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Back from the Dead...with a friend


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The horrific has happened. Your character died. Whether it was in the heat of battle, or a tragic event like Cancer your character bit the big one. Eventually however your character is back among the living whether he was revived by magic, had a time line changed so he lived, or had his body cloned and memories implanted he's back from the dead good as new.


However, ever since he was revived he sometimes sees a figure in a trench coat and hat following him around, moving slowly but always the same distance behind him no matter how fast the character runs. No one else can see the person, despite any senses they might have.


Then in the middle of battle with a supervillain, the creature in the trenchcoat grabs you and you feel the life drain out of you. But more importantly you see it's face. His face is a decayed version of your own with maggots and all.


You escape it's grasp and it vanishes. But it keeps coming back when you are at your weakest or least prepared and he seems to have all your powers. He is also getting visibly stronger and faster.


What Would your Character Do?

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Re: Back from the Dead...with a friend


Hermes: Go visit the Winter King, and ask what the heck is going on. Given that he has, in the past, *not* pursued somebody who was, well and truly, returned to life.


Most likely get a reply of "technically, you weren't resurrected, your death was just temporally preempted. So, not my turf kid." At which point, he'd expect this is some bizarre temporal phenomenon, maybe an alternate version of himself trying to occupy 'his' timeline and existence.

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Re: Back from the Dead...with a friend


Zero would probably go nuts.


Vitus wouldn't like this. He's been dead before, it didn't enjoy the experience then, either. Being tailed by some sort of personal Death this time around wouldn't be agreeable either. For one thing, he's heard that that sort of entity are really difficult to fight, despite your best attempts at twisting their nipples off.

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Re: Back from the Dead...with a friend


Shoot the potion.


For Prospero, this may be one of two potential scenarios. Since this can't be seen by anyone else, this may yet again be another hallucinatory trap by his archnemesis The Eternal Nightmare into stealing his powers/possessing him.


The other might be a bit more...odd. See, Prospero was made immortal after the shards of a certain gem shattered and embedded themselves into his flesh -- the Heart of Yama. And perhaps the Hindu Judge of the Dead may want it back after all this time....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Back from the Dead...with a friend


I've actually plotted out Soulbarb's necessary death as part of her character development, but the forces of light intervene to make sure it's a very brief state of affairs. By the time of Soulbarb's death, she'll have access to tons of mystic power, both on her own account and from knowing several powerful people in the Mystic World. If mystic senses cannot spot it, then it's not mystic, it's someone using technology to mimic it -- i.e. it's a trick. Figure out who might have known or been able to find out about her death and resurrection (her return is not really public knowledge, and she'll have adopted a new identity), figure out which of them might be capable of such a trick and/or have motive for one, and the hunt is on.


In Sylph's case, she's got less reason to be dead, but coming back from the dead when you've got a Greek god or two in your corner is probably not stretching things too much. In the case of some funky shadow-guy chasing her down, though, she won't really have a clue what to do about it. She'll probably turn to Dionysius's local avatar for help, though he may direct her to Athena's.

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Re: Back from the Dead...with a friend


Knight Rider would not cope with being brought back from the dead in the literal sense. Refuses to believe in this magic mumbo-jumbo despite the evidence. Once the personal death was proven to be some supernatural being/occurence she'd probably curl up into a ball of post-traumatic stress.


If she was a clone (rather than a literal resurrection) then the personal death would have to be some sort of hoax or illusion. Alternate timelines would not occur to her.

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