in 6e)?


Possible scenarios:


1) Terrorists take over the high school and attempt to ransom the students and teachers (this one can have many variants, ex. someone famous is coming to the school to give a speech)

2) Family ties to a villain and the PC's attempt to capture villain

3) A master villain attempts to recruit the PC's

4) PC's have just come into their abilities and have to learn to control and conceal them

5) Bank robbery happens and the PC's parents are caught inside

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Re: Ideas for Teen Champions Mini-campaign for 6e when it comes out.


OK. Here's pregen character concept #1


Nichole Harrison AKA Primstone


Age 15


Adopted daughter of Michelle Harrison, an exiled demon, who inadvertently inherited he mother's powers due to a special protective mark Michele placed on Nichole as a child and latent meta-genes that activated during puberty.


Powers: Can change into a Demon form similar to her mother's with increased size, strength, claws, and the ability to create and control fire.


Personality: In many ways, a typical 15 year old girl, close to her mom. Loyal to her friends and sometimes outspoken.


Appearance: 5' 6" Dark hair, Green eyes, mixed heritage, cute.


See her expanded story in attached file

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Re: Ideas for Teen Champions Mini-campaign for 6e when it comes out.


Since I posted this in the Chat, I thought I would go ahead and post it here as well.


"There was a Teen Champion that Dr. A. designed that was called "Dr. Destroyer lass." She was, maybe, the child of Dr. Destroy but had managed to get her hand on some of his tech. Now she is trying to right the wrongs of her father. What she doesn't know is that Dr. D.'s armor is more than meets the eye. Your kids are trying to stop a bank robbery when she galavants in to help as she has been known to, but this time you see sparks fly out of her armor and hear a scream for help as the she flies away into the bright blue sky. The kids are now in a situation where they want to save a fellow Teen Champ but must do so by out thinking Dr. D's armor and not hurt the victim inside.


Also, why did the armor just start acting up? Is this a prelude to the world's worst villain coming back?!"




La Rose

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Re: Ideas for Teen Champions Mini-campaign for 6e when it comes out.


Since I posted this in the Chat, I thought I would go ahead and post it here as well.


"There was a Teen Champion that Dr. A. designed that was called "Dr. Destroyer lass." She was, maybe, the child of Dr. Destroy but had managed to get her hand on some of his tech. Now she is trying to right the wrongs of her father. What she doesn't know is that Dr. D.'s armor is more than meets the eye. Your kids are trying to stop a bank robbery when she galavants in to help as she has been known to, but this time you see sparks fly out of her armor and hear a scream for help as the she flies away into the bright blue sky. The kids are now in a situation where they want to save a fellow Teen Champ but must do so by out thinking Dr. D's armor and not hurt the victim inside.


Also, why did the armor just start acting up? Is this a prelude to the world's worst villain coming back?!"




La Rose

good idea:thumbup::thumbup:

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Re: Ideas for Teen Champions Mini-campaign for 6e when it comes out.


It's often said that a new edition calls for a new campaign. With 6e right around the corner, I thought it'd be fun to set-up a Teen champions 3-4 scenario game for my group so we can test drive the game. I'm going to ignore game mechanics for now and focus on background.


My base idea is that the PCs already know each-other and have basically teamed up under an adult mentor hero. They all are in regular High-school, not ravenwood/Sky High. The location is Seattle, (because why not?). I need a few plot ideas. A few I've thought of that were inspired from various sources (like the Teen Titans 'toon) are Teen-villain/rivals, Evil master-mind wants an apprentice, 'and the Children shall Lead...' and few others.


Any suggestions?


I sent you a PM about this, in case you haven't read it yet.


Beyond that info, here are a few plot seeds:


A new student arrives at school, and everybody is falling all over themselves doing whatever he/she wishes. I'm talking least little whim here ("I could use a glass of water..." and six people get up to get him/her one). However, if any PC is a mentalist, there's no trace of mental powers.


A very popular teacher, a favorite of most of the PCs, is arrested for a crime, and it's up to the teen heroes to prove his innocence.


Strange things are appearing in and around the school: a band of Klingon warriors, a pair of velociraptors, Draco Malfoy and his flunkies, etc. As soon as they're stopped from causing some minor mayhem, they disappear without a trace. The only things they have in common is that all are featured in works of fiction, and the initial appearance near or inside the school (actually at the end of the school where the library is found).

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Re: Ideas for Teen Champions Mini-campaign for 6e when it comes out.


luke i mentioned in the lucha libre plot threads


el espectro,caveman cortez flaming sakull and amazoniahave disappeared en route to a wrestling eventand only their students a group of younf fans to find them but can they with only everyman lucha skills to help them defend themselves against opponents against whom they are seriously outmatched

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Re: Ideas for Teen Champions Mini-campaign for 6e when it comes out.


I know Doc D is the big bad of the CU, but I really don't feel the need to throw a bunch of Teen Heroes at any part of him. 'sides, I have an idea for someone that'll be a little more sinister simply by being a little close to home. :eg:

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Re: Ideas for Teen Champions Mini-campaign for 6e when it comes out.


OK, I have a slightly expanded idea for char-concept #2. Kid of a Career-military R&D couple.


Martin Faraday AKA (no hero name yet)


Age 16


Powers: Has a modified version of the Navy's prototype Nemo Amphibious Salvage suit. The suit was originally built to handle under sea wrecks as such, it has life support, enhanced sensory suite, extra strength, can swim through water fairly easy, and has a variety of salvage tools.


Actual background will be posted as soon as I write it.

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