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Priest Banishment Prayer


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I run a Fantasy Hero Game with extra-dimensional creatures. I need a priest prayer to send the creature back that has crossed through gate spell.

This is what I came up with. Any suggestions on how to do it better?


Return From Wince Thee Came:

Extra-Dimensional Movement (Single Dimension),

Area Of Effect (2m Radius; +1/4),

Affects Desolidified Any form of Desolidification (+1/2),

Usable As Attack (+3/4),

Grantor can only grant the power to others (50 Active Points);

Conditional Power Power Only Works Against Extra Dimensional Beings That Are Physically On This Plane,

That Are Not Possessing Another's Body, And That The Priest Believes Is From Another Dimension (-2),

OAF (Holy Symbol; -1),

Requires A Priest Magic Skill Roll (Skill roll; -1/2),

Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4),

Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4)

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Re: Priest Banishment Prayer


"Usable As Attack" and "Grantor can only grant the power to others"? I'm confused on the wording. Is he granting the demons the ability to go back, or is he forcing them back (I would assume the later since it's bought UAA, not Usable By Others, but the next sentence doesn’t fit then).

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Re: Priest Banishment Prayer


That's assuming that all demons/extra-dimensional beings are brought here with the Summon power, and they don't make their way on their own, or get here by being summoned in some way that doesn't use the Power Summon. Of course, if I was GM I'd probably just wave that and let Dispel work on all creatures with the SFX of summoned, even if that wasn't the mechanic, but there's got to be 3 or 4 other ways to do it, right?

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Re: Priest Banishment Prayer


Any suggestions on how to do it better?


Return From Wince Thee Came:



Yes. I suggest either


"Return To Whence Thou Hast Come"


(Get back to where you have come from)




"Return Wither Thou Camest"


(Get back the way you came)


Because the way you have it now seems to mean


(Get back from flinching. You have arrived/ you have been brought here/ (something) has been brought to you - the construction is rather confusing.)


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary winceth at how thou manglest thy diction, but affirmeth that he who rebuketh thee hath oft on such archaic forms fallen headlong into his own pit of error. In other words, Lucius Alexander criticizing you is probably the pot calling the kettle black.

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Re: Priest Banishment Prayer


Yes. I suggest either


"Return To Whence Thou Hast Come"


(Get back to where you have come from)




"Return Wither Thou Camest"


(Get back the way you came)

How 'bout:


Get back! Get back! Get back to where you once belonged! Get back, Jojo!


As to the actual spell, I'm confused about this line as well: "And That The Priest Believes Is From Another Dimension". So it's dependent on the priest's belief? What if the priest isn't quite sure, but suspects it's an extra-dimentional critter? Does it work then?

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Re: Priest Banishment Prayer


That's assuming that all demons/extra-dimensional beings are brought here with the Summon power' date=' and they don't make their way on their own, or get here by being summoned in some way that doesn't use the Power Summon. Of course, if I was GM I'd probably just wave that and let Dispel work on all creatures with the SFX of summoned, even if that wasn't the mechanic, but there's got to be 3 or 4 other ways to do it, right?[/quote']


They probably all have Physical Complication: Banished To Home Plane When Hit With A Sufficiently Powerful Exorcism (Frequently, Fully) 25 pts.

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Re: Priest Banishment Prayer


They probably all have Physical Complication: Banished To Home Plane When Hit With A Sufficiently Powerful Exorcism (Frequently' date=' Fully)[/i'] 25 pts.

They may have that, but it isn't implicit from what the OP said. Also, you then have to define "Sufficiently Powerful Exorcism".


It may help if the OP actually responds to some of the comments and questions so far...

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Re: Priest Banishment Prayer


I agree that the 'belief' limitation should be tightened up a bit. Perhaps replaced with 'does not work on natives of this dimension'. Although if left as is this could create an interesting mission where the PCs have to convince a Priest that one of their enemies is an extradimensional invader and requires exorcism ...


However, this is what I first thought of when I saw the title of this thread.


Prayer Of Priest Banishment: Teleportation 10", MegaScale (1" = 10 km; +1/2), Usable As Attack (+1) (50 Active Points); Conditional Power Only Against Priests Opposed To Caster's Worldview (-1), Incantations ("Begone False Priest!"; -1/4)


Originally created by a crotchety archwizard who got fed up of missionaries banging on the front door of his remote tower to ask him if had accepted Cthon The Eyeless as his personal saviour.


It has since been taken up by a number of roving priests, monks and preachers who use it to banish rival clerics so that they can get on with the process of conversion undisturbed by the insane babblings of pagans and heretics.


Cthon help us if a demon ever learns the spell.

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Re: Priest Banishment Prayer


A little back ground. the Priest is in Heathen Lands where they believe Fairies, and Demons and such can enter and leave at will. Passage way between Fairie Land and the prime world can happen at any time. example a hunter could be out hunting in the forest and spot a white deer and give chase and find himself in Fairie land when the chase is over. Or a Rob-Goblin could wonder out of Fairie lands to attack human settle and the priest could use this bainishment prayer to force the Rob-Goblin back into Fairie.

I also need some way to show that if the priest has a doubt that the creature is from another dimension that the spell will not work.

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Re: Priest Banishment Prayer


Ok. So if the target is not from another dimension but the priest believes that it is then will the spell still work? If not then you have two different limitations. a) Target must be from another dimension. B) Priest must have no doubts that target does not belong in this world.


If belief is the only requirement then I guess the build works, though it is open to exploitation by other player characters. One further difficulty I can foresee, how do you measure how firmly a character believes something? You will need to have a good relationship with the player and a good understanding of the character's personality to make that work.

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