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Wolves Lair


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This thread is for our newly minted Hero Group. I am starting this thread here so that we can discuss game specific things, post files, character bios, games logs and what not.


We appear to have a total group of seven people. Four of which are players and three of which are player/GMs. They are...


Starwolf (my self)... Player/GM

Solron ... Player

Terrie ... Player

Maccabe ... Possible Player/GM

PanPiper ... Possible Player

Styphon ... Possible Player

Savinien ... Player/GM


It looks as if Savinien will be our initial GM kicking things off with a campaign in the Fantasy World of Kamarathin.


We will be holding a Get to know each other chat and initial character creation session tomorrow night on the Maptools Server under the name of the WolvesLair. It will begin at 7 pm Moutian Standard Time. I hope to see everyone there. I am excited to get started.

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Re: Wolves Lair


The original Kamarathin worldbook made a number of changes to the cost of characteristics, attempting in it's own way to make the sorts of improvements that 6th Edition has now done with the 'official' change in characteristics. Would we be correct in assuming that we would be using the 6th Edition rules along with the 6th Edition characteristic costs? And related, would we then be making 175 point characters instead of 150 point characters? The change in the characteristic costs for all intents 'require' higher point totals with a 6th Edition character in order to create similar characteristics to a 150 point 5th Edition character.


Relatedly, would package deal costs also reflect the changes made in 6th Edition? And is the taking of package deals at all obligatory? Is it possible to have a 'Writ of Carriage' perk for instance, without taking a Lordling or Secular Knight package deal? Can I for instance purchase 'Trained Herbalist' as written up in 'The Seal of Aegia' package deal, without taking the package deal? How about martial arts outside of packages?


No doubt, questions like these are for the conversation on Saturday, but I throw them out here to start things rolling.


I'm likely going for a Dwarven (Ehem... Mathar) Armiger with a tad of Healer thrown in (herbalist if nothing else). He'd be an extremely hard nut to crack, but with a 'relatively' low OCV. Precisely what one wants in a healer. If there's going to only be one left standing at the end, you really want for it to be the healer.

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Re: Wolves Lair


Here is a link to the free 6E Kamarathin Hero designer files created by the Kamarathin author.




The base template sets up the characters as 180 base points plus up to 60 points in complications. Of course all of that is up to Savinien as the GM.

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Re: Wolves Lair


I will be using the 180 templates written up by mayapuppies. It will be 6E. I would like it to eventually be a sort of playtest and use as much of KoT as written, so canon according to mayapuppies.


In 6E, SLong changed the way he talks about points. The 180 pt PC with 60 pts in complications is not equivalent to a 240 pt character. The complications are figured into the total.


I would also like to stay at least close to builds and packages as written in KoT. The reasons are self-evident IMO.


Is it possible to have a 'Writ of Carriage' perk for instance, without taking a Lordling or Secular Knight package deal?


How would someone other than a Lordling or Secular Knight get the 'Writ of Carriage'? If you can satisfactorily convince me of something I will allow some wiggle room.


Did anyone specify if they'd like to try Dark Waters first, or would you want to wade right into Gobryn Duchy?

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Re: Wolves Lair


This thread is for our newly minted Hero Group. I am starting this thread here so that we can discuss game specific things, post files, character bios, games logs and what not.


We appear to have a total group of seven people. Four of which are players and three of which are player/GMs. They are...


Starwolf (my self)... Player/GM

Solron ... Player

Terrie ... Player

Maccabe ... Possible Player/GM

PanPiper ... Possible Player

Styphon ... Possible Player

Savinien ... Player/GM


It looks as if Savinien will be our initial GM kicking things off with a campaign in the Fantasy World of Kamarathin.


We will be holding a Get to know each other chat and initial character creation session tomorrow night on the Maptools Server under the name of the WolvesLair. It will begin at 7 pm Moutian Standard Time. I hope to see everyone there. I am excited to get started.


I may ask a buddy of mine (lezentauw here at HGF) to join us as a co-gm if y'all don't mind.

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Re: Wolves Lair


How would someone other than a Lordling or Secular Knight get the 'Writ of Carriage'? If you can satisfactorily convince me of something I will allow some wiggle room.

Blastick was the son of the last of a long line of ne'er-do-well lordlings, his father having wined and wenched away the last of what little remaining wealth he had while Blastick was still an infant, then in a drunken duel, got himself killed. Blastick's mother, who was not born of the nobility, took what work she might but Blastick was largely raised in poverty, despite his inherited title and lineage. Frequenting court was not even a dream, as Blastick could barely afford shoes as a child. The rough and tumble of street life and the harassment of children who took great glee in tormenting him, hardened Blastick and ultimately led him do hone his fighting skills. He grew into the career of a warrior, an armager. His title has served him little except for gaining access perhaps to a bit more training opportunities over the years. Now grown and seeking to make his fortune in the world, Blastick is starting to look the part of a noble, wearing the armor of his trade, though he has yet to learn much of the comportment of one.


