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What do I do?


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Hi, new here, I just had a good friend and talented gamemaster get shipped off to a foreign land hopefully to return both hale and hearty. He left me his book, his tome, his...well, huge friggin' 5th edition book. I want to carry on his tradition and come up with a good story, believably menacing villains, and players that won't lynch me at word one....

6th edition? I spent most of today reading the posts and faqs, I see that support and questions for 5th will no longer be answered by the higher ups in less than a week. I haven't really read all the way through the 5th ed book (just started a few days ago) and don't feel I can justify starting a game that may be daunting for me.

My question: Do I suck it up and go on with a 5th edition game hoping that the collection of players I have (small as it is- 4) don't ask about what's new and different with 6th or run whole hog into 6th? (relatively low income here) My friends aren't vicious just really appreciative of a good game. This is a big step for me, I write a lot and read a lot, I have the knowledge and imagination to run a game but should my basis be 5th or 6th? Looking at the info there is enough difference between the two to ask this question in my humble, if new, opinion.

I appreciate any help or guidance, as long as it's not the ridicule I received on the MMO when I played for free a few days. ( I had far too many questions, I guess, for less patient players.)

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Re: What do I do?




While some things have changed and character creation point costs are different, the actual *gameplay* has changed very little between 5th and 6th edition (and for that matter, little between 1st edition and 6th edition).


I recommend running with the books you have. If your interest (and the interest of your players) grows, consider going to 6th edition as your financial situation allows.


In short, enjoy what you have, and if you have the interest and finances, convert to 6th.


Good luck!

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Re: What do I do?


You can run 5th as you have the book already - us fans here will continue to help you with any questions you have for as long as you play any edition. Just make sure you tell us what edition you're playing when you do ask a question.


If you do want to try your hand at 6th - between a limited budget and the 'daunting' look of the rules, I suggest the Basic Rules. It's about 99% of everything in the main rules with most (or close to all) of the optional stuff removed and a few of the more complex aspects removed. It's also got a much cheaper cost of entry for the purpose of just trying things out.

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Re: What do I do?


I'll agree with everyone who said ask your players. Also, give it a try with some premade characters and a quick enemy bash in the genre of everyone's choice. If you all like it and want to stick with 5th, stick with 5th. If you all like it and are interested in 6th, move to 6th.


I believe the rules FAQs are not going away any time soon, so they'll still be browsable and searchable on the web. And our fanbase is friendly and knowledgeable; as has also been mentioned we'll continue to answer questions (though they won't be "official" answers) as long as they're asked.

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Re: What do I do?


5th Edition revised lives.


here are some great sites that will keep you busy for years




tons of characters


tons of information and ideals manly on Fantasy hero




and more coolness




and now some mutant coolness






and if your group is into space the is star wars hero, trav hero, fan sites .


Lord Ghee

The Hero system is the best out there. try it play it then you will be spending a 1000 dollars on book the next few years.

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