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Foci and Gestures


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Right. Gestures doesn't necessarily mean you can't be holding something in your hand. It means you can't do anything else useful with that hand, such as attacking or using another power with Gestures.


This should not keep you from holding an item which is another requirement of the activation of the spell. However, I would say holding a shield or something not related to the activation of the power wouldn't work.

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I've looked for a thread already answering my question but I couldn't find one; sorry if I missed it.


Gestures means the character can't do anything with her/his hand(s) except activate the Power. Does that mean I can build a sword, say, as HKA with the Focus and Gestures Limitations, with the Gestures being wielding the sword? It seems a little counterintuitive but I can't think why not: it is a limitation compared to a character who doesn't have to use her/his hands to activate an HKA. And what about Gestures as a Limitation to model a bare-hands HA? I suppose HA and HKA could have the "uses hands" limitation built-in, so what about a rifle built as an RKA with Focus and Gestures?

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According to the description of Gestures, a character can take it as a Limitation "only if he makes gestures which are obviously out of the ordinary." Just swinging a sword like everyone else swings a sword would not count IMO - there's nothing to indicate anything unusual about the situation. OTOH if you had a magical "singing sword" that was only effective if you had to finger it like a piccolo while you swung it, I'd say that that was sufficiently indicative to the casual observer of something wierd going on to justify the Lim. ;)

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