3 Noble Benefits: Fringe Benefit: Lordling, Writ of Carriage

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Re: Wolves Lair


I may ask a buddy of mine (lezentauw here at HGF) to join us as a co-gm if y'all don't mind.


I don't mind a co-GM.


I have just downloaded the Kamarathin Campaign setting so I plan on spending this afternoon getting familiar with it.


So if I understand the template and the new 6E point concept correctly, the characters get 120 free points and up to 60 more points in matching complications for a maximum possible total points of 180. Is that correct?

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Re: Wolves Lair


As promised here is the link to the maptools video tutorial...




They were created by the same guy that made the Hero 5ER Maptool Campaign framework. So, a lot of his demos are based on the Hero system.


it is going slow on the macro code for the framework I used for 6E last night. I will complete it and get it posted by Tuesday night at the latest. The only ones that need download it are the GMs.


I almost have mine and Terrie's characters complete and ready to submit to Savinien for approval.


Savinien said he wanted to keep our campaign as canon as possible, which it turns out is a good idea. I have received permission from Mayapuppies to include maps, NPCs, creatures, spells, etc in our Kamarathin campaign framework, and to distribute it to other Hero/Kamarathin groups. He would like me/us to zip it up and send him a copy when it is ready for public consumption.

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Re: Wolves Lair


I have my character almost done just need to work on a few more disadvantages to round out the character. Then I'll submit it to Savinien for his approval. Then after that it's off to Starwolf for the macro creation.


I do have one question in the book I found a Dragonfolk Genetic Template but I could not find it in the 6e HDv3 files. Is there another place I should look or how can I install this template into my character file?

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Re: Wolves Lair


I do have one question in the book I found a Dragonfolk Genetic Template but I could not find it in the 6e HDv3 files. Is there another place I should look or how can I install this template into my character file?

When making a character with HD you will need to start with the race template before you can do anything else. The templates are much different than the prefabs for culture and "professions". To start a new character from a Genetic Template follow these instructions:

1. Open HD

2. Click on 'File'

3. Click on 'New Character'

4. Click on 'New Character (Custom/Non-Standard Rules)'

5. Click on 'Choose File'

6. Navigate to where you have the Kingdom of Tursh files stored

7. Open 'Chapter 5'

8. Open 'Racial Templates'

9. Select the Racial Template you wish to use

10. Click 'Create Character'

This will allow you to have all of the appropriate custom templates and campaign rules for when you make your character.


As an aside, the languages are already set to work correctly. Please do not manually adjust the costs. Do not "write-in" the names of languages, just select them from the drop-down box. Should you not follow these directions the languages will not take into account the language chart and increased difficulty for learning languages outside of your native group.


If you have any questions or comments or whatnots please feel free to contact me. :)

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Re: Wolves Lair


After some discussion with Panpiper, I've realized irreconcilable play styles. The game that I would like to run encapsulates a different vision than the one he would like to play in. As I said up front, my vision of Kamarathin is a gritty, "realistic", low-fantasy setting. I would rather tell the story of characters 'working through their life to become heroes' as opposed to telling stories of characters that are already some of the best combatants in the Kingdom.


That does mean that other NPCs may be more capable combatants. There will also be multitudes that are lessor combatants. I'm probably 60/40 interaction/combat in the games I run.


It may be that you have too many beginning points? I don't know. But, I've realized I won't be able to run a game Panpiper plays in. It would be frustrating and painful. If you'd still like me to GM Kam (without PP) or play, I'm up for it. I don't want a me vs. him situation. I'll gladly step down as GM or even the group. It is supposed to be fun and thus far it hasn't been. So, I'd like to get back to the fun part.

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Re: Wolves Lair


I think you would make a wonderful GM Savinien and I would be mortified if you did not GM the game you envisioned. I agree however that we have very different ideas about gaming, and I think the best thing for me to do is to learn the Maptool software for me to start my own game. You are more than welcome to join that game (which will probably be built as a 'Peasants' type game, with people starting with very few points, but gaining a significantly larger number of XP each game so as to grow more quickly into proper heroes.


Because people would start with so few points, I would have very little restrictions on how people spend them. I'm trying to take a lesson from Killer Shrike in not restricting players overly much but rather exploiting weaknesses that over specialization inevitably causes, in order to create challenge. I figure a starting total of 25 points, with me spending 10 points myself on each character afterwards to round them out as proper 'peasants' would be a good start. No one starts with any wealth, armor or weapons other than what peasants might have. The village wise woman knows how to read and so people might have availed themselves of her to gain some education. One could define a character conception as having gone elsewhere so as to have learned stuff, but ultimately returned to the village, so someone could have 'soldier' skills but still not have armor and weapons, as such equipment was issued to them but not owned by them. For magic, if you're buying the effect 'the hard way' (without frameworks) it's probably fine. If you want to use frameworks, grab a system from http://www.killershrike.info/AllPages.aspx?Cat=Magic%20System and in fact pretty much anything listed on KS' site would probably be fine http://www.killershrike.com/ . (I reserve the right to change my mind if I get in over my head.) The developed 'framework' available for Maptools is built for 5th edition, so we would probably stick with that for now.


Is a starting total of 25 points in 5th Ed. the right amount do you think? These are after all exceptional peasants, hero peasants! However I figure starting everyone out as teenagers in the village (which I suppose might rule out returning soldiers) and aging a few months between scenarios maybe, which could account for relatively rapid stat growth.

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Re: Wolves Lair


First off when I look in racial templates I found nothing. I will try out the way you have suggested, hopefully that will work.


As to Savinien vs. Panpiper , I want Savinein to gm this game. I'm looking forward to a new world to play in. No offense to you Panpiper but I just can't see myself starting out as a 25 point character. I do not believe I would enjoy myself. I envision a game where a group of player(who are skilled) coming together and each character bringing his or her style to the table.

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Re: Wolves Lair


As to Savinien vs. Panpiper ' date=' I want Savinein to gm this game. I'm looking forward to a new world to play in. No offense to you Panpiper but I just can't see myself starting out as a 25 point character. I do not believe I would enjoy myself. I envision a game where a group of player(who are skilled) coming together and each character bringing his or her style to the table.[/quote']

I fear I was not clear. I did not mean that 'I' should create a game 'instead' of Savinien. I meant simply that Savinien would GM this game, and I would create a completely different game on my own that anyone would be free to join, including Savinien if he wished. I also meant to say, but have appeared only to have 'implied', that I would not be a player in Savinien's game because I likely would cause him more stress than it was worth to him. We appear to have very different playstyles, almost diametrically opposite in fact.


Savinien is not wrong, we are just different, and I have no ill feelings. I hope he is ok with me as well.

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Re: Wolves Lair


First off when I look in racial templates I found nothing. I will try out the way you have suggested' date=' hopefully that will work.[/quote']

Are you looking through HD or through Windows? If you are looking through Windows and you don't see them, then I'd recommend re-downloading the zip file.


If you're looking through Hero Designer and you don't see them, then you are likely trying to find by 'Loading Prefabs' and since they are templates and not Prefabs, you won't find them that way. :)

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Re: Wolves Lair


I fear I was not clear. I did not mean that 'I' should create a game 'instead' of Savinien. I meant simply that Savinien would GM this game, and I would create a completely different game on my own that anyone would be free to join, including Savinien if he wished. I also meant to say, but have appeared only to have 'implied', that I would not be a player in Savinien's game because I likely would cause him more stress than it was worth to him. We appear to have very different playstyles, almost diametrically opposite in fact.


Savinien is not wrong, we are just different, and I have no ill feelings. I hope he is ok with me as well.


No we are good, Man. Don't worry about that.


The game sounds cool to me. I played in something similar with HGF's own Supersquirrel. I would be interested in playing but it depends on scheduling.

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Re: Wolves Lair


For our initial game I would prefer Savinien's Kamarathin game because it fits my personal play style and I have already spent the money to buy the campaign book.


On the other hand, I would not mind playing in Panpiper's game either but it would depend on scheduling as Savinien said.


Savinien, I will have mine and Terrie's characters submitted today. And I will have the Maptools 6E framework uploaded today as well. I had some trouble locating a missing file I needed to make the group whisper work. Thanks to Nolgroth I was finally able to locate it.

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Re: Wolves Lair


Here is the Hero 6E Maptool framework. I have updated it to include a group whisper macro and a Hero explosion macro. I will use this campaign framework on the 11th for our one off. I will stage a fantasy battle so that you can see how to do spells, missile, melee attacks, and I will try and throw in several types of attacks and skill/dice rolls.


Savinien, if you want to get together and have me walk you through creating/adding maps and objects or NPCs, just let me know and we can try and schedule a time. During the one off I will try and show everyone how to edit your own token if you want to take a stab at it. Knowing how will make it easier to update your character rolls attached to the token as you gain XP.

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Re: Wolves Lair


I have a question concerning character generation. I need guidance concerning starting equipment or starting funds to purchase equipment. I noticed some packages come complete with 4 Crowns, The Sanguinary has no money listed but all of his spells require the reliquary and the Deagrus Serrratus (Bloodletter). In addition Terrie has settled on a Paladin of Asuna for a character and that package has the perk "Well Off" 3 active points only to buy starting equipment. How much does that perk equate to for starting equipment?


Once I have done the starting equipment for the characters they are ready to submit to you...


The characters are Vareth, a Sanguinary apprentice of The Iron Road, and Lady Rina Coret, a mnor noble (Baronet) and Paladin of Asuna.

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